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joined Jan 31, 2018

Yutaka's face at page 04, bottom right panel, is amazing.

For real though, why is the title 'Macaroni Days'?

last edited at Jan 8, 2024 7:12AM

joined Jan 31, 2018

Cute art

joined Jan 31, 2018

This is the last place I would ever expect to see a mention of the Tree of Life.

Happiness discussion 04 Dec 12:11
joined Jan 31, 2018

Wow this was way heavier than I was prepared for

joined Jan 31, 2018

Very interesting decision to rarely show the awful parents explicitly even though they are the main force behind the events of the story. Creates a very oppresive atmosphere because the problems are not ultimately the girls' yet they have to deal with the consequences.

last edited at Dec 3, 2023 3:21PM

joined Jan 31, 2018

Not a fan of all the stuff surrounding Hinata's family but the main relationship is very nice so I'll stick with this

joined Jan 31, 2018

A Temp comment for just 4 pages, that's quite the record

joined Jan 31, 2018

Wholesome second half

joined Jan 31, 2018

Is Bloom smiling?

joined Jan 31, 2018

Feels like we're approaching the endgame

The last page quite literally says the next one is the finale, yes.

Oh I never read these messages on the side, thanks. Excited to see how it will end.

joined Jan 31, 2018

Feels like we're approaching the endgame since Shijima is opening herself more to other people. I guess her whole arc is a deep desire to connect but being utterly confused as to how to do it and being afraid of what it entails. Total isolation from others and the breakdown of boundaries seem to be the 2 extremes that this story has oscillated between, but now Shijima seeks connection on her own terms, rather than being forced to do so because of various conditions in the world or other people.

joined Jan 31, 2018

You have to respect the sheer commitment at this point

Wandervogel discussion 28 Sep 14:21
joined Jan 31, 2018

If this author manages to do a collab with Dowman Sayman it's literally over for this timeline

joined Jan 31, 2018

Based. I had the same opinion with Octave but I don't think there is anything specifically wrong with the ending - the main points about a transient love and our main character being honest with herself were conveyed well I think, no reason to really drag out the story.
I expected this story to be way more messy considering how Octave went, but it's nice that there was actual communication this time.
Again with Octave, there is something very real and important (wish I had better terms) about this story that made me glad I read it. I wouldn't say it's to the point of being a masterpiece but it's in the direction of being one, simply because the author knows what they want to write and just sticks with it.

joined Jan 31, 2018

This is great but there are also too many characters for my taste and it really drags the story - which is nice in its own way, just not the pace I tend to prefer.

joined Jan 31, 2018

The cycle of reincarnations has been broken but I don't know how long the series will last after this

joined Jan 31, 2018

I feel like the author will find another way to justify just how dense Hina is, but I'm not sure how

joined Jan 31, 2018

Goddamn this one really doesn't pull any punches does it. I'm used to the stories where you follow 2 girls for 60+ chapters and the story goes nowhere, but this one hits you with like 3 different trucks in the first 4 chapters.
Definitely a "crash crash" story where you know it's going to end horribly, but the morbid curiosity of knowing exactly how keeps you reading.

joined Jan 31, 2018

You can't just stop after 2 pages, this amount of teasing is criminal.

joined Jan 31, 2018

Yeah there are many older ones that don't get many comments so they don't get as much exposure, but this is definitely one of those great ones - really cute, no pointless drama and didn't drag out for an eternity

joined Jan 31, 2018

Reread Octave so it's funny to see more laundromat as a setting for romance.

joined Jan 31, 2018

Good thing it's a cute manga because that was a straight up kidnap lol.
But otherwise it's always nice to see fluffiness in an otherwise cold environment.

joined Jan 31, 2018

Yeah I have no idea what's going on in terms of dream / reality but maybe that's the point. But looks like Shijima is finally leaving her shell in order to connect with others.

joined Jan 31, 2018

Would a username change be possible ? I would like to rename this account to 'inkolore' (all lower case) since I have saved many stories throughout the years (thanks for the work done btw, I like this site a lot)
There's no rush for this request, but if it's too time consuming or something like that, I can do without it, it just feels weird that I chose a name I came up with when I was like 12 lol.

Edit : Thanks !

last edited at Aug 12, 2023 9:13AM

joined Jan 31, 2018

This is definitely one of those submarine series that is completely under the radar (at least in terms of number of comments). Really cute art and interactions, cozy vibes, also tons of cool facts about insects and farming.