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Image Comments 09 Sep 01:19
joined May 27, 2015

New Gay woohoo

joined May 27, 2015

At first it looked like one of Kyouko's Mirakurun doujins from Yuru Yuri, then the "anti-magic" got dropped and I was reminded of Nanoha. I thought "NanoFate science babies would be a great idea!" but there's already Vivio.

I've known of Little White Butterflies for years and years and years, and I've seen some horrific shit from them. Once in a blue moon though, something vanilla, or almost vanilla, comes out of 'em, despite the fact that they've spun off Team Vanilla as a dedicated vanilla group/brand/whatever.

joined May 27, 2015

Yuzumori has the stand "Don't Stand so Close to Me". She uses it to guilt trip adults into giving her free food.

I was going to drop another not-really-related Eurobeat reference and link "Don't Stand So Close" but after looking it up, I realized there's actually a more famous song called "Don't Stand so Close to Me" by The Police. Then I finally figured out this reference.

Yuzumori has the stand "Don't Stand so Close to Me". She uses it to guilt trip adults into giving her free food.

Otherwise, someone will call the POLICE


joined May 27, 2015

The last page too "Aren't you supposed to be a girl" that makes no sense is actually "You weren't a virgin, right?"

I remember this from Valkyrie Drive. Shoujo can mean virgin as well as girl, IIRC. Speaking of Valkyrie Drive, that blondie reminded me of Mirei, just with a polar opposite personality, of course.

Oh, and looking back, those uniforms hid their big breasts pretty damn well.

last edited at Aug 19, 2016 2:09PM

joined May 27, 2015

/ak/'s sub of the anime has the same issue. They could not decide whether or not to leave senshado senshado, or use the German term "panzerkraft". Nor could they decide to leave Onee-chan Onee-chan, or leave the -sama honorific in. No clue why they left tanoshii untranslated, but they fucked up in other ways besides that.

last edited at Aug 11, 2016 10:35PM

joined May 27, 2015

More Kuttsukiboshi translated. Today is a good day. Thanks. But holy file size, Batman.

Top left, cover: "Indulgenge"
Pg. 3, top right: "dissapointing" -> disappointing

Tbh, the cover should be a pretty obvious place to spellcheck, shouldn't it?

last edited at Aug 10, 2016 4:52PM

joined May 27, 2015

Re-reading this after finally watching Girls und Panzer and Der Film, had a good laugh at the end because it kind of ties into the end of Der Film... in a way.

joined May 27, 2015

I'm not very familiar with KanColle or Japanese, but is it accepted in Japanese society for the younger sister call her older sister [given name]-chan instead of the usual Onee-chan, or is Tatsuta being a disrespectful asshole?

joined May 27, 2015

Page 3, top right: "disapeared"

It seems Mitsuko's arrived.

And how much input did Ikuhara have in this manga? Goddamn.

Oddman 11 discussion 06 Aug 02:46
joined May 27, 2015

Oh, I didn't realize the dog-girl's name was Inuta Wan. Because she's Oddman number one and "wan" is the sound dogs make.

joined May 27, 2015

Jesus Christ people acting like a penis is the next spawn of Satan or something

That happens in Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt. Goddamn Gainax.

joined May 27, 2015

Damn, I thought Kobayashi was Saikawa in that scene with Kanna sleeping with her. I thought we had gotten more glorious Saikawa x Kanna all of a sudden.


joined May 27, 2015

Random thought: Hanayo would be mad enough to ask for onigiri at a McDonald's, wouldn't she. But McDonald's in Japan and other East Asian countries has offered stuff with rice in it, at least in the past.

Nico, exclusively top?

That is the best joke I have heard in a long time!

Just read more Sekihara doujins with Nico in them. At least to her, Nico is exclusively top...

NicoMaki GO discussion 03 Aug 09:37
joined May 27, 2015

Will you please think of the children?!

I suppose you are still a child
Refers to herself in third-person right after

joined May 27, 2015

Ayano x Yui

Consider me baited.

joined May 27, 2015

Finally read the latest chapter.

It's not how you do a body swap, Kasumi ! According to swap <=> swap, you need to actually kiss. :3

I got beaten to the punch; I was so going to say this too.

It's yuri now rite guyz?

Need yuri and NSFW tag right now.

Is she pregnant now?

^ someone needs to censor that handholding

So is this the new joke now? I guess I was just trying to open a discussion on it. Suppose I missed the original one. Didn't mean to cause drama on the forums. And if it wasn't me then forget this.

This is a pretty old meme, don't worry about it.

And that guy has me thinking. Is he gay? Is he the "hero of another story", where some greedy, incompetent writer throws a harem of pretty girls at him and he doesn't want it because he's gay (or some other reason)? I've seen the oneshot where this happened.

The guy's aversion to girls was probably explained in an earlier chapter, but it's been so long, I forgot the explanation. Forgive me.

joined May 27, 2015

No Lolis no life

Words to live by. I want to make a No Game No Life reference right here, but am not clever enough to do it smoothly. Nii.

Image Comments 31 Jul 01:56
joined May 27, 2015

ufotable might get around to making a "real" Tsukihime anime someday.

joined May 27, 2015

Thank you. ♥

Mouuu, I'm with you there

last edited at Jul 26, 2016 5:53PM by Nezchan

Club discussion 26 Jul 04:15
joined May 27, 2015

Huh, surprised about this being uploaded here. Neat little story although the ending was somewhat lacking. I also would've liked a less, let's say "angular" style for the art. At times the characters look really, really manly.

I wouldn't say "angular". That, to me, implies bony bodies. Maybe "chunky"? My biggest issue is with the light-hair girl (Malena?), especially her jaws. Let the tomboy be tomboy though. I usually prefer... see my avatar, but this one wasn't too butch for me, imo.

The dark haired girl straight up looks like a JRPG villain when she's in her club outfit.

She looked like some kind of "sexy Dragon Ball character" to me.

joined May 27, 2015

are you a lolicon then?

Now THAT is a loaded question XD

Geez, almost as bad as "are you still beating your wife?"

joined May 27, 2015



joined May 27, 2015

I've heard of the series Sora no Otoshimono ("Heaven's Lost Property"). Is there something outstanding about that series in connection to this, or is the chapter title and that line Akina dropped about Moe just a random, or even unintentional, reference? top left "find Kanada goods"

joined May 27, 2015

What's that "Yebisi" stuff supposed to be? Beer? Or something else, like a traditional herbal drink?

EDIT: looks like a beer. "Yebisu".

last edited at Jul 22, 2016 7:09AM

joined May 27, 2015

This guy's NicoMaki doujins were more wholesome than this.

But Iamtotallyokaywiththis.jpg