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joined Jul 26, 2016

I’ve also been saying for a long time that Yuu, adorable and grounded as she is, still seems a bit underdeveloped as a character compared to Touko (and now Sayaka, to a certain extent), and there’s a good bit of room to explore her past and future character development.

What do you mean underdeveloped? As in her developments have yet to come together? Cuz as the protagonist, her getting to that point would be the end of the series if anything.

She's better developed than Touko thought at least.
...I'll see myself out.

Abs-duction discussion 31 Jan 18:57
joined Jul 26, 2016

I guess she really abdicated those abs huh?

Here's your coat, sir.

On a related note now every time I look at that Kase-san avatar I can only imagine her making bad puns with a shit-eating grin D:

joined Jul 26, 2016

Life Lessons, Koyuki: never ask your parents about your childhood if you aren't ready to be thoroughly embarassed. >_>

joined Jul 26, 2016

It never ceases to amuse me how Alpha-Slut Ushiwaka is the only person Inugami's legit scared of.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Dear devs,
Gorilla girl 2 OP pls nurf


joined Jul 26, 2016

Love this manga. So happy there's a new chapter. Yay!

By the way, it's a canon fact now: Casanova seduction techniques are even funnier than Gigolette seduction techniques! ^_^

Yurika may be the undisputed top ladykiller in this series but Akane has a lock on Best Lil' Shit

joined Jul 26, 2016

What the hell was that at the end

It's called masturbation and/or wet dreams. You'll understand when you're older. :U

last edited at Jan 30, 2019 8:39AM

Slow Start discussion 30 Jan 07:11
joined Jul 26, 2016

Eiko was such a charmer even when they were going to elementary school. No wonder Kamuri fell in love with her as soon as she met her.

Wanna bet already in daycare the ladies were all smitten with her?

You should have seen the nurses when she was born...

Literal cradle robbery.

Slow Start discussion 30 Jan 05:45
joined Jul 26, 2016

Eiko was such a charmer even when they were going to elementary school. No wonder Kamuri fell in love with her as soon as she met her.

Wanna bet already in daycare the ladies were all smitten with her?

joined Jul 26, 2016

Hmmmmm did she just

Shlick like it was going out of style? Quite. Hardly surprising given who we're talking about tbh.
...and going by the content of her fantasies I guess we can peg Usa as the subby type in bed?

Yuri Moyou discussion 21 Jan 11:49
joined Jul 26, 2016

^If you cook all the time to the point of it becoming a trivial daily task, I think you do NOT tend to put any thought into what your hands are doing - you will be thinking 3 steps ahead - or about something unrelated.

Even with all the experience, you will have the odd accident when you don't pay much attention- and don't think about the knife at all - and that is easy to do with a task you have done so much it is mundane.

I don't cook all the time, though. Kind of not worth the effort when you live alone. Any number of other things still need cutting in the kitchen regardless though - fruits, veggies, bread, packaging... you name it.

And it's part of my "on autopilot" drill to always, always be aware of where exactly the sharp implements are and which way they're going. Even when eating actually; a legacy of once having lost the corners of two front teeth to accidentally biting down on the tip of a fork as a kid... >_<

...though come think of it the reflexive care I have for sharp implements might stem partly from the vocational training I undertook years ago; pointy tools and certain amount of rotating machinery were regularly involved so you developed a healthy respect for such things very quickly. (The mandatory accompanying first-aid course making a point of underlining the dangers of carelessness around such things with graphic ER photographs certainly also helped drive the principle home.)

especially if you are rushing or multitasking the kids or 5 other things.

Well yeah, that kind of distraction will net you accidents all right but that's getting pretty external to the actual cutlery handling now isn't it? Because that rather of applies regardless of what you're trying to do...

Image Comments 21 Jan 10:31
joined Jul 26, 2016

^I know I managed the manga maybe about halfway into the Soul Society arc and then tossed it as unsalvageable. (By all accounts I've seen this was the correct decision.) Come think of it, Soul Eater is probably the sole "shounen fightan mango" I've liked enough to finish... >_>

Yuri Moyou discussion 21 Jan 10:13
joined Jul 26, 2016

How do you cut your hand more than once in your life? I just can't believe someone is that clumsy. After the first cut you would naturally become more careful and learn how to hold the knife right.
But then we couldn't have the "clumsy, but a hard worker" cliche I guess. lol

(or get one of those newfangled state of the art peelers...)

I still cut myself while cooking, sometimes more than one, I'm not saying it's normal, it's because I'm really stupid... :(

It actually is pretty normal, aside from the whole discussion of ADD or whatever. Knifes are sharp, people are fallible, distractions exist, so does tiredness, etc.

I've been cooking for a hell of a long time, and I still give myself a nick (or worse) once in a blue moon.

I find you get very far by just 1) taking stock of a few key factors (namely the spatial relationship between the knife, the ingredient and your extremities) 2) thinking a few steps ahead (namely where the knife will/can end up at if it slips or suddenly clears the rest of the thing being cut) 3) adjusting the former as necessary in light of the latter.

I literally can't even remember when was the last time I managed to cut myself in the kitchen; OTOH I semi-regularly suffer trivial burns from the frying pan but that's due to calculated risk-taking in the interests of saving effort elsewhere...

Image Comments 21 Jan 08:43
joined Jul 26, 2016

I mean I just watched the original FSN anime, never even touched the VNs, and only ever paid the most cursory attention to the (annoyingly convoluted) lore in other contexts and I've known about that apparently supposedly worldshaking revelation for God knows how long... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

last edited at Jan 21, 2019 8:43AM

Image Comments 21 Jan 01:04
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ Or at least, had her mind firmly in the gutter as per usual.

Image Comments 21 Jan 00:38
joined Jul 26, 2016


Image Comments 20 Jan 23:57
joined Jul 26, 2016

...I just realized Homura in that getup bears more than a passing resemblance to Noire, everyone's fave tsundere Goddess of Neptunia fame. o_O

joined Jul 26, 2016

Succubus Riko... just... yes. That tail is hella cute. (The tail and the heart thingy over her crotch are like... To Love Ru things, right? I'm not actually sure.)

No bloody idea where it got started but both the heart-spade tail and "womb tattoo" on lower abdomen have been "industry standard" for JP depictions of succubi for a fair while now.
Personally I find both annoying as heck but that's neither here nor there. >_>

last edited at Jan 20, 2019 9:49PM

Image Comments 20 Jan 21:43
joined Jul 26, 2016

( |_|)

Image Comments 20 Jan 21:32
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ Bit of a It Was His Sled/Luke I Am Your Father kind of thing yeah. And the original FSN is like, what, two decades old now innit? That's a spoiler on the level of "Germans lose the World Wars" pretty much...

joined Jul 26, 2016

wait babies dont come from kissing?
then i wonder how science babies are made lol


This is how lesbians make babies.

Slow Start discussion 20 Jan 19:56
joined Jul 26, 2016

What an extraordinarily wholesome chapter. (And is it just me or is Tama more or less completely immune to Eiko's semi-accidental womanizing...?)

joined Jul 26, 2016

One has to wonder what the point of a shield Kaijin is. It literally can't attack!

I'm sure it had some moves like Captain America. Hayate was just too pissed to give it any openings to attack.

Those discount riot shields aren't going to be very throwable and the design is pretty much specifically intented to not make an effective weapon in the first place, as the whole point in modern riot control is minimising injuries. Historically shields were routinely used quite aggressively and assorted built-in pointy and sharp bits to enhance that aspect were anything but unusual (I could try digging up some rather spectacular examples), but your average author (or game dev) knows and cares jackshit about that and thinks they were little more than portable obstacles - even in the West where shields were relevant for a very long time.
The Japanese, by comparison, went 100% for two-handed weapons and stopped using shields as anything but portable and disposable arrow covers over a millenia ago with predictable effects on their cultural perception of the things...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Fodder will always be fodder. Only the Generals have any meaning as usual in Tokosatsu lol

Admittedly carrying guns doesn't seem to do all those nameless mooks in Batman et al a lick of good either...

joined Jul 26, 2016

BugDevil posted:

What is her endgame in the first place? Getting closer like this wouldn't help her get "him". There must be a step along the way where she has to reveal her true self, because otherwise there is no point. So if this went as planned she only used this to get closer and as soon as they are on talking terms she sheds the shell.

Do you really expect logic in comedy manga? She is learning how to act like a guy from Whatever Prince for crying out load xD Or the fact her first solution to him avoiding girls was to cross-dress. MC pretty clearly didn't really think much ahead x3.

I'd say it's safe to assume neither of them are exactly the cerebral sort. Which, tbf, is the natural state of affairs for hormone-addled smitten teenagers anyway.