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Image Comments 12 Oct 11:23
joined Jul 26, 2016

^or the proverbial village bicycle, take your pick o3o

joined Jul 26, 2016

When your wacky horny doujin steps unto the ethical and moral debate of having/having sex with sentient, commericially bought robots....

"I accidentally Skynet the moral philosophy of synthetic intelligence, is this bad?"

joined Jul 26, 2016

You know what, wacky serial prostitution consumption aside (hey, we all wish we could be Asumi at some point) this series portrays sex really well. The chemistry, positions, angles, yummy artstyle...I think that's what I like most about it. Never fails to serve them lewds well despite the shortness of the page-count.

"It's not porn, it's art!"
"Why not both?"
[intense cheering]


Image Comments 12 Oct 11:11
joined Jul 26, 2016

^IIRC it was that she sometimes visits to play chess or somesuch with Bei who is (according to Ning's bio) apparently one of the very few people around who can, and also dares, give her an even match - the downsides of cultivating a vaguely sinister Richelieu-esque rep I guess. (On the same vein Bei basically said outright that Ning's about the only person who treats her as an equal instead of with some degree of deference and awe.)

Image Comments 12 Oct 02:54
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^^can't, busy farming raids

joined Jul 26, 2016

(I forget, how do you cross words? I wanted to cross Lust before changing it to interest buf forgot how)

The formatting guide is pinned at the top of the forum you know...

joined Jul 26, 2016

I don’t get it. I tried to taste flower as kid and it tasted terrible.

Rather unsurprisingly it depends entirely on the specific plant in question.

But since when do flowers have honey in them?

They don't, since honey is something certain species of bees make - out of the nectar they harvest from flowers. A lot of insects rely heavily on that stuff for sustenance, it's basically liquid fructose.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Asumi-chan powering up to a Super Sand Lesbian sexual goddess.


joined Jul 26, 2016

I’m kinda thinking the endgame here is that Asumi joins the escort service to get taught by Mai, and once they have their reunion Asumi goes out for her first job and senpai is the one who reserved her.

And then she'll take a potato chip... and EAT IT!

Image Comments 10 Oct 13:02
joined Jul 26, 2016

Yeah, I don't think growing is much of a thing with the Twins. Some fluff snippets imply they count their age in astronomical timescales already and the missing one certainly didn't change a jot while the protag one was hibernating for centuries...

Image Comments 09 Oct 13:12
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^np, she likes getting electrocuted

joined Jul 26, 2016

Hehe, and considering how practiced Hibiki is when it comes to dating, this two really make a huge gap couple in terms of romantic experience.

She may well be second only to ~YAMADA KAORU~ herself when it comes to that, come think of it. Though admittedly a substantial portion of it is train wrecks involving guys of debatable quality...

joined Jul 26, 2016

All of this is certainly fascinating, but I was talking about a girl in New Orleans in 1987.

Well, I did also point out an example I know of from the late Eighties even if those were somewhat older folks. Point being people can be startlingly static even today and I'm going to hazard a wild guess the vague temporal context of that particular manga vignette isn't the most modern...

Image Comments 07 Oct 08:46
joined Jul 26, 2016

^because reading timestamps is for lusers and fegits

joined Jul 26, 2016

wait if she didn't want nadeshiko to bother her, why did she decide to charge her up?


joined Jul 26, 2016

TBF this was par for the course for most country folk before about the mid-1800s.

Without having a very good idea of the source data, I take all such claims with a big chunk of salt; I suspect a lot is people projecting what they think is reasonable, it's not like we have movement tracking data.

When 5 miles was like a 1.5-2 hour walk, it probably would not be a daily thing for most people (unless your fields or pastures were scattered.) But market towns, fairs, pilgrimages (even for poor people), and military service were all things that could pull one out of one's usual range, not to mention even just going for a long walk. So "most never went more than 5 miles" is a pretty strong claim, IMO.

I said most for a reason. As always there were exceptions - seasonal laborers for example routinely traveled remarkable distances to where extra hands were needed, pilgrimages were a thing, and trainee craftsmen were called "journeymen" for a reason. Hell professional herdsmen could move substantial distances every year between the summer and winter pastures of their charges.

But these were always a minority. Serious pilgrimages were a matter of great social prestige for a reason. The average peasant farmer's (that is to the average human being's from the invention of agriculture up to about the mid 1800s, because those formed the overwhelming majority of people over that vast stretch of time) life, bar some dramatic upheaval forcing them onto the road and those were the kind of thing people prayed to avoid, was typically spent within a microcosm of maybe a day's journey from his place of residence - and women were usually even less mobile. Case in point, for years my family used to rent a summer cottage out in the archipelago when I was a kid back in the Eighties; my mother notes the married islander women didn't seem to leave their farm yards at all except for the regular church visits... meanwhile their husbands cheerfully sailed all over the place in the fine tradition of seaside inhabitants everywhere.
Hell depending on context the peasants might just straight up be legally forbidden from traveling beyond the nearest market without explicit permission from the local landowner or his representative because lol, serfdom or as close as makes no difference. (We may incidentally note here that due to accidents of socioeconomic history the English language is inconveniently poor in the vocabulary relating to the wide variety of carefully delineated and jealously guarded legal statuses and rights of different stratas of rural folk that proliferated elsewhere; academicians discussing such things usually just straight up pull the relevant terminology from other languages.)

The proliferation of universal military service (for males), alongside dramatically improved transportation networks and various major economic sea changes just encouraging or outright obliging more, over the 1800s was specifically one of the big things that broke this ancient pattern. Also one of the major catalysts for more abstract "national" identities subsuming previous regional and local self-identifications ("now we must create the Italian people" as it were).

last edited at Oct 7, 2021 7:26AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

she had never been further than five miles from her house in her entire life

TBF this was par for the course for most country folk before about the mid-1800s. Social historians and demographers note that the advent of the cheap mass-produced bicycle later in the century substantially improved rural genetic health by roughly doubling the distance over which it was practical for men to seek spouses...

Image Comments 05 Oct 13:51
joined Jul 26, 2016

Melt reactions inbound?

joined Jul 26, 2016

Y'know, the event story was fun and all buuuuuuuutttt...

Unless I missed something major Ping's narrative just casually attempted to retcon away all the explicit text about the Guili Assembly and Guizhong for no obvious reason (and ofc the Traveler never puts a word in even if you've done that worldquest). What's up with that? .-.

joined Jul 26, 2016

fyck those customers then, an industry like that should just burn to the ground

Are you sure you're old enough to view some of the content on this site?

Image Comments 03 Oct 14:39
joined Jul 26, 2016

"A sister is Fine Too..."
- Mochi au Lait, p much

joined Jul 26, 2016

Seems like pretty gratuitous Pairing The Spares to me...

joined Jul 26, 2016

I am not currently following this series, I like the author but I don't do well with subtext and the dead husband thing..well, I did read some chapters, I just pop up in case any actual yuri happens.

Your loss. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

joined Jul 26, 2016

Yep, any moment now guys. That big Yuri moment will happen soon.

He sits in the dark, quivering, waiting for that moment.

School Zone discussion 03 Oct 01:25
joined Jul 26, 2016