Forum › Posts by mvl89

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 07:45
joined Jan 13, 2016

And it rains and rains and rains and rains.... /sighs/ Typical April. One day he makes you feel like summer's about to be there, the next it's like you're in the middle of autumn.

Good afternoon, girls. :-)

Good afternoon to you Lin. Still morning here in Minnesota. I also hate when it rains. Sorry Rainy. I don't mean you.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 07:44
joined Jan 13, 2016

See ya later. Have fun shopping.

Cancelled it at the last minutes...
My twin was coming...

Btw, how much is usd 850 for u?

You have a twin?
What do you mean how much $850 is to me? If you are thinking about spending 850 on a pair of shoes then i think you are crazy. Haha

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 06:09
joined Jan 13, 2016

I cannot believe you stil remember about my battle on this weekend.

It has nothing to do with my memory

Then how do you know that info? I might have been the one running away if you have not reminded me lol. Actually i am not sure if i should battle him. Honey Bee has been so cruel to me. Ever since she has been nothing but mean to me. I was thinking to just let him have her.

last edited at Apr 16, 2016 6:10AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 05:47
joined Jan 13, 2016


I have another person sleeping next to me? Why wasn't I informed of this?

Hahaha... mvl has creative imagination... cant blame her when u were not so informative abt yr naked thing..

What are you talking about woman? I was very informative from the beginning.
That is as informative as it can ever be. No more than the word naked you'll ever get to hear from me.

/pinch yr nose and cover yr mouth for a minute/
Making wild maneuver within yr sleeping time is just too wild..

Sure, just delete my facebook link from your post, I just said to not quote it... (>_<)

Thia Sama. Dude. I'll facebook you this weekend to start our war. Be ready for me. I'll be the one wear a black sweater.

And dont forget this...
Better get prepared in yr black sweater..

Hmmm. Tell that to my brain. It wanted to wake up to talk with you. It just refused to sleep.

Yep. I will go heah to head with Thia Sama later. I am ready in my black sweater. I don't know if he is available or has run away. My facebook home. I also need to do some checking first. I missed Honey Bee so much so i an going full rage in this battle.

I cannot believe you stil remember about my battle on this weekend.

last edited at Apr 16, 2016 5:56AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 04:15
joined Jan 13, 2016

I hope you guys don't continue something i started as sweet and innocent to something pervy. Hahaha.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 00:50
joined Jan 13, 2016

We are naked for different reasons lol.

Never mind the process, its the outcome which matters... sweaty skin

The outcome is different for me too. Mine is totally dried.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 00:46
joined Jan 13, 2016

Nez chan

I can identify with the "naked won't help" thing. All that means is I've got skin touching skin and getting more sweaty.

Well that is cliche... can u come with sth more interesting? >///<


Yeah your naked and my naked are totally different lol.

Wha..?? How come???

Nez chan is naked because of another person sleeping next to her. I am naked because my upper body is burning like being grilled for someone's dinner.

And we call it "naked"... ;D

We are naked for different reasons lol.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 00:38
joined Jan 13, 2016

Nez chan

I can identify with the "naked won't help" thing. All that means is I've got skin touching skin and getting more sweaty.

Well that is cliche... can u come with sth more interesting? >///<


Yeah your naked and my naked are totally different lol.

Wha..?? How come???

Nez chan is naked because of another person sleeping next to her. I am naked because my upper body is burning like being grilled for someone's dinner.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 00:32
joined Jan 13, 2016

I can identify with the "naked won't help" thing. All that means is I've got skin touching skin and getting more sweaty.

Yeah your naked and my naked are totally different lol.

WDTFS fans - off topic 15 Apr 22:54
joined Jan 13, 2016

Only an hour left to my birthday, whee!

Well, happy birthday to you moderator. May you have a happy and healthy life forever.

WDTFS fans - off topic 15 Apr 21:23
joined Jan 13, 2016


As a general way of respecting people's privacy, no. :-) Fay is the only one in here, who has caught my attention like that, because the girl basically seems to be a walking contradiction, which intrigues me. I want to find out why. Unless she tells me to stop, obviously. xD

I see. I always wanted to ask this for someone who studied psychology. I have a habit of overthinking, making assumptions and drawing possibilities in my head, so I'm actually always trying to figure out things and people. It's like a puzzle I want to solve. I always had issues regarding being invasive, but I can't really stop my thoughts. Always made me wonder if psychologists could stop the process of analysis.

Wow Azai. I'm the same as you. I always overthink too.

WDTFS fans - off topic 15 Apr 21:19
joined Jan 13, 2016


As a general way of respecting people's privacy, no. :-)

This part sounds scary... it means u can but u dont...


Don't run away. I agree with your thinking 100%. Being opposite is interesting. You have more things to talk about, argue about, etc...

B-but.. i dont even think...

Hmmm ok then i agreed with how you would act toward your cute person. Hehehe.

WDTFS fans - off topic 15 Apr 21:12
joined Jan 13, 2016

I don't think Rainy is a she wolf at all XD more like a shy girl staring at hot girls XD

i build my reputation here... as shy girl
but i am free out side my cage... xD

So i am correct. You are not shy at all. Cool.

If u are a shewolf, i'll act as shy girl. vice versa..
I'll act in contrast from how someone behave..

Hehehe cool. You know how to play the game so well.

no, its not that i know how to play the game, but its my nature..
If u are angry, i dont..
If u are good, i'll be the bad one..
Oow.... whats this???? Stop it... i dont understand me anymore... /run away/

Don't run away. I agree with your thinking 100%. Being opposite is interesting. You have more things to talk about, argue about, etc...

WDTFS fans - off topic 15 Apr 20:23
joined Jan 13, 2016

Anyone is planning to do any real traveling?

Honeymoon is going to be in Australia, but other than that...nope.

Oh sounds fun. I don't like traveling but i like going on adentures or just simply experience other parts of the world. Maybe i'll really go eat ice cream and stare at those hot babes in bikinis with Rainy365. Hahaha.

U changed yr mind?
U didnt knock yr head up? XD

Haha. I didn't knock my head. I wanna see how you stare at hot women.

I am not a beginner, I'll use dark sunglasses, u know...
Bare eyes are not recommended.. lolz.. dont wanna get slapped on vacation..

I'm sure you have stared at plenty of hot women in your lifetime. Maybe even had eaten a few of your beautiful preys.

Aren't they free to stare lol?

thats how far a wish from real life..
Staring is fine, i admire the beauty..

Don't tell me you haven't caught one yet. Time to practice your skills including your staring skill. Hahaha. I wanna see how you haunt your prey when i come there.

WDTFS fans - off topic 15 Apr 20:17
joined Jan 13, 2016

Anyone is planning to do any real traveling?

Honeymoon is going to be in Australia, but other than that...nope.

Oh sounds fun. I don't like traveling but i like going on adentures or just simply experience other parts of the world. Maybe i'll really go eat ice cream and stare at those hot babes in bikinis with Rainy365. Hahaha.

U changed yr mind?
U didnt knock yr head up? XD

Haha. I didn't knock my head. I wanna see how you stare at hot women.

I am not a beginner, I'll use dark sunglasses, u know...
Bare eyes are not recommended.. lolz.. dont wanna get slapped on vacation..

I'm sure you have stared at plenty of hot women in your lifetime. Maybe even had eaten a few of your beautiful preys.

Aren't they free to stare lol?

WDTFS fans - off topic 15 Apr 20:13
joined Jan 13, 2016

Anyone is planning to do any real traveling?

Honeymoon is going to be in Australia, but other than that...nope.

Oh sounds fun. I don't like traveling but i like going on adentures or just simply experience other parts of the world. Maybe i'll really go eat ice cream and stare at those hot babes in bikinis with Rainy365. Hahaha.

U changed yr mind?
U didnt knock yr head up? XD

Maybe i really got hit on the head especially after listening to a long sex education talk by Dofu and Lin.

WDTFS fans - off topic 15 Apr 20:11
joined Jan 13, 2016

Anyone is planning to do any real traveling?

Honeymoon is going to be in Australia, but other than that...nope.

Oh sounds fun. I don't like traveling but i like going on adentures or just simply experience other parts of the world. Maybe i'll really go eat ice cream and stare at those hot babes in bikinis with Rainy365. Hahaha.

U changed yr mind?
U didnt knock yr head up? XD

Haha. I didn't knock my head. I wanna see how you stare at hot women.

WDTFS fans - off topic 15 Apr 20:03
joined Jan 13, 2016

Anyone is planning to do any real traveling?

Honeymoon is going to be in Australia, but other than that...nope.

Oh sounds fun. I don't like traveling but i like going on adentures or just simply experience other parts of the world. Maybe i'll really go eat ice cream and stare at those hot babes in bikinis with Rainy365. Hahaha.

WDTFS fans - off topic 15 Apr 19:37
joined Jan 13, 2016

Anyone is planning to do any real traveling?

WDTFS fans - off topic 15 Apr 19:28
joined Jan 13, 2016

Faylicia you are quite an interesting person. Glad to see you were able to ask all sort of questions.

WDTFS fans - off topic 15 Apr 18:32
joined Jan 13, 2016

Not watched the video yet, but a little hint: Su's an alpha top. I let your mind fill in the blanks. ^_^;; xD

I kind of guessed that >.> th-that was not what the video was about >.>

Fay I don't know about you but i'm too afraud to open any links posted by Dofu or Lin.

WDTFS fans - off topic 15 Apr 18:11
joined Jan 13, 2016

...This thread seems to get more and more random with each day. I can't even remember who hooked up with whom in here. xD

Meh. I shall offer the assistance of my trusty Draglin as a make-up gift to Azai. Before she actually does send the Yakuza after me. ^_^;;
Go, my sweet, scaley darling! =D

So, we cool?

Also, I almost forgot.
/sighs/ I will slap myself for this, but...Su wants me to ask you if you actually do want that report on the hospital bathroom.

Lin didn't you already gave him to me to help defeat my enemy? How cruel? Did you call him back?

WDTFS fans - off topic 15 Apr 18:00
joined Jan 13, 2016

She's got no shaaaame

Coming out the mouth of the one flirting with Llama. Your wifey is gonna divorce you at that rate. xD

Burn, KittoKatto. Can I borrow Draglin?

No. Lin already lend him to me to fight Thia*** Sama this weekend.

WDTFS fans - off topic 15 Apr 17:31
joined Jan 13, 2016

What kind of road trip are you guys even talking about? I feel like I missed some context here. xD

we´re going to california XD
yes! I was the first again!

Congrats for being the 1st to reach 200.

WDTFS fans - off topic 15 Apr 17:29
joined Jan 13, 2016

Lol well we have to wait for Su to go on this trip cause she would be so mad if we left her XD

You are right. Lin can't go alone. Alright we shall wait.