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joined May 7, 2017

And the award for the recent most awkward dialogue writing goes to .... Kiyoko Iwami, and by a landslide at that. Congratulations once again.

joined May 7, 2017

ANOTHER SUBTEXT BY Kuzushiro-sensei? NO, THANKS! I'll rather teach my beloved AERITH how to properly ask for a ride, if you know what I mean!

Yoru to Umi discussion 09 Jun 09:40
joined May 7, 2017

I decided to buy volume 3 just to read ahead. There's only 3 volumes in total, so it ends at chapter 19.

For anyone wondering about the ending, there's no yuri in it and the story ends after a time skip. They separate after graduation and Aya accidentally breaks her phone by dropping it in the water. She didn't back anything up, so she lost Tsukiko's contact information, but they reunite at the end. Just a nice story between two people with a vague distance between them.

Well, don't let the admins of this site know then, for whatever reason this is tagged as yuri when it shouldn't it, and thank god I've decided to click on your spoiler, this absurdly-slow paced story, does not deserve my time, thank you very much

Yoru to Umi discussion 02 Jun 19:43
joined May 7, 2017

I'll confess I'm only reading this because of the art, but my god that slow-as-heck pacing and the stupidly weird dialogue are chores, almost feel like I'm reading a poor adaptation of Hanigare

last edited at Jun 9, 2021 9:35AM

FIGHT THEM BOTS 27 May 06:20
joined May 7, 2017

So to avoid things like this happening in the future, how about an moderator approval before a topic being accepted? I don't know how often this had happened in the past, if ever, but I guess this is good precautionary action.

joined May 7, 2017

Yes, dominant Aya, first time we can see her as real tall lady.
Now i hope the end is had a time skip to avoid the rest of the problems

Would not mind seeing Haruki hooking up with that brat who liked that male professor, they deserve each other so freaking bad

joined May 7, 2017

You cannot fool me, author-san, this was all a setup to make Kaoruko x Kiwi's, long-last, hook-up, all the sweeter. I don't dislike it and I appreciate it, build-up is good.

last edited at May 26, 2021 10:04PM

joined May 7, 2017

This helped shed some light on what's going on, apparently the series is not heading to its conclusion, which is GOOD, last chapter was just an hyper-convoluted show-off of Noel's, her turnaround, and power scaling, can't help but to feel bad for Helen and Miranda, forever unbeknownst to us, the power duo that was never meant to be #JUSTICEFORHELENANDMIRANDA

joined May 7, 2017

This chapter pretty much encapsulate the whole series, and why it separates itself from the pack when it comes to character depiction and whatnot. (Chef's Kiss gif goes here)

joined May 7, 2017

Art is so good, but the story, dialogue and the characters is so weak, all too generic. Bummer we can't have nice things.

joined May 7, 2017

I cannot believe this is it, this had the makings to be great, and started out really well, and let me add this had not derailed at any moment, but my god, to think that the author had planned this to be 7 chapters long (as said in its final credits pages) so off the mark, it’s an understatement to say this has end on a sour note, I mean handholding? Definitely not one of those tropes who wants to see the couple "going at it each other" to finally validate the series, but to end it when you just had started flashing out the characters? Come on ...
By no means a bad story, just stupidly short.

last edited at May 19, 2021 7:43AM

joined May 7, 2017

This story has a very interesting premise, but the moment the Prez’s sister decided to check on the Pervert, I could see right where this chapter was going, and predictable stories are a huge turn off to me, at this point I believe we’ve seen enough from both MCs, and we needed a little more of the “Prez” because I can’t understand what MC sees on her, but I guess that’s that, fleshing out other characters is not allowed.

joined May 7, 2017

After reading a couple of comments, the theory this might be coming to a closure bear some grounds, the author question the reader what are Miranda & Helen's motives, and while is not clear if Miranda is dead or not, it would be a huge inconsistency if she'd just escaped unscathed unlike her partner, and yes, before author's medical condition, he set up Miranda/Helen x Noel’s battle, but would that be the outcome? Guess we'll have to wait and see, I must say though, I'm giving the benefit of the doubt to the author because Mlav was a character just introduced this chapter, and he was a pure blood, so all this might be the author's way to present the reader his world's power scale, and I wanna strongly believe on that for now, crossing all my fingers and toes to not be a wrap-up because we're in huge draught of really good yuri out there, and this is a breath of fresh new air. But of course, health comes first, and if author's can barely hang on, what can we do, right?

joined May 7, 2017

Goddamn Helen and possibly Miranda went out just like that, guess we'll never know what's up with them? Can't help but to feel slightly disappointed, guess that goes to show they were just sides to present the power scale to the reader, still a great chapter with lot of developments though. Also, quite intrigued where do they go from here now that the entire church is pretty much out of the picture.

joined May 7, 2017

I thought I was done with this story ... then Tres Magia reemerged from the shadows, and suddenly this story became much more interesting. Azul and Baiser's dynamic is incredible, and they certainly have much more in common than Loco and Baiser, I'm sorry everyone, I'm officially a Azul x Baiser stan.

joined May 7, 2017

Me likes, here's hoping her reasoning to "adventuring" evolves from chasing the dummies to something else entirely, doesn't necessarily needs to be salving the world or something like that, we'll see.

joined May 7, 2017

That resolution was really weak and it emphasizes how bad the characters are, they're doing for the sake of it, you would imagine someone with a strong, persuasive personality like Sora's mom would not be folded by a highschooler, yet Ayaka pulled it of and with a weak dialogue no less, because "things has to happen and I've decided it", but this is the most troubling to me:
"if you come up here after that, then I’ll pay for you college" whatever that means, right? Feels like lost in translation, but if means she's indulging to her daughter's likes anyway, so what's the point of the line? Don't wanna sound like I'm too negative, but the last chapters have been really rough.

joined May 7, 2017

TOO MUCH, YOU CANNOT HANDLE should be a tag, I think

joined May 7, 2017

Strong tsundere vibes

Image Comments 13 Apr 16:06
joined May 7, 2017

Eli: Don't look now but Nico is at it again.
Umi: That Nico, never tired of being a third wheel, let's play along and give her some entertainment, I'll be topping today.

Image Comments 13 Apr 16:01
joined May 7, 2017

Okita: M-master /cough/cough/cough/
Gudako: ...

last edited at Apr 13, 2021 4:01PM

joined May 7, 2017

Definitely not a spoilsport, but I find this so stupid, there's a bunch of cool and genuinely interesting stuff out there that ought be uploaded here, yet, for whatever reason, is blatantly ignored and shafted for something that is not even the actual story.

Image Comments 03 Apr 01:47
joined May 7, 2017

^^ honestly I gave in, can't figure out their criteria (or someone really like REALLY hates me here), not even bothering making any request because 99% of what I request "never made the cut" - though I say so myself, my requests are top-notch - yet a bunch of mediocres/subpar images made it, go figure!

joined May 7, 2017

Goggled Anon posted:

Google-sensei tells me that lactation is possible when not pregnant, a condition that is called galactorrhea. One of the causes listed is "excessive breast and nipple stimulation" so yeah, that kinda checks out.

And it even looks like men can lactate because of hormonal problems.

The more you know...

Oh I can confirm this, I'm fight fan follower (how ironic, isn't, Tifa, an fight fan) and I remember the UFC had this one fighter who tested positive for elevated testosterone due to an hormonal imbalance condition called acromegaly, he was literally lactating according to his manager, I guess his name was Antonio "Big Foot" Silva.

joined May 7, 2017

So that’s how Washinushi Tae & Teraji Miko’s story (did not) came about, it ought to be an original Office Lady stuff but the author had no idea about the subject LMAO
And the final result is this “meme” right here, the explanation about the “story” completion also did not made sense, anyway, this became a comedy to me, so I wanna see this through