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Lily Marble discussion 22 Sep 20:22
joined Mar 22, 2013

time to go to be--- WAIT A MINUTE!!!

This is great. When Hikari asked Moe jokingly if they wanted to go to a hotel. And they both laughed, but it could become more, like this. If she doesn't get together, I hope that she at least breaks up with that jerk.
Still waiting for more Iwashita X Adonis, though!

Liberty discussion 19 Sep 12:25
joined Mar 22, 2013

Oh wow, this discussion.

just a normal day on dynasty ;)

Lily Marble discussion 19 Sep 12:23
joined Mar 22, 2013

Oh nooooes! We've caught up with the raws DD:

joined Mar 22, 2013

People with actual different body types in a manga. Though Koga is not your everyday type. I like this. Both of them are real cute

Liberty discussion 13 Sep 17:05
joined Mar 22, 2013

i haven't said that slapping someone is normal, i said that it is not a reason to leave your lover. let us imagine if maki had left lez what would've happened? Maki would've caused Lez even more pain, a normal person/friend would've never talked to her again AND they totally have the right to do so, i'm not against it, however, maki does love lez and would never leave her alone. i'm not saying that you guys are wrong, you have all the right to break up or leave someone you don't feel comfortable with. however, what bothers me is that you guys are calling someone a masohist for tolerating their lover's bad behaviour/snapping out. love doesn't have to be perfect with perfect couples. and love is totally different for everyone, i'm saying what i'm saying because i tend to be tolerant, that's my personality, but you don't have the right to call my love messed up or weird.

Of course you can (and should) be able to forgive your partner. But there needs to be respect in a relationship, because love won't always last. At least not the fluffy-falling-in-love-feeling. But... from the way the slap scene was played out, it just felt bitchy. My point is just that Liz is a huge self-centered bitch-character, who believes slapping people is okay when she feels bad. I think she is not at all likable and that's to some degree because the story is kind of a mess.
At first she's supposed to be the mysterious beauty, surprising and kind of cool. Then she is a rockstar (also considered cool) and suddenly she is the girl with the horrible past, also violent out of nowhere and not cool.

Touma-kun discussion 13 Sep 16:35
joined Mar 22, 2013

I'm so glad there is a mangaka who also has the guts to go through with a very sad chaper. But I'm also very sad... T.T

Liberty discussion 10 Sep 16:59
joined Mar 22, 2013

The slap scene still shocks me, when I reread it. The most shocking thing about it is, that Liz doesn't do it in the heat of the moment. She had some time to get her emotions under control. And then Maki apologizes and Liz with full consciousness reaches out to slap her. WTF, bitch? If Maki had any self-respect, she'd run.

last edited at Sep 10, 2018 5:08PM

joined Mar 22, 2013

She's not really bullying but agressively flirting. And she's like a godess at it.

joined Mar 22, 2013

okay, insert random cheating into story...

Eh, it's only cheating if it's against their rules, and we don't know what their rules are. Their relationship is pretty vague and Tae seems to have hangups about taking it seriously because it's not "normal".

I agree for the most part but, and this could be a translation issue (can't find the raws myself to check), but she did at least point out that she basically considered the two of them dating at one point... Doesn't really seem like a friends with benefits situation if she's connecting the dots like that. It might be that she really isn't serious in any sense of the word about the relationship, and Jimiko doesn't even seem upset about what happened beyond freaking out in a "funny" way that it did so I'm guessing she's not going to be particularly jealous about it, maybe now it's her turn. shrugs Who knows.

Still, it felt pretty vanilla and now they're going a different angle so sadly this one is down a few pegs for me. I really wanted to watch the two of them develop.

Yeah maybe you're right about the cheating or not cheating.
Still, the Random part was, what bothered me most. And I'm not really an Ecchi-person (and this has a lot of Ecchi-feels), so I'm losing interest

But for anyone wondering who will end up with who... either the title is a hint or very badly chosen.

last edited at Sep 10, 2018 1:31PM

Lily Marble discussion 10 Sep 13:24
joined Mar 22, 2013

Adorable!! I've already read the japanese version (without understanding a word) and couldn't wait. Thank you so much for bringing this series to us!!!
Iwashita X Tsubasa for the win! :3

btw, from rereading I gathered: Maybe Risa and Aya were together when they were younger, but Aya wanted to lead a more traditional life. So Risa backed out for her sake, but being sure that Aya will belong to her once again. Aya's husband left her, because he felt that she wasn't honest with him and herself (still having feelings for Risa, maybe?). And now that Aya's free, Rise tries her best to finally seduce her again. It could have played out like that?

last edited at Sep 10, 2018 3:18PM

joined Mar 22, 2013

okay, insert random cheating into story...

joined Mar 22, 2013

This was a bit too ridiculous for my tastes on too many levels. Where does she even take all the items from without sempai noticing she had them readily piled up nearby? Does she have a Bag of Holding? And why is the igloo bigger on the inside than it looked from the outside? Nvm everything else already mentioned ...

Magic. ԾᴗԾ

joined Mar 22, 2013

you usually can't put fish back, when you caught them. Because they are already hurt and bleeding internally. Or am i wrong? At least that's what I heard from some friends that do fishing.

Anyway, love the story!!

Lily Marble discussion 01 Sep 04:26
joined Mar 22, 2013

Me, when i got the update notice: Lily Marble? What was that again? Probably, meh... *klicks ... kyaaaah!! <3

This is seriously the best!! I'm loving the hell out of that business-woman and Adonis-chan! Can't wait till she finds out, that Adonis is a girl. She'll see her at the pool, I guess.

last edited at Sep 1, 2018 6:16PM

joined Mar 22, 2013

amazing!! I don't know what it is with the read left to righttag, but subscribing to it always gets me the real good stuff!!

joined Mar 22, 2013

Yassss, another gem!!

also.. loving Miwa's earrings

Lily Marble discussion 29 Aug 13:04
joined Mar 22, 2013

This manga is like one of those school life yuri series, where everyone is paired up in a yuri couple smh. Just as adult life How awesome is that!!!

Lily Marble discussion 29 Aug 13:00
joined Mar 22, 2013


There's no proof that Aya didn't initiate things. It's very clear that they had too much to drink and, when Risa put her to bed, she was fully clothed. Assuming she stayed true to her word and didn't make a move on her, that means that Aya is the one who made a move... (OR Risa pulled a technicality out of her hat and as soon as the clock ticked past midnight it was no longer "today" and she made her move...)

Yes, she was drunk, but so was Risa. It's also not entirely clear that they did anything other than sleep... (naked)

Rape is too strong of a word, more like taking advantage of her.

But why would you go to a hotel to just sleep naked? Of course they could have been to drunk to go home, but...

Anyway there is no proof that they did something. It is heavily implied though, imo. I'd say time will have to tell what kind of person Aya is. If she would break her promise and technically take advantage of her or not.

joined Mar 22, 2013

Like everyone else said... this is surprisingly good.

joined Mar 22, 2013

1) I wanna punch that double standarded mother.

2) seeing her waver and not being able to let go really hurts. :/ I've been in love unrequitedly some time ago and I felt like shit everytime I thought maybe it wasn't in vain, but then my hope was crushed, and repeat from the beginning. It's hell's circle... I just want to see her overcome it, which actually only works with time and distance. Or her love will become requited (it's a manga after all, who knows...). But stop that pseudo-progress... :/

joined Mar 22, 2013

delinquent X delinquent = amazing!!
Never seen anything from this mangaka before, but the art is amazing, too!

joined Mar 22, 2013

amano shuninta did it again!! this was really sweet and cute!

joined Mar 22, 2013

And here I am again. This is so beautiful. T.T

joined Mar 22, 2013

This manga is a gem!!!

joined Mar 22, 2013

Just go out already dammit.