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joined May 27, 2015

surprisingly effective finger technique on display

That's what I'm talkin' about when I said this was an "oasis at the end of a desert". It may not have been wall-to-wall gushing pussies, but it was a million times lewder than the VN.

w-which pages..

Page 22! 4 close-ups of HIna's pussy! Page 38 was also lewd, but slightly less so.

last edited at Mar 20, 2016 3:24AM

joined May 27, 2015



joined May 27, 2015

Man, I opened this up looking for some loli porn but between the "sour" comment, the ass-to-mouth, and the artist mixing up the left and right feet on page 13 (the one that says "11" on it), I was a little more grossed out than usual.

I do prefer skinny girls though.

joined May 27, 2015

Out of personal preference, when I started the game, I would have preferred Ano, but the way it was written, (and how I actually didn't expect Yuna to love anyone, idk, I just saw her as asexual or something), when something did happen, when Yuna started to feel, it was a most pleasant surprise and character growth. The way it was written, even though I hadn't thought of that pairing before, I really enjoyed it, it was really cute, especially coming from the usually emotionally distant Yuna.
This doujin was nice tho, t'was cute too. Super out of character for Yuna tho, built on Ano's shyness when Yuna's awkwardness/uneasiness is a fairly dominant character trait for her as well, but for maybe a distant future, I can see Yuna becoming more direct and confident, and it was certainly nice to see her top Ano like that haha
but for Hina she will always be sweet and dependable :3
should the yuna/hina end be considered a spoiler? I would tho, it was certainly how I didn't expect Yuna to end up with anyone that helped it make such a big impact on me. Yuna/Hina wasn't presented as a couple at all, in previews and trailers and such, unlike the other couples. Ofc when you realise that there's feels on Yuna's side it's obvious what will come of it, but that only happens after a bit later than mid game, so until then, I had no idea. I find it to be a change in Yuna I couldn't have foreseen, given how Yuna behaved around the theme of love in general. Really didn't see it coming. Never have I found the trope of a character not recognizing love so enjoyable to read either, actually, how it was comfortably and stably built to that
I'm glad I finished the game TODAY/got to the point I realised that Yuna/Hina was starting to happen. The comments would have ruined the surprise

Lucky you. I was spoiled on Yuna hooking up with Hina way before the game came out in English so I didn't get that surprise. But I'm always game for DFC/loli, short hair, and tomboys so Hina became my favorite character by default anyway. For some reason, I thought the couple wasn't the best though. Not that I prefer Ano, of course.

joined May 27, 2015

The Yukirinrin porn is coming out fast and furious. Nice.

Page 18 kinda ties into the "Princess Training" doujin translated earlier this month (but actually produced after this one) doesn't it.

After my 10th reread I just realized: Towa with her hair down on page 19, now that's a "good look".

last edited at Apr 5, 2016 1:25AM

joined May 27, 2015

Shoujo-san topping, FINALLY.

"Otome ja nai, SHOUJO desu!"

joined May 27, 2015

I cracked up at the "Photoshop Transparency" cosplayers

I'm not that familiar with Touhou, but that mask reminded me an awful lot of Hei's from Darker than Black.

last edited at Mar 11, 2016 2:55AM

Their Story discussion 05 Mar 03:25
joined May 27, 2015

TL Note, pg. 91a: "Tongxue" (同学) means "classmate".

I feel like this could just be left out of the translation, if there is no good english equivalent.

joined May 27, 2015

One of my favorite doujins, of one of my favorite couples. I cropped the cover and mirrored it to make a wallpaper (so the NanoFate wouldn't be covered up by icons)

last edited at Mar 2, 2016 11:10PM

joined May 27, 2015

I had no idea that "too big a girl" line was a Bane joke. I wouldn't have been able to figure it out anyway unless it was basically worded like

Inugami: “If I pull that [bra] off, will you come?”
Ushiwaka: “It would be extremely pleasurable…”
Inugami: “You’re a big girl.”
Ushiwaka: “…for you.”

Image Comments 29 Feb 20:23
joined May 27, 2015


joined May 27, 2015

Stupid story here:

I was downloading the Kuttsukiboshi doujins and I curiously clicked on the link to Fragmented Hollow's scanlator page. A random misclick from there led me to Nakatani Nio's artist page. I had heard about this manga but wasn't really interested, but I figured since I saw it there, I might as well see what the fuss is about.

The first few pages were rather pleasant, and then it hit me.

This girl's using one of the Sony Xperia Z series of phones! I've got a Z1 Compact myself! Phone bros!

And this isn't a one-time thing either. The whole chapter was full of phone porn.

Presumably this is a Z3, because of its magnetic charging port and the shape of its front speakers. Anyway, it's drawn much, much better than the cars in Murcielago; I only picked up Murcielago for the car.

I've gone through a bunch of completed yuri manga recently so I'll probably not come back to this until it finishes as well.

But hey! Phone bros!

joined May 27, 2015

Nep porn woohoo

The cowtits ruin Nowa's look.

Uni's pads look awfully convincing.

LOVE/DEATH discussion 22 Feb 19:31
joined May 27, 2015

Um.... Is it bad if I didn't get the joke at the credits page? ._.

I'm not sure, but i think the monthly period?..

Indeed, eating a girl out when she's on period.

Eh, so that's what it was about. The only "red wings" I knew about before were my favorite hockey team.

joined May 27, 2015

I forgot about that White girl. At first I thought she was a native Japanese girl and native Japanese speaker with a gyaru-like blonde hair dye and inserted random english phrases to sound cool ("Watch where you are going, asshole!"). Like a reverse weeaboo, or westaboo, if you will.

Image Comments 20 Feb 18:31
joined May 27, 2015

That's just Yohane's style. Loves bones and muscles.

joined May 27, 2015

I think someone already mentioned in another Kuttusukiboshi doujin thread before, but didn't they force Naoya Ishikawa to put that incest sex in the ova? I'm pretty sure he even apologised and said it was someone else fault because he didn't want to put that but didn't had much choice in the matter or the ova would not be made, something like that, I think it was the director or producer fault.

Not to mention that all this whining every time a new Kuttusukiboshi doujin is uploaded is becoming annoying, really guys, get over it already and just enjoy the doujins.

I think you're right about the first paragraph, though I think Ishikawa also directed the OVAs himself. It was the producer/execs, allegedly, that forced him to do it.

Maybe this is just the nature of yuri fans. Considering the talk about "purity" or "just subtext" or "not really yuri" I hear, it seems that het incest scene corrupted the "purity" of the entire franchise, and yuri fans won't forgive or forget. So it'll hang over all past, present, and future Kuttsukiboshi media like a dark cloud. I was hesitant to even read the manga/doujins at first, but now, I'm pretty over everything that happened in the OVA. I might even watch it. I wonder if Kiiko, voiced by Asami Imai, sounds like Noire from Neptunia, the only Asami Imai character I'm familiar with.

last edited at Feb 20, 2016 6:23PM

joined May 27, 2015

Whoops! She even teleported her little piss puddle in a rush. The comedy is real.

The more of this I read the more I can pretend the OVAs didn't happen, or at least, forgive their misgivings.

Well Naoya Ishikawa is an autistic with imaginary friends like Zun, His other anime is about angel maids who kiss to gains super powers and fight giant monsters,still a better love story than Kuttsukiboshi.

Whoa there, watch it with your internet autism diagnoses.

last edited at Feb 20, 2016 3:53PM

Image Comments 17 Feb 19:56
joined May 27, 2015


I saw this when it was first posted on Pixiv.

joined May 27, 2015

Eh, I've read about it before, like Aikawa_Kizuna said. Even in doujins it's not uncommon

I'd rather focus on how goddamn adorable the first 20 pages were. Kohagura's come a long way; this should be at least considered for moe up the butt.

Bless Madokami for new NanoFate in 2016.

last edited at Feb 16, 2016 2:26AM

No news is good news! 13 Feb 20:12
joined May 27, 2015

I don't know if is a mistake but thanks to exchanges rates, buying the game on Steam cost me half of what I'd pay directly on MangaGamer.

Steam is still giving Canada an extremely favorable exchange rate of 10%. I couldn't resist the sweet, sweet DRM-free-ness though, so I bought the game from MangaGamer anyway.

last edited at Feb 13, 2016 8:41PM

Image Comments 09 Feb 03:16
joined May 27, 2015

Pocky Kiss on the lower lips... Dowman Sayman would be proud, I thought this picture was done by him at first

Warter Club discussion 09 Feb 02:58
joined May 27, 2015

Seems Mira's gone crazy for VD. Like Ooshima Tomo with Love Live, or Eromame with Splatoon

Image Comments 06 Feb 18:32
joined May 27, 2015

Hoooooly shit that is hot ///

And dat Aoi sex hair

joined May 27, 2015

I don't really like Kyouko all that much but Yui's nice so I prefer KyoYui. Amusing surprise after looking at the tags and expecting Kyouko x Ayano.

I am glad that it in the end it was Yui x Kyoko... :)

The name of the doujin reminded me of that Requiem for a Dream doujin, but I had forgotten both of these were done by the same artist. I don't like this guy's comedy-drama whiplash either.

what they're wearing reminds me of the evangelion plugsuits'

Also, this. I was wondering if they engaged in any hot Asuka x Mari-style action in the future.