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Image Comments 13 Jan 08:56
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ This is presumably during ch 147 where Yoshida & Co. volunteer Kuro and Emoji Mk. II Futaki to hang around with them. Ponytail Delinquent Anna is even still eating that ice cream cone she won in that mahjong bout.

last edited at Jan 13, 2019 8:59AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Nothing screams "I love you" more than a leaping roundhouse kick after getting challenged to a fight in the hallway in the middle of class.

Best. Classrep. Ever.

Oddman 11 discussion 12 Jan 22:25
joined Jul 26, 2016

My problem with Chouko is: she is super one-dimension. She is a pervert character and that is about it

Not a pervert with a maiden side like Kirara. Not a cool strong front with a lovestruck side like Kinu. Not a devoting but emotional like Fujou. Chouko is a pervert character who acts like a creepy pervert in all situation before and after she met Setsu

May actually be a part of her Oddman trait, something she really got the short end of the stick with in general - besides Setsu only the Itami twins seem to be unaffected by her aura of repugnance so she's an outsider even among the weirdos. She's certainly easily the most genuinely pitiable of the lot as even among the ones with troublesome traits she's the one legitimately unhappy with/as a result of hers.

I really don’t know why you think Chouko was especially in the short end of the stick.

Fujou, not only isn’t liked by everyone due to her odour, can’t go any crowd place due to her odour too. Can’t go the beach or river too and open space with fresh air may kill her. The situation only get better post-Setsu.

Kirara trait means she is receptive to any sexual demand from her partners. Remember this including having sex (or frankly got raped) by 30 guys as a parting gift for her ex-bf.

Kinu, can’t wear anything on her. Not only that made her looked like a freak and was clearly isolated pre-Setsu. She can’t go anywhere and literally has to live inside the school her almost entire life. Best case scenario, a special room redesigned for her alone. Worst case scenario, a random classroom, since she does not need any wardrobe anyway. Can’t be intimate with anyone but Setsu too since she will kill them with her strength

Isn’t liked by anyone ( but Setsu) is a trait by most oddman. We don’t even know (yet) whether Chouko aura cover the oddman too. Or she just does not get along with them even post-Setsu

The others, for the most part, seem to be pretty okay with their weird traits (Shiraishi seems to derive appropriately perverse enjoyment from hers for ex, the occasional rough patch nonwithstanding) and can generally get along with at least one of their ilk plus usually the mundanes too to varying degrees.

Even they are reflexively repulsed by Chouko who's so socially isolated she literally physically manifested an imaginary friend just to have someone, and pretty much can't expect things to improve ever. Bit of a miracle the girl hasn't gone terminally depressive and killed herself tbh.

Yes, she really did get the short end of the stick in the Oddman quirk lottery. Far as we've been shown she doesn't even have weird superpowers like some of her peers unless the aforementioned imaginary friend thing counts, and she doesn't have meaningful control over that anyway.

joined Jul 26, 2016

It seems based on the coversation Chizuru had with her Aunt, that the whole trafficking thing is a secret, so how many people do they have to swear into silence? It seems that the girls can talk about the entire thing openly. So any custodial staff, or cooks and the like probably know about it as well. So they're probably looking at several hundred people depending on the size of the school that need to be kept quiet.

On top of that, there don't seem to be any kind of measures to actually keep students at the school. So in reality, couldn't they all just get up and walk out?

It hardly computes that the whole thing would be hush-hush; people sort of need to know about it if they are to throw their unwanted female offspring down that drain, else the whole thing will get public about the second a family that isn't trying to get rid of their girl contacts her - and good luck blocking them from doing that without raising a big stink in rather short order.

Which adds up to this whole operation basically having to be legal - and presumably hardly unique - which implies a dystopian social setting indeed...

Also the whole class B thing makes zero sense. If they're going to dump these girls into factual sex slavery in squalid brothels why are they bothering to keep them around anymore in the first place, what with the not inconsiderable running costs of feeding, housing and clothing them? And for that matter since the whole premise of the school essentially amounts to human trafficking being legal why are their families not doing the classic by cutting out the middleman and just selling the girls directly to the flesh trade, as poor people have done the world over since year Stick and Stone?
Not like the kinds of people who frequent the kinds of establishements they're implied to be destined for give a shit about conversational skills and education anyway.

I'm getting the distinct impression far too little thought went into the premises of the story, and it isn't abstracted and stylized enough to be meant as an allegory detached from an at last vaguely realistic societal context (unlike, say, Utena to give a particularly surreal example).

last edited at Jan 12, 2019 8:19PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

I don't think I'm going to be into this, just because it takes something pretty compelling for me to sit still for being depressed. This isn't quite good enough to make up for being outside of my strike zone.

But I do find some of the objections weird. As some have pointed out, it's really not particularly unrealistic--sure, maybe a bit if set in the present minute of Japan, but the time period is vague--there are cars, but I haven't seen any cell phones. Very slightly before the present moment, this is pretty normal except for the lack of euphemisms, and not just in Japan. As politics drifts rightward in various places (half-random example: Hungary) I wouldn't be surprised to see this kind of thing make a comeback. Heck, Saudi Arabia is worse than this now.

That's... not how it works, or for that matter ever really did anywhere. You'd have to go to something like the kisaeng courtesans of premodern Korea who were de jure and de facto governement-owned slaves to find anything even remotely comparable - with the added caveat that when someone did actually purchase them they promptly stopped being slaves too (not that Korean women had all that many rights anyway under the rigidly Neo-Confucian Joseon dynasty mind). By way of comparison even the women of the old Japanese red-light districts were legally indentitured servants and could potentially buy themselves free or work off their contracts.

Oddman 11 discussion 12 Jan 17:20
joined Jul 26, 2016

My problem with Chouko is: she is super one-dimension. She is a pervert character and that is about it

Not a pervert with a maiden side like Kirara. Not a cool strong front with a lovestruck side like Kinu. Not a devoting but emotional like Fujou. Chouko is a pervert character who acts like a creepy pervert in all situation before and after she met Setsu

May actually be a part of her Oddman trait, something she really got the short end of the stick with in general - besides Setsu only the Itami twins seem to be unaffected by her aura of repugnance so she's an outsider even among the weirdos. She's certainly easily the most genuinely pitiable of the lot as even among the ones with troublesome traits she's the one legitimately unhappy with/as a result of hers.

last edited at Jan 12, 2019 5:26PM

Image Comments 12 Jan 17:17
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ Because I'm Not Popular, I'll Have A Gay Moment With My Friend

...come think of it, that could be applied to a remarkable number of chapters...

Image Comments 12 Jan 10:14
joined Jul 26, 2016

Do Vocaloids Dream of Electric Selfcest?

This author says yes.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I uh... First read the title as A Trip of Fists...

Yeah I'm just going to this corner here...

That works equally for a HOT BLOODED shounen action piece and porn tbh; make what you will of that. :v

Image Comments 12 Jan 08:13
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ a song I will forever associate with this Excel Saga AMV

Image Comments 12 Jan 08:04
joined Jul 26, 2016

different strokes for different folks~
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Dark Widow discussion 12 Jan 07:42
joined Jul 26, 2016

YuriWhale, batshit as always

joined Jul 26, 2016

This might be the first time I've seen the "oh no, holding hands in public, that's too scary!" and then having the public actually react negatively to it.

Another story that immediately came to mind: Cotton Candy

Sadly I've witnessed negative reactions IRL, too.

im glad i live in a nice part of canada so people would probably get stoned if they did say something bad.

Hail Hydra ver. Canada:

joined Jul 26, 2016

Well, your reading was sloppy as heck.

Please be polite.

I am. The original draft was distinctly more sternly worded but I rewrote it before posting for the sake of manners.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I don't know where you're getting that number, but it's incorrect.

Well, I saw that on wikipedia. I thought that was a good place to look.

Well, your reading was sloppy as heck. The ~5% fatality rate is for poisoning cases, not people eating the stuff in general - no way in Hell that would be either legal or on anyone's menu in the first place otherwise.

Sweet Gap discussion 11 Jan 11:44
joined Jul 26, 2016

That is called infatuation, not love. Love takes time and it takes patience.

Sounds to me like you're getting the emotion and the social relationship mixed up here tbh.

You for sure can be attracted to someone you just met but what about their personality? What about how they're gonna be long term? Considering the girl in this story has not dated at all until she got the ok from her sister, that is most definitely the case here.

Last I checked powerful emotions like "love" were infamously indifferent to the kinds of rational considerations you're talking about here... Which, of course, is why they're such an inexhaustible source of drama both real and fictional.

joined Jul 26, 2016

@schuyguy The people who got sick, but not die- did they just get an incredibly tiny amount of the poison? (forget its name- tetra something)
because I'm sure I heard it is 100% fatal with no cure. And apparently a very nasty/painful death over several days too.

Tetrodotoxin, and no it's not. You've heard sensationalist bullshit. (Also took me all of under five minutes to look that up.)

joined Jul 26, 2016

Borrowing/lending money always leads to drama and should be avoided among friends and family. Prostitute yourself to them instead to avoid all that drama and confusion.

Absolutely—that way you can keep everything straight.

Straight like an arrow in flight!

Straight as an arrow!

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 26, 2016

Mari seems more than happy with their dynamic and for many subs the humiliation/punishment is the whole point of the exercise and they don't actually want or need a reward because punishment is its own reward.

But Yuu only gets hot and bothered when Mari reverses dominance...

Reminder that way back in the epic restaurant scene she was going on high enough revs to literally come on the spot the second Mari licked her finger... Yuu gets hot and bothered all the damn time, she's just too tsundere and stubbornly fixated on her facade to voluntarily show it.

That's one of the red threads with those two really. Mari'd no doubt be happy to sub all week, but she's well familiar with Yuu's assorted insecurities and resulting dishonesty of expression and knows she needs to occasionally gently force the issue to get things moving. Case in point, how she patiently prodded Yuu to start socializing with the Mahimahi.

Image Comments 10 Jan 15:38
joined Jul 26, 2016

I like how it ends at the point of ten seconds before an utter, glorious trainwreck - clearly fully aware that whatever the audience's imaginations conjure up is funnier that what could be practically depicted. :3

joined Jul 26, 2016


And can we take a moment to appreciate how Yuu has finally resigned herself to just being friends with the Mahimahi and stopped protesting? :3

Oddman 11 discussion 09 Jan 16:33
joined Jul 26, 2016

...maybe the author has darlifranxx influence? depending on when this was published...

Chouko first appeared in the group silhouette shot waaaaaay back in 2012, albeit with different horn design than in her actual introduction some two years later.
So, yeah.

joined Jul 26, 2016

...isn't that just because of Twitter post limits or something.

joined Jul 26, 2016

It's just plain stupid!

People in a nutshell tbh :P

Image Comments 09 Jan 14:05
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ Too bad Japan isn't a common-law country :v