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joined Jul 26, 2016

for not knowing for 6 months, how dense is she lol. Makes you also wonder if in that span of time they didn't even hug?

Probably went straight to handholding or something; you know how it is with today's youth, no morals whatsoever. D:<

Yuri Moyou discussion 09 Jan 12:58
joined Jul 26, 2016

I miss being a kid and having all those human feelings and emotions we lose instantly once we hit [legal adult age in your country goes here].

I'm 20 now and I'm still the same retarded kid I was when I was 15 i just know more advanced math.

I'm 22 and I'm probably worse at maths than I ever was.

Same. In HS you actually study advanced maths; afterwards you're unlikely to need them much at all and purely cognitive skills famously decay with disuse so...

Image Comments 09 Jan 12:50
joined Jul 26, 2016

Because I'm Not Popular, I'll Get Molested By My Friends

joined Jul 26, 2016

tbh I'm more puzzled why Inko apparently somehow did not register that rather loud ball-on-palm encounter right behind her head. Catching a ball like that just takes good reflexes (and leads to stinging palms, as per the video clip posted earlier) but seemingly entirely erasing the sound of it?
Now that is a superpower.

joined Jul 26, 2016

This basically felt like another take on "it's okay because they're just playing around before they get serious with a man", and it's absolutely revolting.

*looks at the author's previous works on this site*
...maybe you should, too.

joined Jul 26, 2016

My Stalker Can't Be This Badass!

Image Comments 09 Jan 02:43
joined Jul 26, 2016

concerned A-chan is very concerned

joined Jul 26, 2016

Nikaidou confirmed Alyosha Mk. II

joined Jul 26, 2016

The desire to protect is what gives Nikaidou her strength fills her with DETERMINATION.

FTFY. (not sorry)

last edited at Jan 8, 2019 9:17PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

I don't plan on following this series, but I am morbidly curious about that Stop That example of the Love Triangle Classifications. Someone got an actual name I can follow?

I like how "Is My Hobby Weird" is specifically referenced in this.

This? Where was this referenced specifically here? Also what's the "Stop That" example of Love Triangle Classifications? Am I missing something here or are you posting in the wrong thread or what?

Previous page, bottom left:

joined Jul 26, 2016

Claiming any of that has anything to do with "human nature" is pretty much bullshit anyway if you look at how common multi-partner maritial arrangements have historically been - to speak nothing of what people only too often get up to on the side. (Most "monogamous" animals are terribly unfaithful too FWIW, though there are exceptions.)

That's attempting to "biologize" sociocultural norms and has the pungent whiff of vulgar reductionism about it.

joined Jul 26, 2016

The problem with Sayaka that I think you're not seeing is that her identity revolves so much around being Touko's perfect platonic wife


joined Jul 26, 2016

no way in hell would she be able to hide those huge boobs

maybe she mistook them for giant pectoral muscle

weird flex but okay? :v

joined Jul 26, 2016

Kobayashi's having a blast with this isn't she? lmao

Image Comments 07 Jan 18:47
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ KYM has it as "Drakeposting" FWIW

Yuri Moyou discussion 07 Jan 18:40
joined Jul 26, 2016

This is one of those series where it's probably a good idea to reread the chapters every now and then for refresher on who's who. Less of an issue reading it in one go rather than with a month between chapters ofc...

Image Comments 07 Jan 14:14
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ "We're trying out a new pedicure method, be a dear and close the door. Oh and leave the towel."

Image Comments 07 Jan 08:58
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ It's lip to ear actually. BRB trying to unthink D:

Slow Start discussion 06 Jan 23:43
joined Jul 26, 2016

Eiko pls

joined Jul 26, 2016

felt a presence of mochi

So I wasn't the only one?

I think it's the art


joined Jul 26, 2016

Could be intentional on the part of MC, because of laws perhaps forbiding the creation of dopplegangers of real people (to prevent things like identity theft);

It seems terribly unlikely for someone's virtual appearance to have any legal meaning whatsoever in a society with this kind of communications technology; unless some truly bizarre hardware/firmware side restrictions are mandatory those aren't going to have any more significance than the forums avatars of today, nor any harder to swap around on a whim. Expect anything legally binding to be based on multiple orders of magnitude more secure identification solutions just like today.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Well i wouldn't mind the black mailing tag, cause she fucked herself by sabotaging her co-worker's work.

same thought, it's not blackmailing an innocent person.

So let me see... what you guys are saying is that continued blackmail and rape is a-okay if the victim is guilty of one count of petty bullying?
I sincerely hope this utter moral myopia and victim-blaming is just an egregious case of Leather Pantsing instead of indicative of your ethics in general because that's complete and utter bullshit. Even the truly ancient principle of Lex Talionis ("eye for an eye") was pretty specific about punishement being proportional to the offense.

and it's just a fiction
this is vanilla compared to many f*cked up NSFW i have read anyway ¯_(ツ)_/¯

So why are you then feeling it necessary to try to publicly whitewash Honoka's indisputably morally reprehensible actions by squalid character assassination of Saki...?

Image Comments 06 Jan 11:49
joined Jul 26, 2016

Press F to pay respects

Not wrong, tho.

Their Story discussion 06 Jan 11:48
joined Jul 26, 2016

What happened to this story? in the beginning it looked like a pretty decent story with an actual plot with lots of interesting characters that was leading up to something. right around Their Story: 22/12/2017 it just turned into a cute episodic web manga with no really story line to follow. Though i still enjoy it and love the main characters, cute as they are i still want to know what's happening with the other characters.

Literally scroll up. Short form: God-Emperor Xi and nationalist-reactionary censorship happened.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Sorry for going all philosophical now, but this whole ""thinking vs feeling" binary is itself an artificial construct" kind of reminded me of some ancient Greek philosopher having said "I think, therefore, I am.".

Oh Beevster, buddy, that wasn't from a Greek philosopher. That's a line froma certain Descartes, who was a frog-eating baguette man with a Weird Al wig, but certainly not ancient or Greek.

Dude's been dead for over three hundred years (and passed away somewhat prematurely at ~54 yo due to a bossy Swedish queen FWIW), I think that counts as "ancient" for a lot of people. :P
Decidedly not a Greek though.

Also sounds like someone's mixing up his famous formulation of methodological skepticism with his noteworthy investigations into the mind-body problem...