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Anime season 28 Nov 20:18
joined Jul 28, 2016

But then what is the role of nail clipper is in this whole thing? Hint up for future event? As a resistance for change in the two relationship as time progress? A hidden feeling that Corona has about her sexuality? I edged closer to the last interpretation, simply due to the music of that scene (funny/teasing music). As in "Hey, you need that nail clipper when you are alone with Papika. Don't cha? Don't cha?" kind of teasing (Instead of some foreshadowing or mood directing musics)

I remembered reading something about this in the reddit discussion thread so I looked it up and I got this neat tidbit from the ANN review.

Fingernails are still on Cocona's mind as a result of the change in Iroha (from a girl who "can't" wear nail polish to a girl who loves it) so Sadako-Papika uses her creepy charms to show Cocona the nail clippers she's hidden in her own mind. Of course, if Cocona isn't going to address the emotions behind imagining Papika in a negligee, she's definitely not going to think about an innocuous pair of clippers, but the audience (especially Jojo's fans) are bound to recognize their symbolism immediately. Fingernail clippers are a tool for trying to reverse a slow but unstoppable change. (They can also be used as a symbol for trust and intimacy just like ear-cleaning, but nobody actually clips their nails in this episode, so I guess we'll hold onto that for later.) Cocona has always been scared of moving forward in life, and now that she knows her future means holding back a floodgate of feelings for Papika, she's more desperate than ever to stop time from moving forward. Of course, she can't do this any more than she can stop her nails from growing, so what now?

Of course, there's also the sexuality angle as you mentioned... or perhaps the writers had both interpretations in mind. Or maybe they just threw in a nail clipper for no reason, who knows?

joined Jul 28, 2016

I don't get it. Is Maruta notorious for turning yuri stories into het?

Bisexuals exist, yo.

Haha, yeah. In their defense though, maybe they're talking about the relationship in the story and the ending more than anything else. (something like yuri relationship for most of it then having a het relationship in the end)

I haven't read any of Maruta's het works (and I don't plan to either!), but, based on the comments in that other full yuri work, I think this is pretty much what happens in all of Maruta's stuff. Everyone was surprised that Nadeshiko Hiyori turned out to be full yuri (especially with that weird Papa thing... glad that got taken care of without any problems), and I guess I was too because of all the bad things I heard...

Also, Fate/Extra, huh? I still need to get around to reading the Fate VNs one day... although I don't believe they were ever officially released in America? And, well, even if they were, I certainly wouldn't have the money to pay for it based on how much stuff like Grisaia and Nurse Love Addiction are! (and, yeah, sorry for talking about this here, I don't want to derail the thread either).

last edited at Nov 27, 2016 11:54PM

joined Jul 28, 2016

What game is that image from? It looks like a good one (though, alas, it's probably not implying yuri nurse bed stuff since I think I know every vaguely yuri game out there and I have no idea what this) since I'm a sucker for sorta meta jokes like this.

Also, I can't imagine how very weird applying perfume to your crotch would feel...

Always Human 27 Nov 15:11
joined Jul 28, 2016

Minutoh posted:

I also have a technical issue too: why is the music not playing for me? I left the tab open for an hour before I read it, but... nothing. I did notice that the music was rather quiet, so I ramped up my volume, but... nothing. Does anyone know how to fix this issue? Always Human has such great music, and I'd hate to miss out on it just because of some random bug.

Only time when I had issue with music was when I didn't have flash installed. I doubt that is why it doesn't work for you, but might be worth checking out.

I have issues playing music on my Chrome; installed Firefox and everything works fine and dandy.

Actually, asked around a few friends that use Chrome to check if it's working for them. It wasn't for all of them.

Ah, I was using Chrome all this time, so that's probably the reason. I tried out Firefox and it works like a charm now. Thanks for the help!

joined Jul 28, 2016

Thanks for telling me about that thing! I completely missed it before.

joined Jul 28, 2016

I apologize for making a discussion thread for this when another already exists, but there doesn't seem to be a search function for the forum and I can't find it anywhere. Anyway... jeez, this last chapter really hit me hard. I'm only in high school right now, but I can certainly relate to Austen's dilemma now... I'm taking all these AP classes and doing so poorly in some of them even though I'm spending so much time on them which is fucking over everything, but I refuse to drop any of them. Maybe I should, but, yeah, I'm never going to. This chapter (and the last one) did make me think more deeply about the major I want to choose when I enter college, so I suppose that's a plus. I know everyone says this about this thing, but I have to say it too... it's so different from most Japanese lesbian media what with the actual, realistic problems and relationships (not like I'd know anything about THAT though) and all that other stuff. Cute moe anime has its charms too, of course, but reading stuff like this is such a wonderful change of pace.

I also have a technical issue too: why is the music not playing for me? I left the tab open for an hour before I read it, but... nothing. I did notice that the music was rather quiet, so I ramped up my volume, but... nothing. Does anyone know how to fix this issue? Always Human has such great music, and I'd hate to miss out on it just because of some random bug.

joined Jul 28, 2016

Regarding the page cuts, the translator says (on his website) that that’s how the raws he gets are formatted. If you look at this on Batoto you can read each chapter as one long strip. The uploaded file to Batoto is the same as the file uploaded to Dynasty. Either the Dynasty reader doesn’t have the functionality to stitch the file together as one strip or the functionality exists and isn’t being used for this strip.

I'm pretty sure you posted in the wrong thread since Ouji-sama Nante Iranai has the page cuts, not this one. Regardless, I have seen some longer strips on this site such as the Their Story pages, so it appears it is possible for the files to be stitched together as longer strips. Not too sure how one long strip would work though since Their Story's strips are usually much shorter than Ouji-sama's seems to be.

As for Nanashi no Asterism, I can't believe that I'm actually starting to look Kyousuke Asakura. He seems like a pretty good guy, though his "I WON'T GIVE UP ON HER" attitude is pissing me off a bit (a lot). I can only hope that he and Subaru hook up and they help improve the bad parts of each other's personalities. I can't really see how they could, but that's why I'm not the mangaka here.

You know, speaking about Nanashi and Ouji-sama, I just realized that the scanlators for these manga both released a chapter with the word 'hero' in it (Hero... Part 1 vs Little Hero) focusing on the younger brothers (well, Subaru's not younger but still) and their attempts to be 'heroes' by protecting their older sisters from a potential love interest since they're scared of letting them go! I mean, I'm not sure where I was going with this, but it's an interesting coincidence (to me at least) to be sure.

last edited at Nov 26, 2016 10:15PM

joined Jul 28, 2016

You are hardly nice nor are the people who "attacked" you rabid fangirls. You are allowed to say whatever you want, but with the condition that people are allowed to call you out on it if it's stupid. If you don't like the people here, then just get the hell off this site.

Jeez, filthy MEN like this asshole ruin everything, even this place, don't they? (I think I'm allowed to say this since I'm male myself.)

last edited at Nov 23, 2016 3:28PM

joined Jul 28, 2016

Can't believe i used to like this.

Why feel the need to post in here if you no longer care about this?

I was going to actually read cuz i favorited it a long time ago on mangafox without knowing whose manga it was. Then you know now i read the author name.

But yeah my last post on this thread :P

You just don't stop being an utter idiot, do you...? I'm not saying that I don't act like an idiot but at least I stop when people call me out on it.

last edited at Nov 23, 2016 3:13PM

joined Jul 28, 2016

Hey, someone's working on Soukaku Kankei, nice! I've been waiting for that to be translated ever since it was announced; I mean, more Tachi's never bad. Himitsu, Hitotsu was ehhhh, but I'm sure that the other stories will be better.

As for this story... it was good, it was good. It's nice to see that Hana has finally realized that she's in love. Kinda sad that there's only one volume of this goodness left, but, eh, I suppose it's better than being dragged out for too long.

joined Jul 28, 2016

haha yeah, guess I'm not on the same page then, it would have to be good for me to like it, either way. Even het harem can have good drama, romance and comedy, but I can get that it's hard for poeple to watch that if they have some personal issues. If I was gonna like this only for the yuri, the yuri would have to be better, to me it seems like the series only barely qualifies as yuri.

There was a good yuri harem series I saw on here, some girl who get's continuously kidnapped by deities, I recommend that one. Yurika's Compus life maybe, it's pretty funny, but it's also pretty much hentai, recommend that one if you like Golden Boy maybe.

But which is worse, this one or Love Hina?

Hmm, I never heard about that deity kidnapping thing. What is it called? YuriCam's alright. I haven't heard of either Golden Boy or Love Hina though, so I can't provide my opinion on those two.

joined Jul 28, 2016

Hazukish posted:

I want to like it, but it's real hard to do it, even the one above me here seems to see the problems. I have seen examples of ecchiness and fanservice not being any obstacle for good story and characters(To Love-Ru D1&2 being one), so thus far this doesn't cut it for me. I hope it gets an anime(more then unlikely I know), maybe things will be done better then and maybe the voice actors would be able to bring something to the characters. It was great to finally see the translated version of Chapter7, as that was my first meeting with this series, thanks for the link h3x! :D

The only critic I can give to this manga would be... If this were het, I wouldn't like it at all!! doble standars ftw XD

I feel exactly the same way haha. I shit on het harem manga all the time, but yuri harem... I love them. I don't have a problem with reverse harems either, and I don't believe I'll have a problem with yaoi harems (someone give me a yaoi harem thing so I can test this theory!).

joined Jul 28, 2016

Kotooka is slowly growing feelings for Tsukasa, but doesn't act on them because she wants everyone to remain friends.

No Kotooka DOES have feelings for Tsukasa, it's the main reason she was trying to push her towards dude bro. Because if she's taken she won't have to/won't be able to act on her feelings for her.

I got the impression that, at first, she was pushing Tsukasa into this to keep all her friends normal because she knew that Tsukasa liked Nadeshiko. If she could make Tsukasa 'normal' then the friendship between the three would continue. Maybe different interpretations?

It was pretty heavily implied in the first chapter that Kotooka was in love with Tsukasa, and it's even more confirmed in this one, so I'm pretty sure that the other person's interpretation is correct in this case. Yeah, she does want to make them all "normal," but that's not really the main reason.

Anime season 20 Nov 15:52
joined Jul 28, 2016

Where to draw that line isn't easy. I'd say a couple of days minimum, and for spoilers of major plot twists should be spoiler-tagged no matter what. Stuff like a major character death, or a yuri kiss in Flip Flappers or similar events which impact the whole series.

There's a legitimate yuri kiss in the latest episode of Flip Flappers?! Damn it, I wish I had a sub to Crunchyroll now... (I guess that's what free trials are for though).

last edited at Nov 20, 2016 3:52PM

Anime season 17 Nov 18:30
joined Jul 28, 2016

What 3 yuri anime? You're not counting Scum's Wish as yuri, right?


Kuzu no Honkai (next season) - it does have yuri.
Netsuzou Trap

They are all equally fucking terrible.
And most ppl here will watch them anyways,

It does have yuri, but it's not yuri. It's a big difference.
I also disagree that Citrus and Netsuzou Trap are "fucking terrible", but I don't think we can actually discuss something so subjetive.

Based on what other people said, Kuzu no Honkai is hardly what I'd consider "real yuri" or at least yuri that's anywhere near remotely satisfying for all those people who want more yuri in their lives. So, yeah, I'm avoiding that. I read the first seven chapters of NTR (all the chapters on Dynasty... where are the other chapters at?), and, while I hated them... well, it can't get any worse, right? I'll give it a try when it releases. I haven't heard good things about Citrus, but its anime release is as a good a reason as any to give it a whirl and form my own opinion about it.

Also, Kobayashi-san is releasing next January as well, so I suppose that there actually are three yuri anime coming out next year. Is this another Year of Yuri?! ... Two out of three of the currently announced yuri anime are trash (to me), but Citrus is popular, so hopefully it'll be successful and convince other studios to make more yuri (or perhaps even make some subtextual couples canon... coughcoughhibikeuphoniumcoughcough). Not sure how successful Kobayashi and NTR are, but they're fairly long-running for yuri manga, so I presume that they're doing pretty well.

last edited at Nov 17, 2016 6:31PM

joined Jul 28, 2016

Well, at least the Yurim arc is finally over with... hopefully... now Soha and Gayoon can deal with their issues! ... hopefully... well, we'll have to see how the last 10 chapters go.

Image Comments 15 Nov 21:19
joined Jul 28, 2016

Man, You looks exactly like Gayoon in this thing... though You's probably in better shape than Gayoon is at this point.

joined Jul 28, 2016

Gah, of all the yuri things that could be adapted into anime, this manga gets an anime?!? THIS ONE? Well, I'm probably still gonna watch it since I already endured all the shit NTR threw at me already anyway... I'm sure it can't get any worse (disclaimer: I haven't read past Chapter 6 yet, so maybe I'll be proven wrong...)

I heard that Citrus was pretty bad too, but, eh, I'll give it a shot when the anime is released.

Image Comments 15 Nov 16:33
joined Jul 28, 2016

What is this a parody of?

joined Jul 28, 2016

Watched the latest episode of Supergirl and Alex's coming out story was continued! Somewhat surprising since coming out stories in these kinds of shows take up, like, 2 minutes at most or are entirely skipped over (basically every other comic show I've watched come to mind), but, you know, it's actually done pretty realistically here (as far as I can tell anyway...). Well, I suppose there's nothing wrong with everyone immediately accepting that someone's gay, but, yeah, I guess it's nice to see something different for a change or whatnot. Glad to see a show devoting a good chunk of its showtime to LGBT content and not... more cliche straight content!

last edited at Nov 14, 2016 11:22PM

Anime season 14 Nov 18:37
joined Jul 28, 2016

Well, just started watching Flip Flappers (it's about time). No idea what's going on in the first episode, and, frankly, I'm not that absorbed yet. It is only the first episode though, so I'm sure I'll like it more as I watch more. Planning on watching Magical Girl Raising Project if it turns out to be yuri, so that makes 3 screwed up magical girl series I've watched so far! (I'm assuming Flip Flappers will get pretty messed up later on but who knows).

last edited at Nov 14, 2016 6:39PM

Anime season 07 Nov 23:59
joined Jul 28, 2016

I started watching Kiss Him, Not Me a few days ago. I have to say... as soon as I saw the title a few months ago, I decided that I needed to watch this thing. When I found out there was a female suitor too, that was just icing on the cake! Anyway, basic plot synopsis: fujoshi suddenly loses weight (gotta love the classic anime losing 50 pounds in a week and gaining it back after one big meal... makes no sense but whatever) and then four dudes ask her out. She's not really interested in any of them though since she's too busy shipping them together... the presumably bi tomboy shows up in Episode 4 or so, and she's awesome. I mean, I like yaoi just as much as I like yuri... okay, not quite as much... much less, but the point is I like yaoi too and that's why I decided to watch this thing. The weird thing is that I'm okay with yaoi baiting, but I get all up in arms over yuri baiting. I wonder why that is... The fake yaoi scenes make my heart go aflutter (is this a real phrase, I could've sworn I heard it somewhere before) (THOUGH THAT REAL YURI SCENE MADE MY HEART GO AFLUTTER EVEN DAMN MORE). Anyway, I'm rooting for Mutsumi since the other three dudes are kinda on a scale from mildly asshole-y to highly asshole-y. I'm definitely rooting for Shima more than him, but this is a shoujo thing for straight girls, so I have no illusions about that ever happening. I'm hoping that some the yaoi will actually go somewhere though, taking into consideration the fact that the author's apparently written nothing but yaoi before this. You know, I think I should watch some actual yaoi now that I'm watching this yaoibaiting thing.

Now that I hear that the only guy is dead in Raising Project and that it's not just a mindless gorefest, I think I'll give it a shot now. I mean, mindless gorefests have their charm, but I don't really feel like watching something like that at the moment. I'll have to watch Izetta and Flip Flappers at some point too since they seem very interesting. I always say that I want action yuri, but I never do watch the action yuri that already exists (Kannazuki no Miko, I'll watch you eventually).

last edited at Nov 8, 2016 12:07AM

joined Jul 28, 2016

PVs (a sfw and a nsfw version) were released for the 3rd volume
I only remember the general gist of this manga but these have my attention. Blondie seems pretty uh eye-catching

I don't recognize any of these characters... I guess the main girl's harem will be growing larger in the future? I was a bit incensed that the harem just turned out to be a love triangle since I want a yuri harem story, damn it, but it seems like my worries are going to be rectified. Well, I'm more incensed by all the fanservice, but... what else would you expect from a harem manga...

last edited at Nov 7, 2016 9:44PM

joined Jul 28, 2016

Apparently Alex is confirmed lesbian in Supergirl. According to people at least. I stopped watching it a little before the end of season 1.

I'm pretty sure she's bisexual since she's mentioned going out with guys before and there was that whole ship tease-y thing with Maxwell Lord. Apparently he left the show along with Lucy and Cat since filming moved to Vancouver, so I guess it's good that he's not going to get in the way. Anyhow, that focus on her jealous expression when she saw Maggie kissing her girlfriend makes me think that something's definitely gonna happen sooner or later. I don't really know why she was surprised since she mentioned her before, but I guess it's in the name of drama... To be honest, I don't really like their relationship since it hasn't really had time to develop (they've known for 2 episodes so far, come on), but, hey, it's always nice to see queer relationships in stuff, even if they aren't the best relationships (it's not like Supergirl does any relationships well anyway...)

Sex 06 Nov 21:52
joined Jul 28, 2016

People absolutely do jump on here for that other "weak ass shit." If you don't like it, get the hell out there and go somewhere else that's more relevant to your interests.