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Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Is it true they're already making a sequel? And that it have a male love interest for Elza...?

I think I heard that they indeed already are making a sequel.

About Elsa's love interest. Well Anna and Elsa loves each other only as sisters. Also Anna already has Kristoff, so it's kinda obvious Disney would try to get Elsa someone too. And I don't really see a problem with that.

Seems just the slightest bit unlikely Disney would endorse incestuous lesbians as canon. Just sayin'.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Nez Note

Given that the artist and publishing company have been very clear, and we have confirmation from Halmoni, from this point forward there shall be NO linking to translations of What Does the Fox Say unless we hear the policy has changed. Any comments with such links, even if they're not English will be removed on sight, and should someone persistently post links their account will be closed as well. This applies site-wide, not just this discussion.

Thank you in advance for your co-operation.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I didn't get the part where I was criticizing anyone or shitting on anyone? I never said anything about Halmoni or her group. Where the hell does that come from? Don't twist my words.

Probably the bit where you said they were "...baiting people into buying something..." which is outright accusing them of dishonest practices. It's certainly harsh enough to qualify as Very Rude Indeed.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I don't feel entitled to anything. If I don't get to read what comes next in WDTFS, well, I don't care much. It's not like it's the end of the world as we know it.

Usually, when I buy a manga, it's because some people have read it before me, reviewed it and I felt it would suit my tastes.

I just don't like the business model of baiting people into buying something without knowing what it is beforehand. I earn my money and I like to know the worth of what I'm spending it on.

So you hate free previews of things. They've been common practice for a long-ass time here in the west, you know. I imagine you must have hated the Playable Trailer for Silent Hills being even existing more than the game itself getting cancelled.

Sure, if I get into a series, whether that's manga or western comics or TV or anime or whatever, it will likely be on recommendation of someone else, or I saw the author/artist talking about it somewhere, or someone shared scans/clips and it looked good (hey, that last one sounds like what happened here!). But that's only up to that episode/issue, isn't it? I don't know where future episodes/issues are going to run once I get into the story. So in that way, it's really no different is it? Maybe you'll pay money and it'll keep going somewhere you like. Maybe you'll pay money and it won't. Maybe you'll be like the folks over in the Hibike! Euphonium thread, desperately clinging to hope that it'll go your way. That's how it goes in any serial medium, this isn't any different.

Hell, some restaurants and bars offer free appetizers. No point raging about them if you don't like the entrée, though.

last edited at Jun 22, 2015 9:53AM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Wow... what a tease, so basically the ch.1 was posted here just to advertise that Lezhin site, speaking of scumbag move.
So yeah... no thanks for your offering, but ill pass ... tsssk.

This is what fan entitlement looks like.

Nezchan Moderator
After Hours discussion 21 Jun 15:21
joined Jun 28, 2012

And it doesn't mean the characters and relationships won't be detailed more later.

It's like the story where the sempai confesses right at the start. It makes things more interesting to watch.

This is what I want, a relationship to develop through them being a couple, not development-by-drama cuz those usually are drama-driven only instead of romance-driven.

Not something we see often... Unfortunately that it's what I like the most, so I kinda have hopes for this one.

What I want to see is Kei teaching Emi about her world and the things she loves, and getting all enthusiastic about it. And Emi in turn soaking it all in and learning to love it, and the both of them falling for each other in the process. A little conflict is fine, since Emi's probably got a past, and the prospect of being less free if a relationship starts might feel restrictive, but I'd like to see the overriding element just be the joy of sharing what you think is the best thing in the world.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I think we're finally on the verge of finding out where Makoto's injuries came from, which for me is the primary mystery of the series.

Nezchan Moderator
After Hours discussion 21 Jun 10:06
joined Jun 28, 2012

Adult life! Count me in!
I do not know this scene but as the artist is a DJ, I'm interested by what gonna be said about it (and girls of course ;} ufufufu )


Okay, that dramatically increases the chances this will focus on being a tour of Japanese nightlife more than throwing obstacles and sadness in the girls' paths (although that might happen a bit). It seems likely the point of this story is for the author to share their favourite things with the world, and that should show as things move forward.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Funny, that's one thing I tend to dislike about them. The lack of context increases my perception that most of them are basically a way to insert het sex into a lesbian story without including any actual guys (because no homo for the male reader, natch).

Plus, if it's a talented artist or a good story (like this one or the KonaKaga ones Celtrance did), I want the reasoning for why they made such a radical change to the character to be part of the narrative. It's like you're missing part of the storytelling process, which is something I notice when it's otherwise a good story.

The romantic side of this one and the fact that there's a lot less emphasis on dick than a lot of futa stuff helps a lot, though.

I have to say that is a weird aspect to get bothered by. I mean, most of these stories are doujin so the author either tells the story they wanted to tell or they explain the details of their mind canon.

Exactly, the author has a story they want to tell. My problem is they're leaving a big, important part of the story out, which affects my enjoyment.

And you're oversimplyfing things by assuming futa is a way to introduce het into a lesbian setting for the guys' sake.

Most != all

The average male internet dweller is repulsed by futa since they actually see it as gay content.

The primary market for "shemale" porn is straight dudes.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

There's a big flaw in Momiji's plan... all Aya needs to do is publically go out with Momiji for a little while before dumping her, at which point nobody would believe the article since everyone would know that there was mutual consent.

True, but if Momiji is as canny as all that, she'd get lots of chances to find new blackmail material during that period.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Even the stories where there's some magic spell that suddenly makes the girl grow a penis at least make a bit more sense just because they're giving you context for the penis to be there.

That's one reason I like Happy Cherry 2. Plus, like this, it's set in an established relationship with heavy romantic overtones.

One way or another though, the fact still stands, most futa exists for the sole sake of turning yuri into het, no matter how vanilla it is. It will be the end of the world when I find a manga that deals with the RL issues of being a hermaphrodite with two functional genitals lol.

Yup yup, which is why I don't buy the defenses connecting futa to trans or intersex folks, because I honestly can't think of any futa stories that actually deal with it on more of a level than "has dick". This one kinda-sorta gives a nod to it with the line about accepting how her body is, but it's a subtle nod at best.

Nezchan Moderator
Image Comments 20 Jun 11:05
joined Jun 28, 2012

I get the impression they're separated somehow, and the girls don't even know they're there.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Due to all of the unexpected seriousness of all the comments here, I feel obligated to say that I found this to be hilarious. I love how futas are just like: I have a dick, always been there, not gonna explain. What, do you have a problem with that?"

Funny, that's one thing I tend to dislike about them. The lack of context increases my perception that most of them are basically a way to insert het sex into a lesbian story without including any actual guys (because no homo for the male reader, natch).

Plus, if it's a talented artist or a good story (like this one or the KonaKaga ones Celtrance did), I want the reasoning for why they made such a radical change to the character to be part of the narrative. It's like you're missing part of the storytelling process, which is something I notice when it's otherwise a good story.

The romantic side of this one and the fact that there's a lot less emphasis on dick than a lot of futa stuff helps a lot, though.

last edited at Jun 20, 2015 10:51AM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Yeah its Project A-ko and B-ko but I just put A-ko cause it was easier lel,
And yeah Fight! Iczer was great. its sad but its hard to get into anime now days for some reason lel, Even though old anime are so cheesy they got that touch you know what I mean?
I dont think I've seen the sequel, is it any good?

It's kind of fun, Iczer-3 is kind of like a clone of Iczer-1 who isn't around any more, but she's immature and tends to get in trouble. Nagisa (was that her name?) now has power armour and is a monster hunter. It's much lighter fare than the original, without the semi-romantic overtones.

It's kinda good-ish for the day, worth a watch but not much more.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

A-Ko (anime old classic not exactly yuri but meh could be :D)

If you mean Project A-Ko, then B-Ko was a lesbian who had a thing for C-Ko, although she never got anywhere close, and I don't think A-Ko and C-Ko even really realized it.

Extra Character D was awesome though.

Fight! Iczer One (Anime another old classic, love it :D)

Really surprised to see this. I think this was the second original-language anime I ever saw (the first was Battle Royale High School, which makes NO sense even with subtitles, which we didn't have in those dark days) Had it on a VHS tape in 6-hour mode with stuff like Grey and the Lemon Angel series, and something else I totally forget.

Have you ever seen the sort-of sequel, Adventure! Iczer-3?

joined Jun 28, 2012

I'm not sure, but... are they going commando, or is it just my imagination?

Well, you better have a good imagination, then.

Nezchan Moderator
Image Comments 19 Jun 12:01
joined Jun 28, 2012

She just realized that the bunny is totally NAKED!

Nezchan Moderator
Bridesmaid discussion 19 Jun 10:43
joined Jun 28, 2012

It's a little unfortunate that some people simplify these life struggles that many LGBT people face as a "boring, overused plot." Perhaps there is some truths as to why these tropes and plots are still popular today, it is still relevant in certain cultures.

I was thinking about it and my main complain about using those tropes/plots is exactly because they are still relevant. That is why when I read yuri I don't want to see it, because I have enough of it in real life. There is no point to throw it into a fiction too.

Well, to be fair there's one reason. Possibly the most important one.

Stories are about conflict. They can be all sorts of things, from trying to stop (or cause) the end of the world, down to leaving the milk out overnight and having to regretfully pour it out. What we see here is a conflict that would be easily recognizable in the culture it was created, by the people most likely to be reading it. Which is to say, not us westerners.

It's interesting how I was reading a blog post just the other day about reluctance some writers have to throw conflict in front of their characters, because they're your babies and how can you happily make their lives harder? But if you don't, you end up with a pretty flat story. I can identify though, as a reader. I don't want my babies to get hurt. But it's what a story needs, so what can you do?

I don't mind when some yuri bases its plot around it or make a more realistic take, but because about 90% of them is doing it, it became boring and overused, even if it is exactly how it is in real life. People want to read something light and positive to take their minds from sad reality.

Probably overselling that 90% a teensy bit. If anything, I'd say 90% of yuri is wish fulfilment with little in the way of serious opposition. And yeah, people want to read light and positive stories, but a diet of nothing but popcorn isn't going to give you good nutrition. Sometimes you need to read something with a bit of substance for good literary health. As Jefferson Airplane said, feed your head!

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I am the Bastard, and I approve of this pairing.

I second that.

The first part or the other bit?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

This is Anonymous. We have an urgent message of Dynasty Scans. Due to the dangerously high levels of cuteness radiation emitted from this doujin, we have decided to block this page in order to prevent future injuries. This is for the greater good. We hope you all understand.
We are anonymous. Expect us.

So close. If you were really Anonymous, you'd have posted that on an unrelated site, thinking it was us.

last edited at Jun 19, 2015 10:26AM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Okay, does the end of that last update make anyone else want to see the fanboys "accidentally" kiss in their excitement?

I, for one, wouldn't mind that. I wonder how Eromame would do yaoi, anyways?

I can't imagine it would be much different from the girls in this case at least. A kiss, embarrassment, probably going back to yuri fanboying but with more closeness, keep the funny rolling.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

(Sadly it was "show for kids" so it's how far lgbt can go)

It's sad what's deemed inappropriate for kids. Like, who's idea was it to air Ren and Stimpy? But showing early on to a child that that some girls like girls and some guys like guys? " Um, you're damaging our youth."

I'm reminded of this famous image Bruce Timm drew showing all the stuff he wasn't allowed to show in Batman: The Animated Series. Animation in North America is notoriously restrictive about what you can show although things are relaxing a bit (only a bit). Plus, a lot is produced for international markets and some countries won't buy it if it has content objectionable to them. Interestingly, that's also why you don't often see text in the backgrounds. Easier to localize that way.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Oh, look, another "Marisa dies and Alice is sad" story. Sure will be a doozy when Marisa finishes her immortality potion. Or becomes a youkai - whatever comes first.

It's funny that Marisa's immortality/long life potion rarely comes up in these stories. Hell, in MariAli, Alice was the one searching for it.

Nezchan Moderator
Image Comments 18 Jun 10:22
joined Jun 28, 2012

The fanboys are funny enough (at least so far) to redeem them, but I can see how there can be a hint of creepiness to their presence.

Nezchan Moderator
Image Comments 18 Jun 10:14
joined Jun 28, 2012

The word "lesbian" itself comes from an island that way so full of 'em you were persecuted for not being one; an island the Greeks visited quite often.

Wait, what? Where on earth did you hear that from? To the best of my knowledge, all we know for certain of the island of Lesbos, which is where the word lesbian comes from, is a few scraps of Sappho's poetry about the daily lives of girls who were left in her care to be educated. Some of that was love poetry directed at some of the girls, but nothing about it being a lesbian-only culture that had any power to persecute anyone. If anything, the suggestion is that it was more like an artist's retreat. Are you confusing it with the (highly apocryphal) stories of Amazon women killing male babies or something? I certainly can't find anything, reliable or not, which suggests that sort of thing happening on Lesbos in any case.