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joined Jan 2, 2022

Ok, I did a quick skim through the manga. It's obvious that the poly route seems like what it's all heading to, and also obvious that we zoomed through the last two chapters. At the same time, the manga never got a chance to resolve the big issue with Rinna, which is that she falls in love so easily. Sayo is only in love with Mei. Rinna forms little loves just on getting compliments and formed a little love from the accidental kiss with Sayo. That to me points to her infatuation with Mei, rather than her love of Mei. It feels like a teenager's feelings. Whereas, Sayo has been in love with Mei for a long time, and understands what it means to sacrifice her feelings to make Mei feel good about where they are. Even when Mei takes her on a date, it still takes Mei asking Sayo to be more selfish for anything to happen. And despite not being interested in love, there is a point where Mei wants to go out with Sayo just so that she won't lose her. Like these two really, really want to be with each other, whatever the circumstances. Rinna doesn't quite fit into that.

To put it another way, Sayo and Mei would wind up together regardless of their living situation, whereas if Rinna wasn't Mei's roommate, then they probably wouldn't.

Of course, that might just mean that Rinna's development arc would have come later if the manga had kept going, but if it's getting axed now, then Sayo is the only one that makes sense.

I don't think Rinna's feeling was the typical teenager. She was cleary in love with Mei. She cried after taking the decision to sacrifice her love for Mei's sake since Mei wasnt sure whether to take the 3p route or choose one of them. See that Mei almost takes the decision of not choosing one cause she knew that it means that either Sayo or Rinna was gonna get a heart breaking. Sure Sayo is more than obvious that she loves Mei and is the closest one for being childhood friends. I think Sayo was gonna be first step, Rinna the second one, and last would be Sayo and Rinna for the 3p route. Take in consideration that the author never add any kind of rivalry between Sayo and Rinna since the 3 of them get along together. In my opinion the accidental kiss was let's say the start of their love development that was gonna take place later. I think the author just decided to get rid of this manga with this ending and focus on the other 2~3 manga the author is working on. The author already announced chapter 15 is the last one so yea most likely kinda axed.

Why wouldn't Rinna be the feelings of a typical teenager? She starts to fall for Mei because Mei is cute. And that's still the case for a while. She says she also fell in love with Mei's personality later on, but the initial infatuation was only because Mei was her type. That's exactly like a teenager.

Rinna crying and letting Mei go for Sayo has nothing to do with anything except recognizing how Mei feels for Sayo, and it's not the first time either. When Mei asked Sayo out, and when Sayo admitted she wouldn't do anything about it, Rinna wanted to help them get together. This isn't a manga with a lot of conflict, all of the characters are essentially "good girls" so I wouldn't expect a jealous response anyway. Rinna is a good girl, so she wants her friends to be happy.

joined Jan 2, 2022

Ok, I did a quick skim through the manga. It's obvious that the poly route seems like what it's all heading to, and also obvious that we zoomed through the last two chapters. At the same time, the manga never got a chance to resolve the big issue with Rinna, which is that she falls in love so easily. Sayo is only in love with Mei. Rinna forms little loves just on getting compliments and formed a little love from the accidental kiss with Sayo. That to me points to her infatuation with Mei, rather than her love of Mei. It feels like a teenager's feelings. Whereas, Sayo has been in love with Mei for a long time, and understands what it means to sacrifice her feelings to make Mei feel good about where they are. Even when Mei takes her on a date, it still takes Mei asking Sayo to be more selfish for anything to happen. And despite not being interested in love, there is a point where Mei wants to go out with Sayo just so that she won't lose her. Like these two really, really want to be with each other, whatever the circumstances. Rinna doesn't quite fit into that.

To put it another way, Sayo and Mei would wind up together regardless of their living situation, whereas if Rinna wasn't Mei's roommate, then they probably wouldn't.

Of course, that might just mean that Rinna's development arc would have come later if the manga had kept going, but if it's getting axed now, then Sayo is the only one that makes sense.

last edited at Jan 13, 2022 3:54PM

joined Jan 2, 2022

Sucks to hear it’s ending last chapter, was an enjoyable series. I really can’t stand how quickly we end series after the will they won’t they aspect is over, there’s so much more interesting takes to be told about a couple once they start going out and exploring that.

It also feels really sudden, I’m more sure if the creator just didn’t have a solid ending planned out or if this was a sudden ending for them as well, chapter 14 felt like we speed ran Mei’s decision. I’ll be curious to see how we wrap up Rinna’s storyline now.

Wish we could’ve gotten more time with mei and Sayo as a couple…

We need some of that Reiwa energy to bless more yuri manga, because I totally agree with you. A lot of the best parts are seeing how couples learn to deal with each other, and how they get past the initial infatuation.

joined Jan 2, 2022

unless it was ending next chapter.

Maybe? I think that's what this tweet from the artist is saying

I can't read Japanese, and all google translate is telling me is that the author wants people to read it. Nothing about it ending.

last edited at Jan 12, 2022 9:06PM

joined Jan 2, 2022

Whether we get a poly route or not, I really, really like Sayo's character and I'm happy she gets a win. Rinna is nice, especially this chapter, but I like how Sayo's love comes from more than just a physical attraction. It's nice to see someone so caring get their happiness.

If this keeps going for more volumes, then the arrows will probably come back in a new form. I'd be surprised if they were just dropped forever now, unless it was ending next chapter.

joined Jan 2, 2022

Coming back every couple months to a manga you don't like just to point out you still don't like it sounds like trolling to me.

Depends on the manga. I think that's half the audience for Kanokari. That's obviously a very different manga and very different audience to this, so I agree there is no point doing it here.