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Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Okay, wow. Huge fucking image. Could you maybe resize it or something?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

And this is why you come to Dynasty: The Home Of Quality.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Your problem is you respect the author too much. I can safely go in with hope to anything as I know and accept my head cannon is inherently superior to anything the author does that I don't like.

Another thing, this thread has been far too pro-het.

'Het blood for the yuri God. Het skulls for the yuri throne.'

So it is written. Het delenda est. The het unbelievers will be converted to yuri by the sword or the... We need a cross like symbol. Only then can we have a Christopher Lee song about our awesome slaying of het heresies.

Het delenda est! Het delenda est! Het delenda est! Het delenda est!

edit: 100 hundred posts and not banned.

I lost a bet.

Seriously, if you wanna get banned, posting stuff like this that the mods agree with (Het delenda est!) is really kinda going the opposite direction.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I think it's unfortunately the former and that's why I'm upset. She did not deserve that, although I know that no matter what happens she'll make the best of it. It still does not feel right to me still.

Personally I think it was something much simpler, and in a lot of ways more galling. Going from what I've been able to gather about Japanese culture (admittedly second and third hand), women often give up their careers upon marriage. You see it in manga a lot, and I've heard that wanting to avoid that fate is one thing contributing to Japan's low birth rate. They needed something to remove Alicia at the end so Akari could succeed her position at the end, and marriage would be easily understood by the readers.

Oh, and the ring part was to do with the Marriage Of the Sea ritual, rather than an actual engagement ring. But it does suggest there's some unknown male with an interest in her.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

There's also Aqua and Aria as well as Amanchu from Amano if you're interested in female friendships. Amanchu to a lesser extend though, it's full of subtext.

I've read those of course. Alicia's ending annoys me still to this day.

Alicia's ending literally came out of nowhere too. There's no indication she was seeing anyone up to that point. I mean it's not like there wasn't a het relationship (that actually worked) in the series between Aika and Al. I can almost imagine 'Alice x Akari` a few years down the line though.

But that aside, it's a fantastic example of female friendships in manga. I'm also fond of the Keito/Momiji friendship in the series Cat Street (a favourite series of mine). There's a lot of mutual support and just plain palling around.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Interesting that she's doing this in very short chapters, is that a standard thing for Rakuen? I know Collectors is like that, but I'd assumed it was because of the 4-koma format.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

This is why I lile stuff like Kimi no Todoke. Let's be real, the male MC is nice, intelligent, handsome and always is there supportive. He's pure insert fantasy, no one is that perfect.

But what really keeps me coming back is the friendship the three main girls have.
They are all different and have their own life but through it all they are always there to give eachother other advice and get through the stressful parts.

But yeah, female friendship is overlooked compared to it's counterpart the bromance. The ratio isn't even remotely close to 50/50.

And then you get something like YKK, which doesn't really have any romance to speak of (not counting the Alpha/Kokone/Maruko triangle of course). It's all friendships of various sorts and everyone has their own life that intersects with the others.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Living in the same place people are bound to share part of themselves and that's something precious. If as the reader we're able to see their world and how the characters evolve together then the story is better for it.

This is true even if the relationship in question is platonic like in the case of roommates or friends. One thing I would want to see more of in manga is adult friends living together. It could be any variation of gender and I would gobble it all up.

One thing I've seen American comic writers like Gail Simone and Kelly Sue DeConnick talk about as important is presenting female friendships. Not just women who work together fighting evil or whatever, but women who hang out, play boardgames, go to a movie in a non-date way, etc. I think that ties in well with what you're saying, and it results in much more developed characters in the end.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I totally get what you mean. I think it's also partially because of cohabition. In any romance that I've read that takes cohabitation as the main focus as you really feel a lot of detail going into the characters and how they interact. Because that's sort of the crux of the story really, how do they live?

For this reason I love all cohabitation mangas with the exception of the shounen/shoujo "We are now living together because circumstances". They're more comedy/stupid drama related and less about bonding and romance.

I get what you mean about cohabitation, honestly I hadn't thought much about that angle. One reason I like Kimi Koi Limit I suppose, is the whole thing about the MC not just wanting to date her love interest, but live with her on a serious basis (getting a job, etc.). Off Time by Morishima Akiko comes to mind, where they've been together for a long time but still find romance together.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Let's not conflate harmful discrimination with a cry of frustration.

Although I agree with what you said, I think in this case the poster you've warned is doing a little bit more.
Rather than a cry of frustration I'd say this person has a expressed a profound disdain vis-à-vis the subject.

I guess that's why you've warned them =P

Well, that particular poster is a special case isn't so much because they don't like hetstuff, but because they're getting seriously annoying about it. Related, but slightly different.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

More seriously, if Noriko is the lost Libor child, and she gets brought to the country of magic and awakens to her power the way Rhianna does, you're open to a science babies ending.

Also, I just learned that you can't hide tags inside a spoiler. Good to know.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

It's interesting, elsewhere there was a bit of discussion about "yuri" versus "lesbian" stories and how something like Gunjo comes off as lesbian where something like Sakura Trick was more yuri. And oddly enough I look at this story, as fluffy and sweet as it is, and I think it definitely falls on the "lesbian" side. Not because it's realistic by any means. It's tremendously romanticized and fluffy. But the fact that even het romances of a certain period were very much like this, and LMYC treats its same-sex couple in very much the same way, there's a level of the characters' attraction to each being taken seriously when it's treated more like fantasy in a lot of "yuri" works.

It's tricky to explain it in much more depth than that, but hopefully people see where I'm coming from.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Oh, and I don't get all the het bashing...Assuming everyone here is accepting of gays, it's quite appalling to see people discriminating against straights. It makes you no better than homophobes. What I'm saying might be a bit serious for a manga forum, but, even as a lesbian, I find straight bashing immature and offensive.

You do recognize that there's a dramatic difference between gays/lesbians/trans folks getting discriminated against by straight/cis folks than the reverse, yes? The effects and severity are heavily one-sided, as are their positions in society in the first place. Even more so for trans folks. So the idea of "it makes you no better" is ridiculous on the face of it because the situations aren't similar despite revolving around the same topic.

Now in the case of media representation which is what's happening here, "I'm sick of there being so little yuri/lesbian stuff" or "I really hate all this het stuff crowding out yuri", you've gotta admit there's a certain amount of justified frustration. We get a little trickle of yuri, not just here but in fiction in general, while there's a lot more gay stuff and het, well, there's an analogy for that.

Let's not conflate harmful discrimination with a cry of frustration.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Spoiler: The Libor witch is Sheska, but she lost her memory crossing the barrier.

Second spoiler: No, I have no idea if that's true, I just made it up. But it would kinda work.

Sounds very likely. Too bad it ends so soon and they can't explore it for another Volume.

Actually, based on similarity in looks it's likely the apprentice girl is actually Libor's daughter.

No, I think she looks more like Noriko... and it would be kinda romantic if it was Noriko (she would go get her loli back! awesome!)

And If you go to the first chapter, Noriko's mom has curly hair like the witch

Nezchan don't try to hide the truth! xD

Ah, in that case both girls will be forced into marriages for breeding/continuing bloodline purposes. Double het ending!

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Spoiler: The Libor witch is Sheska, but she lost her memory crossing the barrier.

Second spoiler: No, I have no idea if that's true, I just made it up. But it would kinda work.

Sounds very likely. Too bad it ends so soon and they can't explore it for another Volume.

Actually, based on similarity in looks it's likely the apprentice girl is actually Libor's daughter.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Spoiler: The Libor witch is Sheska, but she lost her memory crossing the barrier.

Second spoiler: No, I have no idea if that's true, I just made it up. But it would kinda work.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Come on, Maruta don't make nothing hetstupid this time


Woah nezchan, I agree with how that het is allowed in dynasty and all but, chillax a bit since alot of others are also bothered this particular work. I personally don't like het also but I understand that whats on dynasty is all under the consent of the admins and moderators.

Thank you for your concern. I shall file it appropriately.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012



Sometimes I really wish you'd never learned to use the header tag.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I think Nezchan was just kidding. If the end she spoiled is really this, then it's lame.

I'll never tell.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Come on, Maruta don't make nothing hetstupid this time


Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I'm not saying you're mean but if there's a hell, you will get a vip room with a yacuzzi made of fan's tears

Every manga needs a Happy End.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Ending spoiler:

14 years pass before Rhianna breaks through the barrier. Now a longtime married woman who has left her yuri days behind her, she brings along her daughter who looks like her and now-older Noriko (now a school nurse) starts a relationship with her and keeps the loli running.


Sheska got together with Mikan but discovered she liked chasing more than catching, and the appeal faded as Mikan grew older. She's since perved on a series of middle school girls.

And most importantly:

I'm such a stinker. XD

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Ah, I always knew it'd be a het ending.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

part two: Hitomi goes to high school and meets a new girl, forgets about her senpai and has a new relationship. Yay happy ending!

This is my preferred ending. She's learned about herself, experienced her first crush and remained friends (if long-distant friends) with someone she cared about. This opens her up to a fulfilling love later on.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

still no sequel yet? ):
arg .-.

I'm so sorry that I was busy being a responsible adult. I can't believe I was doing that! I must fix this immediately and devout my time on working on the two sequels.

Worst translator.

I shall see that your salary is cut.