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Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Anybody else remember when cell phones looked more or less like this?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Futari no Beyer, more like Futari no GAYER AMIRITE GUISE?!

(Raises hand)


.......................Guys please don't leave me hanging here that was really lame and I'm really embarrassed of myself

(Just sits there, staring and judging you silently)

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Nezchan completely ignored depopulation partly caused by people don't get married!

I suppose. I've seen suggestions that feminism is at least partly to blame, since traditional marriage in Japan is actually a pretty crap deal for the women involved, and when they're given the choice they tend to choose against it.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

women at age 26 thinking about marriage?not in Japan!!

As I recall, 25 is known in Japan as "Christmas cake age", as in not nearly as good at 26.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Of course, I see something like this as the mid-point in their relationship.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Indeed Nez, meanings definitely change with the context.

Well, severity at least. Even here in North America parents worry when their kids come out as gay or trans or decide to be manga authors, since they don't get the benefit of a "normal" life and all the supports that go with that. It's always harder when you're different, but the degree is way different depending where you are.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

You would be very surprised. VEERY surprised. Just Goggle the gay marriage debate here in the United States and you will find out PLENTY of people wouldn't bat an eyelash at it.

Then I'm glad I don't live in the US I guess.

If I heard something like that said to a kid, I'd get a bad case of pitch black anger.

I would think the teacher said "Not normal" because it's just a common thing majority is heterosexual.

Keep in mind that "normal" is highly important in a country that thinks "The nail that sticks up must be hammered down" is a good phrase to live life by. "Not normal" often means isolation, no support, disapproval, etc.

Being athe-ish, I'm gonna skip the rest.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Nice :3 but kinda bland for my taste... like... it's too typical and obvious and... normal!?

That it's normal is the point, really.

I feel these stories get a double standard on this site. This the story had went the other way people would be bitching on how cliche the story is or how they have read that story a million times. mind blogging

People are always more critical with stories that don't have the end they wanted, Just take a look into the discussion thread of My Beloved.
Same thing with the main story of Fragments of Love, the first time the ending left a bad aftertaste for like 3 days, then I reread it without wrong expectations and thought it was pretty good and heartwarming.

What bugged me about Fragments of Love was the central thesis seemed to be getting the MC to stop going after impossible targets as a way to avoid getting in a real relationship, and it ends...with her not getting in a real relationship. It seemed like the focus of the story just got lost at some point.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

This would be great and all... but one of them is a Metallica fan.

Metallica are never good, unless they're being covered by an a Capella band, and the cover is being nightcored.

Old Metallica is really good. Basically all the stuff leading up to Enter Sandman. Wasn't a big fan after that, though

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

By no means am I believing Kanade's a woman. From her face, to be precise.

Dude, if you're that desperate to read het, you don't need to pretend girls are dudes. Just go over to MangaF*x and read all you want.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Historical way of ending a story with some meta dialog.

This thread is going to be all about Pekoe, isn't it

All threads at all times should be about loving all over Pekoe


Nobody cares about what you want.

And nobody cares about a damned moderator.

Oh, sweet summer child...

joined Jun 28, 2012

Hey, I can't get it. Finally they couldn't have sex!

It seems like the upshot is they can't scissor, which doesn't seem like such a hardship since lots of lesbian couples don't.

Nezchan Moderator
Collectors discussion 02 May 21:44
joined Jun 28, 2012

It was "her father's here unexpectedly" plus "Takako is acting oddly standoffish". So nothing as simple as meeting her dad, although it does leave the question of whether they have met at some point, or for that matter whether Shinobu has met Takako's brother.

But the fact that she worried about her clothes really screams "first impression". Do remember that this is the Shinobu that does not care at all what she wears, the fact that It's now important really points out to "ok time to show myself in the best possible light".

It's weird because, I'm pretty sure that Takako has been out to her family ( I do remember some scene with the brother ) and they don't seem to mind. Maybe they live quite a distance away? Still it's weird they haven't interacted over the years.

For that matter, have we had any insight into Shinobu's family at all?

I don't remember anything about her family at all now that you mention it.

Well, "parents of your significant other" is an important position in Japan. You need to meet them before marriage, make a good impression when dating, that sort of thing. So to show up dressed at your worst really isn't a good idea.

But in context, it's possible Shinobu is expecting something serious happened since she's acting weird when her dad's visiting. So even more, it would be bad showing up looking like a vagrant and she doesn't know how to address him, not knowing the situation.

Nezchan Moderator
Collectors discussion 02 May 19:08
joined Jun 28, 2012

hahaha! soooo cute! takako trying to get shinobu jealous!!! :)

Shinobu panicked for no reason, Takako's father is pretty simple/regular guy.
Takako is actually the one running calling the shots etc when it comes to the family business.

One thing I noticed was how she was panicky about meeting the father. That suggests they never met and the two gals have been dating for quite some time IIRC.

It was "her father's here unexpectedly" plus "Takako is acting oddly standoffish". So nothing as simple as meeting her dad, although it does leave the question of whether they have met at some point, or for that matter whether Shinobu has met Takako's brother.

For that matter, have we had any insight into Shinobu's family at all?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Historical way of ending a story with some meta dialog.

This thread is going to be all about Pekoe, isn't it

All threads at all times should be about loving all over Pekoe


Nobody cares about what you want.

Congratulations on not dying this past year, Pekoe!

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I find it slightly amusing that you would tell me to remember to use the French spelling when you butchered the name of my province. It's Québec damnit!
Not that I don't doubt you know and simply don't have French registered as a language. Just found it midly funny.

Hey now, I live in O-Town, Québec is within walking distance for me. The whole area is littered with Ontario French, which means half-English, half-French and 75% of both is slang. Language can be a bit fast and loose here at times.

Of course personally I'm an anglo from Nova Scotia, so what the heck do I know?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I get the impression that they're both into Honoka, but Umi was insecure whether Kotori loved her too, and it was confirmed. It's like a relationship that's transforming from Honoka's Harem to an actual 3P relationship.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I don't really watch sports, they were always a bit of an academic exercise for me. Baseball and hockey were interesting in terms of standings, and while I did watch hockey and enjoyed it for about a year, I could never find anything about baseball save the standings to be anything but dead boring. My brother's into both though, and living in Toronto he's got access to both so good on him I suppose.

I do like sports manga like Baby Steps or Adachi's baseball stuff, but that's about as close as I get to physical sport.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Really? Habs that where bad or Tampa was too good? and what sport they play...?

Montreal Canadians and Tampa Bay Lightning, they're NHL hockey teams and it's the playoffs. Mostly we lost cause could not capitalize on rebounds the goalie gave. There was a bunch of free goals...

By way of additional explanation, the Montreal Canadiens (remember to use the French spelling, they're a Quebec team) are also known as Les Habitants after the original French settlers, or "Habs" for short.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I should have taken that as a possibility, sorry for being uncharitable. In any case, the story itself (and lots more happening every day at the hands of people whose self-worth seems tied up in how much they can hurt more fragile people) is pretty awful in its own right, certainly enough to justify some "ugh' reaction.

It's fine, like I said only one cue. I would of jumped on me had I not know myself. Normally I double and triple check my posts and spot those. But it was the 3rd period of Habs vs. Lightning and shit was going down. It's now overtime, heart rate through the roof again!

Well, I can kind of identify, since I'm in Ottawa and the Sens, who shouldn't have been even in the playoffs, managed to get to game 6 against the Habs and mostly lost because of a mis-call on the ref's part. Nail-biter series are fun.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Sheltered, prude and likes reading.
You remind me of this girl who started making book reviews on youtube, like single digits views on her videos and all. She was sheltered as hell, /lit/ ( 4chan literature forum ) found her and began the classic harassment and laughing at her. She then made a Tumblr post on how she was being violated and felt unsafe. Fast forward a little bit and she deleted her yt account. A pure soul was descecrated forever. Wasn't tough enough for the internet lol.

But if I made you laugh it's all good!

Wow, that story was the opposite of making me laugh at least. What a fucking tragedy, someone trying to enjoy themselves basically being set upon by a random mob of shit-throwing monkeys, that's awful. Adding the lol on the end is kind of disgusting, like celebrating the destruction of innocence. It's really gross.

My bad that "lol" at the end isn't really a laugh. Actually it is, I have this tendency both IRL and online to laugh at bad things as a defense mechanism. I once laughed when someone said his brother had died X yeas ago. It's really me unable to think of anything appropriate and trying to ease myself in an awkward situation. It comes out wrong often just like my example.

I apologize if I look like I think of this as a nice thing. I understand why you're upset, when I read it back I see that my paragraph was neutral and descriptive ( like most of my posts ) and the "lol" at the end was the only thing that could considered a cue as to my thoughts on it.

In no way do I think it was funny, in fact quite the contrary.

I should have taken that as a possibility, sorry for being uncharitable. In any case, the story itself (and lots more happening every day at the hands of people whose self-worth seems tied up in how much they can hurt more fragile people) is pretty awful in its own right, certainly enough to justify some "ugh' reaction.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Sheltered, prude and likes reading.
You remind me of this girl who started making book reviews on youtube, like single digits views on her videos and all. She was sheltered as hell, /lit/ ( 4chan literature forum ) found her and began the classic harassment and laughing at her. She then made a Tumblr post on how she was being violated and felt unsafe. Fast forward a little bit and she deleted her yt account. A pure soul was descecrated forever. Wasn't tough enough for the internet lol.

But if I made you laugh it's all good!

Wow, that story was the opposite of making me laugh at least. What a fucking tragedy, someone trying to enjoy themselves basically being set upon by a random mob of shit-throwing monkeys, that's awful. Adding the lol on the end is kind of disgusting, like celebrating the destruction of innocence. It's really gross.

Nezchan Moderator
Image Comments 01 May 19:43
joined Jun 28, 2012

Nice boobsocks, Kyouko.

Nezchan Moderator
Stretch discussion 01 May 19:37
joined Jun 28, 2012

Ran is definitely a babe, which her goofy side compliments very well.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

He was gonna force them to marry Rhianna, but seeing as she's already in a willing relationship and open to marrying her, he doesn't need to.

Yeah, he'd figured out where the family was, but didn't realize the daughter was Noriko in the first place. So no need to brainwash, just make sure you've got the science babies spells ready to go.