Even if you and the girlfriend argue all the time, you gotta make sure she's warm
Very hot
Also once again asking for a pubic hair tag lol
I love the expressions and feeling of mutual longing, smooches are on the way
Coco x Kson? Some spicy crossover selfcest happening here
She's giving off the expression of having seen a whole new world lol
Sleepy cuteness
^Haha yeah
^That handholding was really intimate, so it was bound to happen
Guess a little tanuki is on the way, Ericht soon to be an aunt lol
Edit: I see me and Kojiro had the same idea lmao
last edited at Dec 13, 2024 9:25PM
Super adorable
Oh god she's melting
Gotta snuggle recharge in order to solve more mysteries
^Instantly I hear Gay or European playing in my head along with the line, Depending on the time of day The French go either way
Did the chapters get removed?
I might have missed them but I don't think any chapters were uploaded here, and only the series page was posted
^Yeah removing a watermark usually goes against an artist's wishes
Taste of gremlin
^I don't think anyone here has looked transphobic in this discussion at least, the discussion of identity has been reasonable in this thread. There's some varied opinions on the specifics of the topic and that's okay.
Stealing Anon's glasses because Soyo thinks she can smile cutely without being seen, now that's some next level tsundere haha
Rival band sex time
^She's cute but I'm uh... I'm good lol
^The Hexstrap as I've seen people calling it lol
Utena is going to break that chair in a moment, and I don't blame her one bit. Sayo herself appears to be an entire bakery
Given the amount of marks on both of them, it was an eventful evening of back and fourth
On one hand hilarious, on the other it's activating my PTSD from FGO's Shimosa chapter where this is a more literal statement >.>
^They kiss until someone hears the noise and comes to the resuce