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Futanari discussion 30 Aug 19:34
joined Jul 28, 2016

Wow, what a comprehensive list... that I'm probably never going to read because there's just WAY TOO MUCH. Nevertheless, thanks for compiling this thing!

Also, I had no idea what a "onahole" was, so I looked it up and... well, I'm really not surprised.

last edited at Aug 30, 2016 7:35PM

joined Jul 28, 2016

I thought that PICO was Pito at first, so I thought "Huh, so Pito's gone from doing kinky dog roleplay to Touhou BDSM? I guess that's not too much of a surprise"... but then I found out that they're not the same, so that was a bit of a disappointment. Another disappointment was the fact that there was no yuri in this and it was just Touhou characters being tied up, but... that's what imagination's for. When in doubt, assume the POV character is also a girl!

Edit: Wow, I look like an idiot now. I didn't bother reading it to the end until that Alice x Marisa tag was added (that's what I get for complaining about something before I actually read it!), so I guess that Patchouli comment implies that Marisa is doing this to everyone for whatever reason?? Well, if not, at least there's some decent AliMari and Mari...Patchy (?) in it.

last edited at Aug 30, 2016 7:40PM

joined Jul 28, 2016

hey, this is the 3rd story on Dynasty where one of the characters had amnesia. crud, anyone remember the 3rd? i think the MC was in art school or something and her love interest's attitude towards her completely changed. so there's this one, Bright and Cheery, Blank, and i cannot remember the 3rd. anyone know the title?

Art school? Wow I dont think I ever read that one

Probably Watashi no Taisetsu na Tomodachi, if memory serves.

Woah, I thought I read all of Hakamada Meru's things, but then I see this! I mean, I have terrible memory, but I am certain that this is one manga that I've never read... maybe it's just a case of anime amnesia. Thanks for telling me about this one, Nezchan!

joined Jul 28, 2016

I always love these yuri tournament thingies that Yuri Reviews and Yuri Nation hold every so often. The downside of these kinds of tournaments for me is that they make it painfully clear how bad my backlog is. My game backlog is already bad enough, and then this just adds to it! Ange Vierge, Blue Drop, Ga-Rei: Zero, Kanamemo, Simoun, Mai-Hime, as well as the classics KnM and Strawberry Panic... never did get around to watching them. You know, I've always wanted to watch some good action yuri anime, and then I don't watch any of them... well, I tried an episode of Valkyrie Drive but the gratuitous sex was too much for me.

Anyway, I'm personally rooting for the YuruYuri, Sakura Trick, Sasameki Koto, Kill la Kill, and YKA kisses because... those are the only anime on this list that I've watched. I sure am glad that I've never watched High School of the Dead, Kampfer, or Sekirei though. Why are these even in the tournament... Kuttsukiboshi sounds horrible from what I've read about it but at least it's yuri while those things are just harem shit. If these kisses don't lose in the first round, then I've officially lost all hope for the yuri community (not really, I love this community).

joined Jul 28, 2016

Out of all the yuri ships in NNB, this is probably the one I enjoy the least... hell, I'll take Renge and Candy Store (what was her name again? It started with a K, right?) over this... Actually, I really have nothing against that ship as long as it's a timeskip kind of thing where Renge's an adult and all. Still, this is a great story, so I'll keep reading it! Okay, it really isn't, and it has all this weird porny crap in it which I don't remember being in Secret Flowers (now, that is a great story). Perhaps it's a side effect of being translated by a het group? You know, the thing about Secret Flowers that was so great was that it nailed Himawari's and Sakurako's characters even though it was just a porn thing. On the other hand... we have this thing. I know Natsumi loves teasing Komari and all, but this is going waaaaay too far even for her. Well, anyway, that last page seems to imply that Hotaru x Komari is gonna happen, so I'll keep reading and see what happens.

last edited at Aug 26, 2016 11:32PM

Image Comments 25 Aug 02:35
joined Jul 28, 2016

I've always heard people use Eclipse in reference to the Blake x Sun ship and Iceberg for Weiss x Neptune, though I guess it really doesn't matter either way... since they're both terrible ships. I'll take Blake x Glynda over Blake x Sun...

Well, anyway, that ending to Volume 3 was definitely a good one for Bumblebee shippers... kind of, I guess. It at least made it somewhat more canon. I couldn't really see it happening before that whole arm cutting off thing, but it seems more probable now. White Rose still seems kind of iffy though to me... I mean, it's certainly cute and I freaking love it since it's opposites attract and everything, but I don't recall much evidence of it in the show itself (that "Don't touch me" scene was a pretty good one though). On a somewhat related note, I initially hated Arkos since, well, I generally dislike het ships... but, I don't know, all the stuff that happened in Vol 3 with the tragedy and Pyrrha's inevitable death made me like it quite a bit. One of the few het ships I came to like... and then poor Pyrrha bit the dust. Renora's another het ship I like (I blame Boop), and I'm sure they won't kill off Ren, at the very least, so... even if none of my other favored ships become canon, at least I can probably count on this one.

joined Jul 28, 2016

Lolita is a masterpiece, that'd be a waste not to read / watch it, even if your point of view is understandable.

Funny thing, this story reminded some people of Lolita, lolicon is basically the contraction of Lolita complex. So more than a basic loli story, Yuzumori-san may turn out to be a story that takes its inspiration in the origin of the Lolicon itself !


Well, you know, it's okay if it's yuri! Hoshizawa Ginza District is completely fine! I can't think of any other loli yuri stuff other than that thing and this thing but they're completely fine! The funny thing is that I find Yuzumori-san more interesting than Hoshizawa precisely because of its similarities to Lolita (at least I presume the whole "goddamn it i'm falling in love with a little girl" thing is also in Lolita? If not, well, uh, I guess they both touch on the consequences more than most loli anime shit? They're both filled with a bunch of rationalizations and stuff? I don't know, I'm gonna need brain bleach after reading the Wikipedia article, so I'm not going to read it)... but I'm still never going to read Lolita... I know it's a masterpiece and all, but... yeah... a yuri version of Lolita would be fine by me though.

Holy hell, reading the Wikipedia article on Lolita, and I come across Robertson Davies, a writer who up until now I really enjoyed and respected, describing the theme as "not the corruption of an innocent child by a cunning adult, but the exploitation of a weak adult by a corrupt child. This is no pretty theme, but it is one with which social workers, magistrates and psychiatrists are familiar."

What an absolutely repellent point of view, which he apparently believes applies to real life. Particularly keeping in mind that the "corrupt child" in the novel is twelve years old.

Yuck, because that definitely happens in real life. I wanted to say some more stuff, but that's such a disgusting comment that I'm at a loss for words.

last edited at Aug 24, 2016 11:58PM

joined Jul 28, 2016

Admittedly the part where she helps Yuzumori's mom die, then "adopts" her and takes her on a cross-country trip, molesting her in cheap hotels all over Japan, then yuzumori becomes a child "art film" star is somewhat similar. Especially since so few Japanese directors are named Claire Quilty.

So, is that what happens in Lolita? Just another reason why I should stay the hell away from that thing.

last edited at Aug 24, 2016 9:54PM

Image Comments 24 Aug 14:49
joined Jul 28, 2016

At least that whole Neptune thing only lasted for like one episode and was never brought up again. I don't remember it being mentioned after the dance episode at any rate... Also, was it confirmed that Adam and Blake hooked up in the past? I don't know, I always saw him as more of a father figure or something since he seemed much older than her, but his edgy comments during his fight with her make me wonder...

joined Jul 28, 2016

Well, even if the translator's personality isn't getting better (presumably), at least his translation is. This was a good chapter and... much more legible than the previous chapters, or maybe that was just me. I'll have to use that angel excuse one day.

joined Jul 28, 2016

who the heck decided that the 'yandere' and 'yuri' switch should be on the same circuit. it flipped so fast i had to go back and reread what happened.

hm. I kind of like oba, for as slightly crazy as she is. kind of hope she doesn't die, she's cute.

I suppose you meant Suu-chan, 'Oba-san' refers to her supposedly sexual abuser aunt.

Oh, right, Oba-san means aunt in Japanese... I was wondering why she was switching between calling Suu Suu-chan and Oba-san and that's because... she wasn't. Thanks for that little tidbit, it makes this chapter make more sense... Also makes it more interesting (and more fucked up, but I don't expect anything less from this manga).

last edited at Aug 23, 2016 12:09AM

joined Jul 28, 2016

Ah, that was amazing. A worthy sequel to the first Romance Detective. It's a shame that it wasn't fully completed, but I don't want Nami to work on something that she doesn't want to work on and, besides, it was amazing anyway, so not many complaints here... Well, from this point on, I'm just gonna spoil everything to be on the safe side.

It was nice to see RC and RD's relationship grow from the first RD. The whole intimacy talk they had over the course of the VN was excellent and not really something common in these kinds of work. On that note, this is probably the most... uh, lewd? out of all of Nami's works. That's not really the right word, but it frankly (okay, more like implicitly) discussed subjects like sex and BDSM and all, but, you know, in Nami's signature cute style. I suppose the Leandre rose thorn thing was pretty... explicit. Learning more about their respective backstories was quite nice as well; it certainly explains why RD wasn't affected by the roses in the first one (I don't think she was at any rate; I need to reread that thing). It did make me a bit sad though, when RC had that introspective about how naive RD is and how she wouldn't really be able to handle the real world... Lovebloom is such a perfect place (aside from Lupin), but its residents wouldn't really be able to handle it... though I'm probably thinking too much about this since RC and Canary seem perfectly fine.

All the other characters were great too, of course. The Chief was as amusing as she was in the first game. Aster and Ivy were a bit archetypal but definitely made a cute couple. Delphine and Canary's relationship was adoraaaable. I would love to see more yuri bodyguard couples out there, but they're a pretty rare sight. I can't think of anything else that has something like this. I was pretty creeped out at first since Canary looked like a little kid, but her profile said she was 19, so I guess it's alright. It's just classic anime art style stuff. Not much to say about Burnette, but it looks she rekindled her friendship with Rosemary in the credits. Hopefully, it'll redevelop into the romantic relationship they (probably) had before they split up (Evidence: "My... friend", Venus' comment). Cupid was an amusing character with his whole deadpan thing; moreover, it was definitely great of Nami to give us a non-binary character. Their mom randomly showing up out of the blue was a bit bizarre, but she provided some good scenes and scenes consisting of Cupid being a badass. Leandre was an interesting character; I felt like she got talked out of her evil scheme too easily, but, hey, that's just how the story is, and everything was resolved nicely in the end. Sage and Narciso made a very cute couple as well, and Sage's whole over-apologetic thing was very funny. Lupin... well, he's the only male stalker in a yuri work (or any work, really) who I've ever not hated, so I suppose that makes him a good character.

I like that reference to Tunnel Vision too, with Magnolia and ghosts being mentioned and all. That anchorwoman was a dead ringer for Magnolia, but I'm pretty sure she wasn't her unless I was misunderstanding her first line.

Also, TRUE ENDING?!? So, that means there are other endings? I did everything that I could in my first playthrough, so I suppose I'll just have to ignore everything and just continue on with the main story if I want to get some other endings.

last edited at Aug 22, 2016 3:13AM

joined Jul 28, 2016

This ending really lets you see how Morishima isn't used to writing such dark stories like Ikuhara intended.

Well, even the anime version of YKA had a happy ending... kind of? Though I'd concede that the anime is definitely a lot darker.

joined Jul 28, 2016

Too many feels for me. It's a painful cycle of, "Oh, how cute <3," to "Oh god, my heart. ;_;"

I wonder how they're going to get rid of that brother. Will the author just have him there 'till he needs to go? Maybe Soha and Gayoon will find another peachy place to stay at and the brother will just fade out of existence. ono

.. or maybe he'll get chased down by a pack of wild dogs. ouo

I think a fitting end for him would be to have Happy come back out of nowhere... and then have Soha beat up her brother and then have Happy rip him to shreds. Might be a bit too violent for this thing, but... it already had a bunch of violent scenes, so, hey, there's nothing wrong with adding another one in.

X-Chen discussion 21 Aug 19:12
joined Jul 28, 2016

NO!!!!! muscles r..... NOT CUTE! * dies *

joined Jul 28, 2016

^^^Is it really based on mangaka's real life?

Yes it is. This story was originaly posted on her pixiv. Due to the popularity and community support, Nagata Kabi decided to publish it as tankobon.

An article about this manga and Nagata Kabi's problems:

I find it kind of funny that Lewd Gamer wrote an article about this when this is neither a) a game or b) lewd. Well, I guess it's kind of lewd, but not really... Also, A Report on How I was so Sad that I Went to A Lesbian Brothel? Which one's the more accurate title? I have to say it's decently well-written for a site about porn games (I assume it is based on the title, the ad for a porn het game or whatever in the background, and everything else), though it'd be nice if it was... on another site that's not about porn games.

About the manga itself... well, that was a pleasant read. I don't know what to say, really... but it was great and I look forward to reading more.

joined Jul 28, 2016

Yurikuma Arashi Airline.

Embryo yuri.

Mention of polyamory.

The whole Harishima thing... also, who was she again (in the anime)? Was she that girl who was sleeping with Yurika and then got eaten by her or was that someone else? In retrospect, I guess that would make her love for Yurika in the manga make sense. I don't think she showed up even once in the manga, although I suppose that's why her whole lack of presence thing was lampshaded.

What a great concluding chapter (well, chapters). It's a bit weird how Milne just came back out of the blue, but at least Lulu's happy. Glad to see that Mitsuko and Sumika (apparently) hooked up too.

last edited at Aug 21, 2016 4:29PM

joined Jul 28, 2016

I just forgot to mention it at first, but it's obvious that it starts as a parody of Sakura Trick.

With this.

In order to not appear just as sisters, "Let's do something that nobody but us would do"... "you don't mean ki..."

And then it goes haywire.

And the characters look like Ayaya and Youko.

I knew I heard that "Let's do something" thing from somewhere, and that somewhere was Sakura Trick! It's great to see such a great work being referenced in other stuff. Also, I can definitely see the resemblance... I guess B-ko isn't going to go all tsundere for A-ko like Ayaya, unless she's like, I don't know... "I hate you for biting my eye out, A-ko!" No, I actually love you... you and only you liberated me from the horror of having to see out of my left eye...

By the way, what kind of names are A-ko and B-ko?

last edited at Aug 21, 2016 2:14AM

joined Jul 28, 2016

Man that was a good read, can't wait for more

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Also... there was nothing wrong with the intro? Am I not seeing something?

I think they have a problem with this page. It's probably the comment about faggots. (Personally, I don't think it that bad but it could be something else entirely.)

It's not that bad, but that shit should still not be tolerated. I don't know how to quote other comments when I've already quoted one (someone give me formatting help pls), but the stuff referenced in bighand's comment sounds much worse. And let's face it, this translation is pretty bad, right down to the title. I usually wouldn't say that about a translation group since I usually appreciate their work and all, but if they actually do make shitty comments like those (I wouldn't really be surprised considering the intro page), then I really have no guilt about saying this... I hope another, better translation group gets hold of this thing.

If you want to quote more than one quote use the > character. So it would be:
'>>Nested Quote

It without the ' mark it would render:

Nested Quote


Here's a link to the basic form reference post.
It's pinned to the top of the forum so it should be easy to find again for easy reference.

Thanks for the help! Now, I can finally post the way I want to as opposed to saying "sorry, I don't know how to format this" in every post I make! Now, time to test out the double quote thing!

personally, I just want more yuri, and as long as the scanlation is readable/not abysmal, I won't look a gift horse in the mouth... even if that mouth is filthy.

More people and groups scanlating yuri is always a good thing. If HYassin wasn't doing this, some other group would be, and then that group wouldn't be doing what they are doing right now. Time is not an infinite resource, and neither is manpower.

Yeah, that's fair. Even though Hyassin is (allegedly) a piece of crap, I still have to be a bit grateful to them for taking the time to scanlate this thing for us and for making it legible at the very least.

Personally I thought that page was funny, I mean they did spell faggot with an e to show they meant to be comedic. But that's just my opinion

In my opinion, throwing the word "fagget" randomly into something for no reason... is not funny. Using it as an insult in the first place is not a good thing at all. And, you know, this dude seems like a pretty terrible translator (and a terrible person on top of that), so I wouldn't put it past him to make just a dumb misspelling... (if the allegations against him are actually false, I apologize in advance for all my disparaging comments).

Edit: I did it, woo!

last edited at Aug 20, 2016 1:35AM

Image Comments 19 Aug 22:18
joined Jul 28, 2016

I don't really know how old Mercy and Pharah are and how long ago this was, but wouldn't Pharah be... really young at this point? Eh, whatever, it's worth it for the pun.

Image Comments 19 Aug 22:15
joined Jul 28, 2016

Is she biting... her nose? Well, I suppose it's at least not weirder than that eyeball licking thing that showed up here today.

joined Jul 28, 2016

I liked it, despite being a downer. I think Yomi made the right move at the end, since both of her relationships were unhealthy, and hopefully she can make a fresh start in Tokyo. Even if to some degree she's running away with both problems.

I can't honestly say the relationship with either was 'unhealthy' so much as needing something more. And more than just some degree she completely is running away from her problems. She didn't talk to either to explain her decisions, just banged and ditched.

One relationship was incest involving blackmail and the other was using someone for sex, knowing she didn't love them. They were both unhealthy, much as incest is an amusing fantasy in these parts. Yes, she's running away from her problems, she can't avoid her sister forever and she really should have been up-front with her girlfriend. However, with distance there is a lot more options to move forward for both of them at least.

I scond this. I'm just someone who like yuri for the cuteness and eroticness. If we're talking realisticly, incest is not a pretty picture. Realisticly; Yomi at least did something in the end to resolve the bad situation, not the best solution, but I wouldn't expect a person like that to be wise enough to figure that out right away, probabaly best to leave before things get worse. IMO the best thing to do would be, to be honost with her GF and notefy her own parents/school-counselor about the situation so both of the sisters could get some much needed therapy.

This story became a lot more interesting because of the community interpetations, so thanks to all who commented!

Has there ever been a realistic yuri incest manga around these parts that's not filled with sex like this thing (and that's actually good)? It raised interesting concepts, but it was kind of derailed by... all the sex. I have to admit that I have grown to like incest (as long as it's yuri, I give het incest a WIDE berth), but a more realistic one dealing with the actual consequences would be a nice read. Sayuri-san is cute, but it seems that everyone else is pretty much okay with Sayuri's incestuous love. There's just the occasional "B-but we're sisters" kinda thing, but I'm sure she'll change her tune by the end and nobody else will care that she's dating her freaking sister.

It's partly the reason why I like Yuzumori-san. All the yuri loli stuff I've read (again, I stay the hell away from het loli stuff) never really dealt with the consequences and the power imbalance and all that stuff. Hoshizawa Ginza District comes to mind... so yeah, it's funny and fairly unusual to see Mimika freaking out when she realizes she's in love with an elementary schooler, and it'd be a nice change of pace to see something similar for yuri incest... this ended up being much longer than I had originally intended.

joined Jul 28, 2016

I'll get the scat tag ready for the next chapter, then.

No scat as far as the next two installments are concerned, but things do transition smoothly into the Lots of sex category.

Based on everything that has already happened in this chapter, no surprise there...

last edited at Aug 19, 2016 11:25PM by Nezchan

joined Jul 28, 2016

What the fuck is even going on in that pic...? Well, I already knew that I should stay the hell away from that guy's works, but that... that... I mean, I basically read anything as long as it's remotely yuri, but that is way too much even for me.

joined Jul 28, 2016

Man that was a good read, can't wait for more

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Also... there was nothing wrong with the intro? Am I not seeing something?

I think they have a problem with this page. It's probably the comment about faggots. (Personally, I don't think it that bad but it could be something else entirely.)

It's not that bad, but that shit should still not be tolerated. I don't know how to quote other comments when I've already quoted one (someone give me formatting help pls), but the stuff referenced in bighand's comment sounds much worse. And let's face it, this translation is pretty bad, right down to the title. I usually wouldn't say that about a translation group since I usually appreciate their work and all, but if they actually do make shitty comments like those (I wouldn't really be surprised considering the intro page), then I really have no guilt about saying this... I hope another, better translation group gets hold of this thing.

last edited at Aug 19, 2016 8:38PM