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joined Sep 27, 2017

In theory couldn't she meet the ghost in a Graveyard though? I just think it would be a bit less depressing than having her at the bottom of the lake, "where the sun doesn't reach".

^ Being bound to places of death thanks to emotional attachment is a significant theme in Japanese occult stories. I'm pretty sure the body's just a rotten pile of bones at this point, and what's actually binding the ghost in place is her attachment to her friend. Maybe she came to the lake because she felt lonely and depressed, and jumped in on a particularly bad day before coming back as a ghost because she didn't actually want to die and leave her friend behind. The whole 'before the darkness consumes me' part seems like a big flag for barely-repressed existential angst. I'm guessing the ghost will blink out of existence once her friend loses interest or hope, and the part about fading away naturally is a lie. By chasing her friend away, the ghost is simultaneously trying to stop her from also jumping in whilst also ensuring her own death.

Well, either that or we could go with the classic, "It's all a figment of the living girl's imagination" theory, and attribute any weirdness to psychological factors rather than paranormal biology (ectoplasmology?)

Yeah you have a point about being bound to the place of death, still I'd prefer to make an exception to give her a better resting place.

Edit: Also @Erana: Unfortunately it makes a lot of sense that a lot of drowning cases involve bodies that are never found, I didn't really think about it because that's a very depressing thought.

last edited at Dec 22, 2020 10:56AM

joined Sep 27, 2017

So uh....if the body is there at the bottom of the lake for some reason, shouldn't she report it? Get her friend/girlfriend a more peaceful place to rest?

Maybe she doesn't because then she won't be able to meet the ghost anymore?

In theory couldn't she meet the ghost in a Graveyard though? I just think it would be a bit less depressing than having her at the bottom of the lake, "where the sun doesn't reach".

joined Sep 27, 2017

So uh....if the body is there at the bottom of the lake for some reason, shouldn't she report it? Get her friend/girlfriend a more peaceful place to rest? This whole thing was really odd for a few reasons, but that stuck out like a sore thumb. Anyhow, thanks for the translation!

joined Sep 27, 2017

Eh. How unpleasant. She should just work elsewhere.

The whole dynamic is basically them flirting. She could work elsewhere, but that's not the point. The job and tasks are merely a backdrop to them building sexual tension by pushing each other's buttons.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Some parts kinda rubbed me the wrong way tho, especially when the feminist girl was like "Oh I'm not patronizing you, you chose your path and I would never try to sway you from that path!"

I agree, the entire manga makes it feel like the feminist girl is just being really patronizing to a degree that rustles my jimmies. It doesn't feel like the two are considered equal in the story.

I think the point is that the feminist girl was trying to raise her awareness, and introduce knowledge that expands her knowledge of the world. She wasn't trying to choose the girl's path in life but inform her that she has options.

People are often kept in a repressed state because of a lack of knowledge, and not being aware that things can in fact be better. In modern times we take our access to knowledge and information for granted all the time. It's good to remember that oppressors hate books, and book burning is a way to keep people from expanding their knowledge and rising up against their oppressors.

I think the main goal of the feminist girl was to say that you don't have to get married to a man you've never met, and live your whole life as a housewife that should never aspire to have her own dreams, goals, and passions. If you so choose it there are other paths in life than the societal norms that so heavily enforced, read about the ways you can live a life that's more free and then choose for yourself how you live your life afterwards.

Image Comments 16 Dec 03:52
joined Sep 27, 2017

@Linterdiction It's mainly that the foot grab was very intimate, and very much a couple thing to do. It's something that only cements the ship even harder.

Image Comments 15 Dec 23:04
joined Sep 27, 2017

^Yeah I'm just gonna nope out of that. 2020 was already hard enough without depression fueled angst ships, I need some fluffiness.

Image Comments 14 Dec 23:10
joined Sep 27, 2017

That foot grab, and really that entire scene has to be one of the gayest I've seen in anime. I know a LL anime series will likely never have an actual couple, but I need it so badly.

joined Sep 27, 2017

This is why I don’t like stories with prostitution

I mean the average story with prostitution on Dynasty is wholesome. This is kind of an outlier. What you're saying would be like opening a box of 12 eggs, seeing 1 cracked egg, and going "This is why I don't like eggs".

last edited at Dec 14, 2020 11:49AM

Image Comments 13 Dec 22:18
joined Sep 27, 2017

@SphinxLord I don't think that's really Arknights it's self, so much as it is people in most fandoms that love to make ships out of the enemies to lovers trope, personally I think it can be a good one. That said, I don't think they were really ever "enemies"? Just kind of antagonistic allies, that still cared about each other in their own cynical ways.

Edit: I'm also not sure what major Arknights ships are enemies to lovers? Saria and Silence aren't enemies, they have a strained relationship in the game due to various circumstances, but I wouldn't say that makes them enemies. Lappland and Texas seem to have a complicated and messy relationship that's mostly a mystery from what I know, but I personally wouldn't exactly call them enemies. Texas escaped the mafia life, and Lappland's quickly declining sanity and physical health has her seemingly seeking a death at the hands of an old connection. Hopefully I'm remembering correctly here, but yeah from what I know their relationship is a bit more complicated than simply enemies. Though I might be over thinking things, and maybe enemies to lovers is a more broad and simple label than my definition of it.

last edited at Dec 13, 2020 10:56PM

Yuru Oyako discussion 13 Dec 22:11
joined Sep 27, 2017

Its not getting sad =because of author we are sad becasue we dont have money / I wish for author to get what they deserve too but and no one is wishing for author to lose money its just we cant read it anymore and n no way in hell we are gonna ask you how we should feel / It is sad when you cant read something you really like but Im still rooting for Taiyaki hope their work will be more famous now/

This is my feeling as well. It's not anger that it's happening, it's a sense of loss because all these vying and competing places asking for money we don't have because we're giving it to another place already or just don't make the income.

This, I'm happy for people becoming successful and making a living from their work. It's just unfortunate that there's so many services that we have be apart of in order to keep up with everything, and it's also very confusing in my opinion. I honestly can't keep with how many anime, tv shows, movies, manga, light novels, and so fourth, end up on so many different platforms across the internet. I wish I was able to keep up on all of it, but I unfortunately just don't have the money or the memory to remember every subscription website, especially when there's constantly new sites popping up that pick up various series.

Edit: Mainly also just the memory to keep track of which site, publisher, so fourth, has which series. There's so many series I try to keep up with, and my memory fails me sometimes unfortunately.

last edited at Dec 13, 2020 10:14PM

Image Comments 12 Dec 13:49
joined Sep 27, 2017

^Well as they say, "So is spaghetti until it gets wet".

joined Sep 27, 2017

I don't think is Pay for Gay 'cause it's note like one of them pays the other to be gay, I suppose both of them are gay (or bi or whatever), but not that they are faking been gay. I think is more like """prostitution""" than Pay for Gay

The tag was changed from "Gay for Pay" to "Pay for Gay" exactly to avoid that missunderstanding

Well in this particular instance I think they're just gay, and capitalizing on it because the internet is horny. There is some room for reader interpretation, but given that the author's 1-shots all revolve around horny lesbians, I'd say it's a safe guess to assume it's not Pay-For-Gay/Gay-For-Pay.

Edit: Though maybe I'm misunderstanding the term "Pay-For-Gay".

last edited at Dec 12, 2020 1:42PM

joined Sep 27, 2017

I'm getting rather sad that every other character in manga are obsessive about their diets, from growing teens to the oldest main characters we get, who are like... 32? I get that this is probably reflective of reality to some extent, but I would find it a relief with someone who went "fuck your diet, 'skinny teenage girl' is not the beauty ideal you think it is"

I don't disagree with you, but good luck with that in Japan.

Oddman 11 discussion 06 Dec 20:30
joined Sep 27, 2017

Maybe the real treasure was the gay harem we built along the way.

I'd argue that's the most valuable kind of treasure.

Oddman 11 discussion 06 Dec 18:30
joined Sep 27, 2017

There was lesbian stuff in this manga? I can only remember some flirting and lewd (het) characters in general.

What? Wasn't this whole comic just a bunch of weird girls lusting after each other?

This. At the very least a bunch of characters were bi, a lot of characters in his works are bi, even males from what my memory can recall. Anyways, this entire manga is about the main female character "accidently" building a harem of girls, while originally trying to get the boyfriend. It's basically Scott Pilgrim but if Scott Pilgrim mostly ends up with a bunch of boyfriends. The series definitely wasn't het focused despite the original goal of the main character, as she ended up with a bunch of girlfriends.

last edited at Dec 6, 2020 6:37PM

joined Sep 27, 2017

kiss interruption became so much cliche, that it starts bothering me (
I wish, while being interrupted, the couple was too lost in a kiss... that would be refreshing

Yup I'm in the same boat as you. The walk-in comedy trope is one of my least liked tropes at this point. Just kiss and be done with it please.

That said, I'm down for more Pretty Cure doujins being translated, and thanks for translating this.

last edited at Dec 6, 2020 11:29AM

joined Sep 27, 2017

I hate every single character in this manga. Not gonna bother reading this lol, but that's not to say that I don't appreciate the scanlators!

This, this is a quality post.

I know, right? I wish more people were like this person. And on that note, thanks for the kind words!

Yeah I'm very rarely a fan of cheating in stories, but I always appreciate the efforts of the scanners/translators. It's often thankless work and takes a lot of time.

joined Sep 27, 2017


  • Create a husband character that is so shitty


Lol. Reminds me of the husband from... Dang, can't remember the title. The one with the high school loves reuniting, but one is married and pregnant with her shitty husband's kid.


And then we also have one where the husband is nice, Even Though We're Adults

So 3 series recently with women cheating on their husbands. I wonder how much of a story setting trend this will be.

Image Comments 05 Dec 09:38
joined Sep 27, 2017

^Thanks for the info, it's greatly appreciated! I've been having a hard time finding art of them on Twitter and Pixiv, there was some but not much that I could easily find.

last edited at Dec 5, 2020 9:42AM

Image Comments 05 Dec 09:15
joined Sep 27, 2017

Also adding to the conversation about the artist making cover art, they also do the art for a manga on this site. It hasn't been updated in awhile and I don't know what the status of it is, but it's interesting to see their art in a manga nonetheless.

Edit: Manga with Fly's Art

last edited at Dec 5, 2020 10:58AM

Image Comments 05 Dec 09:05
joined Sep 27, 2017

Abs are basically a gift from the gods, bless them.

Image Comments 05 Dec 09:04
joined Sep 27, 2017

^Wholesome lewd is one of the best combinations imo.

Also I'd like to imagine this is how Gudako recharges after her missions.

Image Comments 05 Dec 08:52
joined Sep 27, 2017

This is definitely one of my favorite I guess somewhat "newer" Arknights ships. I really hope the ship gets even more fanart.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Thanks for the info, that explains why I couldn't find info. I didn't even know Mangaplanet existed.

So I assume they're digital only? Which is unfortunate since I prefer to pay for print releases, and there's several titles there that I would love to own in print.

Yes, digital-only and (I think?) subscription only. So, Netflix but for Light Novels and Yuri. Quoting myself, "For anyone curious, they have quite a few relevant Yuri light novels. Their website and reader are very barebones, but usable enough if you have other options - like Baka Updates - for tag searches. The quality in translations and editing seems basically fun. Not stunning, but more than good enough for reading purposes."

$7 for a month, $18 for 3 months, $30 for 6 months. Seems like a good bargain, even if it's a one-off subscription you get a bit later on and just spend the whole month reading thru their collection.

Thanks a ton, that information is super helpful! I hope one day they'll do print but for now I don't mind doing a $30 for 6 months sub to support the official releases.