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joined Jul 26, 2016

Everyone who likes cats is secretly gay. It is known.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Blastaar x schuyguy

I ship them <3

New OTP confirmed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 26, 2016

elevown posted:

Also, why would God or all powerful aliens etc bother with that lol?

If I learned anything from isekais is that any entity on god-like level is bored af and does stuff like that for shit and giggles.

This seems like a reasonable reading of a large portion of real mythologies too - even without going into actual "trickster figures" whose whole thing tends to be starting some shit.

joined Jul 26, 2016

BTW, author’s first idea was the love between courtesans in high end brothel. She’s into such things.

... and if decently done that could have been good.

Would involve less violence to suspension of disbelief from the get go, certainly.

joined Jul 26, 2016

...Is this an Asuka x Tomoko fanfic?

Only Asuka turned into Emoji.

joined Jul 26, 2016

"Mom, help. A beautiful cat girl is coming to my apartment."

Mom: "And you want me to help how? I already gave you the birds and the bees talk!"

but what about the uhh bees and bees? birds and birds? i really got why its "birds and bees" which is which and why that of all things XD

The "lizards and lizards", since there's a species of lizard that is all-female but induces egg-laying by going through the same mating motions as other lizards.

Several actually. They're also switches. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 26, 2016

Straight from My Hobby is Weird. Well. Not straight, of course ...

Was thinking the same. Now all she needs is a subway station and... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 26, 2016

Another girl has awakened to Yuri.

Or at least voyeurism.

joined Jul 26, 2016

"There's no reasoning my way out of this one anymore."

I approve of Sasazuka's intellectual honesty.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Maki confirmed a wizard.

joined Jul 26, 2016

If it can't produce offspring, is it considered incest?

Incest is any sexual and or romantic relationship with a relative (generally close) whether biologically related or not.

Uhm, not to rain on your parade, but if they aren't blood-related it's Pseudo-incest. Very different.

Tolerably sure most laws and social/cultural norms do not recognise any meaningful difference there.

joined Jul 26, 2016

TVTropes, naturally, has entries for that phenomenom. (Heathcliff makes an appearance in the first.)

joined Jul 26, 2016

This one’s so great, longer chapters would be greatly appreciated
tsundere niece x clueless aunt is an interesting match

she's not even tsundere, just shy.

TBF the end result is largely the same.

"I'v got daughter in high school" I was about to stop reading this .It's good that it just a joke)

But you're okay with her being her blood related aunt?

Yep, unless her brother haven't been sleeping with one of the girls.

Er... what?

last edited at Dec 28, 2018 7:38AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

"They must be having such serious discussions!"

Boob talk


Cue "what the actual fuck did we just listen to" faces lmaooo

The fact that by the end of it they were practically shouting that conversation in the middle of a school hallway makes it even better.

...and prior to that had already engaged in experimental boob-groping in the same locale.
That oughta have raised some eyebrows. (Or not, this being a manga all-girls school...)

Image Comments 28 Dec 06:59
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^ Certainly made me go "wait, what?" and catch up on the series.
TIL: Saroma is made of awesome and win.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Well I didn't expect that. But a pervy Maki is a welcome Maki in my eyes!

There's nuffing wrong wiff it. o3ob

joined Jul 26, 2016

Well that escalated quickly.

joined Jul 26, 2016

"They must be having such serious discussions!"

Boob talk


Cue "what the actual fuck did we just listen to" faces lmaooo

joined Jul 26, 2016

I'd say you're doing what in agrarian societies is known as "grasping at straws" tbqh. (The less polite might describe it as straight up delusions instead.) Plus if Kaoru somehow, against all evidence to the contrary in the text, was (more) into the younger sibling she could just... have gone after her instead to begin with you know? Doubly so as Rei-niisan wasn't exactly playing easy to get back there if memory serves?

joined Jul 26, 2016

Pretty sure Kaoru and Reiichi had already been married for some time when Uta moved in with them (implied to be in order to get out of a rather bad home situation; just watch how tense Reiichi gets whenever their parents come up...) which obviously makes any notion of the former trying to get at Uta through the latter quite preposterous.
Unless you assume Kaoru is prescient and hence knew in advance Uta would later move into their household, at which point you're firmly in Voodoo Shark territory... :P

joined Jul 26, 2016

I'd point out that I for one interpret the Romance tag very differently than Hoot - in my books that just indicates romantic relationships of whatever character being a major theme. And the vagaries of unrequired feelings are certainly one of the oldest themes in that genre...

last edited at Dec 26, 2018 6:21AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

So, you people actually pay attention to the tags beyond a cursory “give it a try or not” scan, huh?

Look, I admit it's a silly thing to pay attention to, but to me the tags form part of the packaging. It's part of the information on the virtual cover of the book. Not just here but on any site that uses a tag system. And yes, consciously I only use it to filter the kind of thing I want to read. But subconsciously it still affects my reading experience. And if the tags don't follow logic, if I can't trust them, that defeats the purpose of using it to filter what I want to read, no?

For example, in the case of this series, I probably would have given up on it a while ago, like around chapter 12, if it hadn't been for the Romance tag, as that gave me the impression that all the misery was building up to something. If there hadn't been a tag that made me more inclined to believe that there was romance to look forward to, perhaps I could have spent that time on something else. It's not a big deal, so whatever, but I wanted to explain myself a little.

The problem here is that only too often the applicability of a given tag is more or less entirely subject to interpretation, nevermind now that when they get assigned to a series around the first chapter or so nobody has the foggiest how things will stand twenty chapters later (good crystal balls are expensive). And retroactively revising them sounds to me more like a colossal headache than anything.

Personally I only view them as indicative of broad themes of the work in question at best and do not expect such fundamentally reductionist labels to be capable of communicating much anything about any finer nuances. That's for actual textual descriptions/summaries and/or the story itself to do.

joined Jul 26, 2016

So, you people actually pay attention to the tags beyond a cursory “give it a try or not” scan, huh?


You have seen some of the recurring Tag Wars around here, right? Personally think people ascribe far too much importance to the things. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

joined Jul 26, 2016

random posted:

Strictly speaking the actual age limit varies by legislation

Yes, but most people assume 18 by default.

Mistakenly, since by far the single most common age of consent worldwide (including 30 out of 50 of US states; only 12 have it at 18) seems to be 16. Any number of caveats apply according to specific legislations as mentioned above ofc.

Image Comments 26 Dec 02:07
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ Nah it's about a self-awarely bizarre AU setting where schools are based on repurposed giant aircraft carriers and a team combat sport with TANKS!!! is a worldwide phenomenom. (Back in the day it was often joked to be "World of Tanks: The Anime".) Also culturally strongly regarded as a "girl thing" in-universe which is the unabashed handwave for the monogender cast.

For whatever reason the different school-ships seem to strongly associate with particular countries and this reflects on the tank clubs' vehicle parks and often other traits in a tongue-in-cheek stereotyped fashion (eg. the US analog Saunders High, represented here by "Grabass" Kay, are fucking loaded and gleefully flaunt their resources). Militaria geeks like me would point out this often results in what should really be grossly tactically nonfunctional rosters (and/or outright nonsensical and luridly imbalanced match-ups) but whatevs, it's definitely not a franchise to be taken too seriously.

last edited at Dec 26, 2018 2:08AM