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joined Mar 6, 2021

Hmm... I like this so far. Their interactions are interesting and fun. Qi Fei is kind of a pain to deal with, isn't she? But I'd say she's cute.
Actually, aren't they both a pain...?

Chapter 2:
Ge Qu: Don't bother me for meaningless—
Ah, crap, did I go too far? Let me fix that
Don't talk to me.
...Nice one girl

Now, why the hell could she play at the level (or even higher) of the other players? Even though she hadn't had any practice for like, more than a year...? It's not like I didn't expect it, I just kinda felt bad for the girls that had probably been working their asses off during that time.... XD

It was funny how other people thought the protagonist was a guy, cause I thought she looked a lot like a guy as well. Actually... and this is probably a liiiittle bit weird.. here, at the panel where she says "Were you about to use that excuse to blow me off?", she kind of reminded me of an uncle of mine (whom I haven't seen in years btw).... And unfortunately I kept thinking about it later on, when we saw her from a profile view o.O

I actually went and found pictures of that uncle just to prove to myself that she didn't look like him lol. Needless to say, she did not, in fact, look anything like my uncle...
(Oh, and just to be clear, my uncle does not have blue hair or golden eyes –like, in case someone got that impression)

(Edit: crap, I got the protagonist's name wrong!)

last edited at Aug 4, 2021 7:50AM

joined Mar 6, 2021

I really like this so far. It had already piqued my interest from the first chapter and this one definitely didn't disappoint; I'll surely continue following this series until the subtext is eating at my insides every chapter (yes, I've been reading Living with my brother's wife. and I have an idea where this "subtext" will go, nowhere).

I'm glad Kanon changed her attitude, seeing how Saki genuinely wanted to be her... friend. Yeah that.
May I also add here:

Is it me or the main character seems already aware of her own orientation?

Idk, I thought the pretty girl was her gay awakening, but it seems that she had a little crush on her piano teacher, isn't it??

I think she had a crush on the piano teacher, but might not be entirely aware of it being a crush and what that means. So she might not even realize that her feelings were due to love, and that she's gay.

She might not, but her mother sure does~ lol

I love this author's artstyle, though I have to admit reading other works of the same author can make me kind of biased towards the characters. In this case positively, but there have been instances where I couldn't help but dislike a character simply because they reminded me of one I disliked from another work of the author. It's a good thing that at least Kanon doesn't look or act like any other of Kuzushiro's characters I've seen. (But Saki sometimes overlaps with Shino in my mind.... Well, at least I didn't dislike her, so that is something XD)

joined Mar 6, 2021

I love how she just talked about this over the phone lol
Their relationship is so great and it's indeed very refreshing to see the mother feel remorseful about pushing her views on romance on her daughter in previous years.

It is also quite interesting to see the contrast between the two leads and their relationship with their parents: one is completely open and didn't hesitate a moment to share her feelings with her mum, while the other is tightly closeted (understandably, seeing how her mother acts) and heavily restricted by her parents. I'm curious to see how the author will continue to explore these dynamics in the following chapters.

joined Mar 6, 2021

It's been quite some time that I've been thinking I'd like to read a depressing story, where the couple never gets together or wastes decates before getting together due to societal norms and/or unfortunate circumstances. So I'd been looking for stories with maybe an older setting, secretly hoping that they would have a tragic ending, but being unable to ask for such stories specifically, because I didn't want the ending to be spoiled. And, well, almost every story I came across actually had a happy ending (which I didn't mind of course, I just had this lingering desire to read a depressing story).

And here comes this, promising me exactly what I wished for from the very first chapter... And I can't. Handle it!

I'm kind of excited at the same time, though. I really hope this will crush my heart exactly as I wanted and deserve. I thoroughly enjoyed the other works of the author on the site; they have a sort of mysterious and unsettling atmosphere that I don't come across often in yuri.

joined Mar 6, 2021

(I've read, like, two more delinquent yuri series but whatever)

Anyway, really enjoying this so far. While reading the first volume it kinda felt like one of those series that continue endlessly without ever having any actual progress...? But I was very pleasantly surprised with the more recent chapters.

I really liked the failed confession we got from the side couple.

I did root for Kishi; the thing is, from the start, or at least very soon, I got the impression that her feelings weren't reciprocated. I don't think that Himekawa likes Hana, but it was pretty obvious that she saw Kishi as a friend. I'd actually be a bit disappointed if the author had her accept the confession, cause it'd feel like they hadn't given any proper thought when writing her character in the previous chapters.

Also, the fact that the main characters are actually in a very similar situation makes it very interesting to see how things will turn out for them. You freaking out at the realisation of how fragile their relationship could be seems to me as a clear sign that she does wish for them to be something other than friends (since that was what disrupted the balance of their friends' relationship); though I wouldn't mind the friendship route honestly.

I've come to really like You as a protagonist. She's kind of closed-off and meddling and insecure, but somehow that makes it very liberating when she takes the first step to share her feelings.

joined Mar 6, 2021

Heavier unrequited stuff aside, I kinda hate riddles like the one we just saw. They basically just boil down to "guess which way the creator wants you to interpret the riddle" instead of having an actually intuitive answer.

I love how you just skipped all talk about the heavier unrequited stuff to comment this and yes, somebody had to say that!

At first I thought the point was to confuse you into thinking that the elephants were also going to the river. Then I realised that the catch was actually "all elephants saw the same two monkeys", but. Where is that specified in the narration? From what I read it could just as well have been that each elephant was moving separately and came across a different pair of monkeys, or even that some of the elephants saw the same monkeys and others saw different. There is nothing in this riddle that would make either answer more correct. In fact, perhaps the only "correct" answer would be to point out the incompleteness of the riddle itself.

joined Mar 6, 2021

Angry Mikoto looked cool. Plus, the ponytail~

The fierce d e t e r m i n a t i o n leading up to that pathetic service was a cruel reminder of my volleyball games in PE class...

I loved the mandatory the troubled character figures out the solution to their problem, with people screaming in the background, all while the ball is still floating weightlessly in the air. It just fits so well in this manga! XD

I thought this was a fun chapter. Yes, it was ridiculous, but that's what I expect to see from this and I'd say it was done just fine this time~

joined Mar 6, 2021

"I've already heard Haruma, Toribami, Seto and Kouda are participating"
Ah cool, just give me a moment to remember just who in the world those people were? lol

Thankfully Haruma and Toribami were mentioned later, so that's a fifty percent success I guess XD

Anyway, despite this coming out only bimonthly and me forgetting... ahem, a couple of details, I'm really interested in seeing where it goes and I'm quite intrigued with this Shion issue, I'm looking forward to seeing how it will play out.

joined Mar 6, 2021

if you put it like that i gues shiho does work wonders as a twirling mustache villain if she had more personality and style she might as well be a clasic disney villain

Hahaha, you think so?
To be honest I thought she felt very much like a twirling mustache villain at the beginning, when she first appeared just to stir up trouble. I don't think that having her be a not very good person means that she doesn't have a personality...? Either way, I'd say that the depth of her character is within my expectations for this manga.

joined Mar 6, 2021

A manga which is about got stuck in a game where killing your classmates in order to survive and mc is always being protected by the transfer student that turned out to be her sister. Sorry this is the best description I can give.

Shoujo Shikkaku?

joined Mar 6, 2021

Oh wow, somehow this was the chapter I needed to finally give a damn about Shiho and this whole arc. So it turns out that she only took up the guitar out of spite?! "I couldn't have what I wanted because of you, so I'll take what you wished for but couldn't have instead"?

So she's always been such an incredibly selfish and arrogant and petty person! I'm really, reaaaally happy to see that. I'm just so tired of authors giving sappy backstories to antagonists in order to justify their actions, that it feels so refreshing to finally get a story where they remain incredibly selfish and arrogant and petty.

Yes, it is understandable that a child who has been made to believe that they will forever be the best would crumble at the realisation that they are not. But that doesn't change the fact that Shiho was never able to let go of this grudge. She's still prideful and arrogant. This chapter really gave us a more complete image of who Shiho is and why she does what she does. Even her lashing out at Aki and quitting the band takes a new perspective: the reason clearly involved jealousy towards Yori, but while I used to believe that she was hurt because she likes Aki (which is still a possibility), now we also see where her inability to accept defeat stems from. Shiho felt like she was losing to Yori, and she couldn't accept that.

This chapter reignited my dislike for this character, but it also managed to finally spark some genuine interest towards her in me.

I can't skip on mentioning THE ART here. I really liked the couple of pages with Shiho struggling to surpass Kyou: Shiho's anguish, as well as the hurt in Kyou's expression...
Also, Shiho's expression here was gorgeous!
The sort of "villainous" expression that we often got in the past felt artificial to me, like the author (or maybe Shiho herself...?) was trying a bit too hard to show that she was the antagonist. But her expression here shows so much more than that. It maintains an air of arrogance, but at the same time it gives a sense of distance and loneliness, like she has a lot more in her heart than she lets Hima know.

last edited at Jul 23, 2021 7:59PM

joined Mar 6, 2021

I know Ai's long passionate rambles are a thing but I don't know if I can keep with it.

Yeah, Ai's rambling can get a bit tiring? sometimes, but I have to admit I really enjoyed her passionate speach in this one. I don't know why, but I found the idea of her shouting like that in the middle of the crowd very funny.

It is a weird manga and the only logical person is probably that one coworker that has to put up with Ai's creepy otaku nonsense, but it's still a fun read to me. Weird, but overall entertaining.

VAMPEERZ discussion 21 Jul 07:16
joined Mar 6, 2021

True power of pleșcăviță and sarmale.

I wonder if google translate is lying to me,
But this was so random and funny the way I read it, thanks

VAMPEERZ discussion 21 Jul 07:10
joined Mar 6, 2021

When the first pole pierced through Maoa I forgot they were immortal vampires for a second and was shocked
Then I saw the next go through her head and was even more shocked
And then, when everyone was fatally hit I went,
Aaah, right, they are immortal vampires...! lol

Neat chapter.
"The Power of Love Saves All" was done quite nicely here :)

joined Mar 6, 2021

She.. D– Did she just.. Did she just eat a photograph...?
Eh– Umm.. Okay, cool

I was waiting for this to be completed before I started reading it, because it seemed like it'd be one of those stories where I hate all of the characters so much that I need to read it all in one go, to just get it over with, and at the same time can't abandon it, because it will keep haunting me if I don't see the conclusion. (*cough* Kodama Naoko *cough cough*)
And yet, I really enjoyed this. Surprisingly so.

I did find most(?) of the characters to be rather detestable and I did end up binge reading this in a day. But it was because it was interesting, not because it was irritating me to the point that I couldn't find peace if I left it alone.

On the subject of Haruki: I don't understand why some people are defending her like she was some guardian angel or something. In the beginning, you could definitely say she was looking out for Aya, but it quickly became clear that her motives were actually completely selfish. She definitely wasn't worse than our main leads, but she wasn't all that better either. Also, them not knowing that they were both lesbians has little to do with this, I think. It seems unlikely that it would have changed the outcome, since Aya never saw her as anything more than a friend. At least she got a clear rejection so she can now move on and not become a second Sei (we really don't need more of those... lol)

last edited at Jul 21, 2021 11:06AM

Spoilers discussion 17 Jul 06:49
joined Mar 6, 2021

You can hover over an image to see the tags before clicking on it

Ah right, I forget that you can do that. I mostly use android devices on this site, so it's kind of a pain to try and do that on every image.

Spoilers discussion 16 Jul 18:18
joined Mar 6, 2021

Okay, but am I the only one feeling that the spoilers tag is actually what spoils it sometimes? I am talking about images here, not doujins.

Like, I've never heard of a show, so it just seems like a cute picture. But then I see the tag, so I come to think, oh this is from something that happened in the show...?
Bam! Spoiled.

I don't even know how many times this has happened to me when I browse through the images. Usually I don't mind, since it's from shows/games I'm not familiar or interested in. But there definitely have been instances where, for example, I had watched the anime but hadn't read the manga, so I hadn't reached that part yet.
(Talking about that Nobara x Maki image here...)

I do think it can be a useful tag, but I don't understand its purpose on images. It's not like I can see the tags before I look at the picture to avoid getting spoiled anyway... So I'd rather not know that I was spoiled hahaha

joined Mar 6, 2021

Okay, but that looks more like 20cm rather than 10...?

I actually went to the trouble of checking how that would translate to my height and (unless my calculations were wrong, which isn't entirely unlikely cause I wasn't that invested), even if we suppose they're 150cm in height, it wouldn't be that short.

The rest has already been said in the previous comments

joined Mar 6, 2021

Also, I don't really see the ship so far? Is this a canon ship? I thought it was when I started the show, but now I've started wondering if I was wrong...?

I wasn't wrong!
Truth is, I didn't really ship them up until... the end of the 4th season?
Actually, I low-key shipped Catra with Scorpia for some time hehe (But then I didn't anymore, cause Catra was being too much of a jerk! and Scorpia just wanted friends... or whatever? lol)

And then the 5th episode of season 5 hit......
HOW could I not ship them after that?! It was just too good! And the rest of the season was just... hgnnn! too good for this ship. I generally avoid shipping non-canon couples too hard (I still didn't know if didn't trust they were canon at the time), cause I just can't bear it... But I couldn't not ship them! Glad it really did end up being official!
I think I actually started to doubt it, in spite of whatever signs there were in the previous seasons, because I'm too used to seeing this type of thing in anime ending up as friendship


(and because she's a little kitty, I mean, come on)

Glad they recognised the adorable kittiness of Catra in the show. I mean, she purred. She. Purred. (I don't even know why I loved that so much, I'm not usually one to fangirl over catgirls.. It was probably in part because she acted so tough, when she was really just a kitty...)

this was a pretty cool show! I did get somewhat tired around the middle, like the 3rd or the beginning of the 4th season...? but the 5th season was such a great pay-off! Even without Catradora. Though of course for me Catradora made it even better~ hehe)
Definitely gonna make other people watch it so that I can talk about it!

last edited at Jul 17, 2021 4:09PM

Semelparous discussion 08 Jul 13:41
joined Mar 6, 2021

Just read this today in one go. It is quite bad.
The characters and their interactions have no depth, no matter how much the author may try to convince us otherwise with cheap and predictable drama. Let me be clear, the drama itself wouldn't be bad, if it was executed well. I actually felt that there was a lot of potential in this story when I started it. But it isn't executed well. The relationship of the two leads feels rushed in a way that makes their supposed "love" feel superficial. So Yorino going berserk because of Youko's death honestly has no effect on me, since it doesn't feel real. When did they even fall in love? I literally read this a few hours ago and I can't seem to remember!?
Oh, I probably missed that part with all the boobs bouncing around...

And yes, I probably shouldn't judge the entirety of a work based on the cup size of the characters... But that doesn't mean I can't judge the cup size of the characters XD Especially when their boobs are so abnormally large and round that it actually distracts me from whatever plot there is to see.
...Though there actually is no plot, because the "plot" is the boobs flapping about; the "plot" is the cheap ecchi scenes; the "plot" is the torn up ultra-sexy skin-tight battle suites.

Okay, that was just stupid. She's still breathing, and then 2 seconds later dead? I mean...what the hell was that?

Unfortunately, that is painfully realistic: people just don't fall over dead immediately, but some of their bodily functions try to keep going as long as they can, so even victims with lethal injuries breathe for a bit even while there is literally nothing anyone can do for them. That's why triage exists in the first place. But I do agree with you that, apart from extra realism, it is unclear what the author wanted to achieve with this plot point.

Well, sure, she wouldn't die immediately under normal circumstances, but isn't she supposed to die of heart failure or something, as soon as the double is dead? So how is she still breathing...? I think @Giftnova is right to say that it only happened for Yorino's cool entrance lol

Honestly, if this manga is really getting the axe... I think it's understandable.

joined Mar 6, 2021

The thing about not labeling their relationship felt a bit off. It wasn't wrong per se, it just didn't fit that well here. Despite the fact that they had actually mentioned something like that before, the following events made it *pretty clear* what kind of relationship they had, I think. I've read other stories where the relationship actually is sort of ambiguous, or even if it isn't, it just kinda works better in the narrative/dialogue...? It seemed a bit unnecessary here; it felt like the author was coming back to an idea that we had moved on from (but I guess they hadn't lol).

It just wasn't ambiguous okay? The ambiguity didn't have any charm to it, cause it wasn't ambiguous!

On another note, we never saw the uncle's partner, right? From the beginning I took that fact and the ambiguous language to mean that he too was in a homosexual relationship.

We did actually. And yes, it was pretty clear that he would be a guy from the way he was always referred to as his "partner".

joined Mar 6, 2021

Ooh! I also got into She-ra recently for the same reason and ended up feeling more or less the same. I can't say I hate Catra, cause I do think that some of what she's done is kind of justifiable (and because she's a little kitty, I mean, come on), but like, this redemption arc really needs to come sometime soon cause I've started to lose my patience....

Also, I don't really see the ship so far? Is this a canon ship? I thought it was when I started the show, but now I've started wondering if I was wrong...? (Oh, don't answer this, I'd rather it be a surprise whichever way it goes)

Ah, I've also watched up to season 3, by the way. And I also ended up not really caring that much for the ship, since the plot and humour are actually quite engaging!

last edited at Jul 17, 2021 4:08PM

joined Mar 6, 2021

On the events of the most recent chapters, I do think that the situation is salvagable if the anime guy is her dad. That way they could just go public, reveal that she was visiting her estranged dad and that would also help her personally as then she can be most honest about hereslf as well.

Though I do believe that it is most likely her dad, it will still be hard to make the situation any better. Sure, in that case she wouldn't have slept her way up , but they could just as well claim that she only got the role because the director was her father... which wouldn't be all that positive for her reputation now, would it? It would save her from these disgusting accusations that she "betrayed" her fans by dating a man, but it wouldn't save her from the accusations that she cheated to get the role.

last edited at Jul 3, 2021 1:02PM

joined Mar 6, 2021

What a strong chapter! Really reminded me why I love this series so much. The use of the panels and the angle of the shots was great. I especially liked the page where Nozomi puts her hand on Shino's mouth. It looks so menacing, like she's going to suffocate her, it's great!
...That came out weird.

Anyway, it's good to see Nozomi finally open up about her feelings, even though this is likely to cause Shino to take a few steps back... I'm here for the angst, and I'm looking forward to seeing them actually move on (in maybe another hundred chapters lol).

joined Mar 6, 2021

Oh, sensei really needs to get rid of that annoying teacher. That character really ruins everything. Sometimes you just have to say no when you try to have a comic relief character.

I don't mind the teacher to be honest. But I agree that they're definitely not the strongest comic relief character... I actually have more fun reading people's hate comments about her than I have with her interactions in the story lol
Though she didn't really do anything that bad this chapter, did she? Idk, I think that's passable, this is a manga after all