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joined Jun 5, 2016

I still find it amazing how people can latch onto a teeny tiny detail and then shake it around like a dog with a steak because they NEED to argue their personal opinions into the ground in the middle of threads that are meant for different topical discussions entirely... Y'all have a real talent.

joined Jun 5, 2016

omg my marriage feels empty and unfulfilling to the point where i'm starting to resent my husband for it
better make him my baby daddy lol

Marriage is shite? Time to add a baby to the mix. 100% of the time it makes life easier! It's Trailer Trash Rule #1. Yeehaw.

joined Jun 5, 2016

"Large Insertion discussion"...... This is what happens between the nurses after dudes come in to the ER because they were "cleaning house naked and after making a sandwich accidentally slipped and fell onto the mustard bottle"...... lol.....

joined Jun 5, 2016

People can continue reading stories they don't like. Hell, I read Her Pet all the way through (and payed for it) and it was fucking garbage and by the end I just wished I could unread it but I was driven to finish it for the sake of getting closure and the faint hope that maybe it would stop sucking (it didn't).

Ugh. Pito... and "My Joy"... I was so MFin' bitter with that twist at the end. Hadn't been that legit mad at anything in a while, my rage was mighty but impotent, lol.

Kinda hoping Reiichi gets busted and there's a similar sort of furious separation like in My Joy though, lol.

joined Jun 5, 2016

Maybe I'm hecka sleep deprived, but didn't Kaoru think that Risako wasn't lying?

No. She was commenting on how great Risako was at lying, so great that she sounded 100% truthful, but Kaoru knows better from experience. First she had a momentary flashback to high school where Risako was lying to her about Reiichi not being her type (they dated in high school so clearly he was her type) to bolster the opinion that she was a professional level liar. Then of course she caught her in a lie about not seeing Reiichi since the wedding, though clearly Risako has no idea she was seen so didn't create a diversionary lie to explain herself.

And I will have to agree to disagree that Risako was over banging Reiichi or vice versa. She's not in a bra, and she doesn't have bed hair imo, she's just casual and chilled out. She's also not in Reiichi's apartment because the layout is different, and I don't think Reiichi would be stupid enough to go to his mistress on his day off when his wife could come home any minute without warning, especially when it is so much easier to skulk around with a vague "late at work" or "away from town for work" sort of excuse like we've seen him use...

joined Jun 5, 2016

I think you mean "the two friends end up as friends living together as friends in a big house full of aquariums because they're friends."

Better than that one yuri one-shot where a worker gets turned into a mermaid via a black-market process, to help save her failing aquarium from closure, but in the end isn't turned back as previously agreed and is instead stuffed and mounted with her "real" mermaid girlfriend for permanent display instead...

joined Jun 5, 2016

It feels like I made a mental note a while back that there seemed to be a lot of guilt over Something Bad that was keeping them all together, but I could be mixing it up with another manga (I have gotten this one and "My Brother's Wife"

I don't think this happened here, you're probably mixing them up. It was only hinted that Uta has issues with her parents, but not that they stay together because of guilt.

I made the effort to start to go back through, and lucky for me this was pretty near the beginning. That's what I was talking about, the part where it's said Kaoru seemed to feel responsible for Uta's parents' divorce for some reason. I don't recall it being further explained later but I'm not keen on digging more right now to find out, heh.

last edited at Sep 29, 2019 10:33PM

joined Jun 5, 2016

The timing of Kaoru sending text and immediate phone call from Risako reminds me of a delaying tactic for Reiichi to get his pants back on and hurry back to his house before Kaoru comes back. When Kaoru drops the information about being at the train station, Risako lightens up and Reiichi doesn’t have to hurry back so fast.

That’s a little detail readers haven’t picked up yet.

The state of Risako’s undress is a good clue.

Nah. Just because she's wearing a black top with spaghetti straps doesn't mean that she's in a state of undress.

And Reiichi is still in his dumpy white T and black sweatpants with bed head. Yeah sure he could have rushed home and put them back on but meh. There was no expectation that Kaoru would leave that day, much easier to fabricate an excuse to be with a mistress when you're already out of the house for "work". I mean, anything is possible, but.... I think that's kinda Reiiching... er, reaching.

1 x ½ discussion 29 Sep 21:12
joined Jun 5, 2016

I bet my ass she'll try to kiss asuka and mom will run at them while thery're at it

Once the mom finds out that Asuka threw away her first kiss for senpai, the mom will throw some hands at senpai

I just had this vision of Mommy Dearest going "oooooo HELLL NAW bitch you 'boutta catch these hands" and had a very satisfying giggle

joined Jun 5, 2016

What do we have here...?

Apparently a Hot Mess™

joined Jun 5, 2016

i just read this one for the first time with the most recent chapter (26). i have to say i enjoyed what is out so far. i get really into the characters in well written drama yuri usually, and this was no exception. usually and by the time i'm finished i'm really emotionally connected to them. that's what good stories are about right? experiencing something on an emotional level that you wouldn't have without reading it?

i was teary eyed the entire time, but that is part of why i like this kind of stuff. it makes me feel things. 1 x 1/2 and also Haru and Midori give me similar feelings. dunno why i like it, i just do. i like rooting for them, and hoping that they can all find happiness. :)

Stuff along this line makes me Feel Things too, cuz I have a history with situations that are somewhat similar, so I always cheer for things to work out well for the characters, because I hope eventually they'll work out well for me too, lol. (Not with 1 & 1/2 though, I am much more into the "near hatred" territory with my mother, rofl. I read that one with my train wreck goggles on.)

1 x ½ discussion 29 Sep 17:40
joined Jun 5, 2016

I see.

Perhaps Asuka felt like they were in an exclusive relationship or something deeper than just fubus.

Or perhaps when Miyuki told a falsehood, Asuka felt lied to.

SHY discussion 29 Sep 17:25
joined Jun 5, 2016

Yeah, the artstyle is nice and everything, but where's my yuri?

I mean..... it was pretty blatantly lewd yuri already...

joined Jun 5, 2016

What!? NO!!! DONT GO HAVING A KID WITH THE FUCKER WHILE YOU STILL THINK HE'S CHEATING. STOP! BEING! A DOORMAT!!! Seriously, what does she see in this guy, what did she ever see? He gives off nothing but blank face protag vibes.

Calm down. She's just panicking.

joined Jun 5, 2016

I don't think the pace is slow, just people wanting to see the resolution already. I'd think this was slow if this chapter was a filler and didn't move the plot forward. We needed to see how Kaoru reacts right after Uta leaving.

I remember a comment saying that while Uta was with them, Kaoru thought she was actually getting what she needed all from Reiichi. And seems like that's what the author wants to convey too, since there was that scene with Kaoru and her friends right after the wedding, asking her why she loved Reiichi and she couldn't pinpoint the reasons.

Yeah. Like I mentioned a tad earlier, now that Uta is gone from her household and out of her everyday life for the first time in a long time, if not for the first time entirely, Kaoru is faced with having to unpack a LOT of feelings that she apparently hid away either consciously, or subconsciously (or both). Having to dissect Uta from being a part of Reiichi's identity to her seems to have really, really pushed over that first domino in a row of a lot of other potentially explosive dominoes.

Also, I can't remember exactly, but wasn't there some sort of "incident" between Kaoru's family and Reiichi and Uta's family that was never explained, just kind of alluded to? Or am I mis-remembering (again)? It feels like I made a mental note a while back that there seemed to be a lot of guilt over Something Bad that was keeping them all together, but I could be mixing it up with another manga (I have gotten this one and "My Brother's Wife" jumbled in my head before).

SHY discussion 29 Sep 17:00
joined Jun 5, 2016

I don’t understand the big deal about him cutting his friends finger off, if someone cut my finger off to stop me from becoming a hate filled rage monster I would understand. Especially when killing him would have probably been easier

I'm not sure it was meant to be a big deal, or even taken as one. Just folks made the connection that Stardust has some sort of mental difference (like borderline personality or on the autism spectrum, for example) that precludes him from having empathy. Thus, despite how obviously powerful he is, he has a total inability to overcome the same challenge that Shy overcame (by virtue of using her extreme empathy) without having to be physically damaging/forceful. They are like, literally on opposite sides to the extreme when it comes down to the empathy thing. It's kind of a neat dichotomy.

joined Jun 5, 2016

^ till it's officially on this site with Dynasty's usual scanlation group, make sure you use spoiler bars ( == before and after a spoiler), even if it seems like something minor. :)

joined Jun 5, 2016

so are we all saying yes to Reiichi and Risako having an affair? I swear the background behind Risako when she was talking to Kaoru on the phone was their apartment

I think the fact that he's blown off important dates with his wife to be with Risako/has lied about being away for business while in fact he was with Risako, and the fact that Risako lays out a Big Fat Lie when asked directly about the last time she'd seen Reiichi is a pretty big confirmation that there are shenanigans afoot.

Also, I went back and looked more closely: Risako isn't in Kaoru's apartment. Both locations seem to have that recessed lighting situation going on in the ceiling, but the couch at Kaoru's place is up against a wall and also looks different than what Risako is sitting on. And also Kaoru's couche has her lump of fuck husband sprawled all over it, lol.

I know a lot of people are really super hating on Kaoru's character, but I can't bring myself to hate her. I know what it's like to be in a situation of "this is not emotionally healthy but it's all I know to do to get by", since I was more or less "married" to the same lump of fuck man for 13 years before I finally said enough and left him to go prancing down the rainbow road. ;)

last edited at Sep 29, 2019 3:40PM

joined Jun 5, 2016

edit: also, wait... there's a novel? which came first?

Read it now, it is so good. Adachi is soooo gay for Shima in the LN, it is absolutely adorable.

To be fair, Adachi is the Ultimate Gay for Shima in pretty much all media incarnations. lol

joined Jun 5, 2016

To be fair, she does say that she shouldn’t be saying it. Right before she says it.

My question is, did she say she knew she shouldn't be saying it because she knew she didn't want a child but felt like it was what she needed to do, or was it because she knew that saying it right then would likely start the countdown to The Big Bad Reveal that she really wants to keep avoiding (but can't)?

Pretty clearly it’s what she says immediately before that: “My feelings are completely unstable.”

She needs that educational pamphlet: “Deciding to Have a Baby—Mature Consideration of What’s in the Long-Term Interests of Everyone Involved, Including (Especially) the Baby, or Desperate Last-Ditch Emotional Gambit to Discover If You Even Have a Real Marriage?”

(Formerly available free from Planned Parenthood until the latest governmental budget cuts.)

Well, no, yes, I know she said she was unstable. lol But I reckon I just find myself considering if that instability pushed her to either A or B in my question, or if it's kind of an 'All of the Above" sort of answer.

joined Jun 5, 2016

KueKyuuQ posted:


It's imouto.

...I shall burn in the pits of hell for making that unforgivable typo.

It's typou.


joined Jun 5, 2016

I have stolen so many images to troll my best friend, lol

joined Jun 5, 2016

Just thought I'd share the link to this lovely pic Tatsubon-sensei posted to twitter. If it is what I think it is then the next chapter should be great!!

dear god, they're holding hands under that blanket, aren't they

SHY discussion 29 Sep 13:57
joined Jun 5, 2016

but she will likely get a hadoken

More like "don'tbesadoken", the way her powers feed on her ridiculous positivity

joined Jun 5, 2016

To be fair, she does say that she shouldn’t be saying it. Right before she says it.

My question is, did she say she knew she shouldn't be saying it because she knew she didn't want a child but felt like it was what she needed to do, or was it because she knew that saying it right then would likely start the countdown to The Big Bad Reveal that she really wants to keep avoiding (but can't)?

last edited at Sep 29, 2019 1:54PM