Forum › Posts by Loopy

joined Apr 26, 2022

That was fun as hell to watch. Glad to have seen my first form drama ever get resolved. I love this site

joined Apr 26, 2022

it' gotta be them in school sorry forf naad typing my cat is licking km,y face

joined Apr 26, 2022

lol fell like i'm gonna get accused of being a sock account and liking metal like the wlftchtr82 person. anyway this drama is stupid and I really just wanna talk about metal and gay women
can we end the talk about transphobia and other stupid not cool stuff

joined Apr 26, 2022

also these last few pages mhhhh gay

joined Apr 26, 2022

listening to band-maid right now and wow they are good

Band-maid is incredible! I got hooked Japanese Rock recently and these women are amazing! Have you heard their song "Domination"?
I don't understand the lyrics but I get it, I just get it.

well I do like them but I just prefer something harder. like I just get grindcore who cares if you don't understand the lyrics the way the vocals sound and the guitar tell you the mood...also Band-Aid is touring the USA in October if you wanna clear your schedule now

joined Apr 26, 2022

ok but when are we gonna see more at school scenes so there can be a setup for aya to fall for mitsuki-at-school and have a severe dilemma

"oh god do I this this boy or this girl" SUPRISE the answer is yes

joined Apr 26, 2022

I for one hope we get some recommendations like Yorushika and BAND-MAID. But perhaps the author will stay within the american/english music sphere.

listening to band-maid right now and wow they are good

joined Apr 26, 2022

Yes, it's painful to wait

been a good minute but honestly the art is so good I don't mind waiting and getting more of the amazing manga we already have...still waiting for more metal references tho

joined Apr 26, 2022

what if we could make images from the site our backgrounds while using the site. like a way to get rid of all this blinding white light for us gremlins. also I think it would be cool

joined Apr 26, 2022

I prefer not to eat near my keyboard.

doesn't live life on the edge...cringe
also you could get a keyboard cover but I guess that would not work while reading manga. people do use them while watching anime.

joined Apr 26, 2022

Not yet! I need to give it a listen! I wonder what other music suggestions we will get from this series haha

hopefully some japanese grindcore like Morbid Axe or Flagitious Idiosyncrasy In The Dilapidation. I want to clear the room type shit to be referenced

joined Apr 26, 2022

But most of the comments are people bickering about rock and metal... :/

but and hear me out...what did you expect from metalheads and rockers

joined Apr 26, 2022

I know this is just me being negative but I'm kinda scared of how good and popular the reaction was with this manga, with just a few chapters with few pages and we're almost 10 pages in the forum.

To put it in perspective (based on date of publication), YagaKimi took like 4 months and 4 chapters to have this many comments! I can't tell people to calm down or lower your expectations because everyone is just having a good time talking nicely, but it is frighteningly impressive.

Maybe everyone (me included) just really love the color green.

green is cool but man do I just love alt girls

joined Apr 26, 2022

I repeat "Flagitious Idiosyncrasy in the Dilapidation". That is a name. ...

Are they any good and what's their music like?

They're an all female death metal/grindcore band, so I'd say they're an acquired taste.

one of my fave grindcore bands the lead singer just released a small project as well

last edited at May 10, 2022 5:13AM

joined Apr 26, 2022

Feels more and more introspective

feels like the definition of NEET

joined Apr 26, 2022

Goth girl can easily pass off as her five o’clock shadowed uncle with a black permanent marker instead of girly makeup.

I’m not up on fashion so can someone tell me: Is Gothic a subset of grunge or is grunge a subset of gothic fashion?

Without being able to see the color of her clothes, I don't think we can say she's a goth. I think rock girl fits better.

I would say she is a rocker at least but probably more of a metalhead based of off the black widow album and how heavy it is

joined Apr 26, 2022

Look, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with Nirvana or Foo Fighters, but

I've hardly listened to Nirvana so there's only like 1 song I like. That being "Something in the Way"...


Nirvana is one of the greatest bands to ever exist, single handedly destroying 80's hair metal and giving us the greatest era of music to have ever exist in the history. Foo Fighters are the child birthed by great 90's rock and keeping the genre alive with their incredible sound no matter how many weak willed pop wannabe's state the death of rock every year.

Finally the time of the angry 90's teen has come, get out your oversized clothes and skate boards cause we back baby.

After reading this post while listening to Steve Winwood and Eric Clapton doing 'Can't find my way Home', I couldn't help chuckling. 90's had good music, so did the 80's, but late 60's into the 70's produced the best rock music EVER!!! This is sure to start some waves over music, but we all can agree that this is a good manga and look forward to more.

Bahh humbug, old music has the advantage that the good ones have already been identified. But modern rock/metal has by far the greatest soundscapes and higher instrumental proficiency

lol the album she gave her is thrash metal and while I don't hate grunge but it's just not hard enough for my tastes... anyway thank god we have alt girls who like thrash metal. I'm beyond happy

last edited at May 9, 2022 2:24AM

joined Apr 26, 2022

Off topic but what is your favorite snack to eat when reading or watching yuri.....mine is chips and salsa

last edited at May 5, 2022 10:40PM

joined Apr 26, 2022

we are yuri, yuri is within us, inside us, yuri is us

breath in the yuri, breath out the yuri

joined Apr 26, 2022

such good art love this

joined Apr 26, 2022

Hey! welcome, nice profile picture

same to you school zone girls is so good rn can't wait for more chapters. We are finally getting some more text and it feels like such a natural development in their relationship.

last edited at Apr 28, 2022 2:16AM

joined Apr 26, 2022

if anyone wants a manga featuring delinquents is one I have really been enjoying

last edited at Apr 28, 2022 1:27AM

Anime season 28 Apr 01:20
joined Apr 26, 2022

I'm a little sad Executioner's Way of Life ep.3 didn't adapt the scene where Menou figuratively forces herself into the Red Knight to get to the core, would've been neat to see those visuals animated.

Also is it just me or did Menou and Akari seem way more affectionate in the manga? The way they sat on top of the train at the end of the respective chapter was really cute but they changed that in the anime too :thinking_face:

tbh I really like it so far but I haven't read the manga. I want to wait for season 1 to wrap up before I read it. like no explicit yuri between the main 2 just yet but I can tell it's coming. I also like the trope of the senpai and kouhai thing between menou and the pink haired girl. ugh the gay flow through me too strong for this one. love a yuri isekai

Anime season 28 Apr 01:20
joined Apr 26, 2022

I'm a little sad Executioner's Way of Life ep.3 didn't adapt the scene where Menou figuratively forces herself into the Red Knight to get to the core, would've been neat to see those visuals animated.

Also is it just me or did Menou and Akari seem way more affectionate in the manga? The way they sat on top of the train at the end of the respective chapter was really cute but they changed that in the anime too :thinking_face:

tbh I really like it so far but I haven't read the manga. I want to wait for season 1 to wrap up before I read it. like no explicit yuri between the main 2 just yet but I can tell it's coming. I also like the trope of the senpai and kouhai thing between menou and the pink haired girl. ugh the gay flow through me too strong for this one. love a yuri isekai

joined Apr 26, 2022

at least we have one true yuri anime this season with "the executioner and her way of life". it's a good time to be alive but I'm ready for all the physical manga releases. (also first post glad to be here)