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joined Oct 22, 2018

I hope you didn't mean that to say Touko will take Sayaka up on that confession... "I never messed up with Sayaka!" sounds like a line spoken before disaster lol

In case you meant just that Touko gives up and Sayaka won't be any help: While that is definitely not out of the question it would feel like a repeat of the pattern, wouldn't it? Yuu comes to snap Touko out of her problem again? At some point Touko just becomes a damsel in distress (emotionally speaking). If she never confronts Yuu herself, where is the balance?

I just meant that it would feel natural for Touko to see Sayaka's confession as a possibility for a new beginning. She's always been guided by a notion of untarnished image, and she firmly believes Sayaka's image of her is untarnished while Yuu's isn't.

Well, I think your username perfectly describes literally every premise of the on-topic posts of the last 10-ish pages of the thread. That said, I'm kinda inclined to believe that Sayaka will be rejected, but then again, it still is a possibility. As your username says: uncertain.
Sidenote: Now, I know that I'm not supposed to advertise my posts on other threads, but this time, I just can't constrain myself. My most recent post on Dynasty Cafe, regarding fictional Worlds...

EDIT: After re-reading the sidenote, one of my inner selves suggested suicide, but was silenced after 15-ish or 20-ish seconds.

last edited at Jan 5, 2019 4:50PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

If you're interested in fictional worlds (like JRR Tolkien's Arda or George RR Martin's World of Ice and Fire), then Sunset Mapping's Famana is probably one to check out. It's at least as good as those two I put in the brackets, if not better. Please, enjoy:

joined Oct 22, 2018

That's fair enough, but do you really believe that's how it will go down?
That kind of passivity doesn't suit this stage of the story. If anything both sides need to learn something right now. Just waiting for Touko to get over herself seems a tad too simplistic. This is the point where some character should break Yuu out of her protective shell and make her realize that she is actually heartbroken. Yuu has reached a point where she alone cannot move on, but if Touko is the one to get her out of there it will entirely lack the necessary power of that change.

Basically what I mean is that while Touko gets shaken up by Sayaka, Yuu needs to realize that she is hurting and find the resolve to confront Touko again even if she is not ready to accept her! Only a proactive Yuu can ever find happiness, this is what this story established so far. Whenever Yuu hesitates or stays passive she hurts herself.

I hope that made even a shred of sense.

I would make the same conclusion from a different direction. After the latest chapter Touko is in a position to judge her relationship with Yuu a painful failure or lost cause that she has to leave behind, and Yuu is the only person who can do anything about that. Touko has never failed with Sayaka.

Rei for MVP, that's still my team.

Of course... Rei already kinda told Yuu that she's on her side, albeit Yuu problems didn't understand what that meant and probably forgot about it by this point. However, we readers sure as hell didn't, and she may be the one who gets Yuu to return to her proactive self fron earlier.

joined Oct 22, 2018

That's what I've been trying to say, but people seem to not want to believe there is a reasonable likelihood of Touko and Sayaka dating, even if only for a while. Nakatani is giving A LOT of positive attention to Sayaka for a lot of chapters now, to the point where a lot of readers feel confused about who they should be cheering for here. Can't be a coincidence.

You should name yourself sayaka_wins already.
At least then we can be sure Nakatani won't actually do it :P

We're only 5 days into 2019, and we already have a great contender for #JokeOfTheYear

joined Oct 22, 2018

I'm still disappointed no one commented on that post I made here in which I gave some spoilers for onr of my series, including a yuri couple...

The post, BTW... 20 FUCKING DAYS OLD

last edited at Jan 5, 2019 12:08PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

It's a pity that such a beautiful manga Yagate kimi ni naru has so much toxic people in discussion thread. Successfully we detected many of them, knowing now which comments are not for reading :)

Uh... I think that all of those who made toxic comments also made non-toxic ones as well, so I find this comment slightly on the nose.

joined Oct 22, 2018

That sounds like way too much work. Emulating Nakatani's style is like asking for monkeys to write Shakespeare.

Pretty much... It's almost certain that Nakatani just wrote three lesbian girls with emotional issues (heck sayaka is as standard gay as it gets). That's all there is to it lol

As another writer, I second this first bit. I tend to think I'm not a terrible author, but YagaKimi set the bar so high I legitimately can't even consider trying to write fanfics for it because I know I'll screw things up.

As for the second bit, pretty sure Yuu isn't a standard lesbian, but Touko and Sayaka definitely are. I'm too labeled out to go into detail on what I think Yuu is today, maybe after some sleep...

Well I am a terrible author and I can still see that it's impossible. I'm happy to see that even veterans are shaking in their boots at the idea of writing something on par with YagaKimi lol

Most people who want to label her beyond lesbian call her demisexual. I think that is pretty extra, but if we had to put more stickers on Yuu that one's probably the least inaccurate. ┐(´∀`)┌

I'm technically not a writer, but I did invent some stories which I only kept in my mind (only some of them are, in addition to that, also on my grandparents' computer), but I see why people find it impossible to emulate Nakatani, considering just how well written and complex YagaKimi is. Heck, the main reason why I won't even attempt to try to make fanfic isn't because I find it impossible to emulate Nakatani (I do find it impossible, it just isn't the main reason why I won't try), but it's actually the fact that I'm better at making up storylines for mapping series and inventing fictional worlds with histories of their own that's the makn reason.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Stop provocators! It was enough trolling.

We were commenting as anyone else, being attacked without any reasons, now when we repeated our ship Yuu x Sayaka x Touko, you are having personal problems.

Go ahead, find our guilt here. We would like to see investigation here, who here was attacked and who started to make troubles.

And, how we did not have problems writing in other topics, just here?

Uh... who told you that's the reason why we want posts deleted? Because it is not, it's the off-topic things we want deleted, not your ship.
The process of deleting or editing my posts is complete.

last edited at Jan 5, 2019 6:29AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

It's kind of sad that the only solution to anything around here is deleting posts or banning people. Out of sight, out of mind, eh?
Just leave it be and we are done here sheesh.

Listen, I don't want ANYONE banned. But some of the posts here (my own included (in fact, I think mine especially)) are too much... I'm gonna either edit or delete some of my posts since page 183 that include spam rn.

joined Oct 22, 2018

On the topic of being with someone who isn’t your type:

I listened through the entire song you linked to, and commented, quote: "Now, why did Blastaar link to this song in the YagaKimi thread on Dynasty Reader again?".
If anyone here has a reddit account, please put this post on r/madlads.

If you imagine a slight change to the 1928 lyrics:

She’s got personal identity/self-esteem issues,
I never cared for personal identity/self-esteem issues,
But she’s got personal identity/self-esteem issues,
And that’s my weakness now!

I’m sure you’ll get it.

Ahhh, OK... on one hand I'm happy that I understand it, but on other hand, I'm sad about the thing I'm understanding...

last edited at Jan 5, 2019 6:25AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Also, maybe some of you heard of a futuristic structure known as "the Dynasty sphere", which is used to collect as much yuri energy as possible, which will make an unimaginably huge multiplication of yuri marriage and will basically open the doors of the Universe to us.

Lmao. I feel like I should get angry, but I actually like that joke (?).

joined Oct 22, 2018

Also, maybe some of you heard of a futuristic structure known as "the Dyson sphere", which is used to collect as much solar energy as possible, which will make an unimaginably huge multiplication of our energy budget and will basically open the doors of the Universe to us. The problem is that we'll need a lot of resources. The best way to build a Dyson sphere would probably be building satellites around the Sun from Mercury to form a Dyson swarm. We'd basically need little under 1/3 of the planet of Mercury for our Dyson swarm. Still, with each satellite put into the swarm, the more energy is available to disassemble Mercury and launch more satellites via a railgun, so with each satellite, the process will only get faster.

joined Oct 22, 2018

For any history nerds out there:
Have you ever heard of that Greek Buddhist Kingdom in India?

joined Oct 22, 2018

I opened comments expecting shitposts but essays are all i get

Yeah, but that doesn't mean that there aren't any shitposters in the YagaKimi fanbase. Just now, I found on YouTube that some Italian or Sammarinese or Monegasque shitposter made a "YagateKimiNiNaru crack" video. The reason I didn't link to it is because, while I find (what little I watched so far from) the video funny, I fear that people here may call that shitpost heretic or blasphemous.

last edited at Jan 5, 2019 6:08AM

Image Comments 03 Jan 10:09
joined Oct 22, 2018

@ironwolf69 lol

joined Oct 22, 2018

On a sidenote, why is "Rise" (that insert song from episode 9) just stuck playing in my head over and over again?

It means watch episode 9 again...lolz

I gotta wait for at least January 10th for that, if my brother and I watch one episode a day.

joined Oct 22, 2018

On a sidenote, why is "Rise" (that insert song from episode 9) just stuck playing in my head over and over again?

joined Oct 22, 2018
This still leaves the birthdays of 3 people shown in the ED unknown to us, readers and viewers. Nakatani-sensei, what about Hiro, Midori and Manaka?

Image Comments 03 Jan 05:15
joined Oct 22, 2018

@yuri n wine
I don't think so
... Why? Why am I unable to disagree? xD

last edited at Jan 3, 2019 5:16AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

On another note, I have actually watched a video, and, depending on how you interpret one of the sentences in which they quote something Nakatani said in an interview (something along the lines of "I want that both Yuu and Touko end happy", albeit my memory tends to be poor for most things, so I may have warped the sentence), it would seem as if even Nakatani hinted us that it's gonna be a Yuu x Touko endgame. More importantly, Nakatani says that the end goal of YagaKimi is to answer the question "What is love?".

joined Oct 22, 2018

Way I took that hallucination where little Sayaka picked up little Touko was that it was a moment of personal integration for Touko.

Just wants to point out that this scene is specifically a reference back to this

Touko's psychological development was partially arrested when her sister died. She has lived both as a "fake" Touko who has grown up and a little Touko that has just been sitting in the dark, mourning and wishing she had not lost her sister and blaming herself. Going through the play allowed Touko to leave her self-destructive feelings behind, but didn't fix the inner conflict completely.

When Sayaka bluntly refuses to entertain her non-sense about "don't confess, because I'm a bad person" and just goes through with it like a confident adult, she also takes that little kid in her arms and tells her that it's ok to be a complete Touko. She has her back and she won't back out or run away from her. While Touko and Sayaka experience a different thing here (both have their own perceptions about it), it's a powerful moment for the both of them regardless.

While I agree that this chapter does further resolve Touko's inner identity conflict, it has less to do with Touko learning to be her complete self (tho I'm not dismissing your reading of that specific scene since it's valid, just wants to elaborate on the significance of this chapter to the plot moving forwards). The thing is Yuu has already told Touko almost the exact same thing in ch 28. Touko has already reached the epiphany that she can be herself, both the weak and perfect sides, comfortably in front of others since the event of the play thanks to Yuu (refer back to ch 32). In other words, Touko has learned about self-love (or started to). What Sayaka brought to the table in this chapter is placing this same concept in the context of romantic love for someone else. Since what Touko is struggling with right now is the idea that love is conditional and that people can only love an image of another person--which will result in them falling out of love with that person if that image doesn't live up to expectations or if it changes (which is why she told Sayaka "I am not who you expect me to be"). And this is exactly her current conflict with Yuu. She thinks she can't answer Yuu's feelings because Yuu is no longer "the girl who can't fall in love with her." Obviously, this logic is whack and it conflicts with how she actually feels towards Yuu since she does love her still. Sayaka telling Touko that she loves "everything" about her will challenge this view and help her come to the point where she can also say the same about Yuu.

Tldr Sayaka just gave Touko an important romantic advice. Thanks Sayaka and also RIP.

Yes. Agreed! Both Touko and Sayaka moved forward. Next chapter could be about Yuu moving forward or Touko's perspective on Sayaka's confession or maybe half and half....oh is it ending soon? Is there a chance for volume 8?

I think volume 8 is basically guaranteed, but things are slowly coming to a close.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Well, I finally read all what I haven't read on the end of page 183 and the pages 184-6 of this thread, and many posts were influencing my own view of this entire situation, so many of my arguments may just seem (and some of them, I admit, are) copy - paste of other's arguments but... here it goes...
Now, it does seem to me that Sayaka truly didn't (and still doesn't) know the full extent of the things Touko is hiding behind her mask. She, indeed, doesn't know what Touko and Yuu are doing when she isn't around, and, more importantly, she doesn't know a lot of Touko’s internal issues, the most important of which are her twisted outlook of love and her self-loathing. That's why the "I love everything about you." line has equal possibility to be problematic as it has to he helpful. Sure, maybe, together with all the other events in the manga (most especially, the recent ones (recent, as in, since shortly before the play)) it may help Touko eventually and finally get out of those internal issues (which she is currently in the slow and gradual process of), or (more unlikely, but still possible) Touko might consider this as an argument to reinforce everything about her current self, including those two big mental burdens she basically put on herself. I find it unlikely that Touko would accept Sayaka, but hopefully this won't result in a complete fall out (translation: hopefully, they'll stay friends). However, I find the situation with Yuu more complex. Indeed, Touko did kinda force an agreement that guaranteed that the relationship between the two main protagonists would have a layer of toxicity to it (kinda reminds me of the diplomatic ties between Pextoglazia and Ordica in the Famana series), but Yuu did influence and push for changes in Touko. But, just like it was said earlier, this wasn't because Yuu wanted to mold Touko into a perfect girlfriend for herself, but because she saw how Touko’s twisted outlook on love and her self-loathing are self-destructive and will just needlessly cause Touko to suffer. Yet, because of many of the things I mentioned thus far in the post, needless suffering was inflicted on both Yuu and Touko. Touko may have thought (and part of her may still think) that being a copy of her late older sister would be her perfect self, but I think otherwise. Most of her old self (including both the supposedly "perfect" and the hidden parts), the influences she had from others throughout the manga would probably be close to a "perfect" Touko, if she were to change her perception of love (as it being inherently conditional, which it's not), and if she were to ditch that masochism (although, I can't help but think about how hypocritical it is of me to say she needs to ditch that masochism, given that I have trouble completely ditching my own). Honestly, for Yuu and Touko, I can't really see a more plausible ending than, after a lot of struggling, being together (not to say that the other possibilities are implausible, it's just that I see them as far less likely). As for Sayaka... well... just as I said in a previous post... I and people like me, who ship Touko and Yuu, but also want Sayaka to be happy, can only hope that the girl from the first part of the spin-off makes an appearance. This, unfortunately, seems incredibly unlikely, so, maybe (and much more likely), we would just have to deal with the fact that there'll be a sad, alone Sayaka at the end. T-T

last edited at Jan 2, 2019 8:01AM

Image Comments 01 Jan 15:03
joined Oct 22, 2018

The author of Sweet Blue Flowers drew fanart of Girl Friends AND Sasameki Koto.

The holy trinity of yuri is complete.

Current top contender for comment of the decade.

last edited at Jan 1, 2019 3:04PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! I hope all of you had a fantastic 2018 and wish all of you will have an even better 2019!

Image Comments 31 Dec 17:50
joined Oct 22, 2018

Lol I dont think she realized she's touching Kase-kun's boob |▽//)

If they realized, I bet it would be Kase who'd be minding it less than Yamada, despite Yamada being the one touching, lol.