Forum › Posts by elthundercat

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Jun 21:27
joined Jan 4, 2016

Hey elthundercat!
How is the weather in Washington today?
Glad to hear about your day. It's nice to be able to enjoy life with people you love or care about.

It's been raining on and off since this afternoon so it's help with the insane heat.

Here has been so hot this week too. I cannot stand hot weather. I like it to be 65F all year round. It would be so awesome.

it actually got worst. humidity is at 96% =_= its like biking in a sauna...

@Su hmmmm hotel beds are the best (well if its a nice hotel that is) you should get Lin to put you to sleep. XD wait is Lin with you?

just came home from getting my ass handed to me in jiu jitsu -___- everything hurts. Its my 7th class and its only getting better. XD

last edited at Jun 21, 2016 9:36PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Jun 17:32
joined Jan 4, 2016

Im having a really good day!! i got to hang out with some of my favorite people in the world last night, and I didnt realize how much I missed them and Ive pretty much been cheesing all day cause everything is love. Anyway this thread is quiet and i just wanted to come splash some love on its walls xD

Hope everyone is having a good day.

Hey elthundercat!
How is the weather in Washington today?
Glad to hear about your day. It's nice to be able to enjoy life with people you love or care about.

Yes, this thread is dying. It needs some love. Do come and spread love all over.

It's been raining on and off since this afternoon so it's help with the insane heat.

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Jun 13:01
joined Jan 4, 2016

Im having a really good day!! i got to hang out with some of my favorite people in the world last night, and I didnt realize how much I missed them and Ive pretty much been cheesing all day cause everything is love. Anyway this thread is quiet and i just wanted to come splash some love on its walls xD

Hope everyone is having a good day.

Oh hey Azai its good to see u around here it sounds like you've been really busy, hope its the good kind Xd

last edited at Jun 21, 2016 1:05PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 20 Jun 13:26
joined Jan 4, 2016

Hello Foxy peeps.

just got back from a business trip and my jet lag is killing me so decided to take a day off.
Hows everyone doing?

WDTFS fans - off topic 15 Jun 16:27
joined Jan 4, 2016

Is that why Martian stays away from me? but I'm a harmless cat.
~(=^‥^).... Just kittin lol xD

I see what you did there xD...You're an exception ;)

∩(︶▽︶)∩ tehhee

I thought of blueberry muffins, actually. I've fallen in love with those ever since I got here. XD

meh blue berries aren't my thing.

Martian & Mvl
This whole ordeal just reminded me of that video on YT I found years ago. A parody of some blonde woman, who makes a video about her love for cats and ends up crying that she can't hug every cat in the world. XD It's strangely adorable. XD

^.^ this just reminded me about that one time Ellen Degeneres cries over dog.. I love Ellen aww man it gets me every time.

last edited at Jun 15, 2016 4:28PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 15 Jun 14:48
joined Jan 4, 2016

Is that why Martian stays away from me? but I'm a harmless cat.
~(=^‥^).... Just kittin lol xD

Su I'll forgive this muffin incident if they are sour dough? XD I love those

last edited at Jun 15, 2016 2:50PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 15 Jun 12:11
joined Jan 4, 2016

Hello anyone who's around.

FayFay good to see u around these parts, hope life is going well.

Rainy the thought of drinking pool water makes my stomach turn. (-_-)

Well since no one is here I'll just
(~ ̄∇)~ ( ̄∇ ̄) ~(∇ ̄~)

last edited at Jun 15, 2016 12:16PM

joined Jan 4, 2016

This is truly heart breaking to read. Thanks Newp for taking the time to translate this with your busy schedule, you are truly amaZing!! I would love to lift Ssamba's spirits in any way. Her work is very much appreciated and needed. This is a very great community to be a part of, and I want her to experience all the love we have for her here and want nothing more then the best out come for her possible.

last edited at Jun 13, 2016 9:35PM

joined Jan 4, 2016

Im In SU down to do anything to lift her spirits.

OHHHH man my heartaches. To much bad news this week and it only Monday. -__-

last edited at Jun 13, 2016 2:04PM

Graphite discussion 13 Jun 10:30
joined Jan 4, 2016

I have the biggest crush on Takemiya Jin's works, wouldn't mind running into her X)

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Jun 17:18
joined Jan 4, 2016

Hmm most people I've been involved with at once is 4. It got really complicated and probably the most emotionally vulnerable I've been with other People at once. I still love all of them, and kinda just travel with most of them through Europe a few months ago.

How old is your roommate Su ?

last edited at Jun 11, 2016 10:20PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Jun 12:56
joined Jan 4, 2016

Hey everyone just stopping by to check in on my favorite internet squad XD
how everyone feeling on this Saturday?

Su good to hear that everything is going well. Are the games still with nurses or can u play with other people in the clinic now?

kitkat Cigs arent sexy; please tell me Im not going to have to punish you XD social smoker here so dont take me to seriously
also its Capital pride this weekend u should have booked your flight, you could be here right now.

rainy um so were is this picture are u not going to upload XD

last edited at Jun 11, 2016 12:58PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 08 Jun 19:32
joined Jan 4, 2016

It was eaten there was a sauce that I didn't notice once it was on it was tasty. I have to properly thank her later ;)

Go get 'er :P has she had a girlfriend (or other sort of friend) before? Lol she does some cute stuff. My college girlfriend did some cute awkward stuff when we were first going out, and I was her first girlfriend.

She's had two girlfriends but nothing long term. She does a lot of cute things lol nothing that outright freaked me out yet. //knocks on some wood// but we shall see.

Then she got pretty full of herself and it was a lot less cute lol...

lol always seems to happen

Kanojo got the tickets, not me lol. I asked her how the hell she got them and all she said was "I know people." Terrifying. Maybe I'm secretly marrying into the mob. The hype about Hamilton is so crazy that I really hope it's as amazing as everyone says it is xD

Hey if the benefits of "marrying into the mob." Come with Broadway tickets get at Em! XD
Some of my friends that live in NYC went and wouldn't shut up for weeks about it.

Lol I will. Kanojo lived in NYC for a few years so I imagine it had to be through one of her friends there. I don't think she miraculously obtains those kinds of tickets only hanging out with people in MA haha. Other possibility is she bought insanely expensive resell tickets and doesn't want to admit it xD

Just make sure she still has all her organs. lol I here there are celebs who've had trouble getting tickets. Kanojo must have some top gunners out there if she nab some tickets.

i just realized theres no new chapter -___-

last edited at Jun 8, 2016 7:38PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 08 Jun 14:28
joined Jan 4, 2016

so intern brought me lunch today cause I've been so busy all week I haven't really left the office. But guys it's not very good I don't have the heart to tell her since it's cute that she even tried -_-

Just eat it :P

It was eaten there was a sauce that I didn't notice once it was on it was tasty. I have to properly thank her later ;)

Hold up u got tickets to Hamilton @ tofu That show is fucking awesome

Kanojo got the tickets, not me lol. I asked her how the hell she got them and all she said was "I know people." Terrifying. Maybe I'm secretly marrying into the mob. The hype about Hamilton is so crazy that I really hope it's as amazing as everyone says it is xD

Hey if the benefits of "marrying into the mob." Come with Broadway tickets get at Em! XD
Some of my friends that live in NYC went and wouldn't shut up for weeks about it.

WDTFS fans - off topic 08 Jun 12:21
joined Jan 4, 2016

Hey everyone.
so intern brought me lunch today cause I've been so busy all week I haven't really left the office. But guys it's not very good I don't have the heart to tell her since it's cute that she even tried -_-

Hold up u got tickets to Hamilton @ tofu That show is fucking awesome

Faycy is such a good name for a ship XD

And Newp thanks for the translation in advance. So much easier then having to wait to read it in Spanish

last edited at Jun 8, 2016 12:30PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 03 Jun 19:10
joined Jan 4, 2016

TGIF !! :D

what are your plans for tonight Kittykat/ everyone else?

last edited at Jun 3, 2016 7:10PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 03 Jun 11:16
joined Jan 4, 2016

Just bought the most expensive breakfast sandwich cause I wasn't paying attention ≧Д≦)ノ it better be bomb!

Afternoon, morning, evening everyone.

It wasn't bomb and they didn't toast my bagel -___- that was lit. Uncalled for smh

last edited at Jun 3, 2016 11:27AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 01 Jun 23:59
joined Jan 4, 2016

LMAO. You know she's about to be twenty so its not like Im 30 and pushing the 2 digit age gap, Which i dont think i can handle. -____-

How old are you? Mid-20s then? The idea of dating someone that's in college (at a traditional college kid age) sounds absolutely dreadful to me. I know what I was like in college. I was absolutely terrible lol.

omg why did u bring that up -_______- UGH hopefully this isn't one of those Karmic events everyone warns about when u have a daughter. X__X

lol, I got you! No more of this change talk. XD

Hehe :P / high five /

-________- #rethinkingmylifegivemeafewdays

How old are you? Mid-20s then? The idea of dating someone that's in college (at a traditional college kid age) sounds absolutely dreadful to me. I know what I was like in college. I was absolutely terrible lol.

It's true. College age kids are dreadful. They are of utmost cringe.

lol i thought you were in college?

last edited at Jun 2, 2016 12:00AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 01 Jun 23:31
joined Jan 4, 2016

yea honestly she is more mature emotionally then i first expected. I mean she's still very much 19 in a lot of ways.

That's good. I've never been with anybody considerably younger than myself. In some ways it's surprising to me, since I'm like an old pervy grandpa on the inside, and old pervy grandpas like young pretty women.

LMAO. You know she's about to be twenty so its not like Im 30 and pushing the 2 digit age gap, Which i dont think i can handle. -____-

Well you guys have been dating for a while and are about to reach a major landmark, nostalgia is just part of that inevitable change. Short hair is just a game changer Xd

Maybe so. She's more sentimental than I am. I don't want things to change. Stop talking about change lol.

lol, I got you! No more of this change talk. XD

WDTFS fans - off topic 01 Jun 22:29
joined Jan 4, 2016

AHHHH so we've had some conversations about how we want to define our relationship but long story short she's my primary partner right now, but she isn't quite comfortable with the possibility of me seeing anyone else, and for the most part I havent had any one other then a few booty calls that happen before our Primary partner talk. But i too just got a hair cut and im getting more play then I did when i had long hair. XD

I see, well that's understandable; she shouldn't get into anything she's potentially very uncomfortable with or that would emotionally not sit well with her.

yea honestly she is more mature emotionally then i first expected. I mean she's still very much 19 in a lot of ways.

Short hair really does change the mood for some reason. I was enjoying the long hair for almost two years now, but now that it's short again I remember why I enjoyed it so much before lol. Kanojo was really pushing for the cut as well. I don't think she aesthetically likes it more or less, but has just been nostalgic lately or something and this is the way my hair was when we started dating.

Well you guys have been dating for a while and are about to reach a major landmark, nostalgia is just part of that inevitable change. Short hair is just a game changer Xd

WDTFS fans - off topic 01 Jun 22:03
joined Jan 4, 2016


Lls I had a similar reaction and simply laughed to myself smh. She got a pretty mean tan, and coworkers have been making fun of her all day. Lol told her I could help apply lotion after work, and she turned really red. That's the most flirty thing I've said to her in front of other people. Her reaction was priceless. XD

Lol sounds like perfectly healthy flirting to me. Maybe she's too much of a baby to be on #TeamShameless.

LOL she's def. not team #shameless but i do find it adorable that she tries to be. I think in this case she was really not expecting me to say that around seven or so of our coworkers. I am after all one of the "bosses" ( Im the youngest and the one always cracking jokes) but she doesnt see that side of me at work.

2 or 3 dates a week is not unheard of for a new relationship, 2 or 3 nights would count as quite a bit lol, unless you're really only in it for the benefits and not everything else :P

Yes I'm ok with 3 nights spread through out the week, anything else and I start feeling stifled.

Are you two a thing now? And by thing I mean a couple that at least sort of refers to the other as their girlfriend.

AHHHH so we've had some conversations about how we want to define our relationship but long story short we are each others primary partners right now, but she isn't quite comfortable with the possibility of me seeing anyone else, and for the most part I havent had any one other then a few booty calls that happen before our Primary partner talk. But i too just got a hair cut and im getting more play then I did when i had long hair. XD so idk things can change at any moment.

I don't have super lesbian powers lol. Yes, she's married, and I'm 99% sure she's just a bored old rich lady that has nothing better to do :P

I consider that a super lesbian power.
Kanojo and you butt naked and Rich Mama sounds like an epic short film

Can't find the translation for this chapter amongst the mountains of paragraphs in the original thread :(. I'll just wait to read it in Spanish I guess.

Turn to page 174, it's there :3

So Thank u Martian where oh where have u been, I've missed your Nami Profile pic gracing us with its blue hair XD

I think the Foxy crew is lit tonight, is it a good idea to read this chapter tonight? or will i be up for the next couple hours trying to find some clarity. lol

last edited at Jun 1, 2016 10:30PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 01 Jun 18:05
joined Jan 4, 2016

Can't find the translation for this chapter amongst the mountains of paragraphs in the original thread :(. I'll just wait to read it in Spanish I guess.

WDTFS fans - off topic 01 Jun 18:00
joined Jan 4, 2016

...... >.>
she was sending racy pics of her in a bikini all weekend, whats a girl suppose to do XD
its almost as if she didn't want me to think about anything else >///<

If she sends ones without the bikini on, then you start questioning her judgment lol :d

Lls I had a similar reaction and simply laughed to myself smh. She got a pretty mean tan, and coworkers have been making fun of her all day. Lol told her I could help apply lotion after work, and she turned really red. That's the most flirty thing I've said to her in front of other people. Her reaction was priceless. XD

to answer your Uhaul lesbian question: No she doesn't have a key to my house, and it depends usually between 2 or 3 nights... She just started her break, so i feel like i need to proceed with caution.

2 or 3 dates a week is not unheard of for a new relationship, 2 or 3 nights would count as quite a bit lol, unless you're really only in it for the benefits and not everything else :P

Yes I'm ok with 3 nights spread through out the week, anything else and I start feeling stifled.

WDTFS fans - off topic 01 Jun 17:52
joined Jan 4, 2016

Still depressed, feeling a little better lately, or at least was until I noticed that they mentioned martian, who from what I remember was disappeared for more time than me, but they still remember her, while I'm completely forgotten. (>_>)

And how are you?

-____- Im sorry that was a rushed reply; please accept my apology. Your presence here is amazing.

WDTFS fans - off topic 01 Jun 11:05
joined Jan 4, 2016


Wassup folks! I still live! XD And I see we got new peeps. Yo to the newbies! :D
And just in case nobody's gonna answer in time, I'll see if I can get back tomorrow. There's a PC room here, but usage is limited. I have 1 and a half hours, then it's dinner time. ^^ Still, how is everyone? Please tell me I didn't miss too much while I was away. XD

glad to hear from you, hows that fancy facility? is it everything they described and more?

You didnt miss much kittykat is still in some secret relationship with someone on the thread XD
newpai is still a thing and dofu is still up to her usual shameless behavior >.<
rainy and mvlp are still as flirty as ever XD

martian has disappeared on us
NeZchan promised me /cough cough/ some home baked sourdough bread XD
ok thats all i can remember right now

last edited at Jun 1, 2016 11:37AM