FluffyCow Sep 20, 2024 9:35PM

I'm always glad to see this ship on here, they're definitely my OTP for Wonderful

DrJamesFox Sep 20, 2024 9:38PM

^I've never even watched the anime other than a few clips here and there, but they seem like an absolutely adorable ship.

Rumia or smth Sep 23, 2024 7:02AM

I'd find this ship cute if like, yuki wasn't an actual real normal cat

juanelric Sep 23, 2024 9:18AM

^At least she's not an adult who loved Mayu since she was a kid then disappeared from her life as soon as she was an adult

Precure 5 and Otona Precure are weird

Snapdragon beans Sep 23, 2024 10:53AM

@Rumia or smth^^ But, she's not a normal cat any longer.... She can talk and turn into a human now. Means she can consent to a relationship.
It's also fictional. Not like this sort of thing will ever happen in real life.

And, juanelric is right... there are way weirder relationships in other precure series.

last edited at Sep 23, 2024 10:54AM

FluffyCow Sep 23, 2024 1:19PM

^Yeah and Yuki is also very intelligent and highly capable. I know some people are REALLY against this ship because she's a cat, I'm just not going to think too hard about it because she's a magical cat that can transform into a human, in a fictional animated magical girl series. Plus her and Mayu are adorable together, the ship works well for me and if it doesn't for others too each their own.

Also one of my League of Legends ships is Nidalee and Neeko. Nidalee is a woman that can transform at will between a cat form and a human form, and Neeko is a shapeshifting lizard woman. So I'm no stranger to magic/supernatural ships involving animal elements haha

juanelric Sep 23, 2024 3:44PM

Besides, there are people who ship Ryuko from Kill la Kill WITH SENKETSU

DrJamesFox Sep 23, 2024 3:51PM

^Makes no sense when there's a perfectly wholesome ship right there with Ryuko x Satsuki ;)

FluffyCow Sep 23, 2024 3:58PM

^We might be getting too off topic here, but I do personally enjoy Ryuko x Satsuki. Along with Ryuko x Mako. I've seen the series and they're my 2 main KLK ships. I'm leaving it at that to not get further off topic lol