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joined May 5, 2016

People who are Seju fans seem to think that Seju is the one who's hurt the most among all the characters. How is her life? She is rich. She owns a company. What have her family done to her? They can't do anything to her. They can't command her to do housework. Her daily life can't be difficult like Cinderella's. All she needed to do is not to visit them. I'm not korean, I really have no idea about korean culture, is visiting family a must? I would say Seju is really bad at living her life.

I don't agree. Money is not everything. So you're living your life financial comfortably and you are happy and your life's supposed to be better? A simple comparison, a poor family with loving home and family members, a little bit financial problems but full with laughter and love with a family where you grew up with a lot, a lot of money but receive so much hate and never feel loved at all. Which one is better? Even if Seju cut off her family's connection, she's still the person who has been the receiving end of hatred, lack of love from her own family. I would like to think Seju who could become a person like who she is right now is already good enough. She's not perfect, not even a nice person but at least she's not a bad person. IRL, I think there are people like her who grew up without love has been doing a lot of crazier stuff to feel loved, borderline obsessed and possessive (psycho, to put it simply). She's relying on Sumin alot, just like how people like her seek for love, but she's not that possessive or obsessed, she knows where she stands, what she can do and can not do, what is wrong and what is right. To me, that's already good enough for someone with background like her who never got any moral lessons from your own family, don't people all have parents to teach you what you can or can not do since young? :)

last edited at May 26, 2016 9:21PM

joined May 5, 2016

Uhm, I really think at least at the end of the story, after what Sumin has done to Seju, Sumin deserves a punishment, some kind of regrets she wish she could turn back time to undo but couldn't do it anymore. Seju has given her 10 years but Sumin still selfishly turned away from her at the most crucial time of Seju's life, completely makes Seju become some kind of broken thing needing to be gotten rid of.
It might be stupid and cruel, but yeah, I want it, I want sth to happen that forever takes Seju away from Sumin, not just simply no seeing each other, no talking anymore, sth makes Sumin realise she has lost Seju for real and for good. And yes, that saying, that god damn saying "You only know you had it when you lost it". Let Sumin have her Sungji, but never be able to feel complete because Seju's no longer there. Honestly, she deserves it, after what she has done to Seju
I will still stick with the whole sad ending for Seju and teamblonde is endgame. But sad ending doesn't really have to be Seju dying, though, there are alot of sad endings anyway =))

last edited at May 26, 2016 11:47AM

joined May 5, 2016

Wow, your username and your post =)))))))))). It's obvious that you create this nick to rage about Sumin. Honestly, Sumin's life is pretty tragic, imo. She's also suffering alot for the past 10 years. So I think she still deserves happiness. We couldn't agree on the way she faced her tragedy but cursing her or taking away everything from her now is pretty cruel :). However, yes, I do think Sumin is selfish =))), she has stringed Seju along for 10 years, even though Seju said she would wait but if this whole talk thing happen earlier, long time ago, it would've been better. It happens now and it makes readers feel like Sumin has found someone good and she wants to keep her as long as possible so she selfishly discards Seju when she needs her most of all time, her 10 year-old rebound. This makes me feel like Seju is some kind of a thing, you want you go for it, and when you find sth better, you get rid of it. Honestly now, I do want sth bad to happen to Seju to make Sumin regret her actions for the past 10 years. She could have her Sungji but forever one piece in her soul will be missing.
At this point, I honestly think we should accept this fact, it will be impossible for the author to come up with a satisfying ending for all three of them. At least one of them will have an ending that makes us go rage so hard. I highly likely think Seju will be the one =)))). Let her go into manhwa history as one of the most depressing characters of all time but also one of the most loved antagonists. I've come to the point where I completely accept a sad ending for Seju and a happy ending for teamblonde.
And honestly, this is the right time for Seju retreating away from this love triangle. It's time for her to focus on dealing with things around her(her father, that creepy man and her mother(?)), let her do her own things and let teamblonde develop whatever is there in their relationship. If Seju keep revolving in this love triangle, it's hard to deal with other things.

last edited at May 26, 2016 3:32AM

joined May 5, 2016

Honestly, I'm waiting for the day when Sumin shows her concern towards Seju's well-being, not just being indifferent like this. She showed just a little bit today when she asked about Seju's health but crushed her right after that. I just hope it will not be too late when she finally shows it, when something really bad already happens to Seju. Not that I want teampink endgame or sth, I just wanna see it, because this is as rare as Seju's genuine smile or Sungji doing bad things =))))))).
So is sex really what Seju wants? I know that it was what they did all the time when Sumin came back to Seju but is that what Seju really wants? Something Seju rather do for one last time? I was wondering that when I read the translation. Seju never show she really like this activity very much though, she likes it of course, but for 10 years I think, to Seju, that was the only thing she could do, sth Sumin chose to do with her, not what she really wanted. So for one last time she has a choice to do what she wants to, what she likes, not what Sumin wants to, is it really sex? Or sth she couldn't do even if she wants to for the past 10 years one last time. One final time before everything shuts down on her?
If I was her, I would choose sth else, though. But, this story is alot about sex, anyway, not surprised if they will go at it again. I just hope for sth else more meaningful, sth I don't see Seju and Sumin doing for the past 10 years. After that, I'll pray for the best for whatever is waiting for Seju in the near future. :)

last edited at May 25, 2016 11:56PM

joined May 5, 2016

Now I'm not sure what's going to happen to Seju next anymore. She's back to drinking earlier than I thought. It's easier to guess Sumin and Sungji, either they're together till the end or the other way around. I'm not sure about Seju anymore but one thing for sure though, Seju is one step nearer from killing herself now
Sumin has made her choice, it's not Seju, it's Sungji. The choice has finally been out. Wow, never knew a chapter can give me this much feels, Seju is really sth.

joined May 5, 2016

Wow, Seju finally drank again now :). This moment finally came :). The moment where Seju has lost everything :). Anyway, she accepted it though, not gonna protest or make a fuss, she's letting Sumin go :) but her pleading Sumin is so sad. My heart cracked a little bit while reading it :)). Chapter with Seju is really depressing :)). Funny, when Sumin said she loves Sungji, Seju smiled and said she knew, why do I feel sad seeing that smile which I know is not real at all? Haizzza

joined May 5, 2016

Seju should really feel flattered XD, even Sungji and Sumin, who are supposed to be the two main characters couldn't make us into a heated conversation like this =))))))))). One action from her can make one hell of disagreement =)))))).
I'll add up a llittle bit =)))))). I agree that Seju's reaction in the last chapter is totally normal. But just how like Seju's existence which there are people like and people don't like, now every move she made out of the norm can become the debate of people sympathize it and people don't. So let's stop here, I don't think you guys can reach an agreement. Both sides keep their opinions and no one wants to change =))))))

joined May 5, 2016

won't anyone question on how come Sumin want to retire/resign suddenly after that self-reflecting chapter about her feelings for Seju? she was confuse and contemplating and then the next "screw that I'm out of here" what's with the build-up over that?

Yes, finally someone said it. It's like that chap never happens and life still goes on just like that. Like wth? After a very serious and confusing self-reflecting, Sumin totally acted like nothing happened. If this resignment didn't bring Sumin to talk properly to Seju about everything for closure then there is definitely sth wrong with Sumin

joined May 5, 2016

I personally think the author has purposely let Sungji not reveal where she went and where the ring was to make things more dramatic. Now, how the ring will be found out and how Seju will react if she sees the ring in her house will be interesting. For sure that author is not gonna let this thing go without any drama =)). And yeah, I also think the author is gonna make Sungji the perfect girl in fairy tale, the ring thing probably will make Seju the "bad" guy in the future, I believe.
And I notice 1 more thing about Sungji, her monologue after wiping Seju's sweat is kinda weird. I clearly see that Seju already fell asleep at that time, but Sungji still went on about going hospital.... and when Seju slipped out Sumin's name, she even said she hope Seju will not hurt so much. For what purpose she said all those things when the other clearly didn't listen? And her words after hearing Sumin's name are weird, too.
But I personally feel kinda weird, if Seju keep on involving these things then when will we get to see what her father is planning? I have extreme curiousity for this, even more than the impending predictable love drama. It's interesting, those things with her father and that creepy man, mysterious and everything

joined May 5, 2016

I would call Seju dying a miracle too since she could die during the past 10 years, but she suddenly dies in the present days to help Sumin moving on without any obstacle. Btw, why did you find Seju dying so much more meaningful than her moving on? Yes, she may always love seju, but isn't this thing applied to almost everyone; still having a unforgetable memory of first love. Is it because it would mean that she will never ever lose to Sungji in this love game? However, I really don't think Seju is going to die as I said before she's a very important character in which Team Gaji has to put a lot of effort into making her story. I believe it'll be at least a happy ending for her.

The thing is, what kind of happy ending will she have? I agree with Layla though, after her brokedown and telling the world how much she loves Sumin, totally shuts Nammi out, Seju moving on with someone is way too forced. So I agree, even though I don't want it, out of all the possible ways out, the most suitable ending for Seju if Teamblonde is endgame would be dying. The manhwa clearly show that positively teamblonde is endgame, so I honestly don't want a half-ass micraculously healing Seju.

Dying could also honor her one and only love for Sumin, just like how she is depicted in the story as well as her 10 years in agony

last edited at May 5, 2016 9:10PM

joined May 5, 2016

But do you think Sumin's hurting words could make completely give up and try to move on? No, I don't think so. I personally think she will still hope and stay even though in the back of her head, there is voice of giving up. If Sumin completely moved on already then Seju needs a bigger reality slap to solely give up. She could kill herself, sure, she could try to be stronger or so on, I don't know, but the Seju I'm feeling right now is in between giving up and keeping waiting, so I want to kill off that waiting part, enough already. Maybe there would be another way, I don't know, like I sad, it's my sick thought.

joined May 5, 2016

But she has already hit bottom. Her familly hates her and calls her bitch, the only person she ever loved is moving on and acts like a jerk to her, and her father is dying.
The only worse thing that could happne to her is if she died. Or if she has a serious accident.
Which would be too much for Gaji to write. They should find another way if they want to create drama and get Sumin's attention to Seju

No, she hasn't. Her father is going to pass away but not yet, the person she loves is moving on but she herself is still hoping. There are still things for her to hold on. Final hit would be when her father passes away AND see how lovey-dovey SungjixSumin are(ohhhh, the rings, haha) at the same time :)))). Wow I am so evil, write these things down for my fav character @.@. If it really happened in the next few chapters, I'm gonna feel so bad

last edited at May 5, 2016 12:03PM

joined May 5, 2016

So I guess I'm the only one who like Seju but also want her to hit bottom of hurting to see how far team gaji is gonna push her down? I know I'm crazy XD. But maybe, sometimes, you have to hit bottom to be able to get better, some mad logic I'm having here :))

That "get better", did you mean it's better for Seju because Seju ends up with Sumin, or it's better for her because she becomes stronger and able to live alone or move on without Sumin?

Aren't both the same? Serve the only purpose to get her better. I don't think that far yet, honestly XD, because to me, Seju hasn't got hit too hard on the face yet, the last chapter when she appeared on, it's true that she's beginning to feel like giving up, but it's not so strong yet, there is a big part of her still hoping Sumin to be back. She needs to hit bottom, to completely lose any kind of hopes and also lose everything, it either kill her off(god, please no) or make her move on and stronger or Sumin might come back(wow, so ideal, hard to believe). But yeah, that's my sick thought :))). Please don't hate me :)

last edited at May 5, 2016 11:55AM

joined May 5, 2016

So I guess I'm the only one who like Seju but also want her to hit bottom of hurting to see how far team gaji is gonna push her down? I know I'm crazy XD. But maybe, sometimes, you have to hit bottom to be able to get better, some mad logic I'm having here :))

joined May 5, 2016

Who wanna see Seju getting drunk again after 10 years without alcohol? Please inform me when you guys see it XD