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Image Comments 16 Jul 16:55
joined Aug 18, 2015

Fig. A: Modeus assisting Azazel with her resarch.

Image Comments 16 Jul 16:46
joined Aug 18, 2015

Word association.

Image Comments 16 Jul 16:40
joined Aug 18, 2015


Image Comments 16 Jul 03:52
joined Aug 18, 2015

I love these two and all, but I'm trying really hard to imagine what "karrr~" sounds like and coming up blank.

joined Aug 18, 2015

Yea I'm definitely feeling like this won't pan out...

Not only is the miscommunication severe, but Saeko has some heavy shit she desperately needs to sort out. The top/bot dynamic is fine on its own and all, but the way she refused letting Miwa touch her... I dunno man. I understand Miwa being upset about it, and as much as she's been useless throughout the manga, she's at least putting in the effort to understand her gf.

Only being interested in giving isn't always a bad thing. I can't say whether or not this is case for Saeko, but it's entirely possible she just doesn't want to be on the receiving end because it really just doesn't do it for her. Most people expect sexuality to be a yes or a no, but there's plenty of people who are somewhere in the middle, and it can be difficult to explain how you can want to have sex, but not in the same way other people do.

That said, Saeko probably does have some heavy shit she needs to sort to out.

Oh and Rika is wonderful. Confronting Tsuruta so bluntly... maybe his pathetic crush can finally be resolved.

Yeah, she might be able to

( •_•)>⌐■-■

crush his crush.

last edited at Jul 16, 2020 3:48AM

joined Aug 18, 2015

Anyone else feel like this has been going downhill pretty quickly? Maybe I'm just feeling fatigued after 61 chapters.

Image Comments 13 Jul 22:23
Image Comments 13 Jul 22:18
joined Aug 18, 2015

I can't explain exactly why, but Dia's frowny face in the last panel is hysterical.

Image Comments 13 Jul 22:13
joined Aug 18, 2015

Short-haired Yoshiko looks like Makoto from Persona 5.

This is a very good thing.

Still Sick discussion 11 Jul 03:59
joined Aug 18, 2015

Gonna miss this one after it's over. At the same time I'm glad it isn't going to risk overstaying its welcome. This has definitely become one of my all-time favorites.

joined Aug 18, 2015

That was all over the place. Like a drunken rant.

Yeah, those were my thoughts exactly.

edit: I'm not at all surprised some people couldn't follow it. The pages practically felt out of order at times. I know I got some whiplash going from a ramen shop to a flashback, back to the ramen shop, then instantly to a park.

I mean look at how page 18 goes into page 19.

It just doesn't flow smoothly. One moment the flashback is ending and she's crying in the ramen shop, the next moment she's hiding in some playground structure in a park. The only thing we get connecting the scenes is a character telling us she started crying and ran. If we had a panel or two showing her running out of the shop it would have made that transition a lot better.

I liked the art plenty, though. It was very reminiscent of Mira, especially with the main character, and I do love Mira's style.

(And this face had me in stitches.)

last edited at Jul 10, 2020 3:11AM

Boruto 09 Jul 10:54
joined Aug 18, 2015

Can I interest you in some kitchen renovation?

Image Comments 08 Jul 18:13
joined Aug 18, 2015

The secret to avoiding disappointment with gacha pulls is to never play a gacha game. You've got nothing to lose if you don't spend any time or money gambling for jpegs!

Image Comments 07 Jul 19:52
joined Aug 18, 2015

Now that the combo is broken I'd just like to say that Meiling's "nyoro~n" face in the first panel is adorable.

Image Comments 07 Jul 01:29
joined Aug 18, 2015

Loveable goofs.

Oddman 11 discussion 06 Jul 03:29
joined Aug 18, 2015

What the fuck am I not reading?

joined Aug 18, 2015

I’m actually feeling a little bit more confused at Kasumi’s hair. When did she dye it back to lighter color?

Same here. I guess she doesn't need to keep it black anymore after having secured a job.

Maybe. Or maybe (and sadly for us) Yukiko just forgot to colour Kasumi's hair correctly, and will be right back at it from the next chapter... sigh

I think this is probably the case. Hasn't it happened before? I feel like there were some time(s) around the point she first dyed it that Yukiko forgot to color it.

The only thought in my head after reading this chapter was "oh no, secondhand smoke"

Same here.

joined Aug 18, 2015

Cheerios??? Really??? Cheerios??? I mean what are you, a1yr old in a highchair?

How dare you besmirch the good name of Cheerios? They're delicious! >:C

If by "delicious" you mean edible with tons of suger then, I agree.

Fortunately that is what I meant. Is there any other way to eat them?

joined Aug 18, 2015

The game mechanic "explanations" seem a bit wonky. Puts on glasses, and voice gets nasally I've never seen a game let someone use a parry to cancel an attack, during a combo/hit confirm.

Like, I don't know about comboing off a parry, but can't you cancel into a parry mid-move, in some games or do you have to be in idle/neutral? I only really know parrying from like Bayonetta or Metal Gear Revengeance which obvs aren't fighting games (I can never pull them off in an actual fighting game)...

I'm not a HUGE fighting game nerd, but I do pay some attention to the FGC, and watch some tournaments. (RIP EVO this year) so I am pretty familiar with some of the jargon.

In my experience "parrying" tends to mean how, in some games, if you block an attack at a precise moment, usually frame perfect or nearly so, it has different properties than if you blocked it normally. Things like reduced or no block stun, no chip damage, not getting pushed back, etc.

You could make parrying a specific, unique input, but that's not something I've seen before.

As for this manga, I enjoyed Hi-Score Girl a lot, so this seems like it could be interesting, but I'm hesitant. I'm a bit wary of the translation, for one thing. "Vidya" seems very out of place, but I don't know what the original word was. Maybe it was some 2chan thing, I don't know.

(Also... this probably isn't the best place to have a discussion on something real world e-sports related, but GrandGrant isn't worth saying "RIP" over. I was actually doing some research earlier today about what he did and I'm glad he's stepping out of the DotA scene. We're far better off without him, and that's coming from someone who genuinely enjoyed his casting before.)

(Any other DotA fans here? :P)


Cheerios??? Really??? Cheerios??? I mean what are you, a1yr old in a highchair?

How dare you besmirch the good name of Cheerios? They're delicious! >:C

last edited at Jun 29, 2020 6:43PM

joined Aug 18, 2015

I like how this artist always draws Karen as some weird gremlin.

I think that's one of my favorite things about Tarano Surimi.

Dull discussion 28 Jun 18:55
joined Aug 18, 2015

This was pretty dull for Tarano Surimi.

Image Comments 28 Jun 14:21
joined Aug 18, 2015

Can't get enough of these three.

Image Comments 28 Jun 14:19
joined Aug 18, 2015

^^^^ You don't hear me say

Image Comments 27 Jun 17:37
joined Aug 18, 2015

I found this artist's pixiv (by which I mean I followed the link to it from their page on dynasty) and it is a treasure trove of hilarious LL! art and comics.

Eli is a cool mom.

last edited at Jun 28, 2020 2:07PM

Image Comments 25 Jun 19:19
joined Aug 18, 2015

Why do I get this feeling Reisen sleeps with a gun under her pillow?