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Image Comments 04 Jan 05:40
joined Aug 26, 2018

I guess this one's for Australia, because it sure ain't summer time around here.

Image Comments 04 Jan 05:39
joined Aug 26, 2018

Of course this author would use any excuse to put the tacky 2020 glasses on the characters lol

Image Comments 04 Jan 05:38
joined Aug 26, 2018

This is just so well drawn.

joined Aug 26, 2018

She seemed to have expected it, so this either means she reciprocates... or she somehow misunderstood.

Image Comments 01 Jan 11:03
joined Aug 26, 2018

^^It definitely wasn't Maki, because Maki is quite a bit smaller than Touko. Those nails also look feminine.

joined Aug 26, 2018

She was in love with Claire and couldn't bear seeing her freezing to death in the mountains, shunned by her own people as a murderer.

That doesn't make people not suicidal, not at all. People hide it. She did her best to create a situation where she had to die. So maybe it was bad storycrafting, or maybe she wanted to die. I find the second more likely.

I will only repeat this one more time: There is no evidence for her being suicidal. I can't prove she wasn't, obviously, but just because one cannot prove a negative does not mean it has to be considered. If she was suicidal it would have been set up in absolutely any miniscule way, but it wasn't. The logical and easy explanation that is far more likely is the one I gave you. So we can either make a huge assumption... or just accept that this author is not perfect and rushed this particular point.

I think in this particular case you're projecting something on the story that simply has no evidence. Maybe you read too many tragic suicide stories, I don't know. You are arguing backwards here, justifying her alleged suicidal tendencies by looking at the result, without looking at the cause.

last edited at Jan 1, 2020 10:39AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

@BugDevil I'm not sure why you can confidently say she didn't want to die, she literally planned and orchestrated a situation so that she'd have to. I think she was just suicidal, but couldn't let herself die because she didn't want Asha to be left alone, which is where Claire comes in. Like yeah, it was unfair and stupid, that's kind of how it works when people you love choose to die. Everyone is left behind reeling going "it could have been better, it didn't have to go this way." and blaming themselves.

Because there is no evidence for it...? Nothing remotely implies that she was suicidal at all. In fact she seemed to have every reason to want to live. She was in love with Claire and couldn't bear seeing her freezing to death in the mountains, shunned by her own people as a murderer. That's her motivation. The author just chose a very bad way for her to sacrifice herself. Even the situation she actually forced on Claire was not one where she had to die. She could have easily escaped. It's very clear that redeeming Claire and assuring she would be safe was her main goal.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I'm sorry, I know it's just a plot device, but I can't stand unwarranted tragedies.

Oh I thought it was pretty clear she wanted to die. She orchestrated the situation such that she'd have to die, that she woman she loved would for sure be saved, and that her child would be taken care of. I definitely read it as her wanting to die, specifically at the hands of someone that loved her. Fucked up, but yeah,

She did not want to die. She wanted to die by the hands of Claire instead of getting killed by those hunters.
The reason for this is that Claire could not return to town because she killed her party. So she decided to live in the mountains with the dragons. So Alyn went to the village and baited the hunters to get her. By Claire killing her they would see her as the hero who slayed the dragon as the sole survivor. Alyn basically forced her into it, because she cornered her with no alternative.

The problem is that that's goddamn stupid. Instead of doing something so stupid she could have just torn apart the corpses so that it looked like the dragons killed them and then Claire could have plausibly returned. There are too many plot holes here.

All it takes to make this story work is a very easy fix that almost leaves it completely intact.
The hunting party Claire went with catches Alyn off-guard and critically injures her. THEN Claire kills them all to prevent them from dealing the killing blow. It's exactly the same, except Alyn is going to die and tells Claire to kill her, because she would rather die by her hand than the wounds from the other hunters. Knowing that she will die anyway and that Claire needs funds to provide for Asha, she lets herself get killed and basically tells Claire to use her trophy to get in the good graces of the town and get paid.
This way Claire will still feel immense guilt for both letting Alyn getting mortally wounded and finishing her off. The entire story would work out the exact same way, except the tragedy actually feels justified.

last edited at Jan 1, 2020 9:54AM

Image Comments 01 Jan 07:38
joined Aug 26, 2018

Why are people acting surprised about cartoon stuff being here? How many dozens of Marceline x Princess Bubblegum pics do you think this site has?

last edited at Jan 1, 2020 7:38AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

I really want to appreciate this one, because it's overall very well done, but... I can't get over the fact how utterly avoidable this tragedy was. There was literally NO reason for Asha's mom to die. Not a single one. She was a freaking DRAGON. All she needed to do was to grab her child and fly somewhere else. Why is dying the more appropiate response over just fleeing to another mountain range? Claire would have survived either way because the hunting party was already going her way. Not that the dragon even needed to expose herself. She could have just gone to them in human form and tell them that she found a survivor who needs help. Hell... she could have just gotten her out of the mountains herself and let her walk the remainder towards town. This crucial action had so many plot holes it is infuriating.

I'm sorry, I know it's just a plot device, but I can't stand unwarranted tragedies.

Image Comments 01 Jan 06:52
joined Aug 26, 2018

Nobody in Kancolle is mature enough for this lol

Image Comments 01 Jan 06:51
joined Aug 26, 2018

Dorothea is unstoppable.

Image Comments 01 Jan 06:50
joined Aug 26, 2018

"There is only one reason you lost... you get off on me."

Image Comments 01 Jan 06:48
joined Aug 26, 2018

Poisoned Sake

Image Comments 01 Jan 06:45
joined Aug 26, 2018

I love how there is no bored reaction. They only get MORE HYPER!

Image Comments 01 Jan 06:45
joined Aug 26, 2018

They really are tiny

Image Comments 01 Jan 06:44
joined Aug 26, 2018

Whenever Mei eats it looks like she is a small animal and overwhelmed by emotions haha

Image Comments 01 Jan 06:43
joined Aug 26, 2018

Does Touko lift Yuu in the last frame? I have no idea how she can suddenly float at that angle otherwise.
Cute tho. Sayaka must have given her the right push.

Image Comments 01 Jan 06:41
joined Aug 26, 2018

That's new. A leftover Christmas pic of a rare pair that when fused together would look like Tohru.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Every year is a year.
Hope it's gonna be happy.

joined Aug 26, 2018

And here I thought discussing polyamory for 2 pages was the weirdest this thread could go.
@BV don't forget to use the edit button instead of double posting. Make it a New Years resolution.

It did seem to me like Canno intended to pair Chiharu with Ai at first… but then Izumi did appear in the first chapter's opening spread, albeit with her old, scrapped design…

Really? This is honestly surprising to me. I do understand that at first it seemed like Ai would be gay too and probably be paired up, I agree, but I never saw her being paired with Chiharu. From the set-up I assumed she was also in love with senpai, but then it turned out that there simply wasn't any evidence for that. Seems there is a lot of room for interpretation after all.

I agree that the way it turned out was pretty good.

last edited at Dec 31, 2019 10:55AM

30 MINUTES discussion 31 Dec 10:40
joined Aug 26, 2018

Haha... Why does this feel like a conversation that actually happened? Too familiar indeed...
A lovely artstyle and a dense atmosphere. Two women who can't be entirely honest with themselves at an early stage in their relationship. This is good.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Naturally born lady killer who loves a natural born lady killer princess. Very unfortunate.
The fact that Iro-chan ships them doesn't surprise me though lol

Image Comments 31 Dec 09:24
joined Aug 26, 2018

And if that was addressed to me.... you figured me out. My entire purpose in life is to parody Bugpope. It is not much, but it brings bread on the table.

Image Comments 30 Dec 17:57
joined Aug 26, 2018

I think Nadine is way buffer here than in the games. She is toned, sure, but she is more the martial arts type than the weightlifter. She is also not nearly as dark skinned either, but artists will be artists.

last edited at Dec 30, 2019 5:58PM