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joined Jul 12, 2012

reads the first chapter
Hey this is really good even without text! Its a safe humor and enjoyable to look at :)

Image Comments 04 Sep 15:22
joined Jul 12, 2012

Konata is drunk xD

Image Comments 04 Sep 15:20
joined Jul 12, 2012

Ohh Konata is gonna get ravished~ ❤

Image Comments 04 Sep 15:09
joined Jul 12, 2012

Hickies ♥

Image Comments 04 Sep 15:03
joined Jul 12, 2012

I LOVE THIS! And I love all of Celtrance's art of Konata, the author makes her look so sexy!

joined Jul 12, 2012

I knew that kick was coming at him xD
Once a centaur is irritated or surprised they'll turn their backs at you and FALCON-KICKS at you xD

joined Jul 12, 2012

"Welcome to our Planet of Perverts" is the best closing line.

I hope we will one day welcome our lesbian alien overlords with that line.

lol that would be the best line for that course of action. So after they greet each other they have sex. And then everyone had baby alien lesbian girls. The end.

joined Jul 12, 2012

Re-upload? Damn didn't noticed it was gone for a bit xD I've read this so many times that I didn't even had to read it again and just skipped to post stuff here.
And I like SOFTCHARM, and lolicon. And yes sometimes reading that type doujin or mangas makes me feel like a pedophile

joined Jul 12, 2012

Well that was very sexy and arousing.
And the art is not bad so it kinda made the kiss and sex scene much more enjoyable.

Melty Kiss discussion 29 Aug 09:19
joined Jul 12, 2012

Definitely the hottest kissing scene I've seen of these two.

May.25 discussion 29 Aug 08:23
joined Jul 12, 2012

Now that was cute. And that art is awesome!

Mama Mama discussion 29 Aug 08:09
joined Jul 12, 2012

I wish it was a little where are BOTH of their husbands? Probably having gay sex with each other like the two wives LOL.

I actually really do wish that's the case. That way the straight relationship is a false, but I didn't see that with that one lady crying saying if that was of happiness. Meaning that they do have husbands but the relationship is just mutual and nothing special. They haven't said anything about the cheating situation due to the kids and them being house wives, which means that depend on their working husbands to bring food on the table.
Its sad to to see that they actually love each other, but they can't do anything about it...

joined Jul 12, 2012

I don't know why but I feel as if the artist had been a bit lazy on the art. The kissing scenes aren't that great in my opinion, because I've seen better from this artist. Plus years ago a manga that the author and artist did together (a hentai called My Balls) the art was way better and the story was amazing too.

Blanket discussion 28 Aug 21:00
joined Jul 12, 2012

They were sharing the blanket in the end :3

joined Jul 12, 2012

FINALLY!!! I waited so long for someone to finally upload it!

joined Jul 12, 2012

This is still my favorite kind of manga even after a year of it being in my favorites list (if it makes sense).

joined Jul 12, 2012

Holy shit. The tomboy is the story of my life... She's a fucking copy-paste of me...

joined Jul 12, 2012

Oh, non-futa from this artist, cute.
But then again even their futa was also pretty cute.

I thought of the same. I like the futa story of them more since it's way better.

joined Jul 12, 2012

I liked this. Definitely it had a better ending. And throughout the beginning Yuu kept mentioning some words with past tense to them, so immediately I knew that the relationship with Rumi didn't work out as they showed with the flashbacks. But I'm happy to know that Yuu has someone she likes, and like she mentioned "someone to say I love you" really does say that her new relationship with her kouhai will last and (hopefully) its serious.
And I also had the same thought about the cover, it definitely looks like Aoi Hana.

joined Jul 12, 2012

I loved the art. Its so well done.

joined Jul 12, 2012

This was really good, I liked it.

Image Comments 29 Jul 15:36
joined Jul 12, 2012

Suddenly Shoujo Sect came to mind. Anyways this is very sexy indeed ;)

joined Jul 12, 2012

I cringed a little when I saw the tag 'het', but I saw the reason for it. This isn't one of those ongoing, mindless sex doujins, it actually has it's story to it. I see that many of you are having trouble figuring out the reason why Meiling had sex with a guy? My answer would be that because Meiling is a youkai and since she did claimed that she went wild, it would be that her youkai instincts acted up so much that it literally was out of her control to stop her youkai needs. And maybe those needs were for human attention and that it was easier to reel in human males after offering her body, which makes it easy to kill them in private. What guy would not accept a hot girl offering sex? And with that she satisfied her needs sexually and the need to kill. And it makes sense why she kills human males. Human are powerless creatures, easy kills for youkais. And males because they're an easy catch for female youkais.
You guys complicate your minds too much on this. Anything based on instincts is obviously no self control on what you do, so hers were those. She explained already. She didn't do it just because she didn't care or felt like it, it all falls down to no self control. Once she realized it, she started to self retrain her youkai instincts because she never wanted to hurt anymore humans, like Sakuya. When Sakuya touched her, Meiling rejected her because she didn't wanted her instincts to go out of control. BOOM!✴

Image Comments 25 Jul 14:46
joined Jul 12, 2012

When I saw this pic from afar I thought she was getting some ass slaps.

Girlfriends discussion 24 Jul 05:30
joined Jul 12, 2012

Am I the only one that doesn't see anything wrong with lolicon? Oh except for the top comments ⤴
And its such a coincidence that I read this at 5am when it's done by 5am translations, what would've been the chances?

last edited at Jul 24, 2014 5:34AM