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Yuki Kitsune
Beloved L discussion 02 Feb 09:23
joined Jan 31, 2015

"...molybdenum, molybdenum, molybdenum..."

Also, did anyone else read this to the tune of "Modern Major General" (a.k.a., the Elements Song)?

last edited at Feb 2, 2018 9:48PM

joined Jan 31, 2015

The title of the collection, Incomplete Girl, should be a pretty good indication of what you're getting into with these stories. They're definitely on the more bitter side of bittersweet. Enjoyable as an herb, not as a meal.

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

Damn. Now you've got me wanting to read chapters 3 through 111.

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

"Sequel" seems overstated. At best, it takes place in the same school as Drumcan Hyakkei. (And maybe a cameo if Onjou=Honjou.) There's not like a shared universe tag, is there? No? Oh, well.

last edited at Jan 20, 2018 10:55AM

joined Jan 31, 2015

When my kid was diagnosed with Asperger's in high school, one of the first things I told them was, "When someone asks how you are doing, they don't actually want to know." It was like a light turned on and so many of their awkward interactions suddenly made sense. As someone who wasn't diagnosed, I was probably in my thirties before I figured out that I should just respond "good," "fine," "great," and neither give nor expect a real response.

I'm glad to see something like this. Almost wish they'd make it school curriculum. Almost.

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

Liking Ena. Not liking Mishio; character feels cliché. And what do you want to bet that the substitute nurse is her old flame? It doesn't look like a serial, so at least the potential for drawn-out drama is limited.

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

"Flirting" ... Right.

Yuki Kitsune
Their Story discussion 18 Nov 15:01
joined Jan 31, 2015

I already have a "Favorites"... Do I need an "Ultra-Favorites" for this one?

What's been 4 years? Didn't this series start 3 years ago, Nov.2014? (Either way, makes me realize I discovered yuri a mere 10 years ago. Feels like it was so much longer.)

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015


Only if you get caught?

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

It's interesting how their roles started to reverse a bit. Michiru has come a long way from, "It's naïve to think that something like having a kid would make me able to become an adult." Sure, she still needs a lot of work, but she's finally trying. Maya, on the other hand...accepting Kuwabara's proposal for all the wrong reasons. Rarely does a fictional character get me so riled.

Thanks for the new chapters. Still one of my faves.

P.S. I think there's a typo on the cover page: "Saya" instead of Maya?

last edited at Jul 6, 2020 9:46PM

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

Sometimes the "useless additions" are the most important part pf character developmet lmao

Lotte-chan's "development" always makes me chuckle.
Edit: Wait, is she doing Kazama's "Cool & Beauty" pose?

last edited at Jun 13, 2018 9:39AM

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

No What the fuck am I reading? Tag? Because what the fuck did I just read?

Maybe we could replace the 'Comedy' tag with it. About as humorous as an Andrew Dice Clay monologue.

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

Then she started eying the mirror, and I thought: more like omnivore.

It looks more like Snow whats to break the mirror into a million pieces and bury each one in a separate hole to me.

With hearts flying overhead as she says, "We shall get along better with the mirror too!"? Looks like she has her eyes on a 3P to me. If she's mad at the mirror...oh, what sweet torture might she be plotting!

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

Glad it went the direction it did. Half expected it to devolve into Snow White and the Seven Lolis.

The carnivore/herbivore thing made me crack up. Then she started eying the mirror, and I thought: more like omnivore.

joined Jan 31, 2015

Sequel? (0.0) Can't just leave it like that...

Yes, based on the table of contents.

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

I'll admit, it's taken a while but this series has grown on me. Which...seems apt.

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

Just curious if anyone knows... When I looked up this mangaka on Baka-Updates, it listed them as female, and the website profile I found also lists them as female, so I'm going with that. But this page of Wife and Wife implies that Minamoto-san is a man. Mistranslation, ambiguous original phrasing, or did the mangaka's gender change in the meanwhile?

Yuki Kitsune
Cutie Beast discussion 17 Jun 03:14
joined Jan 31, 2015

There is something exceedingly uncomfortable about seeing the tags Comedy and Rape in the same story.

joined Jan 31, 2015

I don't think this chapter got continued and it's from 2 years ago.

Chapter before that was from 5 years ago, so I'm willing to hold out hope.

Well even if so - it's very nice to visit with old friends once more and see how they are doing.

Very nice indeed. The frustrations of my work day are falling away.

Truly. It's like Santa just knew how lousy my day was. Thank you!

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

Oh, flapraggle. The whole "A, B, C" thing took way too long to click.

Yuki Kitsune
15Y+ discussion 29 May 22:06
joined Jan 31, 2015

"Passed" not "Past."

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

As much as I would love to see Uta with Kaoru, I can't deny I'd feel a little bad for the brother when he's done nothing wrong and genuinely cares for both his sister and wife. I also don't know if I'd be happy if they tried to throw in some drama where the brother did something terrible like cheating to get the main characters together, because that would feel like the cheap and "easy" way out with little satisfaction tbh. What I wouldn't mind seeing is if Kaoru actually fell in love with Uta, and fighting with her own emotions or something. Still, regardless of the route the author decides to go, I'm excited to read it to the end.

IDK, Brother's tepid feelings toward his wife (especially when imouto is near) makes me wonder if he's not well aware of her feelings ... and has been for some time. I half expect to see him dealing with his conflicted emotions toward the two of them.

Yuki Kitsune
Lily Love discussion 28 May 11:01
joined Jan 31, 2015

Gee, that airport looks familiar. Just got back from two weeks in Thailand. Now I need to reread the series to see how many new things I can pick out.

Yuki Kitsune
Fragtime discussion 28 May 10:08
joined Jan 31, 2015

Just read the chap 0 and realize that the last page of chap 0 and the las page of the final chap are the same but with a different meaning.

Nice catch!!! That little details are soooooo awesome I love them!!!!

Thanks for uploading the prequel. I love it when a story is brought to full circle like that; makes it feel so satisfyingly complete.

joined Jan 31, 2015

Beat, beat, beat, beat, beat ... BEAT!

I was totally confused by the mom's reaction and had to reread it, then I lost it. Now my whole family's giving me weird looks. Guess I ... missed a beat. ;-)