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joined Jul 26, 2016

Yeah this chick is definitely giving off some kind of latent psychic aura that makes other women's ovaries ache...

I reckon give it a few years and she'll be doing the power of a gigolette pose. :v

Killing Me! discussion 06 Jun 12:26
joined Jul 26, 2016

Make-up threesome when?

Killing Me! discussion 06 Jun 12:24
joined Jul 26, 2016

Is that Straight to VHS? That is totally me, though. I don't know why but moving in heels just never seemed harder to me.

GURPS actually, but certainly a solid fit for high-octane games deliberately going for B-movie cheese. :d

Look at them, running around in high heels like that.

That is some YoRHa level shit, right there...

TBF the heels are apparently part of the androids' leg structure and it's not like they're working with mere human muscle and bone anyway; why they have that feature is another question entir- HAHAHA who am I kidding it's for the sake of moar delicious 2Booty ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Or as it was put in an MMORPG chat I witnessed shortly after the game was out:
"tfw 2B's ass has more polygons than entire Zelda Wind Waker"
"tfw 2B's ass is better content than entire Zelda Wind Waker"

joined Jul 26, 2016

If you decide to jump in the discussion for some reason, then go read everything I have said dumbass. I said up to 18 months. Depending on the kid, it can be +-6.

And from this we derive that it is necessary for the mother to wholesale give up life outside housework because of why exactly?

Because that's basically what you've been arguing.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Things Man Was Not Meant To Know D:

Killing Me! discussion 05 Jun 21:22
joined Jul 26, 2016

Is there a reason for Newbie-San to hide from her mother the fact that she has gotten sucked?

You mean besides the obvious utter embarassement and her Stubbornly Proud Tsundere level of OVER 9000...? :/

Turning has almost always been depicted to happen immediately, it actually doesn't matter.

...I can think plenty of depictions where the transition into an exciting new (un)life as a glorified mosquito takes a while, actually.

Killing Me! discussion 05 Jun 20:01
joined Jul 26, 2016

Has her age even been given? I don't recall seeing anything about it so it seems like people are just assuming that since she's a vampire she's much older.

Not really but from the context it can be inferred Miyoko's both fairly well-connected (eg. explicitly where she gets her blood supply, and implicitly however she finangles her official paperwork) and apparently a seasoned fighter, which don't exactly suggest she was "turned" yesterday.
Some of her musings also imply she's susceptible to the sort of ennui that stereotypically affects immortals who've been around for quite some time. She's herself pretty explicit that one of the reasons she likes hanging around N00b Hunter-chanSaki is because she makes life interesting...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Can confirm, again. Was often babysat by older relatives and have in turn looked after relatives' kids when they were small.

joined Jul 26, 2016

If the mother did not take care of them, who did? The father?

I fail to see the problem?

There are differences between people.

You don't say.

-- when saying that children need constant care and affection,

When they're like one year old, sure. But after they stop being totally helpless little larva kindergartens exist for a reason.

and that the mother is necessary.

Pretty sure there's no shortage of single fathers in the world who'd dispute that. Or psychologists for that matter, since parenting does not automagically equal mother (or vise versa).

joined Jul 26, 2016

Reversalception. We need to go deeper.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 26, 2016

Riri appears in all of two panels and spends them both in fine form. Say what else you will about that girl but she's very consistent. :P

joined Jul 26, 2016

*raises hand*

Can confirm as the child of a single working mother.

Killing Me! discussion 05 Jun 18:44
joined Jul 26, 2016

Clearly they have made judicious investement in relevant character perks:

High-Heeled Heroine [cinematic]: You can run, climb, fight, and so on while wearing high heels without suffering any special penalty for bad footing. - - This can give a reaction or Sex Appeal bonus in situations best left to the imagination.

Candy Moon discussion 05 Jun 10:23
joined Jul 26, 2016

Because it's funny, duh.

What's the historical element in here, guys?

Clothes look 1700-ish I guess? And not a mobile phone to be seen. ʅ ( • ε • ) ʃ

Killing Me! discussion 05 Jun 07:32
joined Jul 26, 2016 which legislation specifically? Because she'd likely meet the age of consent in a whole bunch of places, including about half of US states.

Mind, it's not like Miyoko has thus far expressed specifically sexual interest in her to begin with...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Getting some vague Dragon Half (IIRC) vibes here...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Signs point to no.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Which is one of the reasons the whole housewife thing is kind of stupid bullshit (now that it isn't a practical necessity anymore) since it basically leaves perfectly healthy and capable adults sitting idle after the kids grow up.

Killing Me! discussion 04 Jun 18:05
joined Jul 26, 2016

That'd be a novel take on the proliferation part if nothing else not to mention a decent hentai premise. Ought to make life somewhat inconvenient for vampires that are into both casual sex and performing cunnilingus due to unintented population explosion though...

joined Jul 26, 2016

seriously ?!! what kind of disgusting reasoning is that?! "she's going to get married become pregnant and quit" so don't give her big task because she's just a breeding cow to be??? am i the only one who got mad a this sexist way of thinking?

You'd be surprised what kinds of hurdles the possibility of mere maternity leave can raise even in the most progressive Western countries, then. And near as I've heard Japanese childcare support systems are still basically built around the housewife paradigm so...

That's rather less actual sexism than simply hedging your bets in the face of certain biological realities (ie. human pregancies are somewhat disabling) and related archaic social policies (ie. kids need a lot of looking after and if the family is expected to mostly do it themselves...).

Image Comments 04 Jun 17:08
joined Jul 26, 2016

Nah, if the premise is Serving Folks x Alice then Milady and the hikikomori wizzard are likely banging each other and/or the kleptomaniac wizzard and/or the poorfag miko... :d

Image Comments 04 Jun 17:04
joined Jul 26, 2016

> watching dubs

This is where you dun goofed.

last edited at Jun 4, 2018 5:04PM

Killing Me! discussion 04 Jun 13:46
joined Jul 26, 2016

Folklore and the balance of modern depictions usually require actually getting killed, not just bitten - this is not lupusrabies jeez.

And Miyoko's taking dainty enough sips that N00b Hunter-chan isn't even getting anemic despite being chewed on on a more or less daily basis so...

What makes this story creepy is, you really get a sense the vampire is very old and smart and experienced, no matter how young she looks. The mangaka is really good at having that shine through. I do think she wants the vampire hunter as a companion though. My guess is, that in addition to short-term making her jealous, she's rubbing in the fact that she'll lose her youth and beauty to soften her up for the eventual change to a vampire.

Well if nothing else it's obvious Saki is totally out of her depth against her. Miyoko blatantly doesn't even treat her persistent attempts at slayering as any sort of credible threat but rather as fun play-fighting which doubtless bugs Saki to no end.

last edited at Jun 4, 2018 1:47PM

Killing Me! discussion 04 Jun 11:22
joined Jul 26, 2016

No I'm pretty sure the bloodsucking is also some kind of kinky flirting. Just not only.

joined Jul 26, 2016

The world would be a whole lot easier place if people weren't as routinely transfixed by their fears and anxieties as they are.