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joined Sep 10, 2022

Yeah, I dunno how reliable it is, but I saw some video of young women in Japan being asked if they'd be okay with their boyfriend using a sex worker, and several said yes. "Better than cheating on me."

I wouldn't take much from those street interviews, if that's what this conversation is based on.

last edited at May 18, 2024 5:59PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

amazing to me that this is the line that sets everyone off in the teen lesbian cheating erotica story. if y'all made it this far and were thrown off by that then i have to ask what you've been reading this whole time

At this point they should stay because those comments have become part of the fun. The dramatics are pretty entertaining.

last edited at May 18, 2024 5:58PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

I'm surprised people are surprised Fuuko of all the characters has a weird idea of family roles. My bet is that she means it like unconditional love, without any actual parenting meaning, and isn't nearly as good at communication as Yuni thinks she is lol

Yeah I'm leaning somewhere in that direction as well but we'll see. It's interesting because with Fuuko, Yuni actually takes a leading role, while she's unable to do so with her current gf. I feel that's also significant (ignoring that she also seems to get along with Fuuko more naturally).

last edited at May 18, 2024 10:20AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Take that, Toxic Mom!

I bet her Christmas wasn't that exciting.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Someone had a very merry Christmas. Love these two. Happy this series does well.

last edited at May 17, 2024 4:20PM

Citrus + discussion 16 May 13:45
joined Sep 10, 2022

We are so back

Time for a reread!

joined Sep 10, 2022

They're my favorite couple from this series, so I'm enjoying the focus they've gotten and also that this woman will finally disappear!

joined Sep 10, 2022

I like that the she's so frustrated to see the General she took it out on the grass. Gird your loins, General, battle will soon be joined.

"Frustrated" or "excited?"

joined Sep 10, 2022

"A while" meaning the last 10+ years, yeah. This stings as well because they might have developed these relationships more in the planned sequel, considering how the first one ended.

last edited at May 14, 2024 11:00PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

What's Sony got to do with it? I also need to pick this up.

last edited at May 14, 2024 3:55PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

I don't see much the animated medium could add to this, TBH. To me at least, this is a lot more suitable for a live action adaptation, preferably a movie, given how short a lot of the chapters are. You could probably make a very good 1h45-ish movie out of this story.

An animated film would be best to me. There's a lot this series does with washes of color that I think animation would express better than live-action. I agree though, this doesn't seem suited for a TV show unless they take a lot of creative license.

last edited at May 13, 2024 9:09AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Imitation can only go so far. Super cute.

@SrNevik Aaaaah!! I see your profile pic!! Best Webtoon ever!!

Yes! Love it! Should be more popular, especially around here.

Well, come on then, drop the name.

Sure! It's called "The Witch" but I'll also recommend "Dom and Mor," and "Love and Be Loved." All girls love. I've got loads more but those three are absolutely fantastic, just suffering from needing more marketing.

last edited at May 13, 2024 10:25AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

On another I just had a thought for more drama, won't Mashiro get into major trouble if her agency finds out she is dating Makino?
Since isn't advised that prostitutes don't date a former client.

Has she said she's part of an agency? Based on how she's described her work and how she behaves, I expect she's using a website or app (which I understand are currently popular options in Japan), and works as a "freelancer." I'm pretty sure Makino found her on the app too no? I don't think there's anyone to be upset with her or that would care about these specifics.

last edited at May 13, 2024 8:30AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Uwahahahaha!!! The yandere vibes were beautiful and so welcome XD You go for it, Rei!

Right? Challenge accepted. I suspect there's reasons for her crush's disposition though and we'll likely see some of those. Should be an interesting last 3. Unstoppable force vs immovable object but taken a bit seriously. I like the art too. Something about it is really nice.

last edited at May 12, 2024 9:56AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

I read the light novels. Well, the ones that are translated in any case. I kind of think that the characters are super shallow, and this is mostly a smut story.

I also think that Aya have this rapey vibe from start to finish. I mean she keeps coming up with these new sexual things, public sex, tying Marika up, making a sex-tape, and every time Marika protests and express her displeasure. But then it always goes in the direction that she secretly wants these things. But in a normal relationship I would call that coercion and gaslighting. At one point she even says that she does not want to make a sex-tape, but adds if it is for you (Aya), I suppose it is okay. That should be the clue for most people to stop. I suppose to the story is fine for the smut, but the love between these girls have some very unhealthy elements.

Why do people always take non-standard kink as “rapey”?

It's twilight again (that discourse was funny). These kinds of complaints are as old as time and never make sense to me either, so I agree with you.

For this story in particular, I don't see it, unless the reader honestly doesn't understand Marika's character and the narrative game that's being played. I don't think it was being subtle about her feelings, so I've never understood the complaints. Funnily enough, some people (like above) seem to get upset that she doesnt feel the way they want her to; which, if she did, would actually create the issues they're complaining about. There's something to be said about that.

Luckily with these things, most people seem to always get it, so it's a non issue. Can't please everyone and shouldn't ever try.

last edited at May 12, 2024 10:06AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

I mean she got what she wanted but now she wants more. Seems like she's the the one who has to take the reigns. Neat.

Right? They both unintentionally found love in different ways.

last edited at May 11, 2024 6:11PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

The wholesomness ... I can't...

Also, is it just me or did Qi Nian turn oddly defensive when Tantai Lan inquired on Ming Wei? Why the disapproval?

Because Tantai Lan is wild and her friend knows it.

last edited at May 11, 2024 2:15PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

This little "brother" has titties, I wonder what type of explanation we'll get next chapter

They don't though? At best it's ambiguous, considering clothing detailing etc.

last edited at May 11, 2024 8:06AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

I guess I'll have to do this manga faster before people blow a fuse.

Haha apparently

joined Sep 10, 2022

Like, you guys all get that when Minami says "Yep! Total Best Friend behavior" she knows that it isn't actually, right? She explicitly lays out her thought process: If Yuzu thinks this is "normal" for them, then she can't be more than a small push away from falling for her. She says "Yep, totally normal!" because she's trying to maintain that sense of closeness, not because she's actually dumb enough to buy the claim. This is the least useless Minami has been since this series started, she's clearly actively making moves. Kabedons, heart cookies, cheek kisses. Girl is on the attack, on purpose, because she has correctly sensed that it isn't a hopeless pursuit. She doesn't know that Yuzu actually is already head over heels, mind, she thinks she still has work to do, but she recognizes that the forehead kiss was definitely NOT far from a direct expression of romance, that's why her hopes soared.

(Edit: I mean, y'all, you realize the normal play for this trope is that Yuzu says "Yeah, totally a platonic forehead kiss!" and Minami would get all depressed about how it isn't romantic after all and lose heart? That's how this usually plays out. Minami going "Wow, that was SUPER gay for 'normal', maybe I've got a shot after all" is a subversion of the trope.)

I'm pretty sure she does think this is normal. She just argues that they've still progressed because they never kissed before as friends--this is new--so, for her, that counts as a new level of closeness. She imagines that there can't be many more steps left after best friends who kiss.

last edited at May 11, 2024 1:48AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Imitation can only go so far. Super cute.

@SrNevik Aaaaah!! I see your profile pic!! Best Webtoon ever!!

Yes! Love it! Should be more popular, especially around here.

last edited at May 10, 2024 10:51PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Can someone please spoil me what is gonna happen? I don't mind. I wanna know how this ends just for then piece of mind, but I don't wanna go through with this mess...

It's 9 chapters (+ an epilogue) so it's not much longer.

last edited at May 10, 2024 10:49PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Imitation can only go so far. Super cute.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Remember toxic mom was also the victim of an abusive husband. Everything went wrong with Makino it is toxic mom's fault. I would have divorce him. Having two strong daughters coming out to you is special. She should be proud of that.

Based on what? Dude has had like, one line

Right? That woman clearly has her own agency and settled thoughts. She's terrible and there's no real way of passing that off. She was funny climbing up that window though.

last edited at May 10, 2024 8:42AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Turns out things can get actually funny if you aren't constrained by purposefully hiding the perspective of one of the characters for like 15 chapters (yes I'm still perplexed by that). I think this chapter was my favourite one yet,

Yeap. Recent chapters are much better now that we actually have two characters going back and forth. Considering how extremely emotive she is now, it's still hard to square with how blank she was for the beginning but it's a very welcome change. Much more fun.

I like to imagine that Yuzu still seems that subdued to everyone around her, and the reason we’re seeing her all emotive is because her perspective has been opened up, allowing us to see what’s just below the surface.

That's definitely the charitable interpretation but wouldn't that have played better had we seen her perspective earlier? I imagine it would be pretty funny to listen to her lose her shit, while outwardly she's stoic. Instead we didn't hear from her at all. All in the past now anyway. It's been smoother sailing for a bit now.

last edited at May 9, 2024 4:22PM