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joined May 27, 2015

If they were their real none transformed selves it would be loli - but I guess it doesn't warrant a tag when they look older?

Well, in this one Lala's all untransformed and pretty loli-looking, but that didn't get the Lolicon tag either. It could be just that nobody suggested the loli tag for that one and the mods didn't bother.

joined May 27, 2015

Thanks. Goggled/Anya delivering sick shit once again!

Image Comments 01 May 13:28
joined May 27, 2015

@YuriLily why would you not mention that "certain scene", but spoil yunahina?

No respect for the couple, obviously! Just kidding!

All couples are equal, but some are more equal than others.

  1. Matsuri-Miyu
  2. Yuna-Hina
  3. Aki-Youka
  4. Sachi-Megumi
  5. Sasa-Umi

Too bad Ano and Nena don't hook up with anyone.

last edited at May 1, 2016 1:28PM

joined May 27, 2015

That weird gray area that is futa but not quite futa. Still ew.

The art is good and the ahegao is sick though. And leaving Japanese bits in the translation like Onee-chan, imouto and baka-ane is pretty amusing. Flat is justice!

They remind me a bit of Lala and Nana from To Love-Ru. Big tit, mad scientist baka-ane, insecure small-breasted imouto.

last edited at Apr 28, 2016 7:37PM

joined May 27, 2015

Does this qualify as Lolicon? Lala's like 10 at the beginning of PriPara and she looks like she's got the body for it.

"Red flash"
Prism Voice
Cool Mode ahoge

I love it when they throw in terminology from the series, especially kiddy shoujo shows like Precure and Aikatsu.

last edited at Apr 24, 2016 1:51AM

Oddman 11 discussion 22 Apr 04:23
joined May 27, 2015

Fucking Dowman Sayman. I was too confused to feel sad myself.

Yuri Danshi discussion 22 Apr 03:17
joined May 27, 2015

Huh, I thought this was cancelled because the guy took too much of the spotlight and drew too much backlash from fans. I was going to make some stupid wisecrack about how it would've been the most meta "yuri" manga ever. Male yuri fan, all the in-jokes and all the references to real yuri series, that realization that males don't have much of a place in an ideal yuri world, and then the manga gets cancelled because a manga featuring a male yuri fan has no place in the world.

Natsusuki discussion 20 Apr 20:44
joined May 27, 2015

Wow, I was tricked. I know Ume Aoki moonlights with a doujin circle called Apricot+; I thought it would be her. "photohoot" should be "photoshoot", right?

Your hotline's blinging



joined May 27, 2015

When I read that "You owe me a juice as punishment" line I imagined Nico filling a juice box with Maki's juice. How's that for a lewd drink to have with your bento?!

last edited at Apr 19, 2016 2:59AM

joined May 27, 2015

I think the door to my dreams was kicked down...

And now the opening guitar riff is playing in my head. I guess I'll read this and Private Tsunderation 4 listening to Yume no Tobira.

And isn't penis envy just Freudian bullshit? What's with all this "I'm jealous of guys" shit? I'm a guy

last edited at Apr 19, 2016 2:51AM

joined May 27, 2015

should probs change the author. they are already listed here as Shiratama.

Not the same guy, just both go by Shiratama.

I guess someone should change this doujin over to Shiratamaco then.

joined May 27, 2015

^^^ Wait, where's the first one?

It's half het, sadly. The other half had more Alice masturbation.

joined May 27, 2015

Mr. Spice and Wolf is at it again. I just grabbed the latest volume of the manga last month

But seriously though. "Breezy"? "Windy"? Da fuck?

joined May 27, 2015

Wew, more Kiniro Syndrome by Shiratamaco.

Youko in sukumizu is something I don't remember seeing in the anime, and I didn't know I wanted. But damn.

joined May 27, 2015

I just recently noticed just how much Gochuumon wa Usagi yuri-H material has been popping up compared to similar shows since it's first airing. Is it really that obvious that there is much snuggling going on behind closed doors in this world, oh not that i'm complaining, this is cute AF.

I dunno, I've seen my fair share of yuri porn from similar shows like Yuyushiki, Yuru Yuri, and Kiniro Mosaic.

joined May 27, 2015

Kokoro pyon pyon, motherfucker.

Still waiting for a Blu-Ray batch of Season 2.

Sweet Room discussion 07 Apr 00:29
joined May 27, 2015

For some reason Honoka sounds even dumber than usual in this doujin. Probably because she referred to herself in third-person a lot and used the -san honorific for Tsubasa instead of -chan. I haven't watched Love Live in a while so I don't remember what she used in the anime.

The twist at the end was a little creepy, but my main takeaway from this doujin is: I like dumb Honoka and dumb Honoka getting hammered by a dominant (but maybe not yandere) Tsubasa and I'm a little embarrassed to say it.

Murcielago discussion 04 Apr 21:30
joined May 27, 2015

Kuroko's outfit is sick this arc, I don't think she normally wears heels, so if she doesn't stab someone with them I will be very upset.

I agree, her outfit is quite sick.

Murcielago discussion 04 Apr 14:56
joined May 27, 2015

Anybody know if the author has explained the reason for the title of the series? Have we seen Hinako drive a Murcielago yet? Or is it a reference to Kuu-chan (murcielago = bat)? Or something else...

I've never heard any official word from the author, but it can be a pun on both the car, which shows up multiple times over the course of the story, and a pun on Koumori's name. I'd give her the benefit of a doubt and say she knew what she was doing.

Murcielago discussion 03 Apr 21:03
joined May 27, 2015

Oh hey, Destoroyah's my favorite Godzilla monster. Unless that wasn't a reference to the Godzilla monster in the last page.

Murcielago discussion 30 Mar 02:17
joined May 27, 2015

What happened in that panel where Chiyo said "I was done in pretty bad back then" on page 23? Forgive me, it's been two years of Murcielago and my memory isn't so good.

In the Rose Colored Prison arc, Chiyo got knocked out or something, tied up and all, vulnerable. If it wasn't for Hinako, she would have died

Ah, thanks for the reminder.

Murcielago discussion 30 Mar 01:24
joined May 27, 2015

What happened in that panel where Chiyo said "I was done in pretty bad back then" on page 23? Forgive me, it's been two years of Murcielago and my memory isn't so good.

Wow, Kuroko barely reacting when Hinako mentioned the words "sweaty" and "bath" in the same sentence.

Well yeah, she just got rocked by the discovery that Chiyo's "given up on her" and she's not interested in having sex with Ringo or Hinako in the first place.

joined May 27, 2015

The third girl only showed up for a page so I forgot her immediately

Never seen speed being played in fiction before.

Also, you guys totally read my mind doing the shiritori in Japanese. I always thought the kanmuri was more like a crown than a cap, hence Toyota naming their mid-size appliance, er, sedan, the "Camry" after previously calling it Crown and Corona.

last edited at Mar 26, 2016 7:37AM

joined May 27, 2015

I'm familiar with itasha (anime-wrapped cars) but I'm not familiar with ita-ema. Otaku have such a huge inferiority complex, slapping the word for "painful" onto anything anime-related.

joined May 27, 2015

Finally, the teachers!

And whew, this was a good one.