so are we all saying yes to Reiichi and Risako having an affair? I swear the background behind Risako when she was talking to Kaoru on the phone was their apartment
I think the fact that he's blown off important dates with his wife to be with Risako/has lied about being away for business while in fact he was with Risako, and the fact that Risako lays out a Big Fat Lie when asked directly about the last time she'd seen Reiichi is a pretty big confirmation that there are shenanigans afoot.
Also, I went back and looked more closely: Risako isn't in Kaoru's apartment. Both locations seem to have that recessed lighting situation going on in the ceiling, but the couch at Kaoru's place is up against a wall and also looks different than what Risako is sitting on. And also Kaoru's couche has her lump of fuck husband sprawled all over it, lol.
I know a lot of people are really super hating on Kaoru's character, but I can't bring myself to hate her. I know what it's like to be in a situation of "this is not emotionally healthy but it's all I know to do to get by", since I was more or less "married" to the same lump of fuck man for 13 years before I finally said enough and left him to go prancing down the rainbow road. ;)
last edited at Sep 29, 2019 3:40PM