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Image Comments 24 May 22:02
joined Nov 15, 2017

God that Ucchi bit in the latest chapter made me sad. Girl needs to talk to her pronto.

Image Comments 24 May 21:59
joined Nov 15, 2017

Yes, it was fantastic. Came for the yuri, stayed for the story. I actually skipped the sex scenes the first time through because they kinda mess with the pacing and tone of the story a bit. Luckily they ask you before they start if you want to skip them. Definitely one of the best I've played.

last edited at May 24, 2019 10:00PM

Image Comments 24 May 21:55
joined Nov 15, 2017


Image Comments 20 May 23:07
joined Nov 15, 2017

Not into the maryjuwanna but this is super cute.

joined Nov 15, 2017

a quick game for anyone to play:
if you see a series tagged as "Age Gap", flip ten coins. if any one of them landed on heads, then you can rest assured that the series will probably be about a pedophile

Interesting considering how many age gap stories on this site don't feature kids at all.

joined Nov 15, 2017


joined Nov 15, 2017

Yuriburrito posted:

Maybe she'd be more motivated if her boobs were bigger.

Nah I'm pretty sure they're perfect for Hino just like that.

She just has to suck on them to make them bigger, at least, that's what animeland has taught me.

Image Comments 17 May 22:10
joined Nov 15, 2017

Good lord. You could have just insulted my lack of self worth. It probably would have hurt a lot less than seeing this.

joined Nov 15, 2017

I knew Neji was all about that monster girl yuri. But I'm starting to also think it's just her style to never finish anything well.

I don't think Neji has a problems with endings per say. It's more getting there that's the problem. She doesn't do to well when it comes to overarching plots leading up to the ending. It's obvious she loves writing sweet fluff and it often feels like the story gets in the way of that.

last edited at May 16, 2019 9:40PM

joined Nov 15, 2017

Aww, why does Neji fluff always have to be so short? :(

joined Nov 15, 2017

Hets are so forgettable anyway.


what? don´t know what are you talking about but toradora and tonari no kaibutsu are leagues above every yuri hosted on this site not even yagate kimi ni naru or nettaigyo wa yuki that are top tier yuri reach the level of qualitity of toradora and tonari no kaibutsu, don´t get me wrong im not saying they´re bad in fact they´re great and both probably are on my top 30 mangas of all time but right now shoujo manga/anime is way ahead of yuri manga/anime in quality and quantity

Kids, don't use drugs. Hets manga is simply minded, standardized, horribly slow burn and all the same things happen over and over. And I won't be convinced no matter what. All praise the yuri God, fuck hets.

Whoops I'll just drop this here accidentally.
Oh no this one fell out too.
Oh god another one!
Sorry, I would have gone with more, but these are the only het romances I currently follow that I consider cute enough to be shared on this site. I hope at least some people on here give that first one a shot.

last edited at May 15, 2019 9:31PM

Bondage discussion 14 May 22:56
joined Nov 15, 2017

I'm not a huge fan of bondage or the whole top-bottom dynamic as a permanent fixture of a relationship. (Not that I have anything against people who do it, I just want to take turns, you know?) This, however, has tripped that weird extreme bdsm part of my brain. Something about how she leaves her wanting more is super hot for some reason. I can't explain it. I also enjoy that one bad ending in Sisterly Bliss where Ichika ties up Futaba and leaves her with a vibrator on alone in the dark all day. It's super fucked up, but I can't help but kinda like it, especially since Futaba seems to enjoy it (although that's probably mind break more than anything else). The reversal in this manga makes this even better to me.

last edited at May 14, 2019 10:57PM

joined Nov 15, 2017

Once again I relate so hard to that hippohorse thing

Seriously. Fuck those parmesan shakers. You can't use the hole because they get clogged with clumps of cheese, and you can't use the opening because then it just comes out all at once. I've recently just given them up, and instead go for decently sized parmesan flakes. You can't sprinkle them the same, but parmesan cheese flakes drenched in sauce make for a great opener to a spaghetti meal.

joined Nov 15, 2017

Jumping these age gaps like it ain't no thang.

Image Comments 10 May 23:12
joined Nov 15, 2017

I think if Asuka was assertive enough, Tomoko would absolutely do this. All she has to do is convince her that it isn't weird, and Tomoko would go all in.

joined Nov 15, 2017

why do so many yuri artists have to draw loli trash??


While it would be lying to say that I've never though that an artists' talent was wasted on a specific fetish, I find the assumption that the artist is doing this for money kind of naive and disrespectful to the artist and their personal tastes. As someone who used spend time in the furry fandom, I can show you a thing or two about what happens when an artist trades in their dignity for the "privilege" of drawing anything for money. Trust me, it's not pretty.

joined Nov 15, 2017

BugDevil: power exchange needs to be negotiated. safe words exist for a reason. sometimes playful teasing goes too far, and it isn't always easy to tell if someone is enjoying something. .

Bud, they are just teenagers. How on earth would they know anything about safe words and such. This isn't a bdsm contract they've entered into. Hino just likes teasing her.

why do so many yuri artists have to draw loli trash??

Uhhh. They enjoy it?

joined Nov 15, 2017

Oh my god that credits card. I'm with you /U/, I have no idea where this is going. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying the ride, though.

joined Nov 15, 2017

This feels so canon. If only Ucchi would open up a bit more, this is exactly how she would behave.

joined Nov 15, 2017

... Nope, I don't have a yuri footjob fetish, what makes you say that? Also what a nice ending lmao.

More yuri foot jobs for your enjoyment

joined Nov 15, 2017

Two sick fucks have a sick fuck. Just the right amount of perversion. As much as I like vanilla stuff, this is nice on occasion.

joined Nov 15, 2017

Why must it be so painful (;_;)

joined Nov 15, 2017

Also, that boob glomp on page 4 of chapter 7 is great. Ken does such a wonderful job of letting his characters express themselves through body language.

joined Nov 15, 2017

I kinda like the format and progression of this, even if it isn't very clearly presented. The idea of a chain of stories with sexual partners being the links is pretty neat. This is either a clever statement on complex sexual communication, or Korugane Ken just wanted to draw pretty ladies making out naked. I'm fine with either, honestly.

Image Comments 01 May 23:36
joined Nov 15, 2017

The other girl is holder her leg up. not much in the way of support, but she isn't just hovering on one leg.