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SHY discussion 28 Apr 11:10
joined Oct 20, 2017

I wonder who this mysterious new super hero that has Shy's hair and build could be.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Theory: The system is trying to force the heroine towards one of the LIs. She's got her own system popups that she's actively avoiding in order to chase Evie. That's why she got possessed the first chapter: she was being punished.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Welp. She's dead.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Damn that pacing.

joined Oct 20, 2017

I like the looks the moms give when she says it's for a friend.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Sounds like this would be a cool prologue. As a self contained story, it would need work though.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Feels like the poly was just an excuse for the two of them to get married to eachother. Though it seems odd that the prince is ok with it.

joined Oct 20, 2017

I like how they challenge the committee member in order to be able to stay in the school; and it seems like some tense showdown like something out of a shonen action series.

And then she's easily defeated.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Ohai Cerberus Syndrome.

Geez, I kinda figured Suika was going to turn out to be a villain; but I figured she'd just be sealing people away.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Are we SURE this doesn't need a yuri tag? Like absolutely positive?

joined Oct 20, 2017

Unless Rei's fanfic is an AU fic, she probably doesn't die.

joined Oct 20, 2017

It was at this moment she realized she was dating a shonen anime character.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Feel like this would be a better manga if it picked a timeline and stuck with it. It really started to go downhill the moment Rinko went back to the past.

The future timeline was more interesting; and we didn't get to see enough of it to grow attached to any of the characters in it.

SHY discussion 22 Mar 10:08
joined Oct 20, 2017

I'm just gonna go ahead and add that reporter to the Shy X everyone ship.

joined Oct 20, 2017

So, what was gone next morning: the silky or the tub of lube?

Or both? All three have implications that I don't want to think about.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Welp. That was a very Dowman Sayman manga.

joined Oct 20, 2017

I mean, she was dreaming that they were all forced to speak different languages.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Jeez, the mom really fucked up this time. I mean, I can understand the reasoning behind her fuckup. She probably doesn't understand much about mental illnesses like anxiety and depression.

But still, what a shitty think to spring on someone with no warning.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Even female doggies fall for her? Good grief, girl, your sex pheromones are out of control!

But how come it didn't work on the kitties at the pet shop? Even tho it worked on the pet shop employee? As expected, cats are Da Coolness.

(And btw I was kinda disappointed Nagi from this series didn't show up at the pet shop, lol.)

Maybe it did? And it just didn't show; cause cats are natural tsunderes.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Have to say. I find this series way more entertaining than the original.

joined Oct 20, 2017

...I think my OT3 just upgraded to an OT4

Image Comments 22 Sep 17:14
joined Oct 20, 2017

Mario: Do I... do I rescue Bowsette?

Image Comments 09 Aug 09:31
joined Oct 20, 2017

I see where those hands are, Remilia.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Best crack crossover.

joined Oct 20, 2017

...I'm not sure if this is a boring piece of shit; or a brilliant satire.

Wait, no, it's just a boring satire. I mean, I get that idol fans can be this shitty in real life. But I feel like the way the story was presented is really, really boring.