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Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Happy 4th of July you americanos

Yes, the Americans on my feed NEVER LET ME FORGET IT!

I mean I post Stompin' Tom and maybe some Arrogant Worms every year, but three days later it's impossible to escape the flags and eagles and Captain America gifs, it's a bit overwhelming.

joined Jun 28, 2012

"This might be due to that lazy Shinigami has managed to gather some will to work" is super awkward. It would work if "due to" was replaced by "because" I think.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I heard the fox was talkin' shit...

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Nez Note

Remember to tag your spoilers people!

Remember, I don't know what is a spoiler and what isn't since I don't read the series, so I'm likely to be a lot less careful about what to mark than you would be. Better you do it yourself.

last edited at Jul 4, 2015 8:41PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I was just reading an article at The Mary Sue about the original pilot for Welcome To Night Vale, and this passage made me think of this thread.

The press release about the meeting also contains this bit:

“He grinned, and everything about him was perfect, and I fell in love instantly.”

Interestingly, when I first heard this episode I didn’t think that Cecil was romantically interested in Carlos. That’s pretty impressive considered Cecil straight-up says that he fell in love with Carlos. But instead I saw it more as a strange aesthetic fixation Cecil had on a person with perfect hair, a great jaw, cemetery-like teeth, and a nice coat. Granted, Night Vale is a weird place, but it’s also normal enough to have people fall in love. I think the larger reason for my mistake was that, in my experience, no one writes queer characters like this. I’ve been taught again and again that same-sex love hardly ever happens for main characters. If it does, it’s only after the show or storyline has been well established. Queer love is something writers take a chance on, but only when it feels like a safe risk.

I just couldn't help, reading that, but think of the people here, poring over anime trying to find those few little crumbs of lesbianism. The subtle hints in all but the very end of Korra. Bubbline. The possibility the adaption of Euphonium might deviate from the source material it was adapting. Hints, things happening off stage, secondary or tertiary characters, any little bit we can grasp. It's so hard to find that if it turned up in a new series, we might even be inclined to miss it because we're so used to it not happening.

And that kind of makes me sad.

last edited at Jul 4, 2015 5:44PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Also guys, what is all this drama about?
kyra edit: Let's remove this Nez, people who want it can find it, even mentions of it will be deleted here.

Good for them. I'm sure they'll be happy to have you.

We will not be hosting it.

last edited at Jul 4, 2015 1:09PM

Nezchan Moderator
Canon discussion 04 Jul 10:33
joined Jun 28, 2012

This is a really weird tag. Since everything is either official (and therefore canon) or a dj (and therefore non-canon) what's this tag supposed to indicate?

Doujinshi means self-published, not non-canon.

In the case of the Touhou comics, it's meant to indicate that they are approved, official spin-off works that aren't fan creations or characterizations.

last edited at Jul 4, 2015 10:35AM

Nezchan Moderator
Yuri h8terz 04 Jul 00:22
joined Jun 28, 2012

Yeah, meta drama threads never end well.

Nezchan Moderator
Mamimamix discussion 03 Jul 21:36
joined Jun 28, 2012

I approve of this disrespect of the characters.

Nezchan Moderator
Image Comments 03 Jul 18:42
joined Jun 28, 2012

^ This is something I love when it comes to pairings, the justification for why the relationship would work. Both the circumstances that fit within canon and how they relate to each other within their character's limits, it's all satisfying stuff.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I mean, sure my fav webtoon Cheese in the Trap has its fanart, but there's no comparison... it's overflowing here!

That wording can't have been by accident.

Nezchan Moderator
Image Comments 03 Jul 14:50
joined Jun 28, 2012

Well, I admit to being a bit annoyed at the "Where's Nico" or "NOTP" or whatever being posted in pretty much everything pairing Maki with not-Nico. But my liking of HonoMaki or RinMaki is a bit more than just being contrary.

Nezchan Moderator
Image Comments 03 Jul 14:43
joined Jun 28, 2012

I don't have anything against NicoMaki per se, although it seems more like "high school relationship" to me a lot more than "lifelong partnership" despite how good Crystal Sugar And Machine Gun was. These two or MakiRin, it seems clearer to me how their relationship would develop as they grow up and move on to adulthood.

Nezchan Moderator
Image Comments 03 Jul 13:52
joined Jun 28, 2012

Well, either of them are good matches I think. And unlike Nico, I can see them being in a long-term relationship.

Nezchan Moderator
Image Comments 03 Jul 13:38
joined Jun 28, 2012

I think Maki pairs best with a straightforward, physical type to contrast her reserved side.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Seeing how this series will not be released on Dynasty Scans, should there be a discussion thread here in the first place?

That said, will those chapters stay up? I don't see the need for having the troll chapter up, in any case.

The current chapter 1 will stay, because it was free in the first place from what I gather. The thread is useful for providing instructions on how to access the current chapters/back issues, and for announcement of new chapters getting translated. Not to mention, if people want to discuss the ongoing story here, they're encouraged to do so.

What this is not for is complaining that you actually have to pay for something, or being offended that someone is asking you (not necessarily you personally) go to even the smallest inconvenience to get what you want, or sniping at other users/translators. That stuff will be unceremoniously removed. Indeed, much of it already has.

Nezchan Moderator
Image Comments 03 Jul 11:13
joined Jun 28, 2012

Best Maki pairing.

Nezchan Moderator
Image Comments 03 Jul 11:12
joined Jun 28, 2012

Just to counter the "but NicoMakiiiiii!" whining, I will say I like this pairing better. And totally cute in this pic.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Nez Note

Pardon the dust and ashes and the occasional screaming, but things in this thread have gone way beyond idiotic. It looks like the way forward is to do a controlled burn, and remove all the deadwood and flame hazards.

So expect to see pretty much everything except stuff directly related to discussing the story, and stuff relevant to actually getting to the Lezhin site to be removed in short order. The thread will be locked while de-construction is underway, but it'll be opened back up immediately once we've finished cleaning up.

Thanks for your understanding, and please don't crap all over the forum.


Open for business. If you find any charred body parts, pretend you didn't.

last edited at Jul 3, 2015 11:01AM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Fast forward a few days and some dumb tranny on tumblr decides that Soleil was actually a lesbian this entire time, Kamui date raped her, and the entire support is about gay conversion therapy to turn Soleil straight. The tranny blogs this and it gets reblogged on tumblr thousands of times. The tranny later admitted to not owning the game, never playing it, and not actually translating the script himself. A couple of "journalists" pick this up and articles about Nintendo including gay conversion therapy/corrective date rape in the new Fire Emblem pop up on sites such as Destructoid and Mary Sue, adding to the shitstorm already in progress over potential censorship of the raunchier game features.

My apologies for certain words in the post, what can I say, 4chan is 4chan. I'm still confused as to what is actually going on.

That whole last paragraph is some self-justifying bullshit. But by the time this was written, she was already a target of death threats, suggestions at suicide, hundreds of messages calling her everything in the book, slander, etc. so I guess you gotta justify her being bad/awful somehow. For simply pointing out something that's actually in the game and what she thought of it. Stuff like this makes me hate gamer and *chan culture, like a lot.

I mean seriously, you're still allowed to like the game even if there are troubling things in it. You can be a fan of problematic things, it's okay. As the article says, "As fans, sometimes we need to remember that the things we like don’t define our worth as people" so there's no need for people to get so defensive when something is pointed out in Fire Emblem or Witcher 3 or whatever it is.

last edited at Jul 3, 2015 9:26AM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

It's still presented as the one guy who could "turn" a lesbian. Who, again, can't be romanced by a female character so that seems to be her intended role in the story.

I would imagine that's not a narrative most folks around here would be on board with.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I had actually heard the gay conversion part was false and she had identified as bisexual from the beginning, though the other stuff is true...

Apparently she had one line where she says it's not 100% impossible that she could consider a guy, but otherwise she talks about her preference for girls.

I mean hell, I know hardcore dykes who have said similar things, so I dunno if you'd call that an admission of bisexuality.

last edited at Jul 2, 2015 11:18PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

So... Uh... I was taking a stroll on /v/ when i stumbled upon this:

So, there’s a female character named Soleil in Fire Emblem Fates. She is a lesbian, that is her actual canon character trait. She speaks about being attracted to girls and she finds men ugly, and yet you can’t romance her as the female Kamui (the player avatar), only as the male Kamui. How you may ask? Well, you’ll regret asking.

So the male Kamui drugs Soleil with a magic powder (without consent) that makes her perceive men as women, during this she begins having feelings for the player, so far suggesting it’s only because she now perceives them as a woman. When the powder wears off, she finds herself in love and attracted to the male Kamui sexually, asking him to touch her and so forth.

In her early dialogue she speaks of her lesbianism as a weakness preventing her from being a strong woman, and this is what causes the player to go through with drugging her and “turning her straight”. Once again, there is no option to romance Soleil with the female Kamui, despite her being a lesbian, you must go through with magical gay conversion therapy if you wish to romance her.

I don't quite know how to research stuff for Fates so... Is this for real?

Yes. The girl who uncovered that made sure to run the translation and the transcript by several people to make absolutely sure, plus assemble screen shots to back it up.

Of course she got harassment and death threats for pointing it out, duh.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

It is always the one shots that get me the most. Damn things leave me thirsty for more, feel like I got abandoned in the desert or something.

Actually, you really have been abandoned in the desert. This whole site, and in fact the internet itself, is but a delerium in your final hours.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012


Chapter 4 Release

Forget Chapter 4!


Get Chapter 2 on Dynasty for free!!!


Hey Omn, got a big fish for you!