Well, that was dumb. The explanation for the curse doesn't really make sense (Why did it hit Natsuki and not Ai? Why would suicide trigger it? Why is it hitting people she's met once and not classmates?), and as a study of murderers it falls apart pretty badly by the end (No one acts like Aoya, and Tokiko is an iffy take on psychopathy)
Most interesting as a look into the author's growth; it has similar themes to Satsuki, but goes about much of the execution in almost the exact opposite way:
- Walk's pacing is absolute shit past the first volume -> Satsuki is super episodic
- Walk spends much of it's time pretending that a serial killer is somehow a viable explanation for what we saw -> Liar Satsuki Can See Death
- Tokiko is alien and unpleasant -> Satsuki is still kinda alien, but fun and has a more socially-acceptable moral code
- Walk has too many characters, bogging the whole thing down -> Satstuki's supporting cast just sort of disappears when they're not involved in a story