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joined Jun 9, 2021

Uhg, it feels dirty. Like every single time I've watched a friend jump back into an abusive relationship. Well, at least this arc is over now, thank goodness.

joined Jun 9, 2021

Sigh, it turns out that "consent," under duress isn't actually consent at all. Makes the vampire lady a 2nd rate cartoon villain, and I can only hope that the ship doesn't sail. Too bad.

joined Jun 9, 2021

Oof, that's tragic. But I guess neither of them could compromise, so that's is what it is.

(I've been to LA before though. 2/10, would not recommend.)

joined Jun 9, 2021

Sorry, Kanna-san, you may be very cool, but I'm still gonna have to call the yuri police on you.

You know, I gotta ask, what's the Yuri Police's mandate and jurisdiction?

Mandate, preventing crimes against yuri. In this case, attempted breaking up of a yuri couple.

Jurisdiction... uh... most of Yurasia?

joined Jun 9, 2021

Sorry, Kanna-san, you may be very cool, but I'm still gonna have to call the yuri police on you.

joined Jun 9, 2021

At this point, I actually don't want the ship to sail. Ayaka can find someone way better.

joined Jun 9, 2021

It's funny that she gets criticized for being a mom, since in real life, people tend to choose partners that are similar to their parents. It's actually a pretty strong correlation.

joined Jun 9, 2021

Honestly, even if that Cao Wen creep is correct about Song Li using her as a pawn, he's still a villain for trying to use a child as a hostage to get his way. No excuse for threatening to harm a kid's well being because of a dispute between adults.

joined Jun 9, 2021

Even if it turns out that the childhood friends go their own separate ways after realizing they don't need each other after all, and everyone's happy with that, I hope we get some kind of resolution about what the heck Shion was thinking when she ditched Kiki in the first place.

joined Jun 9, 2021

A love triangle is absolutely what this story doesn't need, but it's been hitting home runs so far, so hopefully this will exceed my expectations too.

joined Jun 9, 2021

Wow, she's not super dense about it. That's a refreshing change of pace.

joined Jun 9, 2021

Whoa, a story involving two people who are a couple, and the author knows that couples can still have dramatic tension without making it a toxic relationship? Did I save a bus full of children in my past life or something?

last edited at Apr 13, 2023 1:45PM

joined Jun 9, 2021

Whispering you a "learning to blame myself for my own abuse," song. Thanks a lot Aki.

joined Jun 9, 2021

We've reached soap opera levels of ridiculousness. These two are like oil and water, and yet the author keeps hamfistedly forcing them together. When is this arc going to end?

joined Jun 9, 2021

I'm pretty sure that the queen wouldn't force her to stay if she actually wanted to leave. That's not the kind of vibe their current relationship gives. More of a friendly exes situation, where they broke up but remained close friends.

I don't know the laws of this fictional world, but an order from royalty is pretty forceful. But the fact that it is framed that the dressmaker wanted things to end this way is also pretty upsetting in its own right.

I mean, I really wouldn't call her that, especially seeing how she has a daughter of her own.

You both might be right about the authors intention, but it still reads to me like it was born out of the old school yuri tropes.

• Any gay love must end in tragedy
• They should learn to be content with just watching from afar instead of demanding equality.
• Gay romance is just a youthful phase that people rightfully grow out of and enter into 'real' relationships.

We'll see how Aki and Momo's relationship goes from here, but the way the Queen's first love was framed in this flashback is still pretty off-putting to me.

last edited at Jan 26, 2023 12:59PM

joined Jun 9, 2021

Oof... I feel bad for the dressmaker. The queen didn't even let her go afterwards, and just kept her as a hanger-on. It's great that you're happy with how things turned out, queen, but damn. Feels bad.

joined Jun 9, 2021

Just hopping into the comments to see if the Aki/Shiho arc is over yet or not. Looks like I need to wait a little bit longer still?

joined Jun 9, 2021

If Kase is going to pay for her share of the rent, even if she doesn't move in, I will accept the "husband vs wive vs workplace," analogy.

joined Jun 9, 2021

Whatshername the mysterious cloaked figure says she's trying to help out, but as far as I can tell she's a villain.

Making her fall asleep and miss her date as a punishment for her actions? Except Elsa is the one actually being punished. Is that supposed to teach someone a lesson? Maybe the lesson is, "People who sell dangerous and immoral drugs to unsuspecting people should not be treated kindly, rather next time maybe she should be apprehended by force and locked away."

joined Jun 9, 2021

"Will I be your friend? Girl, I'll be your 'roommate.""

joined Jun 9, 2021

"And yet, I was the one who suffered the damage." This is why you should avoid bluffing introverts.

joined Jun 9, 2021

Shion annoys me in part because she reminds me of my own idiocy during adolescence. But also, even understanding her motives, her method was still hurtful to her friend and seemingly self-destructive. A lot of the problem with how Shion went about it was the not-talking-it-over part. Wanting to do something different is fine, but she severed her connection with her friend all on her own, and that's on her.

Based on genre tropes, my prediction is that Shion is going to have a realization sometime, but by then it'll be too late. And best case scenario is she'll confess whatever her feelings are, and then be forced to move on, because Kiki already has.

joined Jun 9, 2021

"They call me... Don Kabe."

joined Jun 9, 2021

+1 annoying character get.

joined Jun 9, 2021

One's sex is really only relevant to their sexual partners. Anyone else doesn't need to know.

In the process of getting closer and building up some trust between them, one would expect some basic personal information to be revealed, but they're really not in a very close relationship yet. Mitsuki hasn't asked Aya for anything sexual that would require informed consent.