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joined Jan 11, 2015

Makes me think of Anemone from Eureka Seven... D:

joined Jan 11, 2015

As in cancelled or is it just finished?

The story will end in november and close in three volumes. As for the reason why it will end so fast? Coz the manga is boring and is not selling well.

Do you have a source for all this information, or are you just making it up? I only heard that the author will end the manga.

If true, then I'm sad this got axed when other worse yuri (in my opinion) go on and on. :(

EDIT: I don't mean to sound rude, but I'm a journalist, so sources and stuff are close to my heart. xD

Ah that kinda sucks that it got axed, although Im not surprised its not doing too well. I hope the ending won't be too rushed. It'll be pretty ironic if it is rushed though since the manga took waaaay too long to get to this point (Hana realizing her feelings). If only the pacing was balanced a bit more :/

I can't find the post you're quoting, but, here's the tweet about the cancellation.

joined Jan 11, 2015

How is it that something that's not very good (and claiming to be yuri when it's not) like Hayate x Blade goes on for nearly 100 chapters while this gets cut after 18 (assuming volume 3 is 6 chapters)?

Hayate x Blade is more popular because it's focused on action, and the characters becoming stronger, just like most popular shounen manga. x)

Also, shut up! Hayate x Blade is amazing! D:

joined Jan 11, 2015

One thing I do know, is that I'm gonna have a hell of a time writing the translator's note, explaining the pun/wordplay...

I have never heard of Futakaku Kankei until now, but I'm assuming there's a looot of wordplay involved? :P

The tough part is that there is no way to translate the wordplay, so I'll have to go into glossary and compound words and all that. =A=

joined Jan 11, 2015

One thing I do know, is that I'm gonna have a hell of a time writing the translator's note, explaining the pun/wordplay...

joined Jan 11, 2015

Soukaku Kankei is amazing, and I can't wait to get started on it! I believe it's actually called Futakaku Kankei, however. I'm not sure why it it's come to be called "Soukaku"... >.<

Just wanted to clarify that it is actually "Soukaku Kankei".

「双」 can most definitely be read as "sou". You are probably more accustomed to seeing the character being used in more common words like 「双子」 for "futago" or 「双葉」 for "Futaba" (the name).

I know that 双角 is generally read as "soukaku", however the wordplay here is combining 双子 with 三角関係, and more importantly, the furigana on the cover says Futakaku ... >_<

Edit: NVM my post either then. :p

last edited at Nov 23, 2016 3:43AM

joined Jan 11, 2015

...And with this, we'll focus on other projects while we await the release of vol. 3. =]

Vol. 3 is the last one right?

Thanks for your amazing work btw.

Unfortunately, yes. It got cancelled because of lack of popularity. Hopefully Morinaga got enough of a heads-up that she still managed to properly wrap up the story. :/

Do you know if vol 3 is another six chapters? [...]

I do believe so, although I can't remember for certain. Considering vol. 2 was released in January this year, and the last chapter is published now in November, it seems likely.

BTW, if you don't mind me asking, whats Futakaku Kankei or Soukaku Kankei all about?

It's about a pair of identical twins, and one day when the main character (one of the twins) is filling in for her twin at her part time job, a senpai confesses to her. Love dodecahedron ensues. It might not sound very exciting, but I personally found it extremely enjoyable.

@Yuri and Kayo Edit: and h3x .__.
We'll add them later. I was working on translating other stuff. x)
(It's mostly just Morinaga gushing about schoolgirls though...)

last edited at Nov 23, 2016 2:22AM

joined Jan 11, 2015

...And with this, we'll focus on other projects while we await the release of vol. 3. =]

Vol. 3 is the last one right?

Thanks for your amazing work btw.

Unfortunately, yes. It got cancelled because of lack of popularity. Hopefully Morinaga got enough of a heads-up that she still managed to properly wrap up the story. :/

Hey, someone's working on Soukaku Kankei, nice! I've been waiting for that to be translated ever since it was announced; I mean, more Tachi's never bad. Himitsu, Hitotsu was ehhhh, but I'm sure that the other stories will be better.

Soukaku Kankei is amazing, and I can't wait to get started on it! I believe it's actually called Futakaku Kankei, however. I'm not sure why it it's come to be called "Soukaku"... >.<

And don't worry! The other chapters of the Himitsu, Hitotsu anthology are much more enjoyable than the first!

Chapter 12 drinking game: Take a shot every time you read the word "staple".

Poor Faust begged us to change this, lol, but the redundance is intended as a running joke.

Reading one of Morinaga Milk's works again with that discussion from her thread still sort of fresh in my mind made me realize how hilariously ridiculous that discussion was to begin with.

...Don't remind me... T^T

joined Jan 11, 2015

...And with this, we'll focus on other projects while we await the release of vol. 3. =]

joined Jan 11, 2015

Sometimes, I think I'm some kind of alien creature, as I found Cowboy Bebop boring, Neon Genesis Evangelion stupid and boring, and Full Metal Alchemist is my most hated media of all time... D:

last edited at Nov 21, 2016 8:20PM

joined Jan 11, 2015

For those who don't read Japanese, I'd highly suggest waiting for the translation, as they are usually pretty quick. It's a really good chapter, so it'd be a shame to spoil it for yourselves. =]

joined Jan 11, 2015

Is anyone here up to date on this? Looking at the tags, I'm worried about whether it's actually yuri or not...

joined Jan 11, 2015


joined Jan 11, 2015

While I don't like Mare either, I don't really see the whole "writing/drawing erotic stories is bad" thingie... :/

joined Jan 11, 2015

Said it in the other thread, but lol wtf is this

You won't understand how betrayed i feel. Nor do i expect from you.

I hope you aren't a big fan of Higashiyama Shou... :D

joined Jan 11, 2015

Since no one else has commented it; the title is a wordplay. Shitto and Shikku are written in katakana, so the title can be read as either "The jealous me, and the stylish you", or "The shitty me, and you the sicko".

last edited at Nov 20, 2016 2:47AM

joined Jan 11, 2015

If Pharmercy becomes canon, my life may just be complete.

Image Comments 15 Nov 19:59
joined Jan 11, 2015

She's so tsundere, she even stammers when typing.

joined Jan 11, 2015

Just finished reading ch5. While so far, I don't think it's amazing, it definitely makes me want to read more.

It seems like it will be a sports manga, of sorts, with the club and characters aiming to become the best.

As for yuri content, it seems like it'll be lighthearted and flirty, with the obligatory sexual harassment between girls, as opposed to "romance".

The art is very nice, and the characters, while not particularly unique, are still cute, and interesting enough that you want to get to know them better. The only complaint I have about the art, is that in the action scenes, it is sometimes a little hard to understand exactly what movement the art is attempting to convey. I wouldn't go as far as to call it "confusing", just that the action parts could be better.

Overall, I liked it! Hopefully someone picks it up!
(We got a lot piled up already, so don't look at me like that Faust...)

joined Jan 11, 2015

Let's have some more Gokujo, because why the hell not!


Speech bubble says "OOOOOOOOW!!! PULL IT OUT!!! KONATSU, PULL IT OOOOOUT!!!", and yes, that is a vacuum cleaner...


Honorable mention to everything by Bomber Grape, but this page is probably my favourite.


last edited at Nov 13, 2016 8:16PM

joined Jan 11, 2015

Does Dragonball even count for WTF, given part of the shtick from the start has involved weird poses?

I think JoJo's got Dragonball's number, when it comes to weird poses though. :D

joined Jan 11, 2015

Maybe throw in some Gamera for good measure... ;D

last edited at Nov 13, 2016 3:55PM

joined Jan 11, 2015

So, I was watching Queen's Blade the other day, and happened upon... this...

[Queen's Blade]

After a brief moment of pondering the meaning of life, the universe, and everything, I thought it might be fun to share similar "**OMGWTF?!**" moments from anime or manga.

If the picture might be considered as a spoiler of any kind, please note so in the title, and just post the image URL, as spoiler tags do not work for pictures.


[Gokujo] (spoilers)
(The example is not an actual spoiler, though....)

joined Jan 11, 2015

That's what made me like the chapter so much, since it's the first indication we get as to how Yuzumori feels about Mimika.

joined Jan 11, 2015

About the last page...

"私、あなたのこと嫌い" is much more like "I hate you" than "I don't like you".
It would seem Yuzumori really wants Mimika to herself~ x)