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joined Oct 25, 2023

I like how Mari's little near death experience made her come back nicer and much gayer.

So did Mito's arm become a monster tentacle as soon as it was cut off or was she the monster all along? If it's the latter, I wonder if Kon is unknowingly a part of the monster too. She's always given off a somewhat eerie the point where earlier in the story some were speculating whether she was even real/already dead or something.

joined Oct 25, 2023

^Thanks for the info. Definitely not the first time these old bones have been out of the loop on what's trending in fashion

joined Oct 25, 2023

^0 Days since that song was stuck in my head

joined Oct 25, 2023

^Agree to disagree. Momoka looks cool despite the shirt looking awful. Then again I'm old and don't know what's fashionable with kids these days.

joined Oct 25, 2023

Seconds before this seemingly sweet Nina loses control and then pushes Momoka down to ravish her

joined Oct 25, 2023

Momoka's shirt looks like 2 different shirts split in half and then stitched together

joined Oct 25, 2023

^Wow that is terrible on the ears without seeing the muppets moving their mouths to the words.

joined Oct 25, 2023

^Lol I like how you commented on this right as new fanart was being posted so it seemed like this was one of them.

joined Oct 25, 2023

One winning ship and 2 sunken ones. Feel bad for Kurohime bc she's such a sweetheart. Hope she gets let down easy.

last edited at Aug 30, 2024 9:21PM

joined Oct 25, 2023

Kita: "Have you found my boobs yet?"

Bocchi: "Nope! Still looking for em!"

joined Oct 25, 2023

Please be gentler with the boobs. Looks like she's about to rip them off.

joined Oct 25, 2023

^Yeah I've heard that it's well written but also that it's heart-wrenching. Just reading this few page excerpt posted on reddit was enough to put my heart in a vice and I'm not up for feeling more of that unless I'm assured there will be a happy ending:

joined Oct 25, 2023 this the author's debut? Dynasty doesn't have anything else from this author. It feels super polished for a debut. The art, paneling, and story structure are all super well done.

joined Oct 25, 2023

From here the MC has two choices
A: Induct Sakiko into the harem
B: Allow Michi to be NTR'd away

I'm getting the feeling the author enjoys making Michi the victim of a little "light-hearted" NTR.

Is it really NTR if the other woman really really doesn't want her anyway? Seems like it's just a one-sided thing and according to Mirai, she was running from a forced arranged marriage situation that was pushed by her mom. Knowing that, I don't count Michi as her fiance. It's all silly anyway.

You buried the lede. It's all silly.
But yeah idk if it's "technically" NTR but the author is making it "NTR-esque" with the way they're having the other two sneak around behind Michi's back to be affectionate.

joined Oct 25, 2023

Either Nanase really is the dumbest human alive (which tracks with what we’ve seen so far) or she doesn’t even care if Yuni is cheating anymore. They both have that strained reaction when Fuuko is told to take her to the infirmary, and yet when she grabs Yuni’s hand Nanase doesn’t make any kind of move. “Okay girl who I know is trying to steal my girlfriend from me you two go be alone for a while I’ve gotta focus on spoooooorts!”

It would be pretty funny if the Author was setting up a polycule what with the other girl confronting Yuni this latest chapter

If we go the polycule route I'll eat my shoe...and all the rest of my clothes. Fuuko and Nanase hate each other and so do Yuni and Yuki. Also seems like Nanase hates the idea of sharing.

We probably have as much a chance at poly as we do any of the characters ending up with a guy...which is basically zero.

Edit: Also when you say "latest chapter" are you talking about chapter 13 that was just posted? That's not the latest chapter but one of the ones that Kirin didn't previously translate.

last edited at Aug 29, 2024 10:49PM

joined Oct 25, 2023

From here the MC has two choices
A: Induct Sakiko into the harem
B: Allow Michi to be NTR'd away

I'm getting the feeling the author enjoys making Michi the victim of a little "light-hearted" NTR.

joined Oct 25, 2023

Michi continues to be treated like a third wheel at times: "Yay she's gone so we can be lovey-dovey!"

I had completely forgotten who that other girl was but the author was thoughtful enough to remind us she's childhood friends with the MC.

joined Oct 25, 2023

^Damn that's unfortunate. Especially with the original artist deleting their art. That almost feels like they're saying "you win" to the incel or something.

joined Oct 25, 2023

Question for the translator: are you going to continue translating the series despite the other translator posting the rest of the chapters to Mangadex? Or was this a chapter that was already in progress when the other translation started posting chapters and you decided you might as well finish it?

We will complete the series no matter how many other groups might show up because we care about quality unlike some people.

Thank you for the translation and I appreciate your much higher quality work!

joined Oct 25, 2023

Who is the girl on page 1 in chapter 33.5?

Pretty sure that's Itsuki's sister Arare (from ch29)

Yeah Arare is the little sister's name. The older sister's name is AraAra. :P

joined Oct 25, 2023

Volume 2 interlude.

To my knowledge, Story Seedling doesn't do interludes or volume extras, right?

Yes that's all new to me! Thanks for the translation!
So now we get to see this scene from Sendai's POV huh? It's definitely up there on the list of scenes I'd like from the other POV too so it was fun to read.

She would lick my ears, tie my hands up with a necktie, and call me indecent, but that was the extent of it.

Lmao that sounds funny as hell out of context. Sendai are you a masochist?

「… Do you really want me to undress that badly?」

「Yeah. If you stay like that any longer, you’re going to end up catching a cold.」

A rare honest Miyagi: "Yeah you're pretty and I want to see you with your clothes off. What of it?". I know that's not what she actually meant but this is the funnier option.

Her eyes were fixated on my soaked blouse, and I had a feeling I knew what she was going to do next.

I've begun to notice Sendai often catches Miyagi seemingly ogling her chest. And it's clear from Miyagi's POV that she doesn't realize she's doing it.

I had a good reason for obeying her order.

If I didn’t take off my wet school uniform soon, I was bound to catch a cold, so getting changed was necessary.

It was, without a doubt, the right thing to do.

「I didn’t bring a spare change of clothes today.」

I said to Miyagi, who still hadn’t taken her eyes off me, but it felt more like I was saying it to convince myself that I was doing the right thing.

Back when Sendai was still trying to justify getting into compromising situations with Miyagi. Nowadays she doesn't think twice about it being right or wrong and makes zero excuses.

Wow Sendai sure was horny in that second half. It was enlightening to get that scene from her POV because I had imagined Sendai was just kinda putting up with Miyagi. She was about to lose her mind from how her arousal was quickly spiraling out of control.

joined Oct 25, 2023

^Thanks for commenting on this cute older art. Looks like having Misaka's babies mellowed Kuroko out.

joined Oct 25, 2023

Chekhov's bear will be important by the end

I've brought up Chekhov's bear a few times but there are some that are convinced the bear is merely symbolic.

didn't we already see here that it was Riko and Colin/Momo who made that bear sign and put it there to keep other ppl from coming into their secret hangout spot?

Yeah there's that too...but enough attention has been drawn to the sign to make me think it'll serve a purpose beyond that.

Also we keep seeing the characters trying to avoid involving adults in their efforts to help Colin. Makes me think Bear-kun may show up to give a helping hand paw in a critical moment after they get themselves stuck in a situation where it looks like they're screwed.

joined Oct 25, 2023

Chekhov's bear will be important by the end

I've brought up Chekhov's bear a few times but there are some that are convinced the bear is merely symbolic.

last edited at Aug 28, 2024 4:42PM

joined Oct 25, 2023

This is definitely higher quality than the other translation.

Question for the translator: are you going to continue translating the series despite the other translator posting the rest of the chapters to Mangadex? Or was this a chapter that was already in progress when the other translation started posting chapters and you decided you might as well finish it?

Thanks for the translation!