Are you suppose to try and make yourself be in love with someone when you are no longer interested? Don't think the last girl I was with could do that even if she wanted to . . . granted it was barely romantic relationship level. Maybe it's different for people that actually become a couple then.
And . . . that comment can cover what I like about this story. <-< it's about stuff and that stuff happens to some of us.
Prolifetip: Never try and make yourself fall in love. It is neither good for you, your relationship, or significant other. Best way to handle this situation (from the story) is talk it out and come to the conclusion that you're the problem, not S.O. That way, sensei can make her...ex-student not feel abandoned when the inevitable break up happens. Sensei can learn to rekindle her love, but that is a process she must be willing to stick by for, for god knows how long.
But hey, if she's willing to stay despite not having that feeling she previously had, maybe she can rekindle her love. You never know.