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joined Oct 22, 2018

"They've been married since the day they first met."
I'm sorry for quoting something that was used quite a few times in Famana (the English there has some mistakes, especially early on), but I gotta say this about the sentence I put inside quotation marks:
It fated.

joined Oct 22, 2018


Thank you

you can check it yourself, the date is on the last page of the latest chapter.

Ah, really? I forgot that... or I even maybe failed to notice it in the first place.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Remind me, which day of April is chapter 40 (I know it's somewhere in the latter half, I just don't know exactly).

joined Oct 22, 2018

BTW, I'm curious:
How many chapters are there in Japanese?
Or, put another way:
How many chapters until we who don't speak Japanese get to catch up?

joined Oct 22, 2018

Ohh... These two chapters felt great. To anyone saying that Sakurako and Kasumi aren't a couple after reading these... you're even more of a disappointment than my classmate Vladan.

joined Oct 22, 2018

People: Make comments for new chapter.
Me (reading comments before actually reading the chapter): "Big Mcthankies from McSpankies.".

last edited at Mar 21, 2019 8:44AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Even though I'm aware what you said is true for you, I still think your reply to my "thank you" comment was the thing that made me laugh the most today. Although it is true that we Balkaners tend to be very close to family, friends and relatives.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Wikipedia-sensei is your friend.

Thank you so much.
If we were on the same place I would've kissed you on one cheek and than in the other cheek and then back on the first cheek.
I'm very Balkan.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Heh... All that jokes about "Is being a lesbian required to be in Seiran" kinda reminds me of a pun I made on page 81...

As for the second paragraph, I made a pun (but, as you can see, deleted it) stating how Seiran is so full of lesbians, that one could say it's saturated...
or, should I say...


joined Oct 22, 2018

Anyways guys... I'm about to make the weirdest plea for help in all of history.
So, uhh... About a month ago, I watched a video of Zeria's, which was little over a year old by that point. It was about the NanohaxFate ship in the Nanoha franchise. I have, over the recent weeks, visited the fanarts with the Pairing: NanohaxFate tag, as well as the comments to them. Now, I want to read (and, depending whether it proves necessary or not and, even if it doesn't, if I feel like it, watch) the entire franchise, but I don't know with which manga (or anime) should I start. I want the story to make as much sense to me as it possibly can, so I wanna read (and, maybe (I can't bother repeating the same bracketed text from before again) watch) in chronological order...
So, uhh... if you can spare your time to give me the titles in the order I'm asking for, that'd be really nice, and I'd feel eternally and infinitely grateful.
Thank you for reading this, and thank you in advance for the titles (if you bother giving them).

The last sentence ended up a lot funnier than initially intended.

And before you ask:
Yes, I did try a google search for the franchise (in fact, even before looking for the fanarts) and failed finding what I was looking for.
Yes, I did try finding some manga here, and I did, but I didn't know with which to start, and I was sure I didn't find the entire franchise (more specifically, the earlier parts) in the first place.
No, I don't know when the franchise began, but I assume that the franchise is about as old as me or my cousin Aleksa.

last edited at Mar 20, 2019 1:54PM

Image Comments 20 Mar 11:06
joined Oct 22, 2018


Citrus + discussion 20 Mar 11:02
joined Oct 22, 2018

Why tho? She has become a lot more bearable than in the OG manga already. Comparatively.
She is still an annoying stalker tho.

It's exactly that stalking and invasity actually that I find putting off not that I hate her, I just like her less than most other characters...

Citrus + discussion 20 Mar 10:55
joined Oct 22, 2018

After this chapter, I really think all people who have Matsuri as their favourite Citrus character (and, yes, even @matsuri_wins) are reconsidering their choice of favourite Citrus character. I mean, she's just so invasive, though, in her defense, that did end up giving me a lot of laughter reading this.

Also, about the credit page:
The scanlation team really put the chaos in Chaosteam.
See what I did there?

I'll see myself out...

last edited at Mar 20, 2019 11:00AM

Image Comments 20 Mar 10:41
joined Oct 22, 2018

Ah, finally I find a fanart on the same day it was posted!
That aside though, this is really pretty and cute.
Why can't we have that in the actual manga, ugh...

joined Oct 22, 2018

What the-?
Koruri and Moka, have you got no shame?!?!

joined Oct 22, 2018

What a great way to conclude a series... It was sweet throughout and funny at times. Really great.
Thank you to Canno for making this.
Thank you to everyone involved in the scanlation of this, especially to Lyendith.

Also, the last page with Mizuki and Moe is the funniest thing I've seen since March began, lol.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Disclaimer: I'm not yet caught up on the whole manga and I didn't read the thread.

I must say, becuase of the last 6 pages of chapter 42.5, I had a fangirling moment, despite being a boy. My brother tried to tease me about it, but I barely registered it and didn't mind...

Image Comments 19 Mar 09:10
joined Oct 22, 2018

This is great. Love the art.
Also, who's that in the background, watching them? The hairstyle suggests it's Maki, but whatever that is next to the head (from how I see it, hanging from either the hair or ear) suggests otherwise. Please, help, someone.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Holy shit, now that's what I call one gorgeous flower!

last edited at Mar 18, 2019 2:24PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

I'm not a botanist, and I'm partly rarted so I did a quick google and they are called "Stargazer".
10/10 will buy more.

Because of this, I'ma google "Stargazer lily" as soon as I finish browsing through the fanarts to "A Room for Two".

joined Oct 22, 2018

Here's hoping we get a change in that dynamic sooner rather than later.

We're at the turning point friend.

@BugDevil Yuriten is a yearly yuri exposition created in 2016.

Sounds like Valhalla.

Damn >.<

Why are you still using spoiler bars? You do know that it doesn't change anything, right?

Eh... I know I had some reason to use them, but since I just recently woke up, I can't remember the reason...

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ Doesn't seem like it.

Damn >.<

joined Oct 22, 2018

The poster for this year's Yuriten, courtesy of Nakatani-sensei. =]


Please tell me that those two on the upper part of that picture are the MC's voice actresses...

last edited at Mar 17, 2019 3:24PM by Nezchan

joined Oct 22, 2018

WTF? Censor those damn hands!

last edited at Mar 16, 2019 7:04PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

When you check the same 4 threads on Dynasty Reader several times a day, but don't make posts
Lurker 100