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joined Aug 26, 2018

This discussion encouraged me to go look for diversity on gender representation and I found a good article talking about some things related:
As a feminist, how do you feel about how women are portrayed in anime and manga?.
I recommend the reading, It has a lot of good mentions.

Also, I found something really interesting too: Skirts No Longer Mandatory For Girls’ Uniforms At A Japanese Middle School. Japan seems to be trying to break gender norms over the past years.

Ehhh, I don't wanna dig too deeply into this topic either. I know anime ain't too progressive in the depiction of women, with some notable exceptions. It doesn't bother me too much.
For all intents and purposes I live in a place where you can dress whatever you want as and nobody cares (except when you run about naked, well, that is just public indecency).
I'm glad to hear that Japan is moving on, if ever so slowly.

Image Comments 14 Oct 04:21
joined Aug 26, 2018

@benja Cap'n calm down. Most people here read the manga. We get it.
This turn of events is still not completely impossible. Yuu already sent Touko on the way to accept herself and get over her insecurities. It was just still too early. If in this alternate take Touko had an epiphany and accepted Yuu (even if after this scene there will still be drama) I don't think that is too farfetched. Both versions work. The canon one will be continuing for a while, so we'll get here, just a bit later.

last edited at Oct 14, 2018 4:22AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Alright, here are possible endings.
1. Nanaki is bad and ruins Kanade's life. Because as Nanaki said, there can't be prettier person than her in this world.
2. Kanade still does everything Nanaki wants from her. Still feeling uncomfortable in the world she's not destinied for.
3. EVEN IF they made it up into being lovers, it would be sick relationship. Full of stress and exaggerated perfectionism.

Nanaki is a psycho.

Hey lemme give you the 4th option, I know it might be farfetched, but hear me out. I'm serious, I'm using all of my soothsaying future reading psychic abilities here. You ready? Here goes!

4: It's gonna be fine

You may quote me on that by the end of this manga~

last edited at Oct 14, 2018 4:07AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Ah, good point—I missed that one. Those little asides sometimes get lost when I’m reading on a small-screened device.

Oh, that must be tough with this series. There are a lot of those small lines outside the speech bubbles.

why there's yuri tag?

Cuz it is a yuri manga

last edited at Oct 14, 2018 4:02AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

“Ice cream has to follow pizza.”

Which means Kasumi changed from her towel-and-panties outfit into a regular top for the delivery pizza, then switched back for the ice cream.

There seem to have been no objections, however.

She took a second bath. She says so in the upper right panel. So she ate the ice-cream afterwards.
For not so pure confirmation, she is wearing different panties.

But then again, there aren't any bad chapters in the first place.

Ain't that the truth lol

joined Aug 26, 2018

I know a lot of people think that, but I don't. I do understand that many people find anime to be inherently more immersive, and I'd never try to argue anyone out of their preference.

But comics (including manga, of course) and animation are different mediums, and there are fundamental differences between the two--they certainly both do many similar things (which is why adaptations can be so close), but each one does things the other one cannot. The reader-determined pace of reception and the presence of verbal text (along with some other elements) are specific to comics, as motion and sound are to animation.

I'm not going to do a page-by-page comparison (I don't care enough about the anime to do that) but obviously the contents of every single panel in the manga are not reproduced in the anime (just off the top of my head, Sayaka's thoughts after Touko apologizes and explains her reasoning for picking Yuu as campaign manager are omitted). Again, not a criticism--space is just at a premium in anime/film compared to comics/film.

Or put another way--in anime space becomes time (for instance, a wide landscape requires a shot held for a longer time) and in comics time becomes space (the more panels a given action is broken down into, the "longer" it takes).

Of course, and I tried as hard as I possibly could to communicate that I'm talking about my own personal preferences. I only replied because I'm someone who prefers the manga to the anime, not because I think the anime is poorly done, but because I don't think comics are just animation that lack movement and sound.

Yeah I did mention that the pacing thing is a common argument I hear. The text part however can be easily dismissed in my opinion. Sure, sometimes fancy things can be done with it, but it's a pretty easy trade-in for better things animation offers.

Hmm... I didn't think you were that nitpicky. Alright if it has to be panel by panel, then I guess you can't be pleased easily. Usually streamlining would mean condensed plot and interactions, especially the more meaningful parts. I didn't see that happening yet, but I also didn't realize your standard was that high. Whoops.

I'm aware it's your preferences. Doesn't mean I can't question them. Also doesn't mean that you can't question them either. We always should have a lot of questions to keep our minds occupied~

I do notice that you tend to reply a lot more curtly and ignore points I make too, but I suppose my replies are overly long haha (inb4 you say anything, it doesn't really bother me and you probably just don't have anything to say to those points)

joined Aug 26, 2018

Fujishiro is the best. I can't express enough how much I like her no f*cks given attitude towards bad situations. Like Kurokawa said, she is strong.

Helping someone to get out of their comfort zone is not abusive

So why to do this if the other person is not comfortable with it? I don't force people to like the same things as I like.

If your comfort zone is based around an inferiority complex, it's probably best when someone with good will breaks you out of that defeatist attitude. We saw the positive effects already, so let's not pretend otherwise.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I previously said that, as a comics person, I don’t see anime as being inherently superior to manga, but that adaptations sometimes can add new elements or highlight existing ones such that the adaptation is as good as (in a different way) or even better than the original.

I also said that YagaKimi, since it uses the elements of static visual/verbal sequential storytelling (i.e., manga/comics) so extremely well, did not seem to be a series that would obviously be improved by an anime version. Though the anime is fine so far, at this point I still think that.

It’s inevitable that some plot points that were developed subtly and in a nuanced way in the manga are more blunt and on-the-nose in the streamlined plot of an anime, so that aspect is not really a problem.

But my reactions (and I emphasize that these are my reactions—if other people think these things are great, well, great):

  • The voice actresses themselves seem very good, as far as I can tell without understanding Japanese, but the timbre for both of the leads seems too high for the characters as I imagined them (and as compared to female voices in some other anime) and also too similar-sounding—the voices don’t reflect the height/affect difference between Touko and Yuu that’s so visually evident in the manga.

  • The color palette for many of the daily scenes isn’t very appealing to me—the colors often seem light and tending towards undersaturated pastels, so I keep wanting to increase the contrast on my screen. Conversely, at other times, as in the “ambush kiss” at the train crossing, dramatic lighting effects like the sunset/approaching darkness are distracting from what’s happening in the scenes and basically unnecessary, since, for example, the train itself made that original scene tense and dramatic.

  • The music, which in itself is fine, inherently pumps up the romance-y atmosphere, so passages where the thematic point is that Yuu doesn’t feel like she’s in a romance manga or anime are depicted as—Yuu in a romance anime.

So overall, while I think I’d say that it’s a pretty well-made anime, the original manga is notable for establishing a cool and even visual tone and atmosphere as a background for subtle emotional action and development, so that the scenes that are visually heightened (Touko’s memories of her younger self before her sister’s death, for example) really stand out as exceptional.

Again, it’s a good-enough anime. I’m glad it got made. And I’ve only seen the two episodes. But I still like the manga much better.

Alright, I wasn't especially addressing you, but having a conversation about this can't harm.

In my opinion, as long as the exact same basic requirements are fulfilled (same story, same artstyle, same pacing), the anime will (almost) always be better by default, due to the advantages of the medium. That is if the additional factors that come with anime are not dragging it down. Prime example: My Hero Academia. I honestly can't find any fault with the anime. It's the manga, but at its best at all times.
This doesn't even account for the things you mentioned like changes that improve the original or making an adaptation very different to find a new appeal.

I don't think there is a single manga that wouldn't be improved by color, sound, music and voice acting (if those things are done right), no matter how static or perfectly apt in using the medium it is. YagaKimi is no exception.

I haven't seen any of the streamlining you speak of yet in this anime at least, so I won't accept that as an argument until it happens, even if you actually had seen it as a negative.

Well to be frank, I think Yuu is the only one lacking (not for her seiyuu's lack of talent of course) as she just sounds too soft and meek. A deeper voice really would have helped there. But that is not really a fair assessment. The voices we used in our heads are probably completely different from each other as well. It's impossible to find a voice that pleases everyone. I don't think there is an issue inherently with it and size difference means absolutely nothing in context of voices (in anime). I completely disagree that Touko and Yuu sound similar either, so that point confuses me more than anything. If anybody told me that Yuuki Takada and Minako Kotobuki sounded similar I'd have laughed at them.
Their differences are still visually evident in the anime too btw, so you have that regardless of voice acting.

I'm no coloring specialist, but I have not felt much of what you describe at all. I thought the train scene was handled quite brilliantly. Maybe they held the shot of the kiss a tad too long, but that's about it. What you liked about it in the manga is still here, just with additional factors that make it "prettier". If you get distracted so easily that is probably not the directions fault, sorry.

The music has been rather subtle throughout the first two episodes, except for the scenes that were emotionally heavy. The scene where Yuu felt betrayed or unable to comprehend why she doesn't feel anything from kissing or the like sounded far from romantic. This difference in perception is seriously odd to me. Not everything with strings or a whistful piano is inherently romantic.

If you truly appreciated the more calm and modest part of the artstyle the most, then I suppose it being fancier on screen is counter-productive to you. But subtle actions, reactions and emotions are still there as they were in the manga. I know people who can't deal with the transition from static to animated well, because of many factors, like them not being able to hold a shot as long as they want (if they usually stared at something for quite a while), or them imagining a rather different line of action etc. I'm not surprised to see someone react that way for that reason.

But c'mon. All these subtle motions that the manga could merely imply, all the eye-shifting and transitions, those are things that only enhanced what was already there. I wish I was one of those fancy analysing Youtubers who made breakdowns of scenes, but sadly I lack that acuteness. All I can do is refer to the conversation between Touko and Sayaka during the volleyball match. I think it exemplifies where the subtlety and motions of the anime excell.

Phew... this sure sounds like I'm being contrarian, but your opinion isn't inherently wrong to me either. Percpetion may vary greatly and we don't all focus on the same things. No hard feelings, alright?

joined Aug 26, 2018

Jeeeeez do they start making out naked under the blanket or something, for you to put that much stress on it?!
Well, I ain't exactly complaining if I'm only wrong about the time-frame.

Close. Not really, although better imo
Anyway, I think I should stop teasing/spoiling here for a while. If there's need for more, I have the same username on (the Dynasty Scans) Discord for more per direct message.

I wouldn't go out of my way to ask for spoilers, but these weren't really much of a spoiler anyway. More like an inevitability that comes sooner than expected. Thanks for all the hype.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Actuallly, the next two chapters already focus on them. (Partially at least)

I guess this story just loves proving me wrong one chapter after I say something.

Well, as long as it's the good kind of wrong, I wouldn't mind it. * Cough* Terribly wrong, btw

Jeeeeez do they start making out naked under the blanket or something, for you to put that much stress on it?!
Well, I ain't exactly complaining if I'm only wrong about the time-frame.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Actuallly, the next two chapters already focus on them. (Partially at least)

I guess this story just loves proving me wrong one chapter after I say something.

We have shipped trees here we are much to far gone.

Unless it's Groot I don't even wanna know.

last edited at Oct 13, 2018 10:12AM

Image Comments 13 Oct 08:11
joined Aug 26, 2018

Oho, so this is the "advanced fun" I have heard so much about. Impressive.

last edited at Oct 13, 2018 8:12AM

Image Comments 13 Oct 07:25
joined Aug 26, 2018

....maybe some people's headcanon is running away with them a bit too much?

joined Aug 26, 2018

xD Subtext + Yuri now?

Yeah, it almost looks like someone took my stupid suggestion and just ran with it. Just kidding, must be a coincidence.
Still, not complaining, it gets the desired result~

joined Aug 26, 2018

I wonder if Hinako and Fujiho will be shipped eventually.


Seri and Shouko are barely even in subtext territory right now, so I'm not too sure about side-pairings.

Ha.. Haha... Ahahaha....

Can we please not ship married moms? k thx lol

That's not how it works here.

Hinako somehow has to get over Kasumi being taken from her after all.

I did say "right now", ya know? lol

Hmm... I should have known. Was never a fan of shipping everything that moves.

joined Aug 26, 2018

spits out undefined drink all over the screen
Y-Yuri? This was Yuri!??

That joke aside... wow. Chapter 29 was just as amazing as promised. I retract everything I ever said about Kasumi being on the fence.
She just openly said she wants to marry Sakurako and it WASNT PLAYED UP AS A GAG. And mommy Kawawa was okay with it!
Not even mentioning all the skinship and affection she showed Sakurako openly all of a sudden. That almost cheating kiss at the picnic must have seriously been a wake-up call to her.
Just like Sakurako said... Kasumi was fawning over her. grabs heart

I wonder if Hinako and Fujiho will be shipped eventually. Seri and Shouko are barely even in subtext territory right now, so I'm not too sure about side-pairings.
Can we please not ship married moms? k thx lol

last edited at Oct 13, 2018 6:41AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Good to see there are some of you enjoying the anime so much. I'm not convinced yet...

What does it take to make you respect an adaptation then? Because it's 100% faithful to the manga, has decent animation and pacing and a very nice score (I love the opening so much). They added a lot of background and mood setting imagery too, which is a nice plus.

I just don't see the downsides right now? (except maybe for getting used to some voice actresses)

Image Comments 13 Oct 05:56
joined Aug 26, 2018

Now now. The original turn of events is completely justified and set up by everything that came before. It is not a method to drag the manga out, this was always expected to happen, hence why Yuu was so afraid to confess in the first place.

However, this alternate take on it can't be completely dismissed either. If Touko was just a little bit further down her development, she might have been able to overcome her insecurities right here.

joined Aug 26, 2018

You’re quite right about that. There’s been some discussion elsewhere about tomboys on the forum (some of it rather bizarre, IMO), so as it happens I’ve been thinking about the various manga tomboy types and tropes.

I have noticed that rather often girls that just behave contrary to girlish images in any way, even if they just like to do wilder sports or are the outdoors type or more outgoing or informal, are called tomboys in lots of manga. Japan has a very rigid definition of femininity. Things we would consider pretty standard for girls to do in the West are already considered overly boyish there.

We don't have to go as far as the inner child tomboy type to see it. The last type you mentioned is pretty much what we would consider normal here in the West, but it already counts as tomboy over there.

Heck, if manga and anime were actually representative of the real world, just wearing pants is out of the ordinary for a girl and even most women. lol

last edited at Oct 13, 2018 5:46AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Because the last guess was too easy, let's make a completely ridiculous one!
Sui is into her brother, but her brother is gay or at least prefers hanging out with boys. So she keeps up the tomboy approach to be closer to her bro. Or something like that~

He's actually into bugs, LOL.

I always love to see gender identity being talked about on mangas. Sui reminds me of Oga from "Sayuri's Little Sister Is An Angel", they are very similar characters. Both tomboys struggling with "cute" aspects.

Very funny.

The tomboy that struggles with cuteness or has an insecurity about it trope is pretty common, even outside of yuri.

last edited at Oct 12, 2018 6:08PM

Image Comments 12 Oct 17:56
joined Aug 26, 2018

^both have been done already

joined Aug 26, 2018

Episode 2 is out and I see absolutely no decrease in quality. It might actually be a better executed episode than the first one. I was really looking forward to Yuu's death stare of betrayal and it was just glorious haha

joined Aug 26, 2018

Putting up with bad things for a while to reach a good place is what love is all about. Eventually she will like you for more than your breasts... maybe. Probably. It can't be ruled out.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Mystery solved, all the obvious predictions were correct. I'm actually quite interested in Miyuu's reaction here. She is a very outgoing type of person, so I can very easily see that she won't keep her mouth shut like Kanno would. Confrontation would certainly speed this along, but also stump the development a bit.

Because the last guess was too easy, let's make a completely ridiculous one!
Sui is into her brother, but her brother is gay or at least prefers hanging out with boys. So she keeps up the tomboy approach to be closer to her bro. Or something like that~

Image Comments 12 Oct 08:25
joined Aug 26, 2018

That smile is just so genuine. Love it