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Dark Widow discussion 09 Sep 02:12
joined Jan 18, 2016

This is so brilliant. The first time I read the first chapter I wasn't sure about this series, reread it and it's just as funny as the later chapters so I feel dumb in hindsight.

last edited at Sep 9, 2017 3:41AM

Medusa discussion 08 Sep 05:33
joined Jan 18, 2016

Why is it that so much old school yuri has this miserable depressing atmosphere to it? I mean, isn't manga supposed to be a form of escapism, where we get to see impossible things?

...sigh. Why does tragedy keep getting spilled into my yuri?

It might be that these stories attempt to capture the sadness and frustration of growing up as a gay person in the 1970s. Try having your conservative parents threaten to kill you over it, or your friends deserting you for fear they'll be labelled as gay. Heck that stuff still happens all the time so I don't know.

Image Comments 07 Sep 23:47
joined Jan 18, 2016

Splendid find, SF

last edited at Sep 8, 2017 12:01AM

joined Jan 18, 2016

I like the way the match was written, really felt just like how an actual fighting game match goes. Mino won the match straight up by practicing the game nonstop, playing it the right way, and thinking about what she was doing, rather than having a ridiculous talent or secret technique reveal itself at the last minute. ZTT getting realistically shaken up and salty after losing a round was a nice touch.
This is possibly the most sport-accurate sports manga I've ever seen.

last edited at Sep 6, 2017 5:31PM

Medusa discussion 05 Sep 22:03
joined Jan 18, 2016

What if she's actually a real medusa? The event before she got into mental hospital was all in her head but in the end in the hospital, her hair actually turned to snek :thinking:

And then she turned into Godzilla and rampaged all through the town

xxx discussion 05 Sep 22:01
joined Jan 18, 2016

I'm not buying this "straight" business for one microsecond.

Medusa discussion 05 Sep 02:59
joined Jan 18, 2016

Just how did you understand a thing about mental illness? Am I too stupid to not see it after the read?

It's the only logical explanation for why Nicola did not actually turn to stone, and Medusa did not actually crack apart, and was committed to a hospital, as well as why Medusa briefly stopped seeing herself as a monster when she was happy.

Nicola needs to go sit under a tree.

last edited at Sep 5, 2017 3:04AM

joined Jan 18, 2016

They're both wearing multiple clothing layers, long sleeves and pants, under the covers, and tangled up with another body-heat generating person. My main thought while reading this was, "aren't they unbearably hot? How will they sleep like that?" Maybe it's the dead of winter and they have no heat or something...

Very cute regardless. Thank you, FoF.

I read this in a heatwave, which made it about .05% less cute.

last edited at Sep 5, 2017 12:02AM

joined Jan 18, 2016

One thing about 6 and 7, the music was incredible. As are the OC Remix albums based on both. 9's opening theme was great too.

I wasn't as taken by 10's music, it didn't stick with me in the same way.

10's soundtrack was more experimental, not as "catchy" but still extremely good. Mostly wasn't done by Nobuo Uematsu. Have you played 4? It's pretty much the spiritual predecessor to 6.

joined Jan 18, 2016

Battle system drives me crazy, constant encounter rate, simple and easy for the most part, the most repetitive thing in any game ever.

I don't think that's really an exclusivity to 6 at all. In fact, I think all the FFs up to 9 have that, with the worst offender probably being FF1.

1-3 were probably worse true but I never beat those. The balance was a little better in 4 and 7. Never played 5 and 8. X's was much more streamlined but the inherent problems were still there.

joined Jan 18, 2016

I suppose FF7 is one of those games that are better if you play it when it comes out, not 20 years later. I mean, for a game from 1997, I can't say that the graphics don't look good, but they sure do look abysmal compared to... you know, pretty much anything released in 2017. I did download the Beacause patch or whatever it's called so that I wouldn't have to deal with the horrible translation, but I suppose that a better translation can't really help if I'm not all that interested in the story itself.

Anyhow, from what I've read, the general opinion seems to be that either 6 or 9 are the best FF games... apparently 6's Steam port is not as good as it could be and 9's is spectacular, so I guess I'll have to buy 9 first (unless they've already improved 6's port? Haven't heard anything about it but yeah).

You know, this is completely unrelated, but there are many times when I wish that I had an older sibling or a friend or something who'd recommend good games to me... I was such a dumb kid and I wasted all my parents' money on shitty games like Shrek. I started playing games when I was five in 2005, so I would only really have the chance to play XII (plus the KH games if you count those) back in my PS2 days, but that'd be better than... nothing. And now that I actually do research on games before I buy them, we have no money... hopefully, that'll change sometime in the future, but who can say...

I'm convinced that FFX is objectively the best game but that's just a contrarian opinion of mine. I recently played FF6 for the first time so I can offer an unbiased impression.
1. Cool story and characters, more simplistic than the post FF7 games though.
2. Battle system drives me crazy, constant encounter rate, simple and easy for the most part, the most repetitive thing in any game ever. Not bad though, kinda liked it.
3. Felt like the game lost steam in the open ended second half, plenty of people like that part best though,

Overall the game impressed me at several points but it wasn't my favorite. I'd imagine when it first came out it was a revelation. I haven't seen FF4 mentioned here yet, I'd recommend that one for a first final fantasy game. Simple yet fun story, combat is challenging but not too hard, characters are very endearing, and it's not too long.

joined Jan 18, 2016

[...] I also like 7 a lot, even though a lot of people write it off as "overrated", which is annoying.

I don't "write it off" as much as I just don't think it's the brilliant masterpiece everyone and their mother seem to believe it is. While not the worst game in the series (from the ones I played at least), it definitely isn't the best one even among the PSX era.

The issue is the characters weren't especially sophisticated, at least not in the English translation. I think it's the cool and intriguing science fiction imagery that convinces people it's the best. I still like it for the graphics and gameplay

joined Jan 18, 2016

Sweetest chapter yet.

joined Jan 18, 2016

I'm gonna put in the good word for FFX. It's depressing, never has a "fun" energy about it like the other games in the series, and the character upgrade system is esoteric. But as far as I'm at it has the best written main characters of any FF game. They react to tragedy like normal people, they're sensitive both to each other's feelings as well as their own, and they're aware of their flaws, while trying to fix them with inconsistent results. It's not for everyone, but it totally delivers on its vision, and it's a good example of what I think the FF13 writers were hoping to do but couldn't.

joined Jan 18, 2016

Healthy relationship building 101

New Game discussion 03 Sep 00:35
joined Jan 18, 2016

Every fictional storyworld sets up its own value system. Sometimes that's the same as in the real world, sometimes it's entirely different, and sometimes its the same in some respects and different in others. In the New Game world, working to make the best, most fun game you can is the first priority; work procedures are important as the necessary means to that end, but ultimately secondary to the main goal. Naru doesn't get that yet, and she needs to. (I strongly suspect that she will.)

It's always surprising to me how many people see the story that they want to be there rather than the actual text that is there.

Really good comment here. People superimpose their own thoughts and feelings onto the characters they read about a lot, rather than accept what's being shown to them on the page. The mistake is in assuming.

joined Jan 18, 2016

TFW the "sequels" wasn't about them and instead we got lots of wtf with Goddesses and time travel .-.

They did have a fairly major role in LR... The sequels did have pretty WTF plots, though

Even the original suffered from a lack of realistic human drama in comparison to the fantastical nonsense and made up terminology. The characters just act weird, and it's hard to understand how they're feeling when their struggles have so little basis in reality.

joined Jan 18, 2016

I could have sworn the game said they were sisters when I was playing it, then I was reading online and realized they weren't sisters and I was like, "Oh wait a minute..."

Het discussion 01 Sep 13:45
joined Jan 18, 2016

Het usually doesn't do it for me at all compared to yuri, but I don't mind the het manga on this site.

joined Jan 18, 2016

After thinking it over I get that it was pretty bad, yeah. I still don't think it was intentional trolling or malicious though, so I'd be more inclined to cut them a break as long as they don't do it again.

Not to be rude but I am surprised you didn't see a comment he made before, if you read back anyway, so I agree with calling him out on it. I legit only made this account to talk about it because i love this manga and after reading his comment it made me think "wow how sad.. don't wanna break my little heart so mind as well just create my own ending in my head" which sounds stupid but it happens. Either way I won't allow such a stupid comment ruin my liking to the manga. Despite it being a public page, some comments are completely unnecessary. If you want to talk about something, be informed and not go based off of what you see or is being told, if you read along (if you understand) then go ahead and talk all you want. I don't see how it isn't malicious becaus he made a comment before and same thing.. honestly the post are meant to talk about the manga and not the future of it, unless it is released because otherwise it's considered a spoiler, but even a spoiler has a general knowledge of the manga

It's not malicious because it was an honest mistake. People comment about raws of future chapters on this site all the time, and speculate, in spoiler tags, about what's going on in them. The only reason there was backlash here is because this is a such a well loved series, and people were upset that there might be het at the end. It was annoying and the poster in question should be more careful in the future, but they didn't mean to offend anyone and didn't really do that much wrong.

joined Jan 18, 2016

Very, very trite. Can't say it's poorly done, the art is good, but it has the same problem almost every story with this template has: the relationship has no identifiable basis to it beyond the girls being infatuated with each other's looks. It would be more romantic if they were shown having something in particular to bond over.

Image Comments 30 Aug 16:46
joined Jan 18, 2016

I think she's caressing her belly.

joined Jan 18, 2016

You know what doesn't support the author? Asserting a false negative about the story so that ignorant people who read it will no longer follow it. See the people who were disappointed, even one person calling it garbage. The insults are justified, especially when they directly invite them.

If you can't actually read the language, don't try to ruin the story for others with false impressions.

After thinking it over I get that it was pretty bad, yeah. I still don't think it was intentional trolling or malicious though, so I'd be more inclined to cut them a break as long as they don't do it again.

last edited at Aug 30, 2017 11:21AM

joined Jan 18, 2016

It's not for misunderstanding the story. It's for
1) deciding to look at the pages of a story without understanding the language,

Buying the book helps support the author.

2) coming to an almost comically incorrect conclusion,
Happens to the best of us
3) assuming it's somehow the absolute truth and not just a mistaken impression,

They apparently read a review which planted a false impression in their head. Again, it happens.

4) coming here to share this impression with others, and

This is a public forum for discussing the manga. The poster included labelled spoiler tags.

5) reporting it as if it were fact (as you can see in their earlier post, no mention of being unable to actually read the book, just insisting that whatever they got from looking at the pictures is the truth).

They honestly thought it was the truth, why is this a problem?

Misunderstanding something is forgivable. But I think anyone who foists their obvious misunderstandings upon others and promotes them as facts should be called "dumb". Also, the poster included this in their second post:

I still don't see why you think the comments were so bad the poster deserved to be insulted. And I would not call posting spoiler tagged comments on a forum "foisting."

major spoilers assuming i'm not a dumbass and wrong

I'm merely confirming what they already suspect about themselves.

Didn't you say earlier in this post you didn't like them "reporting as fact?" Now it's bad that they acknowledge they might be wrong? Which they did multiple times by the way. Take a glance at their forum history and you'll see they're a generally fine citizen on this site.

last edited at Aug 30, 2017 6:47AM

joined Jan 18, 2016

schuyguy posted:

Cooldudeshitlord posted:

I had assumed you were trolling, but I guess you're just really dumb.

Why insult someone just for misunderstanding a story?

last edited at Aug 30, 2017 12:11AM