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joined May 27, 2015

Count me in the anti-mint chocolate ice cream camp. It's like brushing your teeth and eating ice cream at the same time, and I think that's a waste. I don't like regular mint chocolates for the same reason.

Also, typo on page 8: sandles -> sandals

And I'm guessing Kasumi's one of those girls who can eat tons of shit, laze around all day, and still not get fat.

last edited at Nov 21, 2015 6:03AM

joined May 27, 2015

I like the ending. They need mor times when Reo is dominant.

Reo is...she's RARELY on top if EVER, BTW where did you find your art for your profile pic?

Poor girl basically gets one dominating sex scene per VN.

That picture was made for a fan remix of the song "Darling, We Gonna". I think the original version was the OP to the Nurse game.

last edited at Nov 14, 2015 1:24AM

joined May 27, 2015

Of course it's Reo squirting at Mai and them escalating it into a squirting contest.

joined May 27, 2015

Is the "KOREDA" in romaji in the original manga too? That's not something I see every day.

Murcielago discussion 23 Oct 04:33
joined May 27, 2015

P. S. That anon who got here because of the cars, could you tell the model of that metal babe in which Reiko drove by with her driver when Kuroko was there? It's on page 26-27 of chapter 17 or so.

Sorry for the super-late reply! I stopped following this manga for a while and just came back.

It looks like a Ferrari 458 Italia to me. It's not my favorite Ferrari. Its front end reminds me of an evil clown or something.

I kinda wish the artist wouldn't butcher the proportions of the cars so often. Especially the nice ones.

And yes, the title Murcielago is a pun on Koumori's name (Murcielago is bat in Spanish, and Koumori is bat in Japanese), and the name of the car Hinako/Koumori drive (Lamborghini Murcielago).

joined May 27, 2015

Yay, more nwonyo pasun! what I thought at first, then I read the comments and suddenly I feel like the only one who read this just for the nwonyo pasun ;_;

last edited at Oct 22, 2015 9:09PM

joined May 27, 2015


I saw raws of this a month or two ago and was worried a translation would never come.

Fuckin' based. I'm not into really animalic monster girls but slime girls have infinite potential for lewdness, so they're nice. Thaaaaaaanks!

last edited at Oct 15, 2015 8:15PM

Stretch discussion 14 Oct 20:00
joined May 27, 2015

It was an amazing trip that sadly had electrical problems and had to pull over and be towed over the finish line.

And it wasn't even towed through the last part of the course, it just took a shortcut

last edited at Oct 14, 2015 8:00PM

Stretch discussion 14 Oct 19:31
joined May 27, 2015

I don't get why something so boring has so many replies...
That's the fascinating part.

I'm with Grim Eater here. Granted, I haven't read Stretch, except for the last half of the last chapter. Delusions of yuri aside, after skimming some of the comments here I take it that it's got good characterization/interpersonal relationships/"genuine feelings" or whatever. That's nice.

Its like those dudes that keep going to the strip club thinking that the stripper REALLY LIKES them?

That's us.

We're the dudes.

And the strip club just closed for the night.

And us with our (figurative) blue balls.

Haha, that's quite the way to put it. My condolences.

Gemini discussion 07 Oct 00:02
joined May 27, 2015

Twincest is pretty narcissistic.

Who never shipped Tegan and Sara?

(Creepy I know)

This doujin "Twin Epidendrums" touched on the narcissistic aspect of twincest

Gemini discussion 05 Oct 21:55
joined May 27, 2015

No incest besides identical twins/clones really does it for me, so this is nice.


joined May 27, 2015

I don't really see incest as anything special in fiction, and I know about the problems of real-life incest.

Yuri with identical twins or clones, on the other hand... I like those.

Yuri Danshi discussion 28 Sep 18:08
joined May 27, 2015


joined May 27, 2015

NanoFate is immortal.

joined May 27, 2015

I was kinda amused to see all this buildup about Maki wanting to touch Nico and then when she finally asks Nico basically goes "you got some shitty advice from RinPana about our relationship didn't you, Nico~? Well go ahead, I'll lie on the bed and you look down on me to see what it's like Nico~" and in an instant Maki goes "bueeehhh... yappari, I don't like being on top of you" and they switch. Sekihara just built up and slapped down the prospect of Maki topping Nico like it was nothing.

Yes top nico! I think it's fine if Sekihara want Nico to top forever, we can just go to Ooshima Tomo and see sub Nico when we want :D

This person gets it. Sekihara is like Ooshima Tomo, just crazy for NicoMaki rather than MakiNico.

last edited at Sep 22, 2015 5:40AM

joined May 27, 2015

Mega-Nico-sensei is nice.

NicoMaki's magnetic nature truly isn't fair.

Clever author. "Zurui yo Magnetic Today"

It was a little unsettling at first to imagine the taste of 100 literal tomatoes stuffed into a single supplement. Kimochiwarui.

joined May 27, 2015

Dayum, I just caught this in the Random Chapter section on the front page and re-read it because I knew it was good, though I had forgotten what exactly happened.

Immortal and relevant quote:

last edited at Sep 18, 2015 12:34AM

Quickening discussion 16 Sep 00:14
joined May 27, 2015

I haven't watched any Eva yet so I don't know what their relationship is really like, nor do I know anything about Japanese and Japanese culture at all, but when I keep seeing Mari call Asuka "Princess" like that I can't help but wonder if the Japanese actually call people "hime-sama" sarcastically as much as "Princess" is often used in English. Do they?

joined May 27, 2015

Nice, keep the Yuyushiki doujins comin'.


Lol, I like how in page 4 the sign says "Yuri room".
Always a useful house division to have.

Nice catch, I didn't notice that one.

joined May 27, 2015

"To Lie-Ru -Triangle-"

That crotch shot on page 30 gave me serious Yabuki Kentaro vibes, as if the name and harem/love-triangle cliches didn't remind me enough of To Love-Ru -Toraburu-. The art overall is not quite on Yabuki's level but it's still quite nice.

I thought it was clever how Hanabi exploded like a firework (花火, hanabi)

Konomi's nice, Iori's nice, Hanabi's nice, Yuu's nice. It's hard to choose, but I'll go with Konomi for now because pettan.

last edited at Sep 14, 2015 2:04AM

joined May 27, 2015

NanoFate is immortal ^^

Sunday discussion 27 Aug 05:13
joined May 27, 2015

Moe up the butt
Kawaii as fuck
Pretty goofy sameface but out of all the couples in LL RinPana is arguably most suited for an art style like this.

joined May 27, 2015

Nico is so much different here than in the doujins I've read and the anime, Nico~

Wearing that fake cutesy moe-moe mask so much.

I have read somewhere that the SIDs/Sakurako's LL is nothing like the anime anyway.

last edited at Aug 25, 2015 2:35AM

joined May 27, 2015

Holy shit, that chapter of NNB that was scanlated today is going to be in next week's episode.

You magnificent bastards. It was all "keikaku doori" wasn't it.

joined May 27, 2015

One of my biggest pet peeves is when some improvised double dildo is used, and one or both of the girls' vaginas magically shifts to the front of their bodies, to where the base of a penis would be. Come on.