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Image Comments 21 Dec 07:56
joined Aug 26, 2018

Maybe fanart can make up for the fact that Djeeta is only DLC in GBF Vs. There is no justice for FemCs.

Image Comments 21 Dec 07:54
joined Aug 26, 2018

There are some OTPs you just can't mess with. NanoFate, MadoHomu, RinKou, ShamiMomo, SakuHima...
Of course artists will be artists, but not even Na- "Lets just ship everyone" -mori messes with this pair. They are as canon as anything in YuruYuri can be.
That being said... the art is nice.

Image Comments 21 Dec 07:50
joined Aug 26, 2018

Olden, but golden.

Image Comments 21 Dec 07:49
joined Aug 26, 2018

Not with that attitude!

Image Comments 21 Dec 07:47
joined Aug 26, 2018

Dat tail tho.
I think the Childification tag is appropiate, because Komomo is supposed to be innocent and cheerful. So that definitely non-plussed expression is way too like grown up Momo lol

joined Aug 26, 2018

I wonder, if with today's advances, it would be better to communicate using a phone writing fast and then use some app to voice her messages, there's of course a delay in response but it's faster than writing in a sketchbook ... and If you saw the movie A silent Voice, you might remember trying to teach the whole class (or the whole school) sign language would be.... hmmm. Let's just say it's discouraging in most cases.

Actually I think I heard of cases like this before. At least similar in nature, where the deaf/mute person uses a tablet. It's a whole lot faster and more universally applicable than sign language. Typing speed can be astonishing sometimes. That could probably be easily combined with a text-to-speech software, although I find those rarely reliable.

Of course the conversation partner then has to send messages to their phone/tablet as well, but I think people find that far easier than learning an entire language.

last edited at Dec 19, 2019 4:34PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

^ Fun fact. Sign Language isn't 1 universal, but has variations depending on country too.

That reminds me of the old joke "If someone using sign language is missing an arm, is it an accent or a speech impedent?"

Joking aside, that does bring up the question whether mute girl has not learned sign language, because her muteness happened very recently or whether she thinks it is useles as almost nobody knows it anyway and she can still understand everyone?

joined Aug 26, 2018

Anyone who understands the Liverpool dialect (Scouse was it?) has my respect.

I've never listened to a sample of the Liverpool dialect, but I'm just gonna assume that the numerous dialects in Scotland and Ireland are even more difficult.

Not too sure about that. If you ever hear someone from Liverpool with a strong dialect talk you might have serious doubt they are speaking English. Perhaps any language in fact.

Anyway, dialects are kind of irrelevant for our mute heroine.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Third year middle-schooler Mayuki wants to go to the same high school as her beloved senpai Akira, and hires a private tutor called Rin to that end, but she'll end up being taught more than just school stuff… It'll be a story in that vein.

That sounds spicy. Now the question is how old that Rin is. Is she a high-schooler? A college student? I kinda doubt she is an adult lady, because then she wouldn't have been mentioned by first name or wear something that looks like a school uniform. If she was though that would be one of Canno's rare age gap stories.

last edited at Dec 19, 2019 2:23PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

You yourself said, a few messages ago, that it's common for students to do work for teachers, including being asked to go to other students' houses. If the issue is that the teacher was overt and explicit about offering payment, then why didn't she just not do that?

If the plot depends on one of the characters unnecessarily causing everyone trouble because she's a kooky weirdo, that should be mentioned (and also that character should actually be FUNNY).

That... is not what I said. At all. Blastaar was the one who said that in many stories this happens and I just said I can see how it would not be a big deal if a student did it.

I honestly don't know what to say at this point. The teacher made a pretty safe deal that got some trouble off her back. Her risk is minimal. Honestly, so would have been Aayaka's if she didn't somehow manage to get followed and overheard by Honda. It's more of a convenient incident than anything kooky.

last edited at Dec 19, 2019 2:04PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

But if getting the kid to come to school was the teacher's job, that cat is already out of the bag! All the main character's friends already know, and they don't seem to think it's very scandalous at all.

Except the students wouldnt know that it was part of a deal? I think you are just trying not to understand it at this point.
If Ayaka just happened to somehow convince Honda to come to school, then that was a coincidence and out of the teacher's power. If Ayaka did it specifically because the teacher told her to for a price, you should see the difference.
This isn't rocket science.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Oh wow. So it was just the revive spell. In that case my theory of some euphoria effect doesn't work anymore. Guess it's just plain love after all.

Can't have a magic school story without a bully who doesn't like the new girl and does some weird mean stuff to them.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Glad I didn't go to school in Japan--the Catholic-school nuns were bad enough.

I bet you're extra glad you didn't go to the legendary Catholic schools in Japan then that appear so much in Yuri manga. Where fun is outlawed and purity is directly distilled from girls' tears.

last edited at Dec 18, 2019 2:47PM

joined Aug 26, 2018
  1. Getting skipping students to school is the adults' job. This teacher was specifically tasked with doing that.

Granting that this is the case in this story, it seems to be an incredibly common trope in manga and anime for the class president to be tasked with or to voluntarily undertake rounding up truant students. (I'm kind of crap at remembering untranslated titles, so my only examples would be, "the one where the class prez went to the person's house, and the other one, and the one with the tall truant guy," etc.). But it's not rare in fiction, anyway.

Maybe there's a difference between checking on people who just haven't shown up for a while, and long-term hardcore truancy?

We could chalk that up to artistic liberty (after all any author can decide when they want to force some realism into their work and when not). Ultimately it is very common for students to do faculty work (especially the student council), but the point is more that it's not official most of the time and when it is, they get the credit that is assigned to their duties. While the student council can do some adminstrative work, actual guidance and mentorship are the teacher's "privilege".

And sure, I can see that if it's just checking on a classmate it's not a big deal, but if it's a straight up delinquent that needs to be straightened out they might treat it differently.

I was just trying to convey how messed up the school climate in Japan can be. In fiction anything goes.

last edited at Dec 18, 2019 2:39PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

But why wouldn't she get something out of it? She's going above-and-beyond, that is exactly the kind of thing teachers write recs for qasasasdokljhasdkjfsdkljbdfa

people im starting to get the sense the premise for this manga was not actually very well thought-out

You know I already explained this back in chapter freaking one right? I'll just sum it up one more time, just for you:
1. Getting skipping students to school is the adults' job. This teacher was specifically tasked with doing that.
2. Making a student do the job of the teacher is not acceptable in this scenario. It makes the teacher look incompetent and like she pushes work on her students. Everything has a hierarchy in Japan.
3. Therefore the teacher makes this a secret deal. The compensation itself makes this a corrupt deal, because giving a student advantages for doing teacher's jobs is even worse (it's no better than bribery). This kind of deal reflects badly on both of them, but if this came out the teacher would spin the entire thing into her own favor and put the blame on Ayaka. "She blackmailed me by asking for a recommendation if she brought this problem student to school or she would tell everyone that I failed". That way it could even look like Ayaka and Honda are working together to gain credit.
4. This is why if anyone found out about it Ayaka would get the consequences of this deal, so she is trying to keep Honda silent by appeasing her.

I'll say it again, this kind of bullshit could only happen in a super uptight society like Japan, where the public image and hierarchy are more important than who is right. Adults can be absolute scum that will try anything to get bullied students expunged so they won't stain their track record for example. This is the society that forces naturally chestnut haired students to dye their hair black. You really need to understand what you're dealing with here.

last edited at Dec 18, 2019 2:25PM

Yuri Moyou discussion 18 Dec 14:10
joined Aug 26, 2018

Sorry to change that passionate discussion but it seem we might reach the end soon enough. On her Twitter Hachiko mention that Vol.2 will be the last one for Yuri Moyou and Yuri Ichigo mention that Ch.40 is the last one of Vol.2. So if you put 1 and 1 together, it's quite possible that's it's hte last chapter we will had outside of some extra/bonus content.

That would mean this is the last chapter. Which would make no sense.
I think there'll be one final chapter to end the plot threads that are still up.

Yuri Moyou discussion 18 Dec 12:09
joined Aug 26, 2018

Yes, that, and in addition the idea that the default cold involves being prostrate with a high fever for days, unable to feed oneself or even to get out of bed.

Heavy (like blind, staggering, vomitous, memory gap, pass out) drinking, on the other hand, rarely involves more than a mild headache the next day, treatable with an over-the-counter medicine/energy drink of some kind.

Hehe, well as usual I simply assume that the "cold" in question is closer to what we consider a flu and that the Japanese tend to be so overworked and exhausted that a sinlge drop of rain makes the difference between healthy and barely alive.

Japanese people tend to be lightweights. So even low amounts of alcohol have those disastrous effects (I'm not saying everyone's like that. One Japanese friend of mine can drink more vodka than a Russian).

last edited at Dec 18, 2019 12:09PM

Yuri Moyou discussion 18 Dec 11:54
joined Aug 26, 2018

Not to mention the idea that a human being getting wet involuntarily causes an immediate severe cold.

Like who the fuck invented that? I know it's a myth, but it has been engrained in my psyche from the earliest days of my childhood that I (mostly) still act acording to that myth.

Er, BV, I think Blastaar was refering to the Japense anime cold that strikes the moment one is unfortunate enough to be assailed by a single raindrop. So... you were raised somewhere were this myth exists?

The kernel of truth as it were is that wet clothes cool you down immensely especially paired with wind, which can cause colds. Though typically it only happens if you are more soaked than a sponge in the ocean for a long time and the wind is heavy enough to blow your top off.

Yuri Moyou discussion 18 Dec 10:41
joined Aug 26, 2018

As usual, BugDevil is weirdly butthurt about a simple joke. It really shouldn't be this hard to understand what's a joke and worth whining about, but nope.

As usual, the Pope doesn't have the simple social understanding required to tell when someone is butthurt or not. Even less so what constitutes "whining". My friend, you really need to work on that.

Is it too much to ask that you not assume what people think or joke about?

Not saying you're wrong, just that, as with many such beliefs, there's a kernel of truth to it. I guess my point is that I get how such a myth, silly as it seems, could come about.

Yeah I get what you mean. Such believes never come from out of nowhere.

last edited at Dec 18, 2019 10:50AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

If she actually found something it'd be interesting. I suppose the reason why Honda didn't come to school would count, so maybe it's brought up again, but I doubt she'd be willing to go through with it ...

Judging by the atmosphere of this story, finding out Honda's reasons is more likely to lead to the opposite in fact. Ayaka will probably feel bad for her and try to cheer her up, maybe even purposely lean into the request angle more.

last edited at Dec 18, 2019 10:18AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Does the link come with a free virus or can I get that separately?

last edited at Dec 18, 2019 9:47AM

Yuri Moyou discussion 18 Dec 09:43
joined Aug 26, 2018

Well, not sex per se, but being in love does cause hormonal changes that are associated with clearer skin and pheromones that make a person more attractive. (Not that those effects last more than the first couple months of a new relationship.)

Minor effects at most. Pheromones will make even really ugly people seem more attractive to those affected, but that doesn't really affect their actual appearance much.

Sex is also no replacement for workouts...

Yer doin' it wrong. ;)


joined Aug 26, 2018

For someone who is supposed to be timid and weak under pressure she sure does scheme a lot lol
I didn't honestly expect Ayaka to search for an opportunity to get dirt on Honda... that's actually kind of impressive.

Now as expected, the requests aren't going to be outrageous. She just wants to get closer to Ayaka. In fact Ayaka is trying harder to bridge the gap than Honda is. I think this chapter was supposed to show us that Honda doesn't really have a plan and is pretty goofy. Probably to reduce the initial "oh no, evil blackmail!" impression from last chapter.

last edited at Dec 18, 2019 10:16AM

Yuri Moyou discussion 18 Dec 04:57
joined Aug 26, 2018

Chief is a clingy person and gives out lap pillows for free. Maybe she was more dangerous than the initial readings suggest?

last edited at Dec 18, 2019 5:19AM

Image Comments 18 Dec 04:23
joined Aug 26, 2018

Considering their see-through nature, can you even call them leggings? I always thought they were fancy embroidered pantyhose...