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schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Actually, having the phone die would be a good moment to lead up to a reunion. Right as the phone dies and Ap is trying to figure out what to do have Hana return to the village.

Now I'm imagining some kind of cargo cult scenario...

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

The best inference we can make is that the tribe is mostly uncontacted and prefers it that way, but certain members travel to a nearby town or village for supplies they might need. (Saw it in a youtube video about uncontacted tribes in the amazon)

That makes sense. At least it explains how she's keeping that phone going.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

There must be a small town or something on the island that has electricity.

I kind of get mixed impressions on that front. On the one hand, no one seems that surprised to see a phone. On the other hand, they respond to outsiders by trying to violently chase them away, which really makes me wonder how they would even get along with any nearby towns that might have electricity.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

^ What kind of a savage are you?

There needs to be a tag for short stuff like this. It would help warn me about not putting in the effort to read it when an artist fails to publish work that envelops the readers in a good story.

The short four page stuff is something new to this site.

I’d give some slack if there’s a tag for “new artist” too.

When you click on the work, all the pages are listed in a column to the left of the reader. Usually they're even numbered for your convenience. Here's a tip: if you click on a work and the numbers don't go high enough for you, you can always just go back and avoid wasting your time.

last edited at Nov 25, 2018 9:44PM

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

What a surprisingly topical manga.

You mean because of that missionary?

Yeah, couldn't stop thinking about that while reading. Kind of a funny coincidence, considering the artist posted it online over a year ago.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

What a surprisingly topical manga.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

i like how the last page seems heartwarming at first but then you think about it some more and realize she's basically saying "I'm glad you're the one feeling insecure in this relationship instead of me" and that's kinda messed up. Well, that's Naoko Kodama for you.

On the other hand, they both got exactly what they asked for. I think that makes a good ending in of itself.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

On second thought, nope. Back to square one.

Why do people keep saying that?

Because they have poor reading comprehension.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Actually, big boobs are not that interesting. Either for the groper or the groped.

Speak for yourself.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Momose and Kouhai will meet and get involved in an ass-groping relationship.

Then we'll get thighs with the next two girls introduced.

It's not too late!

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Now that she realizes her error she'll apologize and promise to never do it again; Harumi of course agrees and they just become normal friends.

The End.

That would actually be a really funny conclusion. So much so that it'd almost be worth it.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Aren't smaller breast on average more sensitive than larger breasts?

Isn't that just one of those bullshit lines porn authors like to say? Like how would you even determine if that was true or not?

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Who said there can't be character development in an ecchi gag manga?

This is more character growth than in many proper romance stories.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Yea. I was just wondering in general, since this is so common in manga.

It usually doesn't make much sense. It's one of those things that you just have to accept in manga, like a character being so abysmal at cooking that they don't even realize what they're making is inedible.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Nah, I want to see more characters (Rivals?) introduced to the mix to spice things up. And I mean characters who get physically involved in their groping antics. The author hasn’t really done anything with the kouhai or Momose yet. I’m starting to leave these chapters unsatisfied...

Momose and Kouhai will meet and get involved in an ass-groping relationship.

Then we'll get thighs with the next two girls introduced.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Has anyone ever used it to actually get a advice for a friend? And is there anyone who doesn't immediately assume they are talking about themselves?

Not in such a transparent fashion, but it's not hard to slip in something kinda like it during a conversation. It's all about how you frame it. Asking for advice for a friend is too obvious. Talking about how you worry about a friend and what happened to them and pretending not to know all the details helps.

This blatant fictional version though? I think you'd have to be denser than a neutron star not to catch on. lol

In her defense, it's not like she was planning ahead about how she'd ask for advice. Her friend kind of jumped on her and she had to make it up on the spot. That said, she might as well have just told her up front it was about her since that attempt at lying was pathetic.

last edited at Nov 21, 2018 10:42AM

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Actually the one that's ignoring things is you. You're hiding behind the text and ignoring all the context as well as Sato's actions regarding her desire to trust Shoko.

Well, whatever, enjoy your fanfic.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Shouko doesn't know that Shio has been abducted nor does she know she's imprisoned. And no, it's not the right thing to do to blindly interfere in a situation that she knows full well she doesn't properly understand.

Of course she knows. Shio's family is looking for her. There are posters all over town. Asahi told her Shio was missing. Any reasonable person seeing Shio alive would assume she had been abducted. And the assumption was proven correct.

Well you say that, but if Shouko hadn't taken the picture and had been a lot calmer, more sympathetic, less judgemental and y'know, generally more trustworthy, I don't think it would have happened. Satou wanted to be able to trust her.

Satou herself says that she had already decided not to trust Shouko, since introducing her to her aunt. Now you're just ignoring the text and making up your own story to blame Satou's behavior on Shouko.

All Satou cares about is protecting her life with Shio. From that perspective, killing Shouko was the correct move. Leaving her alive would be too much of a risk. However, it was morally repugnant. All of the other things she did were, while awful, somewhat justifiable. The artist she killed was in the process of strangling Shio. The guys she killed/mutilated in the park were violent thugs. All the people she's lied to and manipulated were really messed up, and sort of deserved what she did to them (sometimes they even deserved much worse).

The moment she kills Shouko is the moment when her obsession leads her to do something truly evil. The entire point of this chapter was to show Satou finally crossing the line.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

You are making an angel out of Shoko now. The whole reason that she took Shio picture and sent it to Asahi, was to prove that she has a lead toward Shio. Most likely to get him to come back to her. Do you seriously think that if she was not killed, she won't give Satou's address to Asahi?

Maybe. Shio was abducted and kept imprisoned in an apartment. Satou was sending information to her relatives to let them know she was alive. That's just the right thing to do.

You accuse Satou of child abduction. Then you promote child abuse in the same sentence by proposing to send Shio back to her abusive mother (regardless of her reasoning) and her homeless brother. Conflicted much?

Satou committed child abduction. That's simply a fact according to Japanese law. Obviously her mother is abusive and unfit to care for Shio, but that doesn't mean she's suddenly up for grabs. An no, I'm not "promoting child abuse" nor proposing anything. When did I say I thought Shio should go back to her mother? I just said that Asahi has a right to know that his sister is alive.

Satou would have killed anyone who saw her and Shio together? Why her aunt still alive then? Mitsuboshi? Why didn't she just kill Shouko right away, and instead of trying to get her to unlock her phone? If Shouko didn't act suspicious, take the picture and refuse to show who she sent it to, she would have lived. Satou KNEW that it's harder to kill someone than to manipulate them. That's the central of her yandere archetype

She only went to her aunt out of desperation. She only let Mitsuboshi live because she knew she could manipulate him. He wasn't a threat to her. He's completely fucking insane to the extent that know one would trust him, plus he doesn't know where she lives. Neither of those two seemed particularly interested in reporting Satou to the police, or getting her back to her family. Shouko is different, and she now knows where Satou lives. She was dead as soon as she walked to that apartment, whether or not she took that picture.

Obviously Satou would've preferred to get the phone unlocked so she could see who she sent the picture to. Imagine the alternative, if Shouko hadn't taken the picture. She's in Satou's apartment, alone. Did anyone else know she was coming here? Did she tell anyone about her suspicions? If she just suddenly disappeared, would anyone ever come to suspect Satou?

With the picture, Satou's faced with a difficult choice: let Shouko live and potentially face arrest and capture immediately, or kill her and buy a few days to pack up and leave.
Without, Satou's choice is much easier: let Shouko live and potentially face arrest and capture immediately, or kill her and make the problem completely disappear.

See? That picture was probably the only reason she lived as long as she did. As evidenced by Satou's line right before she kills Shouko, she had already decided she would never trust Shouko again long before she ever took that picture.

last edited at Nov 15, 2018 7:46PM

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Shio had no legal guardian anymore, she was completely abandoned. Taking someone that has no legal guardians anymore isn't a crime. And Satou never intended to adopt her anyway, no matter if the viewer likes it or not, Satou sees Shio as her lover.

That's not how "legal guardian" is defined. You cannot legally absolve yourself of your responsibilities to your children just by leaving them on the street anymore than you can legally adopt a child just by finding them on the street. Shio's legal guardian is still her mother. Even if her mother died, a relative would become her legal guardian, or she would become a ward of the state. She wouldn't simply exist in a state of limbo without any legal guardian.

Likewise, it doesn't matter what Satou thinks about Shio or what her motives were. Her actions constitute child abduction under the law.

last edited at Nov 15, 2018 7:04PM

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

She took her from the street, which means she didn't actually kidnap her (kidnap, verb: abduct (someone) and hold them captive. Satou is doing no such thing).

Taking in and raising a child when you are not their legal guardian is a crime. It might not be legally considered kidnapping if the child willingly goes with you, but it's still child abduction, and is definitely illegal in basically every country, and under international law as well. Adoption is a strictly regulated process of transferring legal guardianship. If you take in a child without going through that process, you're committing a crime.

last edited at Nov 13, 2018 8:25PM

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

On the different note. When will manga characters learn that "telling my biggest secrets to someone, when they're asleep" is the worse idea ever? You can't know for sure whatever they sleep or not and you have no guarantee they won't suddenly wake up. Every single time character attempted it, it always failed and doomed everything.

You could explain it by saying that some part of he wanted Master to hear. Actually, I think that's the only thing that really makes sense here. It's not like she had planned to say anything. She didn't think it through beforehand, she just felt overwhelmed by emotion in the moment.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

This is rather strongly missing the point. It should have been obvious to Shoko that Sato's mental state was iffy at best considering what she'd seen from her aunt as well as the fact she currently suspected her of having kidnapped a child. On top of that Sato had explained pretty straightforwardly from what I recall that people tend to abandon her after getting too close. All of these are warning signs that taking this course of action would not end well for Shoko. And Shoko didn't even attempt to find out what really happened. She just immediately jumped straight to believing a total stranger and assumed her supposed best friend was awful without even giving Sato a chance to even attempt to address the situation.

I can agree that Shouko's action might have been unwise from perspective of personal preservation, though I'd contend that she really had no way of knowing how violent and dangerous Satou was. To her it just looked like Satou was sad and withdrawn.

But saying that Shouko is culpable for her own death is simply delusional. No, she didn't jump straight to believing a total stranger and assuming her friend was awful. Here's the chain of evidence: Mitsuboshi told her Satou had Shio. She didn't believe him. She later heard Mitsuboshi talking to Satou on the phone about Shio. Even after that, she didn't assume Satou was awful—if she had, she would've just called the police. Instead, she went to go talk to her to get the whole story.

First she went to Satou's apartment and found out that Satou had lied—she didn't even live in the apartment that she had told Shouko was her home. Then once she found out where Satou actually lived, she went there to confront her. You make it sound like she did something awful, when all she did was go to her friend's house to talk to her. "Attempting to find out what happened" was exactly what Shouko was doing. Her course of action was the only way she could get Satou to explain what was going on.

The reason Shouko got into the situation leading to her death was that she cared too much. Yes, she cared about Asahi and wanted to find out about his missing sister. But if that was her only motivation, she wouldn't have gone into that apartment herself. The main reason she she put herself in danger because she cared about Satou and wanted to be there for her friend. She didn't want to get Satou in trouble. She wanted to give her a chance to explain herself. In return, Satou murdered her.

last edited at Nov 13, 2018 5:14AM

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Don't need to theorise what happened. Shouko actually led Asahi to Satou's home, who was not only mentally unstable, but also brought with him a bat with every intention (and ended up did in the anime) assaulting Satou with it. If Satou was not running away at the time, she would have opened the door with a bat heading for her head. Or being kidnapped and gotten her finger nails ripped off unless she hand over Shio

Two wrong does not make one right though. That was a tragedy though, that Shouko didn't trust Satou to run things through with her before taking that picture. And that Satou didn't trust Shouko's intervention and jumped at the most brutal option.

Huh? What are you talking about. That's not what happened. Shouko didn't lead anyone anywhere. Due to things she happened to observe, she had a (correct) suspicion that Satou had Shio. Instead of calling the police, she gave her friend the benefit of the doubt and went to go see for herself. When she saw Shio, she did the reasonable thing of sending a picture of Shio to her brother, who until then didn't even know if his sister was alive. Knowing what she knew, and being in the situation she was in, sending that picture was simply the only ethical thing to do. She didn't tell him where Shio was, she just sent him proof that the sister he had been searching for was alive. Satou then murdered her. That's where we are now.

If anyone tells Asahi Shio's location, it's Mitsuboshi. Shouko's picture just has a door number in it, which is completely useless for locating someone unless you already know the address. Again, that picture is 100% useless when it comes to determining the location it was taken. Just from looking at it, it could be one of millions of apartments in the Tokyo area.

Also, whatever you think about how Satou acquired Shio, legally she's a kidnapper. You can't just take abandoned children into your home and keep them without alerting the authorities, especially when you know for a fact that their family is looking for them. That's child abduction.

Shouko jumped to some conclusions, but every assumption she made was proven correct by subsequent events. She thought Satou abducted Shio. She was right. She thought she needed to take a picture of Shio and send it to Asahi immediately since she might not have a chance later. She was right. Her only incorrect assumptions were that Satou would listen to her, and that Satou would let her leave.

Edit: and don't try to say that Shouko is somehow caused her own death by taking the picture. Satou would have killed anyone who saw her and Shio together. Regardless of whether she took that picture or not, her fate was sealed when she let herself be seen by Satou.

last edited at Nov 13, 2018 4:03AM

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

I can enjoy the cute love story, but at the same time I'm very aware of the unfortunate implications. Whatever Itou Hachi intended, she created a world that's pretty fucked up.

And all of it's right there in the text. You don't have to read between the lines to see that the beastkin's position in society is subordinate to humans. The author chose to bring the racial inequality to the forefront by how she constructed the plot. This didn't have to be a story about a love forbidden by the laws of their society. There didn't have to be a subplot about kidnappers stealing beastkin and selling them. The author didn't have to tell us that beastkin cannot travel or use public accommodations unaccompanied. She didn't have to have a character who constantly calls Master a lolicon, or otherwise implies that she's a pedophile.

None of that was necessary for this story to work, but it's in there. You kind of have to deliberately ignore it or pretend like it's not there.

last edited at Nov 12, 2018 10:09PM