I really don't get Nanase's thought process. I know she wants to do it with her but she hasn't confessed so obviously nothing is going to happen. Also she went too far, should not have kissed her and oh god what she did before that. Would wish manga would punish characters that do this stuff.
I was hoping Nanase would come to her senses, before she had gone too far, with the rape attempt. I'm weirdly okay with the kiss, though.
Let's face it, manga and anime seem to make light of issues, like sexual harassment, rape, and pedophilia, a lot.
That last sentence is too true and is probably why I am unphased by what happened and I am not dropping this. I just wish the characters like Nanase would feel more remose and regret it later and maybe try to become a better person that doesn't at best sexually harass their friends in their sleep. That's obviously not going to happen though so I am just going to enjoy Ren and Ginno's relationship and pretend like this chapter never happend.
It's not just manga and anime but media around the world. Nothing about 50 Shades of Gray is okay and the first movie made 570 million dollars world wide in the box office. That's ignoring the massive book sales and so fourth. There are so many books out there that people aren't even aware of that go into into fantasies that aren't okay in real life. Another example is 365 Days, a polish book trilogy written by a woman that was made into a film, and is slated for two more film sequels. It's something that people argue is an even worse Stockholm Syndrome and sexual abuse fantasy than 50 Shades of Gray. I have less than 0 interest in it, but it's still making money despite the very vocal hate against it, because many people enjoy fucked up fantasies and "jokes".
My main point being is that I often see people that narrow their field of view to pointing the finger at Japan exclusively, when it's hardly just Japan and the entire world has a long, long, history of stories that are full of fucked up fantasies and "jokes". If we're going to have a discussion about media making light of such topics, I think we should include medial globally, not just exclusive to Japan.
Edit: Also if we're talking about fucked up "humor", there's an interesting 2 part Youtube video that brings up how men getting sexually assaulted is one of the most common "jokes" in namely Western media. Even presenting it's self with "gags" about not dropping the soap in children's cartoons like Sponge Bob.
Edit2: Found the videos, Trigger warning for the discussion of rape and sexual of men being played for laughs in media. Part 1 about male perpetrators, and Part 2 about female perpetrators.
last edited at Jun 5, 2021 6:45PM