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joined Jun 25, 2019

Wakana and Yuina definitely kissed

Maybe even went farther than Ayaka and Sora by now tbh

Just how ? Like, am i really the only one wondering how and when it happen ? You have just a "I could be the one one who make you happy" line after the childhood friend mini arc and that's all, no more hints after that and all of sudden they're going out and all without any warning ? As much as i don't have a problem with them going out, it's seem rather strange to be that all of it happen behind the scenes.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I know it was hinted after Yuina first crush mini arc but it's still coming out of behind the scene and a bit out of the blue. I mean, when your main pairing is already going out and all, what the point of hiding a side couple ? I'm not against they're going out but why trying to be sneaky about it ?

joined Jun 25, 2019

Gay innuendos once again. Also be careful when eating Croissants in bed, crumbs can be a pain to deal with.

Image Comments 24 Dec 21:33
joined Jun 25, 2019

Soul Gems used for decorations is an interesting choice

Image Comments 24 Dec 21:32
joined Jun 25, 2019

A classic pairing

Image Comments 24 Dec 21:25
joined Jun 25, 2019


Image Comments 24 Dec 21:24
joined Jun 25, 2019

Seem afwully sunny and green outside to be Christmas

joined Jun 25, 2019

Teetee indeed. Bonus point for the rings.

Image Comments 24 Dec 20:32
joined Jun 25, 2019

A rare Sana pairing.

Is it Yuri? discussion 22 Dec 15:35
joined Jun 25, 2019

But is it yuri tho ?

joined Jun 25, 2019

Okay well now I'm dying with curiosity???

Something happened in there that was so bad that it had to be sealed like a cursed tomb???

(ty for the followup pekoe! <3)

This has roused my interest as well. Normally, even if theres the tag that must not be mentioned here (het) people tend to just get banned. But what could possibly cause such kind of fall out, that the whole area must be isolated?

As far as i know, there was not a lot of comments of a while in the thread, since there was not a lot of update and the story is kinda silly/wholesome so there is not room for drama honestly.

joined Jun 25, 2019

What's the plan if I'm right and this series has been dropped?

Wait for someone else to pick it up or do it yourself if you feel like it.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Beautiful Loco+Lever moments. ^_^

Also, that was Sister Gigant, wasn't it? If the looks weren't enough, she's also named Holy...

The pieces goes too well together in the chapter. Between the device of Venia malfunctioning directly after the song, with Tres Magia being here and Gigant being the host. Not to mention the fact she seem barely surprised that the idol singing was Loco.

joined Jun 25, 2019

The thing is, new chapters are typically translated within hours of a day or two at most. Chapter 19 has been out in the wild for nearly a week now. I'll give it about a month, but if no new chapters are translated between now and then, that means the series may have been dropped in which case we'll just need to keep discussing the series without the aid of translation. If it comes to that, the author posts new chapters on his Twitter feed.

Reminder that Translation team are humans too and have a life outside of scanlation, as for most of them it's just a hobby. They do it when they can and they can have problems in their life that can delay the translation. A manga is dropped if the team say so or after a long period of time without any news. 1 month can't be considered like a long period of time.

Image Comments 21 Dec 11:51
joined Jun 25, 2019
Image Comments 21 Dec 11:47
joined Jun 25, 2019

Tail holding

joined Jun 25, 2019

Almost missed the ring. So, it was unrequited.

What ring ? I look up and see no ring.

joined Jun 25, 2019

That's not how triangles work.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Oh damn! Saw the raws for the chapter 19 and boy oh boy do I imagine the worst ending for our protagonist when she gets back to her own time and things changed I think her senpai will end up rejecting her because she looks just like "Sasaki" so let's see what happens in the next chapters... but the protagonist continues screwing herself over right now with her own actions is all I can see.

There is a spoiler tag for a reason. It's good for you you read raws but not everyone does it.

sorry T.T don't know how to activate it can I get some help please

I will refer you to the post by Orange about text format

joined Jun 25, 2019

Oh damn! Saw the raws for the chapter 19 and boy oh boy do I imagine the worst ending for our protagonist when she gets back to her own time and things changed I think her senpai will end up rejecting her because she looks just like "Sasaki" so let's see what happens in the next chapters... but the protagonist continues screwing herself over right now with her own actions is all I can see.

There is a spoiler tag for a reason. It's good for you you read raws but not everyone does it.

School Zone discussion 13 Dec 18:22
joined Jun 25, 2019

By refusing to simply tell Tsubaki that she wanted to go to a different high school, and thereby letting her deliberately downgrade to a lesser school than the one she wanted, Hiiragi may have damaged Tsubaki's future prospects very badly out of nothing but petty spite and insecurity

FFS, Tsubaki would have go to any school as long as it was with Hiiragi.How it's Hiiragi's fault that her own sister can't stand up for herself ? If Tsubaki wanted a good university, she could have choose a good high shcool herself, she is not a damn kid. Tsubaki has damaged her future herself by wanting to follow her sister. Don't start blaming Hiiragi for that. Tsubaki is sabotaging herself here.

School Zone discussion 13 Dec 17:53
joined Jun 25, 2019

Damn, Tsubaki really went through something painful right before high school. That said, I'm still curious about Hiiragi's side of the story.

And here i thought i were the only one who doesn't hate Hiiragi

School Zone discussion 13 Dec 16:11
joined Jun 25, 2019

Don't act like Tsubaki wouldn't try to take the same exam of where Hiiragi wanted to go. Like whether she say it to her or not wouldn't have change that Tsubaki would have take it badly.It was the better solution. Hiiragi can try to leave her sister shadow and Tsubaki can stop relying and comparing to her sister.
Why this forum choose carefully when a teenager can act irrationaly or not ?
And like someone is thinking about it.

last edited at Dec 13, 2021 4:11PM

School Zone discussion 13 Dec 15:10
joined Jun 25, 2019

Dang, what with the hate on Hiiragi ? What she does is pretty understandable. Imagine having your twin who always relied on you suddendly becoming better than you at everything but still thinking she is worthless without you. Hiiragi is just angry that her sister can't realize how good she is and instead insist on puttting herself down. Imagine how frustrating that is, having someone who is better than you but insisting on telling she is bad, it's extremlyfrustrating.
If i agree that not telling Tsubaki she didn't want to go in the same highschool was not the best thing, you have to understand that Hiiragi know that Tsubaki would have follow her anywhere and continuing putting her in her shadow.
It's for the best like Tsubaki mention, if it mean Hiiragi can be happy then maybe it's better if they're in differents highschools.Plus they see each other at home anyway.
This situation remind me of the Hino/Saya relation is often portrayed in more serious Bang Dream doujins.

School Zone discussion 13 Dec 11:50
joined Jun 25, 2019

I'm wondering how Tsubaki has gone from mind broken to a total siscon. I mean Yokoe didn't change that much after geeting érejected" because she was already a bit of a goofball before but Tsubaki wasn't that much of a siscon before Hiiragi choose another school.