You are making an angel out of Shoko now. The whole reason that she took Shio picture and sent it to Asahi, was to prove that she has a lead toward Shio. Most likely to get him to come back to her. Do you seriously think that if she was not killed, she won't give Satou's address to Asahi?
Maybe. Shio was abducted and kept imprisoned in an apartment. Satou was sending information to her relatives to let them know she was alive. That's just the right thing to do.
You accuse Satou of child abduction. Then you promote child abuse in the same sentence by proposing to send Shio back to her abusive mother (regardless of her reasoning) and her homeless brother. Conflicted much?
Satou committed child abduction. That's simply a fact according to Japanese law. Obviously her mother is abusive and unfit to care for Shio, but that doesn't mean she's suddenly up for grabs. An no, I'm not "promoting child abuse" nor proposing anything. When did I say I thought Shio should go back to her mother? I just said that Asahi has a right to know that his sister is alive.
Satou would have killed anyone who saw her and Shio together? Why her aunt still alive then? Mitsuboshi? Why didn't she just kill Shouko right away, and instead of trying to get her to unlock her phone? If Shouko didn't act suspicious, take the picture and refuse to show who she sent it to, she would have lived. Satou KNEW that it's harder to kill someone than to manipulate them. That's the central of her yandere archetype
She only went to her aunt out of desperation. She only let Mitsuboshi live because she knew she could manipulate him. He wasn't a threat to her. He's completely fucking insane to the extent that know one would trust him, plus he doesn't know where she lives. Neither of those two seemed particularly interested in reporting Satou to the police, or getting her back to her family. Shouko is different, and she now knows where Satou lives. She was dead as soon as she walked to that apartment, whether or not she took that picture.
Obviously Satou would've preferred to get the phone unlocked so she could see who she sent the picture to. Imagine the alternative, if Shouko hadn't taken the picture. She's in Satou's apartment, alone. Did anyone else know she was coming here? Did she tell anyone about her suspicions? If she just suddenly disappeared, would anyone ever come to suspect Satou?
With the picture, Satou's faced with a difficult choice: let Shouko live and potentially face arrest and capture immediately, or kill her and buy a few days to pack up and leave.
Without, Satou's choice is much easier: let Shouko live and potentially face arrest and capture immediately, or kill her and make the problem completely disappear.
See? That picture was probably the only reason she lived as long as she did. As evidenced by Satou's line right before she kills Shouko, she had already decided she would never trust Shouko again long before she ever took that picture.
last edited at Nov 15, 2018 7:46PM