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joined Jun 28, 2019

Nakano ex machina

How is she this unstoppable

Well, she did tell Miyako to call her as soon as some shady character appeared and talked bullshit about being a club member.

Nakano is very protective of Miyako. There's no way she would let any harm come to Miyako.

Btw and since we're on the subject, I stand by my previously expressed opinion: Nakano is totally falling in love with Miyako but hasn't realized yet.

joined Jun 28, 2019

Una nueva serie china: "La perfecta heroína quiere tenerme"

Me recuerda muchísimo a Please Bully Me, Miss Villainess! pero en el omegaverse. La prota va a dar al universo de una novela y se encuentra en el papel de la villana (una alfa) que abusa y viola a la heroína (una omega) y al final de la historia es asesinada por ruin y malvada. Para salvar su vida la prota decide cambiar su forma de ser y tratar bien a la heroína (protegiéndola y evitando cualquier abuso sexual) pero entonces la heroína se enamora locamente de ella y exige que la villana le dé duro contra el muro y macizo contra el piso, jaja.

ese ultimo renglon me mato de risa y ahora agarro mi atencion, pero nunca eh leido nada cosas de alfas y omegas, de que se trata eso?

Alfas y omegas son tipos de personajes que se encuentran el el "omegaverso" (nombre que viene de "omega + universo").

El omegaverso es un universo alternativo creado por varios autores de historias de ficción.

En nuestro mundo las personas se dividen biológicamente entre machos y hembras, dos géneros.

En el omegaverso, las personas, además de dividirse entre machos y hembras, se dividen también entre alfas, betas y omegas. Hay dos géneros y tres clases. El resultado es que hay 6 tipos biológicos de seres humanos en vez de haber sólamente dos. Esos tipos son hombres alfa, beta y omega, y mujeres alfa, beta y omega.

Esto cambia las reglas del juego sexual y crea un universo en que el romance y el erotismo funcionan de forma diferente y el espectro de posibilidades es mucho más grande. Por ejemplo: los alfas y los omegas tienen períodos de celo, y tienen glándulas especiales que emiten feromonas para afectar a miembros del otro grupo y despertar su deseo sexual. (En muchas historias se usan medicamentos para moderar esto, porque si alguien empieza a emitir feromonas en forma descontrolada puede afectar a todo el mundo a su alrededor y desatar una orgía salvaje. XD ) ¡Y los alfas de cualquier género pueden causar el embarazo de omegas de cualquier género, incluso una mujer alfa que tiene sexo con un macho omega lo puede dejar embarazado a él!

Los betas son más o menos como los hombres y mujeres normales de nuestro mundo, no pasan por períodos de celo y son más estables. En una historia que leí, las protagonistas son dos actrices, una alfa y una omega, que se hacen pasar por betas para poder trabajar en el cine... ¡porque las industrias del cine y del espectáculo sólamente contratan actores y actrices betas, para evitar líos y escándalos sexuales causados por las feromonas!

Hay muchos detalles que pueden cambiar de una serie a otra, no hay un canon único establecido. Por ejemplo: muchos autores imaginan a los alfas como dominantes y líderes naturales con comportamientos orgullosos y clasistas, mientras que los omegas son todo lo contrario, sumisos y dóciles. Esta serie "La perfecta heroína quiere tenerme" por lo que he visto juega mucho con esos temas: hay muchos personajes alfa que son arrogantes y menosprecian a los omegas, pero la protagonista (la reencarnada) no es así porque viene de nuestro mundo y actuar así va contra su ética. ¡Y la omega que es su interés romántico tiene una personalidad muy fuerte y le sobra carácter!

Al fin de cuentas, el omegaverso es una forma de darle más fantasía y picante al BL y al yuri. Permite a los autores jugar con los roles sociales y sexuales y crear más variedad de conflictos. Si a uno le gusta el yuri, no hay razón para que no le guste el yuri en el omegaverso.

last edited at Nov 12, 2022 2:31AM

joined Jun 28, 2019

Thank you mysterious sussy lesbian cheerleader. Thank you for this warm fuzzy feeling.


it's gonna hurt so fucking much when the system comes back. I'm so excited to be stabbed in the gut by that.


joined Jun 28, 2019

I usually take the side of the woman no matter what.
Like the saying goes "support women's rights and support women's wrongs too!" I'm like that.
But that woman...
When she tells her husband the truth in ch.1 I couldn't but think "Uwaah... she's the worst."

I think that phrase is supposed to be used when a woman responds to a wrong, not just for a woman being an asshole.

I'm not sure. At least in this forum, I've mostly seen it quoted when some girl cheats on her significant other. Bonus chance points if the SO is a good person who doesn't « deserve it » and the girl is inexcusable by any regular standard.

joined Jun 28, 2019

Kasumi is very cute

And she has lilies (yuri) around her when she talks to Michi.

If Aizawa x Michi doesn't work (because ghosts must ascend to afterlife) then I'm staunchly rooting for Michi x Kasumi.

last edited at Oct 15, 2022 1:32AM

joined Jun 28, 2019

I had forgotten almost everything about these characters. I really had to reread extensively to remember the story so far. And I don't regret it one bit.

joined Jun 28, 2019

@Dayer: actually the location suits them perfectly; it fits their characterization to a T.

joined Jun 28, 2019

So iyo who is like a "little fox" and who is like a "little pony" in this couple?
I've been trying to figure it out but so far I still have no clue.
The "fox" in particular puzzles me: none of them seems really sly or crafty, much less a wily seductress. But the introduction describes one of them as such, sooo....... there gotta be something I missed.

joined Jun 28, 2019

This is good so far. Looks like a relatively typical K drama setup, but the art is gorgeous and the translation is good.

K drama? This is manhua from China, unless I'm horribly mistaken.

Liberta discussion 08 Oct 16:59
joined Jun 28, 2019

Did I just read futa porn?

Tatsubon does have plenty of experience in that department.

On the upside, that tail looks incredibly useful.

Komari was happy to see you understand it so well, and resolved to demonstrate. Next chapter, a practical exhibition of the fine details.

joined Jun 28, 2019

Makino is very deliberately written to be a bad person. If you don't like her that's because you're not supposed to.

But she is not fun.

Sez you.

joined Jun 28, 2019

I wish there was more Satsuki and less other (unexciting) characters. :[

joined Jun 28, 2019

Many many thanks to the translator of this strip. I loved the wink to Sailor Moon and the select bits of Spanish. You're great!

I agree. (⌒.-)=★

Me three.

joined Jun 28, 2019

[A bunch of theories.]

Nice theories. Good to see some thought going into what might be happening.

Especially good for someone like me who has no clue what might be happening. Like, at all.
(Alternate evil Yvonne? Alternate sus Elsa? Demon nuns? Huuuh??)

joined Jun 28, 2019

Yeah, of course, it's also possible that her mom left an audition to come deal the the situation, or that she just didn't get a part for unrelated reasons and Youzi is misunderstanding something.

You're right, it gotta be either something not directly related to Youzi or a complete misunderstanding.

joined Jun 28, 2019

Wow Kids can be real Assholes sometimes…

More like the grandma, in this case.

If his grandma seriously thinks that all actors are, in real life, just like the characters they play, she's not an asshole: she's dumber than a rock.

Either that or she has galloping Alzheimer's.

One thing I don't get at all, however, is the part about Youzi's mom losing her job. Wtf? No tv station in the world fires an actress because her little kid got into a fight in preschool! Come on, that's not a thing!

joined Jun 28, 2019

Thinking about it, Evie never considered how her love&sex life would be after getting rid of Elsa. She never examined her own sexuality. She 100% focuses on hitching Elsa with a princely stud, but her own situation remains a foggy limbo to her.
She often preaches the comphet morality to Elsa so you'd assume she plans to find a husband herself after getting Elsa out of her hair, but the love stories she likes to read are yuri stories...... and when she was a beta-tester for the game, there wasn't even ONE among literally HUNDREDS of male leads (potential suitors for the heroine specially designed to cater to the typical tastes of young girls!) that she didn't abhor as a stupid and burdensome pest who was nothing but trouble.

It's not just her feelings for Elsa, it's also in general her romantic and sexual preferences that Evie the neutronium star is too dense to realize.

last edited at Aug 18, 2022 2:58PM

joined Jun 28, 2019

Kabedon kiss.
(Just noticed: the uploaders forgot the Kabedon tag. Boo.)

joined Jun 28, 2019

I'm a bit lost... is it one of those 'what would happen' situations with the two taking turns at the m/f roles?

joined Jun 28, 2019

"First things first, let's make sure this isn't a dream. Let's sleep till tomorrow and see what happens. If the problem doesn't fix itself, we'll try something different."

Kasumi: BASED.

Just like Yasuda who was based too, lol, it's the natural coolness of lazy people.
The other characters in the manga often commented that supernatural events, which in a normal manga would lead to sexy & fun moments, are wasted on lazy people... so Yasuda turning into a girl didn't lead to squat nuthin as he just said 'oh I'm a girl now hm hm I see' and went back to sleep.

Fans of 2beya had discussions before about Yasuda and Kasumi being twins separated at birth as they were so similar. I thought immediately of that when I read this chapter: someone close to them returning to infancy had the same effect on Kasumi it would have on Yasuda, she decided to just sleep to see if the problem just goes away...... and go away it did! It was the right solution! Score another point for lazy people! XD

last edited at Aug 18, 2022 10:26PM

joined Jun 28, 2019

Bully the bullies!


joined Jun 28, 2019

Makino: "Today I did the right thing and wasn't unfaithful to Maron!"

The universe: "Bad scumbag! Take your punishment."

It does seem a little unfair that the one time she does something commendable (resist temptation, be true to Mashiro and refuse to kiss and have sex with another woman no matter how super attractive she is) the universe takes a dump on her head.

I'm tempted to assume there's a Scumbag System, like the Villainess System of Yvonne's game, and Makino just went against it—resulting in her punishment.

joined Jun 28, 2019

"I'm gonna go give birth for a bit!"

I don't understand. How does a woman with another woman get pregnant?
Assisted reproduction?

can't consider she is straight ?

But... but... she writes YURI!

nooooooo (mind breaks)

So do Mira and Ayanero, despite also reportedly being married.

No worries, we can cling to the small hope that they are bi. Or in lavender marriages. o3o

joined Jun 28, 2019

Takagai really is a bit inconsiderate. She asked a straight woman to go out with her, now she needs to take responsibility. Shiina never had sex with a woman before, it's normal that she wants to find out if it works for her or not ASAP because if it doesn't then they are both wasting their time.

joined Jun 28, 2019

How old are these actors? They all look like children.

You mean the GAP cast? They are all very young, yeah, but they are not children. Take the two mcs: Freen Sarocha who plays Khun Sam is 23, and Becky Armstrong who plays Mon is 19.

I guess for our Western sensibilities this can feel strange since we are (in)famous for casting middle aged people in pretty much every role, no matter how young the character... even in teen movies & shows it happens sometimes that the youngest actor among those who play the teens is 30.

In Asia it's often the other way around. In the novel, Sam is 29 and Mon is 24... and they purposefully picked two girls much younger to play them!